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We investigated the long-term effects of contaminants in sediment from Baltimore Harbor, MD, USA, on a burrowing amphipod (Leptocheirus plumulosus) via a full life-cycle laboratory exposure. Contaminants in the Baltimore Harbor sediment included PAHs (10,800 ng/g), PCBs (152 ng/g), and heavy metals (including As, Cd, Cu, Pb, Hg, Ni, and Zn). Exposures were initiated with neonate amphipods, placed in microcosms containing either contaminated or reference sediment, and were maintained for 42 days, allowing ample time for the initial cohort to mature and reproduce. At the end of the exposure period, the populations of amphipods were surveyed to ascertain the number and size of amphipods in each size class (neonate, juvenile, and adult), and bioenergetic measurements were performed on adults, including metabolic rate, lipid content, and fecundity. Contaminated sediment from Baltimore Harbor caused lower growth and reproductive rates; in Baltimore Harbor sediment, the average dry weight of amphipod offspring in each size class was significantly lower and there were less than one-third as many individuals in each size class, compared to reference sediment. By the end of the exposure, the total amphipod biomass in Baltimore Harbor sediment was less than one quarter of that in reference sediment. On average, gravid females in reference sediment produced at least twice as many viable offspring as those in contaminated sediment. Adult male amphipods in Baltimore Harbor sediment possessed significantly lower lipid concentrations. Lipid content in neonates also appeared to be negatively affected by parental exposure to contaminants. Metabolic rate was elevated in adult amphipods exposed to Baltimore Harbor sediment. Overall, the results suggest that contaminated sediment conditions in the urban estuary may chronically affect L. plumulosus by diverting energy from production to maintenance pathways, resulting in slower growth and reduced fecundity, and ultimately leading to retarded population growth rates. The results of this study reinforce the need for long-term toxicological exposures to reveal chronic effects.  相似文献   

A stage-structured population model has been developed for the estuarine amphipod Leptocheirus plumulosus to provide interpretive guidance for sediment toxicity tests with this species. This time-varying, field-based model includes several matrices to reflect seasonal changes in demographics. In this paper, we conduct sensitivity analysis of the model to identify which life history parameters have the greatest potential impact on population growth rate (lambda). Results indicate seasonal variability in the relative demographic importance of vital rates. Over winter, annual population growth is most sensitive to the persistence of juveniles and adults and growth from the juvenile to the adult stage. In spring and fall, changes in fecundity are likely to have large effects on population dynamics. In addition, we demonstrate the applicability of the model by using it to interpret toxicological data from an assessment of sediment contamination in Baltimore Harbor, MD. The model was parameterized with survival data from acute toxicity tests with L. plumulosus to project effects on population growth rate (lambda). Results of these model simulations indicate that relatively small changes in survival can result in large changes in lambda, indicating high risk to benthic populations. Furthermore, population projections mirror observed abundances of L. plumulosus at the test sites. These analyses provide a first indication of the usefulness of the Leptocheirus population model as a tool for exploring ecological effects of sediment contamination.  相似文献   

We describe the development of a stage-structured population matrix model for the estuarine amphipod Leptocheirus plumulosus, a sediment toxicity test organism, based on regular sampling of a natural population for approximately 2 years. Annual population dynamics were characterized by abundance peaks in the spring and fall, and low densities in the summer and winter. We use a sequence of seasonal projection matrices to capture these qualitative patterns in population dynamics. We compare two methods for estimating transition probabilities: multiple regression and truncated singular value decomposition (SVD). Overall, SVD gave more realistic parameter estimates than regression, although fecundity estimation was problematic. There were predictable trends in growth, survival and fecundity within years. The SVD-derived model provides a framework for assessing the population-level effects of contaminants on Leptocheirus.  相似文献   

The eelgrass Zostera marina is a key structural and functional species across the European coastline. The separate and interactive effects of eelgrass canopy removal and sediment addition on the sediment characteristics and the structure of benthic communities were studied in a factorial field experiment in the Northern Baltic Sea in July–August 2006. The removal of eelgrass canopy temporarily increased the sediment oxygen consumption, reduced the content of fine particles (<100 μm) and organic matter in the sediment, and increased the share of sand fraction (250–500 μm). Sediment addition increased the content of fine particles (<100 μm) and reduced the share of sand fraction (250–1000 μm). The effects were strongest in the presence of eelgrass canopy. Benthic invertebrates and macroalgae were affected by eelgrass canopy removal but not by sediment addition. The removal of eelgrass canopy significantly decreased benthic species richness and invertebrate and macroalgal densities. To conclude, our experiment demonstrates that Z. marina defines the patterns of benthic macroalgae and invertebrates but has moderate effects on sediment structure and metabolism in the Northern Baltic Sea.  相似文献   

强潮环境下悬沙对底部边界层的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王韫玮  高抒 《海洋科学》2010,34(1):52-57
对杭州湾金山深槽附近两个定点站位的大潮期间同步水文、泥沙观测结果进行了粉砂分布区再悬浮效应的分析,提出了根据再悬浮过程反演底床切应力的新方法。研究结果表明,在强潮动力、高悬沙质量浓度环境下,即使无密度成层性,悬沙质量浓度对底部边界层的影响仍然存在,表现为底部切应力的减小。在这一条件下,如仍然采用卡门-普朗特模型(κ=0.4),则估算的底部切应力将大大高于实际的数值。  相似文献   

南大洋沉积物间隙水中营养盐分布及扩散通量研究   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
利用中国第18次南极考察获得的沉积物样品,对南大洋沉积物间隙水中营养盐的含量及分布特征进行了研究,估算了营养盐的底部通量.结果表明,南大洋沉积物间隙水中的营养盐以高含量的硅酸盐、铵盐为主.在垂向分布上,硅酸盐在沉积物-水界面呈现出明显的浓度梯度,这种分布特征表明,在硅的早期成岩过程中溶出是主要过程.沉积物中有机物的降解反应主要在还原状态下进行.硅酸盐与铵盐存在明显的向上释放的通量.  相似文献   

A series of experiments were conducted to develop standard test organisms and test protocols for measuring sediment toxicity using candidate amphipods such asMandibulophoxus mai, Monocorophium acherusicum, Haustorioides indivisus, andHaustorioides koreanus, which are indigenous to Korea. The relevant association of test species with sediment substrates was one of the important factors in sediment bioassay. The indigenous amphipodsM. mai andM. acherusicum were well associated with test sediments when they were exposed to various sediment substrates from sand to mud. The tolerant limits to various physico-chemical factors affecting bioassay results such as temperature, salinity and ammonia, as well as sensitivities to reference toxicant and contaminated sediments, were investigated usingM. mai andM. acherusicum in the present study. These amphipods were tolerant to relatively wide ranges of salinity (10~30 psu) and ammonia (<50 ppm), and displayed relevant sensitivity to temperature as well. They are more sensitive to Cd, the reference toxicant, when compared to the standard test species used in other countries. Field-sediment toxicity tests revealed thatM. mai would be more sensitive to sediment-associated pollutants thanM. acherusicum, while the sensitivity ofM. acherusicum was comparable to that ofLeptocheirus plumulosus, which has been used as a standard test species in the United States of America. Overall results of this first attempt to develop an amphipod sediment toxicity test protocol in Korea indicated thatM. mai andM. acherusicum would be applicable in the toxicity assessment of contaminated sediments, following the further evaluation encompassing various ecological and toxicological studies in addition to test method standardization.  相似文献   

We present the results of experiments to assess the immediate impact of scallop dredging on the seabed sediment and on the inhabiting infauna. The passage of the scallop dredge is shown to homogenise the seabed, flattening sand ripples. The turbulent wake entrains up to the equivalent of a 1 mm layer of sediment per unit of swept width, although an analysis of the finer particles material implies that the suspended silt material must originate from depths of at least 10 mm.The species most abundant in the sediment plume either swim actively in the water column or are found in, or on, the upper layers of the substrate, whereas those most abundant in core samples taken from the sediment, but not present in the net samples, are almost all tube-building or deep burrowing.The vertical stratification of sediment concentration and of animal numbers in the water column suggests that even if some of these species respond actively to the presence of the dredge, once entrained, they are transported more or less passively in the same way as the larger sediment particles.There was no difference between the core samples taken before or after towing suggesting that animals mobilised by the dredge resettle in the tow path. Our analysis does not provide any information regarding the fate of these animals.  相似文献   

EffectsofdieseloilonthepolychaeteAnnelidainmodelbenthicecosystem¥TangSenming;ChenXiaolin;ZhuangDongfa;WuShengsan;LinYu;CaiZip...  相似文献   

Silicic acid (DSi) benthic fluxes play a major role in the benthic–pelagic coupling of coastal ecosystems. They can sustain microphytobenthos (MPB) development at the water–sediment interface and support pelagic diatoms when river DSi inputs decrease. DSi benthic fluxes have been studied at the seasonal scale but little is known about their dial variations. This study measured the amplitude of such variations in an intertidal area over an entire tidal cycle by following the alteration of DSi pore water concentrations at regular intervals over the flood/ebb period. Furthermore we independently estimated the potential DSi uptake by benthic diatoms and compared it to the variations of DSi pore water concentrations and fluxes. The microphytobenthos DSi demand was estimated from primary production measurements on cells extracted from the sediment. There were large changes in DSi pore water concentration and a prominent effect of tidal pumping: the DSi flushed out from the sediment at rising tide, occurs in a very short period of time, but plays a far more important role in fueling the ecosystem (800 μmol-Si m−2 d−1), than diffusive fluxes occurring throughout the rest of the tidal cycle (2 μmol-Si m−2 d−1). This process is not, to our knowledge, currently considered when describing the DSi cycling of intertidal sediments. Moreover, there was a large potential MPB requirement for DSi (812 μmol-Si m−2 d−1), similar to the advective flow periodically pumped by the incoming tide, and largely exceeded benthic diffusive fluxes. However, this DSi uptake by benthic diatoms is almost undetectable given the variation of DSi concentration profiles within the sediment.  相似文献   

The distributions of benthic assemblages, heavy metals and organic carbon (Corg) in sediments were examined during a long-term study at a sewage sludge disposal site off the Mediterranean coast of Israel. The disposal of sewage sludge has a marked but localized, seasonally dependent, impact on the benthic assemblages and sediment quality. Elevated concentrations of Corg, Hg, Cd, Cu, Zn, Pb, and to a lesser degree Ni in the sediments were detected mostly northward of the sewage outfall, in the direction of the prevalent longshore current. High concentrations of Corg and metals were reflected by elevated populations of tolerant and opportunistic polychaetes in spring and by an azoic zone in fall. The impacted area extended mainly towards the north (up to ca. 4 km) and to a lesser extent south of the outfall (up to ca. 2.5 km). No evidence of increased accumulation of sewage sludge with time was found, nor of pollutants associated with it. Principal component analysis (PCA) grouped the anthropogenic metals and Corg with infaunal abundance for the spring surveys, while biotic diversity was negatively correlated with the pollutants. In the PCA of fall surveys, abundance was negatively correlated with the pollutants, decreasing with increased concentration of Corg and anthropogenic metals. We suggest that the seasonal pattern shown by infaunal abundance, anthropogenic metals and Corg is due to the stratification of the water column from spring to fall on one-hand and winter storms on the other. Winter storms resuspend and disperse the fine organic particles, sweeping the site clean of sludge; accumulation of sludge takes place throughout the quiescent periods of the year, when stratification is reestablished. The disposal site is dispersive and the spatial extent of the impacted area varies seasonally and interannually. This monitoring study, in addition to addressing specific questions about sewage sludge impact, represents an unusually large and unique set of long-term measurements that will serve as a basis to evaluate the site recovery following the cessation of disposal.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to establish the effect of temporal variation of the alga Caulerpa prolifera cover on the composition and stability of the associated crustacean community. Forty‐five crustacean species were found, amphipods and tanaidaceans being the most abundant groups. The stations were grouped mainly based on the gradient of algal cover, independently of location or sampling period (MDS analyses). Considering separately epifaunal and infaunal species, the epifauna occurred mainly at high cover (HC) and medium–low cover (MLC) stations, while the infauna occurred at MLC and unvegetated (UV) stations. Infaunal species were predominant in all stations and sampling periods, and the abundance and numbers of epifaunal species showed a clear dependence of algal cover. To quantify the loss of biodiversity due to the plant cover variations, we applied the average and variation in taxonomic distinctness (Δ+ and Λ+, respectively). The HC stations, especially those with fewer algal cover variations along the study period, showed few fluctuations of Δ+,and Λ+ was usually located near mean; however, UV stations tended to fall in the area where the statistical power of the test is reduced and showed more oscillations of Λ+. The ability of these indices to test the fauna composition in function of the alga presence is discussed.  相似文献   

盐沼湿地的冲淤变化是影响大型底栖动物功能群组成及其分布特征的一个重要因素。本文选择长江口南汇东滩作为研究区域,设置固定样地,分别于2015年11月和2016年2月,进行了大型底栖动物和沉积物理化因子的季节性取样分析,并在期间内每月进行滩面冲淤变化的观测,分析了枯季长江口南汇东滩潮间带盐沼湿地冲淤变化对大型底栖动物功能群的影响及作用机理。调研期间共采集到大型底栖动物37种,从功能群组成来看,以杂食者居多,共25种;植食者次之,共7种;肉食者最少,仅为5种。3种食性功能群的物种数、密度和生物量的时空变化特征有所不同。调研期间,3个功能群物种数都略有下降;植食者密度显著增加(P<0.01),而肉食者、杂食者密度变化不显著(P>0.05);3个功能群的生物量变化均不显著(P>0.05)。植食者密度和生物量在样地间都存在极显著差异(P<0.01);肉食者和杂食者仅密度在2016年2月的调研中存在样地间的显著差异(P<0.05)。不同样地月际冲淤变化特征有所不同,但总体均呈淤涨态势。多数环境因子存在显著的空间差异(P<0.05),仅不同深度的沉积物中值粒径在样地间无显著差异(P>0.05)。滩面冲淤变化对沉积物理化指标的变化具有主导作用。通过非线性回归分析筛选出的与各功能群物种数、密度、生物量变化具有显著相关性(P<0.05)的环境因子组合存在差异。其中,对植食者密度、生物量的变化和肉食者物种数的变化有显著影响的环境因子组合中都包含绝对冲淤变化量。滩面冲淤变化除对大型底栖动物产生直接影响外,还会通过改变沉积物理化因子特征,间接对大型底栖动物产生影响。对于3种食性功能群来说,产生影响作用的主要生境因子存在明显差异。虽然各食性功能群的物种数均有下降,但相对另外两种功能群而言,沉积物中的营养环境还是更利于杂食者的生存,因此杂食者在竞争过程中更具优势。未来相关研究需要在多因子系统监测的基础上,结合洪季的观测结果,进行综合分析。  相似文献   

A better understanding of biological systems can only be gained if we understand what processes are important and how they operate to determine the distribution of organisms. Coastal orientation and depth can influence environmental conditions, including the degree of water motion and availability of light, which in turn may influence the horizontal and vertical patterns of organism distribution. Here, we used a mixed‐model design to examine the effects of coastal orientation and depth on the structure of benthic assemblages by comparing the abundance and distribution of macroalgae and invertebrates in shallow and deep waters on the opposing coasts of São Miguel. Generally, coastal orientation had little influence on the distribution of most taxa. In contrast, significant differences were generally associated with depth, although patterns were spatially variable at the scale of locations. This study suggests that depth, and processes operating at the scale of location, but not at the scale of the coast, have an important influence on these assemblages, and that failure to recognise such a scale of variability may hamper our ability to better understand the processes that structure these communities.  相似文献   

Dredging and associated screening at a dredge site in the southern North Sea (Area 408) is associated with areas of well-sorted fine sand that extend for up to 3 km to the south-east of the dredged area and overlay sediments with a more variable particle size composition. This well-sorted fine sand may reflect deposition and transport of material mobilised by the dredging and screening processes at the dredge site. Multivariate analysis of the benthic community structure suggests that marine aggregate dredging, at the level of intensity employed in the study area prior to sample collection, has had a limited impact on benthic community composition compared with that reported from studies elsewhere. This is ascribed to the likely rapid rates of recolonisation by the mobile opportunistic polychaetes and crustaceans that dominate the macrofauna of the sandy gravel deposits at this particular dredge site. Analysis of variance showed, however, that significant differences existed between the sample treatments in terms of species evenness (Pielou's J). Dredged samples were found to have the lowest mean species evenness (0.71) when compared to controls (0.77). The present study highlights the inherent difficulties in the application of general impact/recovery predictions to dredged sites with varying environmental characteristics.  相似文献   

通过室内模拟实验研究了氟苯尼考对海洋沉积物中纤维素酶、过氧化氢酶和多酚氧化酶活性的影响。结果表明,在整个培养期间,低浓度(10mg/kg)的氟苯尼考对纤维素酶和过氧化氢酶活性没有明显影响,而较高浓度(100mg/kg和500mg/kg)则对过氧化氢酶活性具有明显的抑制作用,且随着氟苯尼考浓度的增加抑制作用加大。氟苯尼考在初始阶段对沉积物中多酚氧化酶的活性有显著的抑制作用;随着培养时间的延长,低浓度(10mg/kg)的氟苯尼考对酶活性的影响变得不明显,而较高浓度(100mg/kg和500mg/kg)的氟苯尼考在整个培养期间对多酚氧化酶的活性都具有显著的抑制作用。  相似文献   

血细胞是甲壳动物的免疫细胞,可通过吞噬、包囊、结节、黑化,以及分泌免疫活性分子等方式杀死和清除入侵的病原体。活跃的造血机能对更新和补充损耗的循环血细胞、维持一个稳定有效的免疫系统是至关重要的。相对脊椎动物而言,人们对包括甲壳动物在内的无脊椎动物的造血机制了解比较有限。本文总结了近年来在甲壳动物造血机制方面的研究进展,主要介绍了血细胞的类型和功能、造血组织的结构和细胞组成、血细胞的分化途径、造血的调控机制,以及相关的细胞模型和体外实验技术等。并在此基础上分析了已有研究存在的缺陷,提出了需要进一步探究的问题。  相似文献   

Oxygen and total dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) fluxes at the water–sediment interface were measured using benthic chambers to assess the short-term variations of community respiration (CR) in the back reef sediments of Reunion Island (Indian Ocean). Benthic CR had a daily cycle of minimal (6:00 AM) and maximal values (6:00 PM), showing increases of oxygen and DIC fluxes of 2.8- and 3.8-fold, respectively. Average CR values were observed at midday and midnight. The evolution of fluxes was positively related to oxygen concentration in ambient water, but not to temperature changes. In the study area, high daytime primary production augments the amount of energy available for community metabolism and increases benthic respiration. The benthic communities are therefore subjected to short-term variable environmental conditions with oxygen supersaturation during the day, and moderately hypoxic conditions at the end of the night.  相似文献   

Suspended sediment (SS) is an important pollutant in freshwater ecosystems and can be detrimental to fish communities. Although macrophytes mediate sediment deposition, little effort has been put into determining how their removal affects sediment resuspension. The present study examined the immediate and long-term impacts of mechanical macrophyte removal on SS concentrations in streams. The results of this study suggest that bed disturbance during mechanical excavation of macrophytes significantly increases SS in the short term, and concentrations were found to increase by as much as 15,687 mg L–1 immediately after macrophyte removal. Significant long-term (77 day) increases in SS were also observed, indicating that without macrophytes, disturbed material is continually resuspended after excavation by fluvial processes. These results demonstrate that macrophyte removal can result in SS levels that have previously been shown to harm fish, and indicate that this activity may be more detrimental to fish than previously thought.  相似文献   

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