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D. Yu  S. N. Lane 《水文研究》2011,25(1):36-53
Numerical modelling of flood inundation over large and complex floodplains often requires mesh resolutions coarser than the structural features (e.g. buildings) that are known to influence the inundation process. Recent research has shown that this mismatch is not well represented by conventional roughness treatments, but that finer‐scale features can be represented through porosity‐based subgrid‐scale treatments. This paper develops this work by testing the interactions between feature representation, subgrid‐scale resolution and mesh resolution. It uses as the basis for this testing a 2D diffusion‐based flood inundation model which is applied to a 2004 flood event in a topologically complex upland floodplain in northern England. This study formulated simulations with different grid mesh resolution and subgrid mesh ratio. The sensitivity of the model to mesh resolution and roughness specification was investigated. Model validation and verification suggest that the subgrid treatment with higher subgrid mesh ratio can give much improved predictions of flood propagation, in particular, in terms of the predicted water depth. This study also highlighted the limitation of using at‐a‐point in time inundation extent for validation of flood models of this type. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

D. Yu  S. N. Lane 《水文研究》2006,20(7):1567-1583
This paper develops and tests a sub‐grid‐scale wetting and drying correction for use with two‐dimensional diffusion‐wave models of urban flood inundation. The method recognizes explicitly that representations of sub‐grid‐scale topography using roughness parameters will provide an inadequate representation of the effects of structural elements on the floodplain (e.g. buildings, walls), as such elements not only act as momentum sinks, but also have mass blockage effects. The latter may dominate, especially in structurally complex urban areas. The approach developed uses high‐resolution topographic data to develop explicit parameterization of sub‐grid‐scale topographic variability to represent both the volume of a grid cell that can be occupied by the flow and the effect of that variability upon the timing and direction of the lateral fluxes. This approach is found to give significantly better prediction of fluvial flood inundation in urban areas than traditional calibration of sub‐grid‐scale effects using Manning's n. In particular, it simultaneously reduces the need to use exceptionally high values of n to represent the effects of using a coarser mesh process representation and increases the sensitivity of model predictions to variation in n. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

V. Tayefi  S. N. Lane  R. J. Hardy  D. Yu 《水文研究》2007,21(23):3190-3202
A much understudied aspect of flood inundation is examined, i.e. upland environments with topographically complex floodplains. Although the presence of high‐resolution topographic data (e.g. lidar) has improved the quality of river flood inundation predictions, the optimum dimensionality of hydraulic models for this purpose has yet to be fully evaluated for situations of both topographic and topological (i.e. the connectivity of floodplain features) complexity. In this paper, we present the comparison of three treatments of upland flood inundation using: (a) a one‐dimensional (1D) model (HEC‐RAS v. 3·1·2) with the domain defined as series of extended cross‐sections; (b) the same 1D model, but with the floodplain defined by a series of storage cells, hydraulically connected to the main river channel and other storage cells on the floodplain according to floodplain topological characteristics; (c) a two‐dimensional (2D) diffusion wave treatment, again with explicit representation of floodplain structural features. The necessary topographic and topological data were derived using lidar and Ordnance Survey Landline data. The three models were tested on a 6 km upland reach of the River Wharfe, UK. The models were assessed by comparison with measured inundation extent. The results showed that both the extended cross‐section and the storage cell 1D modes were conceptually problematic. They also resulted in poorer model predictions, requiring incorrect parameterization of the main river to floodplain flux in order to approach anything like the level of agreement observed when the 2D diffusion wave treatment was assessed. We conclude that a coupled 1D–2D treatment is likely to provide the best modelling approach, with currently available technology, for complex floodplain configurations. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The current benchmark approach for mathematical modelling of floodplain hydrologic regime consists of dynamically coupling one‐dimensional (1D) and two‐dimensional (2D) models for flow routing along the main channel and the floodplain, respectively. For large‐scale sites, floodplain inundation may spread over hundreds of square kilometres and may last for many months and even influence seasonal floods in following years. This paper aims at evaluating the effect of vertical water balance representation on modelling a large‐scale floodplain. The Pantanal wetland (140 000 km2; Brazil) is simulated using a 1D/2D coupled model approach, which also considers the representation of vertical water processes over the floodplain. Four scenarios are simulated: Baseline (the reference scenario), NoVertBal (in which the vertical water balance over floodplain is turned off) and ETp+1 and ETp?1 scenarios, characterized by artificially increasing or decreasing daily potential evapotranspiration (ETp) by 1 mm, respectively. The results showed that the effect of the vertical water processes scenarios on channel flow is directly dependent on the lateral exchange of water between the channel and floodplain in the upstream river reach. This influence is stronger when there is a gain of water from the floodplain to the channel. The inclusion of these vertical water processes into floodplain modelling was essential to represent the process of wetting and drying, this effect being more relevant for areas not directly connected to main channels, which is a characteristic of the Pantanal region. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We compare two approaches to modelling floodplain inundation: a raster‐based approach, which uses a relatively simple process representation, with channel flows being resolved separately from the floodplain using either a kinematic or diffusive wave approximation, and a finite‐element hydraulic model aiming to solve the full two‐dimensional shallow‐water equations. A flood event on a short (c. 4 km) reach of the upper River Thames in the UK is simulated, the models being validated against inundation extent as determined from satellite synthetic aperture radar (SAR) imagery. The unconstrained friction parameters are found through a calibration procedure, where a measure of fit between predicted and observed shorelines is maximized. The raster and finite‐element models offer similar levels of performance, both classifying approximately 84% of the model domain correctly, compared with 65% for a simple planar prediction of water surface elevation. Further discrimination between models is not possible given the errors in the validation data. The simple raster‐based model is shown to have considerable advantages in terms of producing a straightforward calibration process, and being robust with respect to channel specification. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

For large‐scale sites, difficulties for applying coupled one‐dimensional (1D)/2D models for simulating floodplain inundation may be encountered related to data scarcity, complexity for establishing channel–floodplain connections, computational cost, long duration of floods and the need to represent precipitation and evapotranspiration processes. This paper presents a hydrologic simulation system, named SIRIPLAN, developed to accomplish this aim. This system is composed by a 1D hydrodynamic model coupled to a 2D raster‐based model, and by two modules to compute the vertical water balance over floodplain and the water exchanges between channel and floodplain. Results are presented for the Upper Paraguay River Basin (UPRB), including the Pantanal, one of the world's largest wetlands. A total of 3965 km of river channels and 140 000 km2 of floodplains are simulated for a period of 11 years. Comparison of observed and calculated hydrographs at 15 gauging stations showed that the model was capable to simulate distinct, complex flow regimes along main channels, including channel‐floodplain interactions. The proposed system was also able to reproduce the Pantanal seasonal flood pulse, with estimated inundated areas ranging from 35 000 km2 (dry period) to more than 120 000 km2 (wet period). Floodplain inundation maps obtained with SIRIPLAN were consistent with previous knowledge of Pantanal dynamics, but comparison with inundation extent provided by a previous satellite‐based study indicates that permanently flooded areas may have been underestimated. The results obtained are promising, and further work will focus on improving vertical processes representation over floodplains and analysing model sensitivity to floodplain parameters, time step and precipitation estimates uncertainty. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper uses numerical simulation of flood inundation based on a coupled one‐dimensional–two‐dimensional treatment to explore the impacts upon flood extent of both long‐term climate changes, predicted to the 2050s and 2080s, and short‐term river channel changes in response to sediment delivery, for a temperate upland gravel‐bed river. Results show that 16 months of measured in‐channel sedimentation in an upland gravel‐bed river cause about half of the increase in inundation extent that was simulated to arise from climate change. Consideration of the joint impacts of climate change and sedimentation emphasized the non‐linear nature of system response, and the possibly severe and synergistic effects that come from combined direct effects of climate change and sediment delivery. Such effects are likely to be exacerbated further as a result of the impacts of climate change upon coarse sediment delivery. In generic terms, these processes are commonly overlooked in flood risk mapping exercises and are likely to be important in any river system where there are high rates of sediment delivery and long‐term transfer of sediment to floodplain storage (i.e. alluviation involving active channel aggradation and migration). Similarly, attempts to reduce channel migration through river bank stabilization are likely to exacerbate this process as without bank erosion, channel capacity cannot be maintained. Finally, many flood risk mapping studies rely upon calibration based upon combining contemporary bed surveys with historical flood outlines, and this will lead to underestimation of the magnitude and frequency of floodplain inundation in an aggrading system for a flood of a given magnitude. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Airborne scanning laser altimetry (LiDAR) is an important new data source that can provide two‐dimensional river flood models with spatially distributed floodplain topography for model bathymetry, together with vegetation heights for parameterization of model friction. Methods are described for improving such models by decomposing the model's finite‐element mesh to reflect floodplain vegetation features such as hedges and trees having different frictional properties to their surroundings, and significant floodplain topographic features having high height curvatures. The decomposition is achieved using an image segmentation system that converts the LiDAR height image into separate images of surface topography and vegetation height at each point. The vegetation height map is used to estimate a friction factor at each mesh node. The spatially distributed friction model has the advantage that it is physically based, and removes the need for a model calibration exercise in which free parameters specifying friction in the channel and floodplain are adjusted to achieve best fit between modelled and observed flood extents. The scheme was tested in a modelling study of a flood that occurred on the River Severn, UK, in 1998. A satellite synthetic aperture radar image of flood extent was used to validate the model predictions. The simulated hydraulics using the decomposed mesh gave a better representation of the observed flood extent than the more simplistic but computationally efficient approach of sampling topography and vegetation friction factors on to larger floodplain elements in an undecomposed mesh, as well as the traditional approach using no LiDAR‐derived data but simply using a constant floodplain friction factor. Use of the decomposed mesh also allowed velocity variations to be predicted in the neighbourhood of vegetation features such as hedges. These variations could be of use in predicting localized erosion and deposition patterns that might result in the event of a flood. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The performance of two modelling approaches for predicting floodplain inundation is tested using observed flood extent and 26 distributed floodplain level observations for the 1997 flood event in the town of Usti nad Orlici in the Czech Republic. Although the one‐dimensional hydrodynamic model and the integrated one‐ and two‐dimensional model are shown to perform comparably against the flood extent data, the latter shows better performance against the distributed level observations. Comparable performance in predicting the extent of inundation is found to be primarily as a result of the urban reach considered, with flood extent constrained by road and railway embankments. Uncertainty in the elevation model used in both approaches is shown to have little effect on the reliability in predicting flood extent, with a greater impact on the ability in predicting the distributed level observations. These results show that reliability of flood inundation modelling in urban reaches, where flood risk assessment is of more interest than in more rural reaches, can be improved greatly if distributed observations of levels in the floodplain are used in constraining model uncertainties. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Advances in remote sensing have enabled hydraulic models to run at fine scale resolutions, producing precise flood inundation predictions. However, running models at finer resolutions increase their computational expense, reducing the feasibility of running the multiple model realizations required to undertake uncertainty analysis. Furthermore, it is possible that precision gained by running fine scale models is smoothed out when treating models probabilistically. The aim of this paper is to determine the level of spatial complexity that is required when making probabilistic flood inundation predictions. The Imera basin, Sicily is used as a case study to assess how changing the spatial resolution of the hydraulic model LISFLOOD‐FP impacts on the skill of conditional probabilistic flood inundation maps given model parameter and boundary condition uncertainties. We find that model performance deteriorates at resolutions coarser than 50 m. This is predominantly caused by changes in flow pathways at coarser resolutions which lead to non‐stationarity in the optimum model parameters at different spatial resolutions. However, although it is still possible to produce probabilistic flood maps that contain a coherent outline of the flood extent at coarser resolutions, the reliability of these maps deteriorates at resolutions coarser than 100 m. Additionally, although the rejection of non‐behavioural models reduces the uncertainty in probabilistic flood maps the reliability of these maps is also reduced. Models with resolutions finer than 50 m offer little gain in performance yet are more than an order of magnitude computationally expensive which can become infeasible when undertaking probabilistic analysis. Furthermore, we show that using deterministic, high‐resolution flood maps can lead to a spurious precision that would be misleading and not representative of the overall uncertainties that are inherent in making inundation predictions. Copyright © 2015 The Authors Hydrological Processes Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.  相似文献   

Two‐dimensional (2‐D) hydraulic models are currently at the forefront of research into river flood inundation prediction. Airborne scanning laser altimetry is an important new data source that can provide such models with spatially distributed floodplain topography together with vegetation heights for parameterization of model friction. The paper investigates how vegetation height data can be used to realize the currently unexploited potential of 2‐D flood models to specify a friction factor at each node of the finite element model mesh. The only vegetation attribute required in the estimation of floodplain node friction factors is vegetation height. Different sets of flow resistance equations are used to model channel sediment, short vegetation, and tall and intermediate vegetation. The scheme was tested in a modelling study of a flood event that occurred on the River Severn, UK, in October 1998. A synthetic aperture radar image acquired during the flood provided an observed flood extent against which to validate the predicted extent. The modelled flood extent using variable friction was found to agree with the observed extent almost everywhere within the model domain. The variable‐friction model has the considerable advantage that it makes unnecessary the unphysical fitting of floodplain and channel friction factors required in the traditional approach to model calibration. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A key aspect of large river basins partially neglected in large‐scale hydrological models is river hydrodynamics. Large‐scale hydrologic models normally simulate river hydrodynamics using simplified models that do not represent aspects such as backwater effects and flood inundation, key factors for some of the largest rivers of the world, such as the Amazon. In a previous paper, we have described a large‐scale hydrodynamic approach resultant from an improvement of the MGB‐IPH hydrological model. It uses full Saint Venant equations, a simple storage model for flood inundation and GIS‐based algorithms to extract model parameters from digital elevation models. In the present paper, we evaluate this model in the Solimões River basin. Discharge results were validated using 18 stream gauges showing that the model is accurate. It represents the large delay and attenuation of flood waves in the Solimões basin, while simplified models, represented here by Muskingum Cunge, provide hydrographs are wrongly noisy and in advance. Validation against 35 stream gauges shows that the model is able to simulate observed water levels with accuracy, representing their amplitude of variation and timing. The model performs better in large rivers, and errors concentrate in small rivers possibly due to uncertainty in river geometry. The validation of flood extent results using remote sensing estimates also shows that the model accuracy is comparable to other flood inundation modelling studies. Results show that (i) river‐floodplain water exchange and storage, and (ii) backwater effects play an important role for the Amazon River basin hydrodynamics. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


This study evaluates and compares two-dimensional (2D) numerical models of different complexities by testing them on a floodplain inundation event that occurred on the Secchia River (Italy). We test 2D capabilities of LISFLOOD-FP and HEC-RAS (5.0.3), implemented using various grid sizes (25–100 m) based on 1-m DEM resolution. As expected, the best results were shown by the higher-resolution grids (25 m) for both models, which is justified by the complex terrain of the area. However, the coarser resolution simulations (50 and 100 m) performed virtually identically compared to the high-resolution simulations. Nevertheless, the spatial distribution of flood characteristics varies: the 50 and 100 m results of LISFLOOD-FP and HEC-RAS misestimated flood extent and water depth in selected control areas (built-up zones). We suggest that the specific terrain of the area can cause ambiguities in large-scale modelling, while providing plausible results in terms of the overall model performance.  相似文献   

Tools for accurately predicting environmental risks, such as the location and spatial extent of potential inundation, are not widely available. A dependence on calibration and a lack of available flood data have prevented the widespread application of existing hydrodynamic methods for predicting the extent of inundation. We use the height above the nearest drainage (HAND) terrain model to develop a simple static approach for mapping the potential extent of inundation that does not depend on flood observations and extends beyond methods for mapping low‐lying areas. While relying on the contour concept, the method utilizes drainage‐normalized topography and flowpaths to delineate the relative vertical distances (drop) to the nearest river. The HAND‐delineated relative drop is an effective distributed predictor of flood potential, which is directly related to the river stage height. We validated the new HAND contour approach using a flood event in Southern Brazil for which high‐resolution maps were available. The results indicated that the flood hazard‐mapping method accurately predicted the inundation extent of the channel carrying the flood wave and the channels influenced by flooding. For channels positioned outside of the flood‐wave area, the method overestimated the actual flood extent. As an original static assessment of floodwaters across the landscape, the HAND contour method could be used to map flood hazards in areas with poor information and could promote the development of new methods for predicting hydrological hazards. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Flood risk management is an essential responsibility of state governments and local councils to ensure the protection of people residing on floodplains. Globally, floodplains are under increasing pressure from growing populations. Typically, the engineering‐type solutions that are used to predict local flood magnitude and frequency based on limited gauging data are inadequate, especially in settings which experience high hydrological variability. This study highlights the importance of incorporating geomorphological understanding into flood risk management in southeast Queensland (SEQ), an area badly affected by extreme flood events in 2011 and 2013. The major aim of this study is to outline the hydrological and sedimentological characteristics of various ‘inundation surfaces’ that are typical of catchments in the sub‐tropics. It identifies four major inundation surfaces; within‐channel bench [Q ~ 2.33 yr average recurrence interval (ARI)]; genetic floodplain (Q = 20 yr ARI); hydraulic floodplain (20 yr < Q ≤ 200 yr ARI) and terrace (Q > 1000 yr ARI). These surfaces are considered typical of inundation areas within, and adjacent to, the large macrochannels common to this region and others of similar hydrological variability. An additional area within genetic floodplains was identified where flood surfaces coalesce and produce an abrupt reduction in channel capacity. This is referred to here as a Spill‐out Zone (SOZ). The associated vulnerability and risk of these surfaces is reviewed and recommendations made based on incorporating this geomorphological understanding into flood risk assessments. These recommendations recognize the importance to manage for risks associated with flow inundation and sediment erosion, delivery and deposition. The increasing availability of high resolution topographic data opens up the possibility of more rapid and spatially extensive assessments of key geomorphic processes which can readily be used to predict flood risk. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The performances of a finite volume model (SFV) and finite element model (TELEMAC‐2D) in reproducing inundation on a 16 km reach of the river Severn, United Kingdom, are compared. Predicted inundation extents are compared with 4 airborne synthetic aperture radar images of a major flood event in November 2000, and these are used to calibrate 2 values of Manning's n for the channel and floodplain. The four images are shown to have different capacities to constrain roughness parameters, with the image acquired at low flow rate doing better in determining these parameters than the image acquired at approximately peak flow. This is assigned to the valley filling nature of the flood and the associated insensitivity of flood extent to changes in water level. The level of skill demonstrated by the models, when compared with inundation derived using a horizontal water free surface, also increases as flow rate drops. The two models show markedly different behaviours to the calibration process, with TELEMAC showing less sensitivity and lower optimum values for Manning's n than SFV. When the models are used in predictive mode, calibrated against one image and predicting another, SFV performs better than TELEMAC. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Remotely sensed land cover was used to generate spatially‐distributed friction coefficients for use in a two‐dimensional model of flood inundation. Such models are at the forefront of research into the prediction of river flooding. Standard practice, however, is to use single (static) friction coefficients on both the channel and floodplain, which are varied in a calibration procedure to provide a “best fit” to a known inundation extent. Spatially‐distributed friction provides a physically grounded estimate of friction that does not require fitting to a known inundation extent, but which can be fitted if desired. Remote sensing offers the opportunity to map these friction coefficients relatively straightforwardly and for low cost. Inundation was predicted using the LISFLOOD‐FP model for a reach on the River Nene, UK. Friction coefficients were produced from land cover predicted from Landsat TM imagery using both ML and fuzzy c‐means classifiction. The elevetion data used were from combined contour and differential global positioning system (GPS) elevation data. Predicted inundation using spatially‐distributed and static friction were compared. Spatially‐distributed friction had the greatest effect on the timing of flood inundation, but a small effect on predicted inundation extent. The results indicate that spatially‐distributed friction should be considered where the timing of initial flooding (e.g. for early warning) is important. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper we explore the optimum assimilation of high‐resolution data into numerical models using the example of topographic data provision for flood inundation simulation. First, we explore problems with current assimilation methods in which numerical grids are generated independent of topography. These include possible loss of significant length scales of topographic information, poor representation of the original surface and data redundancy. These are resolved through the development of a processing chain consisting of: (i) assessment of significant length scales of variation in the input data sets; (ii) determination of significant points within the data set; (iii) translation of these into a conforming model discretization that preserves solution quality for a given numerical solver; and (iv) incorporation of otherwise redundant sub‐grid data into the model in a computationally efficient manner. This processing chain is used to develop an optimal finite element discretization for a 12 km reach of the River Stour in Dorset, UK, for which a high‐resolution topographic data set derived from airborne laser altimetry (LiDAR) was available. For this reach, three simulations of a 1 in 4 year flood event were conducted: a control simulation with a mesh developed independent of topography, a simulation with a topographically optimum mesh, and a further simulation with the topographically optimum mesh incorporating the sub‐grid topographic data within a correction algorithm for dynamic wetting and drying in fixed grid models. The topographically optimum model is shown to represent better the ‘raw’ topographic data set and that differences between this surface and the control are hydraulically significant. Incorporation of sub‐grid topographic data has a less marked impact than getting the explicit hydraulic calculation correct, but still leads to important differences in model behaviour. The paper highlights the need for better validation data capable of discriminating between these competing approaches and begins to indicate what the characteristics of such a data set should be. More generally, the techniques developed here should prove useful for any data set where the resolution exceeds that of the model in which it is to be used. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The factors affecting the relationship between channel discharge and volume of inundation are discussed. For many floodplains this relationship is not simple, but involves hysteretic effects which vary according to the hydrological characteristics of individual floods and the way in which these interact with the surface form of the floodplain reach. Some methods of deriving or estimating the extent of the hysteresis on floodplain reaches are suggested, although an acute lack of available data prevents detailed examination at present. Further investigations are required before floodplain conductivity relations can be used as an aid to flood routing procedures or in floodplain management problems. A major priority must be the acquisition of sequential inundation data.  相似文献   

Recent research modelling floodplain inundation processes has concentrated on issues surrounding the level of physical, topographical, and numerical solver complexity needed to represent floodplain flows adequately. However, during flooding episodes the channel typically still conveys the bulk of the flow. Despite this, the effect of channel physical processes and topographic complexity on model results has been largely unexplored. To address this, the impact of channel cross‐section geometry, channel long‐profile variability and the representation of hydraulic structures on floodplain inundation are explored using a coupled dynamic 1D‐2D hydraulic model (ESTRY‐TUFLOW) of the Carlisle floods of January 2005. These simulations are compared with those from a simplified 1D‐2D model, LISFLOOD‐FP. In this case, the simpler model is sufficient to simulate the far‐field peak flood elevations. However, comparison of channel dynamics suggests that the full shallow water approximation used by ESTRY‐TUFLOW gives a more robust performance when models calibrated on maximum floodplain water elevations are used to predict channel water levels. Examination of the response of ESTRY‐TUFLOW to variations in channel geometric complexity shows that downstream variations in the channel long profile are more important than cross‐section variability for obtaining a dataset‐independent calibration. The results show, in general, that as model physical complexity is increased, calibrated parameters become less ‘effective’, and as a consequence, the values of performance measures reduce less rapidly away from the optimum value. This means that often more physically complex models are less likely to yield different optimum parameter values when calibrated on different datasets resulting in a more robust numerical model. Lastly, the inclusion of bridge structures can simulate substantial local backwatering effects, but the variability in observed water and wrack marks is such that it is not possible to discern the effect of the bridges at this site in the post‐event observational dataset. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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