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为调查新冠肺炎对我国水产品(海水鱼)流通环节的影响因素和市场信心预期,文章通过发放调查问卷,对水产品(海水鱼)流通环节的经营者和个体从业人员进行数据采集并做描述性统计分析。研究结果表明:鲜活状态的海水鱼受疫情影响最大;多数受访者预测消费者对水产品质量安全的信心会增强;疫情造成的订单减少和农贸市场关停是水产品流通不畅的主要原因,亟须尽快有序恢复水产批发市场,疏通“无接触”物流渠道,做好拉动生产、促进消费和保障民生等工作。  相似文献   

中国是全球水产品的主要生产与出口大国,同时也是水产品进口大国。文章以中国水产品进口影响因素作为研究对象,对近年来中国水产品进口贸易现状进行分析,并测算对华出口水产品国家的贸易潜力。文章根据2008—2018年面板数据构建中国水产品进口贸易的随机前沿引力模型,研究中国人口数量、各国与中国的距离、各国渔业总产量、贸易伙伴国与中国以外国家签订贸易协定数量、各国清关效率和各国物流效率对于外国出口我国水产品的影响。通过分析发现:(1)中国人口数量、各国与中国的距离、各贸易伙伴国渔业产量、各国海关通关效率促进了贸易伙伴国对华出口水产品量;而伙伴国贸易协定数量、贸易伙伴国国内的流通效率反作用于贸易伙伴国对华出口水产品量。(2)通过测度对华水产品出口国的贸易效率和贸易潜力,发现2008—2018年主要对华出口水产品国家贸易效率和贸易潜力呈现上升的趋势。  相似文献   

水产品电商是生鲜电商的重要构成,目前国内外关于水产品电商效率方面的研究较为缺乏,尤其是关于水产品电商的研究很少涉及水产品电商效率及其影响因素。文章选取2019年中国25个沿海港口城市“淘宝网”水产品电商的投入产出数据,利用DEA模型,从人力资源、信息化、物流运作和水产品交易规模入手构建水产品电商投入产出指标体系,对我国沿海港口城市水产品电商效率进行综合评价。结果表明:大连、日照、连云港、南京和舟山5个城市的水产品电商效率有效,其他城市的水产品电商效率均无效。由此提出建议:加强区域合作,优化资源配置;合理安排投入要素;建设冷链物流体系,完善冷库仓储设施;重视人才培养,提高人才质量。  相似文献   

为促进我国渔业资源和水产品贸易的可持续发展,文章结合国际和国内的相关实践情况,分析我国水产品合法性标签制度的立法现状和存在的不足,尝试解答其中的关键问题即水产品合法性标签制度的法律属性,并就相关立法的完善提出建议。研究结果表明:水产品合法性标签制度是国际社会破解非法、不报告和不管制捕捞难题的重要制度,我国已开展相关实践并推动立法进程;目前我国水产品合法性标签制度的立法现状主要包括发布相关规范性文件和修订渔业法律,但该项制度在法律依据等方面仍存在不足;水产品合法性标签在法律上应被认定为强制标志,该项制度应属于强制性行政确认,且可适用于水产品国内贸易;在我国渔业法律的修订过程中,应通过健全实施程序和明确法律后果,进一步完善水产品合法性标签制度。  相似文献   

为贯彻落实国家实施乡村振兴战略的重大部署,促进新时代美丽渔村建设,文章在总结国外经验的基础上,结合文献梳理和实地调研,明确渔村振兴须妥善处理的关系,并提出渔村振兴的路径和政策。研究结果表明:通过加强顶层设计和产业融合等措施,日本、韩国和美国在渔业发展和渔村振兴方面都取得成功;我国渔村振兴应妥善处理三大关系,即渔民与土地(养殖和捕捞水域)的关系、渔民与渔民的关系以及渔民与国家的关系;渔村振兴的路径主要包括依靠主体、发展载体、富裕渔民、深化改革、要素投入、顶层设计、产业融合、繁荣文化和渔村治理9个方面,政策主要包括财政、科技、金融、人才和服务5个方面。  相似文献   

渔业经济发展:2005年全国水产品总量5101.65万吨;水产品人均占有量39.02千克;渔业经济总产值达7619.07亿元;渔业产值达到4180.48亿元;渔业增加值2215.30亿元,约占农业增加值10%;全国水产品出口额78.9亿美元,占我国农产品出口总额的30%;渔民年人均收入5869元,比“九五”末增加11  相似文献   

海水增养殖和水产品精深加工业的发展对科技创新具有很强的依赖性,为进一步巩固、提升和发挥海洋科技优势,使科技创新成为海水增养殖和水产品精深加工产业的根本支撑和主导动力,本研究从科技创新的重点领域入手,研究了海水增养殖和水产品精深加工业科技创新的总体思路、重点任务和发展战略,并提出了相关对策与建议。  相似文献   

为了解国内外关于北极航道利益的研究成果,促进我国对北极航道资源的进一步研究和开发利用,文章从北极航道的利益相关主体、利益归属和经济利益3个方面梳理相关文献,并提出未来研究方向和重点。结果表明:北极航道的利益相关主体主要包括北极8国、近北极国家和传统航道受益国;加拿大和俄罗斯依据"历史性权利"和"直线基线法"强调其对北极航道的主权,而其他国家认为其"内水论"的主张具有不合理性,争议重点在于国际航道属性的判定;北极航道对于提高航运利益、贸易利益和资源利益发挥重要作用;北极航道利益相关主体可能形成的经济利益关系和利益集团是重要研究方向,其中增加创新点和搭建模型等是研究重点。  相似文献   

张瑛  李先强 《海洋科学》2022,46(12):63-73
渔业经济对于促进我国农业经济乃至国民经济的增长具有显著的作用,近年来国际水产品市场格局的剧烈变化为中国水产出口贸易带来考验。为改善现况,研究采用层次分析-决策实验与评价实验室-结构解释模型(AHP-DEMATEL-ISM)结合的方法,从贸易准备、企业生产、贸易磋商、市场流通4个阶段出发,挖掘影响中国水产品出口的根本因素及各因素之间的内在联系。结果表明,贸易磋商环境影响最大,企业生产环境、市场流通环境以及贸易准备环境次之;冷链物流、政策扶持、技术壁垒以及关税壁垒是影响中国水产品出口的根本因素。  相似文献   

科学数据是国家科技创新和经济社会发展的重要基础性战略资源。在当前将数据作为新生产要素的时代背景下,探讨科学数据流通与交易的实现机理,探索培育适合我国制度优势的科学数据要素市场路径,有助于更好地实现科学数据资产化和价值化,释放数字经济发展红利。本文基于数据要素基础制度的理论基础,分析和梳理了国内外科学数据流通交易的政策、理念、模式以及实践经验,结合我国海洋科学数据管理和开放共享现状以及行业领域需求,从交易内容、定价和收益分配、安全监管、领域试点以及技术手段等五个维度提出海洋科学数据流通与交易的实施思路,为推动海洋科学数据“活起来、动起来、用起来”的流通交易实践提供借鉴参考。  相似文献   

Low-frequency current and temperature variability on the southeast US continental shelf during summer conditions of weak wind forcing and vertical stratification was found to be similar in many aspects to previous findings for winter, when stronger wind forcing and vertical homogeneity prevails. Subtidal variability in the outer shelf is dominated by the weekly occurrence of Gulf Stream frontal eddies and meanders. These baroclinic events strongly affect the balance of momentum in the outer shelf, but not at mid-shelf. A negative alongshore sea level slope of order −10−7 is required to balance mean along-shelf momentum at the shelf edge, similar to oceanic estimates, and can contribute to the observed northward mean flow over the shelf.Low-frequency flow at mid-shelf and coastal sea level fluctuations appear to occur as a forced wave response to local alongshore wind stress events that are coherent over the shelf domain. Momentum balances indicate a trapped wave response similar to the arrested topographic wave found in the mid-Atlantic Bight (CSANADY, 1978). Density driven currents from river discharge do not appear to be significant at mid-shelf. Cold, subsurface intrusions of deeper, nutrient rich Gulf Stream waters can occasionally penetrate to mid- and inner-shelf regions north of Cape Canaveral, causing strong phytoplankton and zooplankton responses. These events were observed following the simultaneous occurrence of upwellings from northward winds and Gulf Stream frontal eddies at the shelf break during periods when the Stream was in an onshore position. Subsurface Gulf Stream intrusions to mid-shelf occur only during the summer, when the shelf is vertically stratified and cross-shelf density gradients do not present a barrier as in winter.  相似文献   

Summer upwelling on the continental shelf north of Cape Canaveral, Florida, has been previously observed to result from wind forcing. A two-layer, finite element model reproduces reasonably well the characteristics of the wind-driven upwelling in respect to location and magnitude. Model investigation also shows that upwelling results from offshore current forcing which is imposed through an along-shelf sea level slope. This sea level slope, which has been found to be of the order of −10−7, represents a mean Gulf Stream effect. The results suggest that the strongest upwelling events near Cape Canaveral occur when the wind and Gulf Stream forcings act together.  相似文献   

Circulation in Tasman Bay   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
Direct current measurements at four locations in Tasman Bay and numerical model results are used to analyse the mean flow in Tasman Bay. The mean circulation conforms to that previously found from drift card experiments: a clockwise circulation in Golden Bay, and an anti‐clockwise flow in Tasman Bay, with a return south‐westerly flow on the coast near Nelson. Typical mean speeds are 0.02–0.05 m.s‐1. The circular flow appears asymmetrical in both bays, with a stronger outflow along Farewell Spit in Golden Bay and near D'Urville Island in Tasman Bay.

An analytical tidal solution is used to exhibit the influence of Cook Strait in producing smaller tidal amplitudes in eastern Tasman Bay. Tidal speeds of 0.15–0.30 nus‐1 are typical, with tidal ellipses having degenerated into north‐east, south‐west lines.  相似文献   

This paper reviews recent progress and problems in modeling the thermohaline circulation of the world ocean by use of z-coordinate ocean general circulation models. Discussions focus on four issues: sea surface forcing, mixing in the deep ocean interior, eddy-induced tracer transport, and bottom boundary layer processes. Although some widely used techniques and parameterizations deal with these issues, some aspects are still overlooked and more sophistication is certainly required. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

海洋环流是海洋科学研究的1个焦点.本文首次建立了东中国海环流自适应数值模型.由于所设计的自适应网格既与边界适应,又在水深变化急剧的东海陆坡处得以加密,从而使坐标变换下的三维斜压模式克服了跨越陆坡计算这一难题,并以期获得更为精确的数值研究成果.该模型基于Lagrange时均观点,而非Euler观点.它可计算海域三维斜压流场,从而得到其风生-热盐-潮致Lagrange环流.模拟结果与实测及现有的数值研究结果比较,合理可信.其中黄海暖流的起源问题,计算结果与传统观点相悖,而与近期实测结果一致.本文为系列报道之首篇.  相似文献   

The Bras d'Or Lakes are a system of interconnecting basins open through two narrow channels to the Sydney Bight at the mouth of the Gulf of St Lawrence. Hydrographic surveys between 1972 and 1974 showed that surface waters can warm by more than 10 °C from May to July and that horizontal salinity differences of up to 10 psu can exist between Sydney Bight (30 psu) and the innermost regions of the Lakes. Using the data from May and June 1974 to derive horizontal and vertical exchanges, a simple budget model has been set up consisting of two or three layers in each of nine separate regions. The model has a bottom inflow from Sydney Bight, deep inflow through the narrow channels to other basins and a surface outflow. The exchanges agree reasonably well with estimates derived from available current meter data. The model's predicted temperatures and salinities for July 1974 had rms errors of about 1·5 °C and 0·82 psu, respectively. The dissolved oxygen concentrations in four of the more isolated basins are similar to those calculated from the model, giving support to the derived circulation.  相似文献   

采用二维的全球高分辨率(1/4°×1/4°)的自由表面诊断模型结合动力计算估算全球大洋环流,模拟结果与其他模拟结果非常相似。流函数的分布表明,全球大洋中的主要流系均得到体现,包括大洋环流的西向强化的现象(黑潮、湾流等)。黑潮主轴的流量约54Sv(1Sv=10^6m^3/s),非常接近实测值:各层水平流场分布情况显示,各大洋的一些基本流系都能得到很好的再现。如黑潮和南极绕极流可深达底层。湾流不能到达深层,大约在1000~2000m之间海流即已转向。  相似文献   

Circulation and hydrology of Manukau Harbour   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  

Current meter and current drogue measurements made over tidal periods show that the circulation in Manukau Harbour is mainly tidal, with strongest flows within the inner harbour in the four main channels. In the entrance channel, peak tidal speeds reach 2.25 m.s?1 at the surface, and 0.6 m.s?1 near the bottom. Salinity and temperature observations show that the water is nearly homogeneous with depth in summer. A residence time of 22 d is calculated, assuming the small horizontal salinity contrast is maintained by freshwater inflow and evaporation.  相似文献   

采用二维的全球高分辨率(1/4°×1/4°)的自由表面诊断模型结合动力计算估算全球大洋环流,模拟结果与其他模拟结果非常相似。流函数的分布表明,全球大洋中的主要流系均得到体现,包括大洋环流的西向强化的现象(黑潮、湾流等)。黑潮主轴的流量约54Sv(1Sv=106m3/s),非常接近实测值;各层水平流场分布情况显示,各大洋的一些基本流系都能得到很好的再现。如黑潮和南极绕极流可深达底层。湾流不能到达深层,大约在1000~2000m之间海流即已转向。  相似文献   

The hydrographic properties of the dense waters overflowing the Greenland–Scotland Ridge through the Faroese Channels are greatly modified during the transit. In this study, we consider conditions both upstream and downstream of the sill, using a combination of hydrographic measurements (CTD, nutrients) and direct velocity measurements (expendable current profilers, lowered acoustic Doppler current profiler) from several repeated lines across the channel system. The purpose is to identify and quantify regions of enhanced mixing and frictional drag. The method of quantification used in both cases (Thorpe scaling) is independent of budget calculations and thus lends itself useful for non-steady-state flows. The method appears to be successful in this case as (1) the numbers obtained are non-random, (2) they support the qualitative interpretation of mixing made from water mass analysis, and (3) they are supported by companion log-layer estimates of bottom boundary layer friction. Large buoyancy fluxes were deduced within the dense water masses all along the channel system, also upstream of the sill where the velocities are low. The largest implied mixing (∼3×10−7 W/kg) was observed roughly 100 km downstream of the sill, where the plume starts to descend. Frictional stress within the water column was also elevated throughout the channel system; the log-layer formulae yielding a drag coefficient for the entire data set of about 4×10−3. The average stress at the sill was roughly 2 Pa.  相似文献   

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