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刘宏伟  吴杰  梁雯  方叶林 《地理科学》2017,37(11):1640-1648
运用Hicks-Moorsteen TFP指数法对中国公路运输业全要素生产率进行测度和演化分析。结果发现:2009~2012年中国公路全要素生产率实现了增长,2013~2015年出现下降。2009年来技术进步推动了东部地区公路运输全要素生产率的增长,而运营效率提升则在推动中西部地区公路运输全要素生产率增长时起到了关键作用。中西部地区公路运输效率增长优于东部地区。东部地区在引领技术进步的同时,应注重公路运输效率的提升;中西部地区应注意加大先进技术的引进。政府和主管部门对中西部公路运输应推出持续性支持政策。  相似文献   

高速城镇化和机动化阶段,面临与日剧增的环境压力,城市交通的多目标发展成为交通可持续发展的关键。在提升居民出行满意度的同时,降低交通碳排放是目前及未来城市交通可持续发展关注的核心目标,是城市交通效率的主要内涵。由此,本文从交通出行便捷与交通碳减排双目标综合评估的角度,提出基于中观尺度的城市交通出行满意度和交通碳排放的定量测算方法;并利用数据包络分析(Data Envelopment Analysis, DEA)法探讨城市交通综合效率评价方法。对北京市城六区的实证结果显示,在三环以内地区,城市交通综合效率较高,五环以外大部分地区较差。交通综合效率较高的地区集中分布于:①西三环至西四环万寿路街道的公主坟-五棵松地区。②北三环和平里街道安贞桥附近地区。③东北三环的三里屯地区。而综合效率较差的地区大多位于城市外围,例如西北六环周边,西南五环至西南六环部分地区,以及东五环外常营地区等,交通碳排放较高是这些地区交通效率较差的主要原因。此外,交通效率的空间差异与地理空间环境的差异性呈现高度的相关。例如,交通效率较差的地区大多是高档别墅区集聚的地区,以及城市五环周边公共交通不完善的部分居住区。通勤中机动化比例较高和通勤距离较长是碳排放强度较高的主要原因。  相似文献   

田玲玲  张晋  王法辉  李响  郑文升  罗静 《地理科学》2019,39(9):1455-1463
公共服务资源的空间配置问题一直存在效率与公平价值导向的博弈,空间综合人文社科的兴起,使其演化成一个空间优化问题。医疗资源空间配置的规划注重决策连续性,据此提出改进空间可达性的两步优化法。在农村地区资源有限的情况下,以空间可达性为主要指标,建立公平与效率导向下的二次规划模型,通过重新选址和设定规模以保证居民获得就医机会的最大公平和效率,并以湖北省仙桃市为案例进行应用研究。结果表明,新选地址和规模优化结果能使仙桃市医疗资源空间配置的公平性和效率性得到显著提高,2个步骤相结合,使其成为真正的混合优化模型,达到效率和公平平衡的双重目标。  相似文献   

南京市交通网络的分形特征   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
柏春广  蔡先华 《地理研究》2008,27(6):1419-1426
以分形理论为基础,借助于地理信息系统软件,对南京市区交通网络进行了长度-半径维数和分枝维数的测算,结果表明南京市区的交通网络具有分形特征,长度-半径维数为1.574,而分枝维数为1.3934,两者之间存在一定差异。通过进一步对主城区各行政区交通网络的盒子维数的测算,揭示出各行政区的交通网络也具有分形特征,分维值介于1.3568与1.4991之间,其大小与经济发展状况并没有很好的对应关系。如何以经济状况为基础数据指导城市各行政区的交通发展,以及两者之间是否在其他区域尺度上存在相关关系等,仍是需要有更多研究基础才能深入探讨的问题。  相似文献   

Recent research on the role of public capital in the economy focuses primarily on assessing its economic, and sometimes spatial economic, impacts. Access to more detailed and disaggregate data than typically used in these analyses allows us to take a fresh perspective on the often conflicting goals of interregional equity and aggregate efficiency. Using the state of Ohio as a case study, and classic definitions of equity and efficiency, we assess the correspondence between distributions of infrastructure investment and the social/economic distress they are intended to alleviate. Traditional map and statistical analysis combined with a graphical device we call the variegated distribution plot reveals that, in both rates and levels, investment is highest in areas of greatest distress. Both patterns are consistent with equity-driven investment distributions.  相似文献   

河南省县域交通优势度综合评价及空间格局演变   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从路网密度、可达性和区位优势度3个方面构建区域交通优势度综合评价指标,并采用熵权TOPSIS法对河南省2003年和2008年县域单元的交通优势度进行综合评价;进而运用ESDA法对交通优势度及增长空间格局进行探讨。研究表明,河南各县市交通优势度均获得了不同程度的改善,交通优势度呈现出显著的空间相关性和空间集聚特征,中心与外围间、平原与山区间的交通优势度空间差异显著;高速公路网络的构建使中原城市群地区大多数县市的交通优势度获得了大幅度提升,但豫南和豫西南山区、盆地的相对增长率较高;最后指出,充分利用地区交通优势和规避交通劣势是地区经济发展战略制定、产业选择和空间结构优化需要考虑的基础要素。  相似文献   

基于绿色出行理念的合肥市区空气污染分区调控研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
顾康康  朱鹏祥  宁杨  汪斐 《地理科学》2019,39(8):1312-1320
空气污染是城市主要的环境问题之一,严重影响到城市人类健康,而交通尾气排放是空气污染的重要原因。绿色出行是基于城市可持续发展的要求,通过发展低碳、绿色、环保的出行方式,缓解城市交通拥堵、城市污染等问题的一种交通理念。基于绿色出行理念的城市空气污染分区调控研究,对于改善城市环境质量、提升人居环境品质具有重大意义。以合肥市区为例,构建基于绿色出行理念的城市空气污染评估框架,提出公共交通、步行及自行车的3类绿色出行评价指标,运用大数据分析绿色出行方式降低空气污染物排放的潜力。结果表明:合肥市区公共交通出行呈现东西、南北2条带状分布,步行及自行车出行集中于路网密度较高的城市二环内,“一核两轴”地区的绿色出行条件较好,改善空气污染物排放的潜力较强;城市空气污染空间呈现城市一环、滨湖新区核心区2个凹地;探讨绿色出行与城市空气污染的空间关系,发现两者存在一定的空间权衡关系;最后,基于绿色出行与城市空气污染的空间分布关系,将合肥市区分为绿色出行区、优化建设区、潜力提升区、出行限制区4类区域,并对不同区域提出城市空气污染优化策略。  相似文献   

A great deal of attention has been paid to the efficiency of the analysis of sustainable urban and regional growth. This includes social participation and social capital, which require a consideration of equity. In this paper, an approach from central-place theory for sustainable urban and regional growth is examined, taking into consideration relevant variables such as ageing, social interaction and accessibility. A lack of consideration of equity could cause several social exclusion problems, and these problems could develop into spatial consumer exclusion. Solutions for these problems would not only improve equity but also efficiency, and the outcome would addresses the necessity of an alternative spatial formation based on a wider-regional rural central-place system according to given economic, social and spatial configurations.  相似文献   

北京城区公共交通满意度模型与空间结构评价   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
季珏  高晓路 《地理学报》2009,64(12):1477-1487
以北京市城八氏的公共交通为切入点.探索了城市空间结构的评价分析方法.通过"公共交通可达性"指标.将城市实体空间结构的指标与居民对公共交通的满意度连系起来.建立了以满意度为目标的城市空间结构评价体系.并对提升城市空间结构的实体空间因子进行了实证分析.首先,对"公共交通可达性"的各项影响因子进行了梳理,从公共交通服务质量、区域经济特征、道路建设三个方面,提出了包括公交通达度、人口和经济集聚度、道路密度、区位指标等在内的城市公共交通可达性的评价指标体系.其次,构建了以居民满意度为因变量的公共交通可达性评价模型.分析定量揭示了公交站点配置、公交通达度、经济密度等凶素对了:城市空间结构的优化作用.同时分析表明.公共交通的优化需充分考虑不同属性的居民群体的空间分布规律.据此,从城市空间结构评价的角度分析了北京市公共交通中存在的问题,并提出如下建议:①市政交通规划的重点应放在五环以内地区;②实现800m公交站点服务面积全覆盖;③加强各地与市区重要功能节点的公共交通联系来提高其通达度;④根据居民的分布和属性特征出台相应的公交服务政策提高不同居民群体的公共交通满意度.  相似文献   

公共交通影响下的北京公共服务设施可达性   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
蒋海兵  张文忠  韦胜 《地理科学进展》2017,36(10):1239-1249
本文尝试利用大量微观空间数据从供需角度评价北京公共交通影响下的公共服务设施可达性及其空间效率和供需匹配情况,分别采用比例法与最短时间距离法测算公共服务设施的可达性,运用定序变量相关法与因子空间叠置法分析公共设施可达性的供需匹配程度。结果表明:北京居住小区公共设施总体可达性水平较高。其中,4环以内各类公共设施可达性水平最高,居住小区到公共设施的平均时间20分钟内的小区占比高达90%以上;5-6环可达性水平最差,平均时间20分钟内的小区占比在50%以下。高需求高可达性街道比重相对较高,而高需求低可达性街道主要分布于5-6环的东部和北部地区。在公共设施中,小学可达性最好,而医院和购物中心则更强调空间效率。针对识别出的公共设施的高需求低可达性街道,应从出行方式、公共交通线路与公共服务设施建设等方面采取对策,化解公共设施的供需矛盾问题。  相似文献   

武汉市多维度城市公园绿地空间公平性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
徐欣  胡静  贾垚焱  田小波 《地理科学》2021,41(12):2138-2148
以武汉市中心城区为研究区域,居民建筑为研究单元,基于步行、骑行及公共交通3种出行方式,从城市公园绿地数量、质量及可达性3个维度衡量每个建筑单元的公园绿地空间公平性水平。结果表明:① 3种交通方式下建筑单元的公园绿地公平性分布相差较大,但整体呈现由城中心沿江区域向外围辐射递减的分布特征;② 随着居民出行方式的升级,极限出行时间内居民的活动范围不断扩大,因此所享有公园绿地公平性水平逐步提升;③ 城市公园绿地资源与人口分布存在空间失配现象,多数公园绿地分布于城市中部,而南北部城郊区域分布较少,西北和西南部多数区域居民享有公园绿地公平性水平整体较差。  相似文献   

Human interactions with the marine environment and pollution hold broad lessons for understanding environmental change. Expanding geographical inquiry beyond its traditional, land-based foci and delving deeper into marine environment and risk issues offers fruitful avenues by which to elaborate and refine our understanding of nature-society relationships. I present a case study of marine petroleum transportation risks in the Straits of Malacca to illustrate the complex history of political and economic processes across a range of scales and shaping the risks in the Straits. The inescapable tension between generalizing global social and environmental processes and recognizing the array of local differences drives ongoing policy debates in the Straits, as it does increasingly for many global environmental problems.  相似文献   

基于投影寻踪模型的河南县域交通与经济协调性评价   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
孟德友  陆玉麒  樊新生 《地理研究》2013,32(11):2092-2106
通过建构县域交通优势度与经济发展水平综合评价指标体系,运用投影寻踪模型对2003 年和2008 年河南省各县域单元的交通优势度和经济发展水平进行综合评价与比较。进而采用耦合协调度模型对河南县域交通优势度与区域经济发展水平的耦合协调性进行评价、比较与分类。研究表明,2003-2008 年期间河南省各县市交通优势度与经济发展水平均获得了较大幅度的提升,但区域分异现象还较为突出。县域交通优势度由2003 年的沿主要交通干线带状分布向团块状连片分布态势演进,中原城市群地区县市交通优势度高于外围地区,平原地区县市交通优势度高于山区县市;而县域经济综合发展水平西部普遍高于东部,山区资源县市高于平原农业县市。交通优势度与县域经济耦合作用强度普遍较高,并呈明显的增强态势,但多数地区交通与经济的协调发展度还有待提升,大多数县市交通发展水平超前于经济发展水平。因此,如何在既有的交通优势条件下推进河南县域经济的快速发展,是实现河南交通与经济协调发展的关键问题。  相似文献   

基于道路网络的商业网点市场域分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
社会经济活动中人们的空间行为往往是基于道路网络来实现的。但是,目前多数研究都假设地理空间是一个均质空间,采用基于平面欧氏距离的空间分析方法,这是有局限的。本文阐述了基于网络距离的网络Voronoi图基本概念和实现方法,以武汉市商业零售连锁企业为例,分别采用基于欧氏距离的普通Voronoi图方法和基于网络距离的网络Voronoi图方法来确定商业零售网点的市场域,结果表明武汉市主城区商业网点市场域较小、主城区外围市场域较大。市场域大小与城市路网密度呈现一定相关关系,路网密度高、市场域小,路网密度低、市场域大。两种方法的计算结果存在一定差异,差异大小与路网密度有关,路网密度大、差异小,路网密度小、差异大。这表明在路网密度大的情况下,可以采用普通Voronoi图粗略地模拟商业网点的市场域。  相似文献   

Minerals and the metals derived therefrom are non-renewable resources that deliver a wide range of goods and services to mankind. While their value has been recognized since thousands of years, their large-scale industrial production only really took off after World War II, thanks to the availability of efficient industrial production processes and of a rapidly rising demand, driven by demographic growth, urbanization and growing economic affluence in developed countries. The fast development of the Chinese economy, with about 300 million people reaching middle-class status and migrating to cities, drove a boom demand for minerals and metals of unprecedented magnitude in terms of tonnages consumed, that lasted from 2002 to 2013. Over a century, from 1914 to 2013, the production and consumption of pig iron, manganese and copper grew by a factor of 20, that of chromium by a factor of 182 and that of phosphate by a factor of nearly 42, while humanity grew only by a factor of about 4. Driven by demographic growth, continuing urbanization and growth of the global middle class the demand for minerals and metals will continue to exponentially grow. A scenario is proposed assessing what the theoretical requirements could be up to 2050 for minerals and metals commonly used in the construction industry, to develop infrastructure, for the mass production of metal intensive goods such as cars or in agriculture, to provide our food. The scenario, built on the trends observed since 1950, foresees that, by 2050, the demand for aluminium demand could be eight times the current production levels and the production of cement would need to grow by a factor of 7 to meet the 2050 level of demand. The lead demand would double by 2050. While geological scarcity does not appear to be an issue to feed such a demand, many factors are likely to limit the amount of minerals and metals that can be sustainably produced. Energy and water, both essential to mining, ore processing and metallurgy are likely to be limiting factors, as well as the sustainable management of the enormous amount of waste that would be generated. Public acceptance and access to exploration and mine development financing are other limiting factors to be considered. Inter-generational equity among all the stakeholders is concerned by mining, and intra-generational equity is necessary to ensure that the use of non-renewable natural capital provides benefits that last well beyond the closure of mining operations. This requires equity among stakeholders, including with nature, the silent stakeholder our lives depend on. Overcoming the challenges of the twenty-first century will require the following factors:
  • Decoupling economic growth from its unsustainable negative environmental impacts (UNEP 2011a), inter alia to reduce the pressure on natural resources;
  • Rapid development of a more circular economy based on resource efficiency and the systematic minimization of waste. Flanking policy measures (for instance: European Commission 2016) are needed to close the natural resources loop and avoid the dire predicaments of resources depletion;
  • Institutional strengthening and capacity building to ensure that sustainability agendas are developed and well integrated in corporate strategies and public policies; and
  • Trust among the stakeholders, based on corporate accountability, transparency, stakeholder engagement and reporting of the economic, environmental, governance and social performance of companies.
Failure to act on the above requirements at the global scale is likely to be a source of deep crisis where all humanity could lose.

传统的公平与效率停留在经济系统内部,存在着很大的局限性,而可持续发展的公平是代内公平与代际公平的统一,可持续发展的效率是经济效率,生态效率和社会效率的统一,目前,我国水资源现状特别是北方地区的情况非常严峻,水资源分布和开发利用既不能实现公平也不能体现效率,文章在分析南水北调工程合理调配水资源,实现水资源可持续利用的公平与效率的基础上,提出了实施南水北调工程,实现水资源利用的公平和效率需要采取的对策建议。  相似文献   

Economics, especially the narrowly defined form of economics known as neo-liberal economics, along with its policy derivative known as economic rationalism, dominates public and political debate and decision-making in Australia and many other nations as the twentieth century approaches its close. In the context of environmental issues, as also in that of welfare issues, the present over-dominance is unhealthy. Despite the best attempts of environmental economists and ecological economists, they have had relatively little influence on the broader economic profession, or on the political and business communities. Economics and free trade also dominate the international scene at the expense of equity and environmental issues. Environmental debates, by their very nature, are usually complex, requiring interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary approaches which include the economic perspective, but much else besides. Despite the importance of local context and spatial and temporal location, there is a need for a meta-theory or national philosophy to allow the integration across space and time so often needed. The present meta-theory, firmly based in economic rationalism, is inadequate as a basis for environmental decision-making. We desperately need a new meta-theory that explicitly integrates economic, environmental, welfare and many other perspectives. Perhaps such a meta-theory could be broadly based on the concept of sustainability, though much more work is needed to refine such an approach. A major swing in public opinion from the old meta-theory to the new is essential as a forerunner to political action, and education at all levels is needed to bring about this change. There are some signs that this change is already informing public opinion, and that it may have begun to influence mainstream Australian politics.  相似文献   

With the explosive growth of Uber and other mobility service providers, their influences on urban mobility have attracted attention from both researchers and policy circles alike, yet few quantitative studies have been conducted on the topic. Using Uber pickup data in New York City in 2014, this article investigates the spatiotemporal relationship between Uber and public transit using buffer analysis and spatial cross-correlation analysis and assesses Uber’s impact on urban transportation equity with the Gini coefficient and correlation analysis. Our results confirm previous arguments that Uber both complements and competes with public transit, but competition is more prevalent in New York City. Specifically, Uber competes with public transit during most hours of the day and in areas with good public transit coverage, whereas it complements public transit at midnight and in places with insufficient public transit services. The distribution of Uber services is highly unequal, and Uber’s role in improving transport equity is insignificant. Correlation analysis shows that there tend to be fewer Uber pickups in low-income areas, which diverges from previous studies suggesting that Uber serves low-income areas well. In addition, a weak negative correlation is detected between the number of Uber pickups and the percentage of minorities.  相似文献   

在区域经济中,交通是联系地理空间和区域经济活动的纽带,交通的发达程度决定了各地理单元空间相互作用的广度与深度.针对不同交通模式赋以不同的权重,基于最短加权交通网络,提出新的空间权重矩阵构建方法,构建了交通网络空间权重,与各种传统空间权重一起,对比研究甘肃省各县域单元之间的区域经济的空间相关性.研究结果表明,利用交通网络空间权重生成的空间权重矩阵,能更真实地反映区域间实际的空间过程;甘肃省的区域经济具有空间相关性但不显著,核心城市经济外溢现象不明显.  相似文献   


Recent research on the role of public capital in the economy focuses primarily on assessing its economic, and sometimes spatial economic, impacts. Access to more detailed and disaggregate data than typically used in these analyses allows us to take a fresh perspective on the often conflicting goals of interregional equity and aggregate efficiency. Using the state of Ohio as a case study, and classic definitions of equity and efficiency, we assess the correspondence between distributions of infrastructure investment and the social/economic distress they are intended to alleviate. Traditional map and statistical analysis combined with a graphical device we call the variegated distribution plot reveals that, in both rates and levels, investment is highest in areas of greatest distress. Both patterns are consistent with equity-driven investment distributions.  相似文献   

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