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The genesis of mid-ocean ridge basalt   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
J.F.G. Wilkinson 《Earth》1982,18(1):1-57
The tholeiitic volcanics erupted at mid-ocean ridges (mid-ocean ridge basalts or MORB) constitute the dominant volcanic lithology on Earth. Analyses of tachylites from Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Ocean spreading centres range widely in 100 Mg/(Mg + Fe2+) ratios (= M) and M varies from 70 to 30. Glasses with M = 55?65 are the most common variants and only a small percentage of glass analyses has M approaching 70. The latter defines the M -value of basaltic melts in equilibrium with residual upper-mantle source peridotites with M ~ 88. The frequency histogram of the M -values of average compositions of MORB glasses at 88 ocean floor localities is similar in analysis distribution to the frequency histograms depicting variation in the M -values of glasses from the various spreading centres.M -values and nickel contents of MORB and the nature and compositions of the near-liquidus phases crystallized experimentally from MORB melts at elevated pressures have been applied to identify primary (unfractionated) melts erupted in a mid-ocean ridge environment. However, Ni abundances and high-pressure phase relationships are not necessarily unique or definitive parameters of primary melts. The latter are generally linked genetically with Mg-rich lherzolitic source rocks of ‘pyrolite’ type (M ~ 90. The spectrum of M -values displayed by MORB glasses, with a definite bias towards relatively Fe-rich compositions (average M of approximately 600 MORB glasses is 58.6), suggests that the melts may have evolved either via ferromagnesian fractionation of relatively Mg-rich parental melts (M = 70?80), or by partial melting of a heterogeneous upper mantle with variable M values, or as a result of magma mixing of already fractionated melts and primitive magma batches.For a number of reasons fractonation models based on the extraction of olivine or one or more of olivine, plagioclase and clinopyroxene, either from picritic melts (M > 75 or ‘primitive’ basaltic melts with M ~ 70, are questionable as prime controls of MORB chemistry. These include: (1) the extreme rarity of ‘quenched’ picritic or Mg-basaltic melts in ocean ridge environments; (2) the lack of adequate evidence of the appropriate (of necessity voluminous) complementary cumulates (dunites, allivalites, troctolites, anorthosites) demanded by olivine, plagioclase, or olivine + plagioclase fractionation models; and (3) the aberrent frequencies of glass M -values whereby the assumed derivatives (M = 55?65 are much more abundant (and presumably much more voluminous) than the alleged parents or transitional derivatives (65 < M < 75). The nature of the trends of Na2O, CaO and Al2O3 in Galapagos Spreading Centre tachylites of extended composition (M = 65?30) indicates the ‘gabbroic’ fractionation is also unlikely to exert important controls on MORB chemistry.As their M -values increase, mid-ocean ridge basalts increase in Al, Ca, Ni, Co, Cr and decrease in Ti, Mn, Na, K and P. Except for Al and Ca, these trends are similar to those displayed by upper-mantle peridotites increasing in M, i.e., becoming more refractory following one or more partial melting episodes. It is suggested that at least a majority of mid-ocean ridge basalts is intrinsically primary and generated by variable degrees of partial melting of heterogeneous lherzolitic upper mantle (80 < M < 90) with variable abundances of elements such as Ti, Al, Ca and Na and also depleted in large ion lithophile (LIL) elements. Negative europium anomalies in the rare-earth patterns of some oceanridge basalts (ferrobasalts with low M) are ascribed mainly to the persistence of residual plagioclase in relatively Fe-rich plagioclase lherzolite source rocks, following low degrees of partial melting. The partial melting events leading to the generation of mid-ocean ridge basalts took place over a relatively modes pressure range (approximately 8–15 kb) which encompassed the transition of plagioclase lherzolite to spinel lherzolite. This proposal appears consistent with the nature and occurrence of megacrysts (xenocrysts) of tschermakitic Cr-diopside (Ca43Mg52Fe5), olivine (mg 89–91), plagioclase (An92-85) and spinel (Fe2Al60Cr38) in some MORB. The megacryst compositions suggest that these phases represent disaggregated plagioclase peridotite or spinel lherzolite acquired by melts during their passage through the oceanic upper mantle.  相似文献   

Soret separation of mid-ocean ridge basalt magma   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Chemical differentiation of an initially homogeneous mid-ocean ridge basalt (MORB) liquid has been experimentally observed in a temperature gradient above the liquidus. The magnitude of this effect in producing differences in composition is comparable to that of crystal-liquid fractionation for a given temperature difference. However the chemical changes produced by the two processes, Soret and crystal-liquid fractionation, are different. Soret separations resemble those observed in a third process — silicate liquid immiscibility. This similarity is a reflection of the fact that the Soret-separable components are the same network-former/network-modifier structural components which segregate during silicate liquid immiscibility.The differences between Soret and crystal-liquid separations allow the recognition of Soret processes as anomalies in MORB suites which are not compatible with normal crystal fractionation processes. The common occurrence of primary, cumulus, magnesian orthopyroxene in MOR gabbros and the absence of such orthopyroxene as phenocrysts in the coeval erupted MORBS is one such anomaly. The peculiar covariation of plagioclase and olivine compositions in some 3-phase olivine-plagioclase-clinopyroxene MOR gabbros, when compared with normal crystal fractionation results, is another anomaly which may be understood in terms of Soret processes operating in conjunction with normal crystal fractionation. These Soret processes must operate through some sort of convective thermal boundary layer at the margin of a MOR magma chamber to allow Soret diffusive exchange to occur before the temperature contrasts which drive it are dissipated. These driving temperature contrasts are also maintained in part by the periodic replenishment of hot, fresh magma into the MOR magma chamber.  相似文献   

李孟江  王仁民  张莉 《地质通报》2012,31(5):686-695
尚义玄武岩为尚义-赤城新太古代洋壳残片的组成端元,地球化学性质指示其源于富集地幔。根据稀土元素分配特征,尚义玄武岩可被分为TH1型(稀土元素平坦型)和TH2型(稀土元素分异型)。尚义TTG属于中钾偏铝质钙碱性岩类,其Al2O3含量与低铝型TTG相近,同时微量元素Rb、Sr、Y和REE表现出俯冲板片熔融成因的埃达克岩的性质。根据主量元素SiO2、K2O、Na2O、Al2O3和微量元素Rb、Sr、Y、REE等指标判别和微量元素平衡熔融模式计算得出,尚义TTG形成压力遍及低压—高压范围,是洋壳玄武岩(TH1型)在深度压力变化的条件下部分熔融形成的,其中的低铝型TTG形成于低压熔融。  相似文献   

We have developed an idealized mathematical model to understand the isotopic variability of the mantle and its relation to the observed variations in isotopic ratios 143Nd/144Nd, 87Sr/86Sr, 176Hf/177Hf, 208Pb/204Pb, 206Pb/204Pb, and 207Pb/204Pb measured on mid-ocean ridge basalt (MORB). We consider a simple box model of mantle processes. A single melt region produces a melt fraction F of melt, and the average time since a given parcel of mantle material last visited this region is given by the time scale τmelt. The melt region fractionates the parent/daughter ratios. Over time this leads to variations in the mantle isotopic ratios as the parent decays to the daughter. Key assumptions are that the half-life of the parent isotope is large compared with τmelt, that the flow is strongly stirring, and that the mantle has reached a statistical steady state. This enables us to neglect the specifics of the underlying flow. Sampling from our model mantle is dealt with by averaging over a large number N of samples to represent the mixing after melting.The model predicts a probability density for isotopic ratios in MORB which, with exception of the Pb isotopes, are consistent with measurements. Fitting the MORB data to this model gives estimates of the model parameters F, τmelt, and N. Small melt fractions with F around 0.5% are essential for a good fit, whereas τmelt and N are less well constrained. τmelt is estimated at around 1.4 to 2.4 Ga, and N is of the order of hundreds. The model predicts a larger variability for the Pb isotopes than that observed. As has been stated by many previous authors, it appears that fundamental differences exist between the dynamics of Pb isotopes and those of Nd, Sr and Hf isotopes.  相似文献   


We compared the disintegration processes and mineralogic and chemical evolution pathways of two Quaternary basalts at Bakrit and Ifrane, weathered in the same physiographic and hydrologic conditions, but differing in texture according to the quantity of glass present. At Bakrit, quite abundant glass favoured the formation of a microfissure network throughout the rock and its disintegration without any distinct weathering front. As a result, basaltic sand with polymineral grains and a clayey-silty matrix were produced. At Ifrane, weathering of a glass-poor basalt produced only a clayey-silty saprolite. In glass-rich basalts, secondary minerals formed in microfissures and were 2/1 clay-mineral rich. In glass-poor basalts, secondary minerals formed mainly within primary minerals and were 1/1 clay-mineral rich. Because glass could be easily dissolved, it protected the minerals of close chemical composition, especially the plagioclases. The order of basalt-mineral weathering (olivine, labrador, augite, Fe-Ti oxides) was modified when glass was abundant (glass, olivine, augite, labrador, Fe-Ti oxides). © Elsevier, Paris  相似文献   

在新疆北部东准噶尔的扎河坝蛇绿混杂岩中发现的富铌玄武(安山)岩,其SiO2含量介于46.71%~57.65%,TiO2含量为1.00%~1.76%,与太古代绿岩带内富铌玄武(安山)岩相似,Na2O含量为3.86%~6.64%,P2O5为0.34%~0.82%,明显高于太古代绿岩带富铌玄武(安山)岩。扎河坝富铌玄武岩铌含量介于7.22×10-6~21.91×10-6之间,大于7×10-6,与典型的富铌玄武岩相同。该岩石轻重稀土元素分馏较明显,其分布模式为无明显铕至弱负铕异常的右倾曲线。尽管铌的绝对含量较高,但由于钍和轻稀土元素更加富集,在微量元素蛛网图中扎河坝富铌玄武(安山)岩仍表现为铌的明显亏损,同时高场强元素Zr、Hf及Ti也表现出一定程度的亏损。微量元素地球化学特征显示,扎河坝蛇绿混杂岩内富铌玄武(安山)岩形成于古亚洲洋的洋内弧,它是被埃达克质岩浆交代的地幔楔橄榄岩部分熔融的产物,同时大洋沉积物及俯冲板块释放的流体对成岩作用也有一定的贡献。富铌玄武(安山)岩作为弧前增生楔定位在扎河坝蛇绿混杂岩体内,与早前报道的超高压变质岩共存表明,该蛇绿混杂岩体至少记录了两次性质不同的古亚洲洋洋壳俯冲,这更进一步证实新疆北部晚古生代新增陆壳是古亚洲洋多次俯冲作用的产物。  相似文献   

We present Os and Sr isotopes and Mg, Os, and Sr concentrations for ridge-crest high-temperature and diffuse hydrothermal fluids, plume fluids and ridge-flank warm spring fluids from the Juan de Fuca Ridge. The data are used to evaluate the extent to which (1) the high- and low-temperature hydrothermal alteration of mid-ocean ridge basalts (MORBs) provides Os to the deep oceans, and (2) hydrothermal contributions of non-radiogenic Os and Sr to the oceans are coupled. The Os and Sr isotopic ratios of the high-temperature fluids (265-353 °C) are dominated by basalts (187Os/188Os = 0.2; 87Sr/86Sr = 0.704) but the concentrations of these elements are buffered approximately at their seawater values. The 187Os/188Os of the hydrothermal plume fluids collected ∼1 m above the orifice of Hulk vent is close to the seawater value (=1.05). The low-temperature diffuse fluids (10-40 °C) associated with ridge-crest high-temperature hydrothermal systems on average have [Os] = 31 fmol kg−1, 187Os/188Os = 0.9 and [Sr] = 86 μmol kg−1, 87Sr/86Sr = 0.709. They appear to result from mixing of a high-temperature fluid and a seawater component. The ridge-flank warm spring fluids (10-62 °C) on average yield [Os] = 22 fmol kg−1, 187Os/188Os = 0.8 and [Sr] = 115 μmol kg−1, 87Sr/86Sr = 0.708. The data are consistent with isotopic exchange of Os and Sr between basalt and circulating seawater during low-temperature hydrothermal alteration. The average Sr concentration in these fluids appears to be similar to seawater and consistent with previous studies. In comparison, the average Os concentration is less than seawater by more than a factor of two. If these data are representative they indicate that low-temperature alteration of MORB does not provide adequate non-radiogenic Os and that another source of mantle Os to the oceans must be investigated. At present, the magnitude of non-radiogenic Sr contribution via low-temperature seawater alteration is not well constrained. If non-radiogenic Sr to the oceans is predominantly from the alteration of MORB, our data suggest that there must be a different source of non-radiogenic Os and that the Os and Sr isotope systems in the oceans are decoupled.  相似文献   

MORB suites display variations in their chemical differentiation trends which are closely related to the incompatible element enrichment of the basalts. We examine suites of primitive to evolved basalts from the Pacific-Nazca Ridge at 28° S (mostly depleted); from the Juan Fernandez microplate region (depleted) and from the Explorer Ridge, northeast Pacific (mostly enriched). Trends for incompatible element enriched MORBs consistently show less depletion of Al2O3 and less enrichment of FeO when plotted on MgO variation diagrams.Least squares modeling indicates that enriched basalts have undergone less plagioclase crystallization than depleted basalts especially in the early stages of differentiation. Using thermodynamic modelling, we show that variations between MORB differentiation trends result largely from differences in the major element chemistry and H2O content of primary magmas. Our chosen enriched and depleted near-primary magmas are similar in major element chemistry but the enriched near-primary magma has higher H2O and lower Al2O3 than the depleted near-primary magma. The MORB crystallization sequence is: olivineolivine+plagioclase olivine+plagioclase+high-Ca pyroxene; and the separate and combined effects of lower Al2O3 and higher H2O are to cause plagioclase to crystallize later (lower temperature), and to make the interval of olivine+plagioclase crystallization shorter. As a result, enriched differentiates have higher Al2O3 and lower FeO than depleted MORBs at a given MgO content, even though their parents' Al2O3 is lower. Crystallization of enriched basalts at higher pressure than depleted basalts is not able to account for differences between the differentiation trends because the proportion of plagioclase is higher during three-phase crystallization at high pressure.The variations in trends do not depend on geographic location and thus are superimposed on any regional variations in MORB chemistry or mantle source. Nor are they related to spreading rate. Depleted basalts from the fast-spreading 28° S and Juan Fernandez ridges have differentiation trends similar to depleted basalts from the medium-spreading Galapagos Spreading Center, whereas differentiation trends for enriched basalts from the medium-spreading Explorer Ridge are quite different. Fe3+/Fetotal is similar (and quite low) for enriched and depleted basalts, indicating that neither oxidation state nor early magnetite crystallization are important.  相似文献   

李孟江    王仁民  张莉 《地质通报》2012,31(05):686-695
尚义玄武岩为尚义-赤城新太古代洋壳残片的组成端元,地球化学性质指示其源于富集地幔。根据稀土元素分配特征,尚义玄武岩可被分为TH1型(稀土元素平坦型)和TH2型(稀土元素分异型)。尚义TTG属于中钾偏铝质钙碱性岩类,其Al2O3含量与低铝型TTG相近,同时微量元素Rb、Sr、Y和REE表现出俯冲板片熔融成因的埃达克岩的性质。根据主量元素SiO2、K2O、Na2O、Al2O3和微量元素Rb、Sr、Y、REE等指标判别和微量元素平衡熔融模式计算得出,尚义TTG形成压力遍及低压—高压范围,是洋壳玄武岩(TH1型)在深度压力变化的条件下部分熔融形成的,其中的低铝型TTG形成于低压熔融。  相似文献   

赵跃群 《吉林地质》2009,28(2):11-14
本文介绍了敦化地区玄武岩的分布范围、厚度和目前开发利用状况。玄武岩除了做石材外,还有一个新的用途——生产玄武岩纤维,它用途广泛,性能优良。国外已开发利用多年,我国刚刚起步。在敦化地区无论是开采玄武岩石材还是生产玄武岩纤维其前景都十分广阔。  相似文献   

Melt glasses for seven types of rock ranging from acid to basic were prepared under 1.0 GPa on a multi-anvil pressure apparatus, YJ-3000 ton press. Densities and elastic properties of the melt glasses were compared with those described in previous studies. It was found that the glasses melted under 1.0 GPa were consistent in density with both naturally-occurring glassy rocks and artificially prepared glasses melted at ambient pressure. The densities of glasses are negatively correlated with the SiO2 contents and positively correlated with the (MgO+FeO) contents. The compressive velocity (Vp) of glass tends to increase with decreasing SiO2 contents and increasing (MgO+FeO) contents. The shear velocity (Vs) of glass tends to increase slightly with increasing SiO2 contents, which has little connection with the (MgO+FeO) contents. It was calculated from densities and velocities that the elastic moduli of glasses are negatively correlated with the SiO2 contents and positively correlated with the (MgO+FeO) contents.  相似文献   

滇东北昭通地区峨眉山玄武岩Nd-Sr-Pb同位素的最新研究结果表明,该区玄武岩样品普遍具有1000~900 Ma的亏损地幔Nd模式年龄,其源区可能为来自下地幔类似地幔集中带(FOZO)组分(10%~40%)的地幔橄榄岩和来自古老再循环洋壳的类似EM1组分(60%~90%)不同比例混合而成。样品满足Dupal异常边界条件,暗示峨眉山玄武岩岩浆形成及侵位时与目前所处的纬度有较大差异,二者可能有较大的空间距离。据此,提出新的峨眉山地幔柱形成模式:1000~900 Ma,源于Rodinia超大陆事件中衍生的洋壳发生了俯冲消减作用,洋壳经部分熔融后的固态残留物在660 km地幔过渡带中堆积,形成较冷的难熔\"巨石体\"。晚二叠世(约260 Ma),这些\"巨石体\"(很可能是榴辉岩相的超高压变质岩)受重力驱动作用进一步下沉到核幔边界\"D\"层时,发生钙钛矿→后钙钛矿的矿物相转变,这是一个强烈的放热反应,导致下地幔及俯冲板片堆积体自身的部分熔融,引起深部高温富铁、富钛的熔融体上涌进入地幔,形成地幔柱。这些岩浆大规模的上涌、喷发,形成了扬子陆块西缘规模巨大的峨眉山大火成岩省(LIPs)。此时古地理位置还处于南半球的某个位置,古特提斯大洋关闭后,这些携带南半球特有的地球化学烙印(Dupal异常)的玄武岩随着扬子板块一路向北漂移,到达今天的位置。  相似文献   


Based on a two-segment plate flexural modelling, we investigated the effective elastic thickness of global subducting oceanic lithosphere. Our results show that for the plate age of 0 to 50 Ma, the seaward effective elastic thickness T e M values are located between 600 and 900°C isotherms, and do not track any isotherm, while the majority of the trenchward effective elastic thickness T e m values are located between 300 and 600°C isotherms. For the plate age older than 50 Ma, T e M values basically matches the 600°C isotherm with some fluctuations for the age older than 110 Ma, while T e m values mainly fall between 200 and 400°C isotherms. The reduction in effective elastic thickness (T e M-T e m) varies from 2.6 to 30.1 km, or 11–68% of seaward T e M. Thus, the absolute value of the decrease in the effective elastic thicknesses (T e M-T e m) increases with the plate age, while the percentage reduction in the effective elastic thickness (1-T e m/T e M) has no obvious relationship with the age, but more related to the curvature of bending plate. Almost all bending-related earthquakes occurred above the T e M line, but many normal-faulting earthquakes are deeper than the T e M-T e m line, implying that the plate may still retain some thickness of an elastic property core in the areas (depth) where earthquakes occur.  相似文献   

西南三江昌宁-孟连构造带传统被认为是晚古生代古特提斯洋的缝合带。在该构造带中段铜厂街蛇绿混杂岩东侧勐勇—芒红一带,新识别出一套近南北向展布的灰绿色气孔-杏仁状玄武岩、安山玄武岩和硅质岩、浅变质泥质粉砂岩组成的火山-沉积岩系。对杏仁状玄武岩样品进行LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb定年,获得其~(206)Pb/~(238)U年龄加权平均值为449.3±8.4Ma(MSWD=3.5),表明该套火山岩喷发于奥陶纪。元素地球化学特征表现为富铝(12.11%~15.04%)、富钠(K_2O/N_2O=0.03~0.44)、高Mg~#值(45.9~61.7),同时,该套火山岩中MgO=6.78%~12.34%,平均为9.43%,Cr=58.6×10~(-6)~636×10~(-6),平均为310.3×10~(-6),Ni=57.4×10~(-6)~410×10~(-6),平均为202.1×10~(-6),Nb=18.9×10~(-6)~32.8×10~(-6),平均为25.06×10~(-6),具有轻稀土元素强烈富集的"直线状"稀土元素配分模式,(La/Yb)_N=5.25,(Ce/Yb)_N=4.42,(Ce/Sm)_N=1.68,稀土元素总量随全碱含量增大有升高的趋势,表明其为亚速尔型洋岛。总体上,该套火山岩具碱性OIB(洋岛玄武岩)的特征,可能是大洋板内热点前部熔融的产物。亚速尔型洋岛玄武岩的出现代表了特提斯洋盆内洋岛发育早期阶段的物质记录,为重新认识滇西南昌宁—孟连地区特提斯主洋盆开阔多岛洋的格局提供了丰富的岩石学依据。  相似文献   

Two main types of glassy fragmental rocks formed along the Proto-Macquarie Spreading Ridge: (i) hyaloclastite breccia; and (ii) pillow-fragment breccia. Examples now exposed on Macquarie Island, Southern Ocean, were largely sourced from proximal pillow lavas. In each of seven samples examined, hyaloclasts (basaltic glass grains) have a narrow major- and trace-element geochemical range, consistent with derivation of each sample from a single volcanic eruption event. Moreover, every sample analysed within the one stratigraphic section (at three sites) displays distinctive major- and trace-element geochemistry compared with the other two sections. This suggests that hyaloclasts at each site represent discrete magma batches. A single source for these glassy fragmental rocks contrasts with the dominant fault-scarp-derived polymict sedimentary rocks on Macquarie Island. We suggest that the hyaloclasts analysed in this study were deposited in small basins between the slopes of growing pillow cones along the mid-ocean ridge. The geochemical analyses presented here encompass (weakly) fractionated (e.g. Bauer Bay) to near-primitive (e.g. Pyramid Peak) compositions. All samples presented here lie within the range of the enriched- to normal-MORB suites previously reported for the island that include the least fractionated MORB melts known globally. The interpretation of geochemically distinct magma batches over the small area of the island suggests very limited magma mixing consistent with an immature or waning magmatic system. We relate these geochemical characteristics to: (i) volcanism near a very long offset transform; and (ii) genesis of magmas during the waning stages of slow seafloor spreading within a very narrow (<50 km-wide) spreading corridor.  相似文献   

论述了玄武岩的空隙类型及其网络系统、玄武岩水文性质基本特征,分析了玄武岩地下水的富集规律和补径排条件,同时,还对玄武岩地下水资源及其开发利用,以及玄武岩地区广泛分布的饮用天然矿泉水做了简要介绍。  相似文献   

Summary A new occurrence of basalt (minimum K/Ar age 57.9 ± 2.2 m.y.) is reported from Budaliget, near Budapest. Major and minor element concentrations show that the basalts are alkaline and potassic in nature ranging from olivine tholeiite to moderately undersaturated basanite. High mg-values and concentrations of Ni and Cr indicate that some of the samples may represent primary compositions. High pressure accidental xenoliths, xenocrysts and cognate megacrysts are frequent and the chemical zoning patterns of olivine and pyroxene phenocrysts indicate a complex evolution and polibaric conditions for the crystallization. The discovery of the new basalt occurrence is important from a geodynamical point of view: prior to the last two major geodynamical events (Plio-Pleistocene rifting with associated alkali basaltic volcanism and collision of microplates with associated Miocene calk-alkaline volcanism) the continental lithosphere below NE Transdanubia may have experienced another rifting period in the Paleocene or Upper Cretaceous.With 7 Figures  相似文献   

The mantle section of the Tethyan-type Othris Ophiolite, Greece, records tectono-magmatic processes characteristic of both mid-ocean ridges and supra-subduction zones. The Othris Ophiolite is a remnant of the Jurassic Neotethys Ocean, which existed between Eurasia and Gondwanaland. Othris peridotites range from fertile plagioclase lherzolites to depleted harzburgites. Abundances of Al2O3 and CaO show well-defined inverse linear correlations with MgO, suggesting that the Othris peridotites formed as residua from variable degrees of partial melting.

Peridotites from the Fournos Kaïtsa and western Katáchloron sub-massifs are similar to abyssal peridotites and can be explained by a multistage model with some melting in the garnet stability field followed by moderate degrees of anhydrous near-fractional melting in the spinel stability field. In contrast, the peridotites from the Metalleio, Eretria, and eastern Katáchloron sub-massifs, and the Vourinos ophiolite are highly depleted and have extremely low concentrations of Al2O3 and heavy rare earth elements. These peridotites have enriched light REE contents compared to the middle REE. These residua are best modelled by hydrous melting due to a flux of slab-derived fluid to the mantle wedge during melting.

The occurrence of both styles of melting regimes within close spatial and temporal association in the same ophiolite is explained by intra-oceanic thrusting and forced subduction initiation at (or near) a mid-ocean ridge. Thus, the Othris Ophiolite, and probably Tethyan-type ophiolites in general, represent a transient phase of plate tectonic reorganisation rather than quasi-steady state plate tectonics.  相似文献   

Similar Sr isotopic ratios (∼ 0.7055) for the tholeiite-spilite flow unit and the associated mineral phases, of Bombay (Deccan Traps) provide a direct evidence for the spilitic degradation of tholeiite. In contrast, a dramatic increase in the rare earth elements (REE) from basalt to spilite is rather puzzling as rare earths are considered to be relatively immobile. The geochemistry thus suggests that the process of spilitization is due to the reaction with a complex fluid having identical Sr-isotopic composition as that of the basaltic magma—thereby masking the details of the mixing process.  相似文献   

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