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多次透射边界是一种应用广泛的人工边界,类似于其它局部人工边界,它也存在计算稳定性问题。本文分析多次透射边界高频振荡失稳的原因,通过数值试验对已有的消除高频失稳措施进行比较分析,并给出在散射问题中已有消除高频失稳措施的适用性。研究表明,对于完全弹性问题,建议用滤波方法消除高频振荡失稳,但滤波系数的取值需要依据一定的经验;对于黏弹性问题,建议适当控制阻尼取值,利用差分格式本身的高能耗特性来抑制高频振荡失稳,该方法不存在参数选取的问题,更便于应用实施。  相似文献   

多次透射边界是一种应用广泛的人工边界,类似于其它局部人工边界,它也存在计算稳定性问题。本文分析多次透射边界高频振荡失稳的原因,通过数值试验对已有的消除高频失稳措施进行比较分析,并给出在散射问题中已有消除高频失稳措施的适用性。研究表明,对于完全弹性问题,建议用滤波方法消除高频振荡失稳,但滤波系数的取值需要依据一定的经验;对于黏弹性问题,建议适当控制阻尼取值,利用差分格式本身的高能耗特性来抑制高频振荡失稳,该方法不存在参数选取的问题,更便于应用实施。  相似文献   

本文对场地地震波动模拟中透射边界的稳定性问题进行了一系列研究。对已有的透射边界稳定措施做了比较分析,并给出了不同措施的适用性。结合粘弹性边界的物理模型提出了一个新的消除透射边界飘移失稳的措施,参考高频滤波的思路探讨了一种新的消除透射边界葛频振荡失稳的措施,并用数值试验验证了这两种新的透射边界稳定方法的有效性。将显式行限元一有限差分方法结合透射边界的数值解法的计算结果与解析结果作对比分析,验证这弹一套数值解法的计算精度。利用二维模型模拟了自贡土层和山脊地形的场地效应,利用显戈有限元一有限差分方法结合透射边界这套数值解法进行数值模拟计算,应用汶川地震的实示强震观测记录来验证这套数值解法对于实际地震波动模拟的有效性。  相似文献   

针对应用多次透射人工边界公式求解散射问题时可能出现的飘移失稳现象,对比分析了实时降阶法、修正算子法、附加黏弹器法和改进输入法的消飘效果和对计算精度的影响,结果表明:4种方法均可有效消除或抑制比较缓慢的飘移失稳现象;飘移趋势强烈时,修正算子法和附加黏弹器法可能无法有效地抑制失稳;当阻尼较小时,采用实时降阶法可能引入额外的低频误差;在能够确定适当参数值的前提下,修正算子法和附加黏弹器法能够提高低频计算精度;改进输入法则无需人为设置参数,能够在抑制飘移失稳的同时提高计算精度。  相似文献   

波动有限元方程显式逐步积分格式稳定性分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对常用的波动有限元方程的两种显式格式的稳定性进行了分析,利用单元的最大频率乃是系统的特征频率的上界的概念结合模态分析方法,给出了便于实际应用的稳定性必要条件。同时,利用Von Neumann方法给出了这两种格式稳定性的充分条件,并通过算例对这两种稳定性条件进行验证。  相似文献   

结构动力学方程的显式积分格式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从空间解耦有限元常微分方程组出发,探讨了结构动力学方程的高精度显式积分格式。通过被积函数的拉格朗日多项式内插和分部积分导出了波动数值模拟的一组显式时步积分公式。这组公式是时间和空间解耦的,即波场内任一离散节点在任一时刻的波动数据可以用这组公式依据该节点及其邻近节点在该时刻之前的n+1个时刻的波动数据显式地算出(n为非负整数),阐明了这组公式的如下特点:第一,其截断误差的量级不超过0(Δt^n+3),Δt为时间步距。第二,它不仅可用于线性波动的数值模拟,而且可用于本构方程具有强非线性情形。第三,这组公式也可推广应用于一系列数学物理暂态问题的数值求解。针对一个简单的时不变系统初步分析了此组积分格式的稳定性。但是,对其稳定性尚需作进一步研究。  相似文献   

人工边界高频振荡失稳机理的一点注记   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
谢志南  廖振鹏 《地震学报》2008,30(3):302-306
进一步完善了人工边界高频振荡失稳机理的解释. 解析证明了对于一维波动模型的离散模型, 当人工波速大于1.5倍的离散空间步距与时间步距的比值时, 则在某一高频段内, 其稳态波动解在人工边界上反射系数的模大于1的命题. 在此基础上对失稳的高频段作了进一步的讨论, 揭示了高频振荡失稳发生于对波动数值模拟无意义的高频段.   相似文献   

局部地形对入射P波谱特性的影响分析   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
利用显式有限元有限差分方法研究了局部突出平台状粘弹性场地的地形影响,比较了高宽比不同、体波入射角度不同时谱特性的差异,分析了相邻地形的存在对地面运动谱特性的影响。研究结果表明,对于局部突出地形,高宽比和体波入射角度对地震动的谱特性有较大影响,入射角度的影响更为显著;相邻地形的存在使地面运动进一步放大。  相似文献   

求解加速度反应的显式积分格式研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前波动显式有限元分析多以位移或速度作为输入,而加速度记录更直接地保留了地震动的原始信息。为此,本文发展了一种直接以地震加速度作为输入的显式算法,该算法以中心差分和New-m ark-β法结合,并通过平衡方程约简得到。以水塔及框架结构为例,与现有振型分解联合Duham el积分方法、Newm ark-β隐式解法及五种显式算法进行了对比分析。结果表明:该算法与文献[3]的方法,可以在保证计算效率的前提下,得到与振型分解联合Duham el积分方法、Newm ark-β隐式解法相吻合的加速度反应。  相似文献   

本文针对显式有限元-有限差分法进行了系统的研究,包括理论分析、算法改进以及实际应用.通过理论推导定量地研究了采用这种数值模拟方法对波动传播规律的影响,以及其在结合局部透射人工边界进行计算时的稳定条件.就采用该方法结合局部透射人工边界求解波源问题和散射问题的情况分别提出了改进计算的措施,并通过数值试验验证其有效性.  相似文献   

In this paper the explanation of the mechanism of high-frequency oscillation instability resulted from absorbing boundary conditions is further improved. And we analytically prove the proposition that for one dimensional discrete model of elastic wave motion, the module of reflection factor will be greater than 1 in high frequency band when artificial wave velocity is greater than 1.5 times the ratio of discrete space step to discrete time step. Based on the proof, the frequency band in which instability occurs is discussed in detail, showing such high-frequency waves are meaningless for the numerical simulation of wave motion.  相似文献   

Anexplicitfiniteelement-finitedifference methodforanalyzingtheeffectofvisco-elastic local topography on the earthquake motion...  相似文献   

本文以饱水两相介质的土力学模型为研究对象,在假定两相介质为弹性介质条件下,采用了显式有限元法和透射边界进行了饱和弹性半空间动力响应问题的研究。为避免谐波输入初始间断的影响,文中提出了一个处理函数,并以弹性半空间为算例,对饱水介质和单相介质分别进行了在底边界P波垂直入射时的动力响应分析,验证了该处理函数的有效性和实用性。  相似文献   

就大型近场波动的高效数值模拟而言,稳定实现高阶人工边界是一个尚未圆满解决的问题.本文针对使用多次透射公式的SH波动集中质量有限元模拟,依据GKS定理的群速度解释,进一步阐明了人工边界与内域离散格式耦合所导致高频失稳的机理,即两者支持群速度指向内域的外行高频平面谐波,波动能量自发地从人工边界进入內域,从而导致失稳,而这类谐波是由集中质量有限元离散引入的.本文提出了消除此种耦合失稳的一种方法:通过修改有限元刚度阵来改变内域离散格式,并保证修改格式的精度不低于原有格式的精度.理论分析和数值实验表明此法能稳定实现透射边界.本文研究结果具有推广应用前景.  相似文献   

A three‐dimensional transmitting boundary is formulated in the Cartesian co‐ordinate system. It is developed for the dynamic soil–structure interaction problems of arbitrary shape foundations in laterally heterogeneous strata overlying rigid bedrock. Dynamics of a rectangular rigid surface foundation on a homogeneous stratum is analysed by a hybrid approach in which the finite region including foundation is modelled by the conventional finite element method and the surrounding infinite region by the newly developed transmitting boundary. To demonstrate its strength, the present method is applied to a rectangular foundation in a horizontally heterogeneous ground consisting of two distinct regions divided by and welded along a vertical plane. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

本文使用与文献[1]相同的数值模拟方法,预测了某城市设定矩震级为MW=6.75的活断层产生的近断层强地面运动。主要定性计算结果是:正倾滑断层(倾角δ=75°)产生的近断层强地面运动也不同程度地存在上盘效应、F ling Step效应、速度大脉冲效应和竖向效应。表明本文采用的震源模型和计算方法可以实际应用于预测城市近断层强地面运动影响场。  相似文献   

The study on the interrelation between sea-level changes and biodiversity with its evolution has great significance for understanding the impact of global changes on organic evolution and exploring the inherent laws of life-environment coevolution in geological history. In this paper, the stratigraphic distribution of fusulinacean fauna in the Carboniferous-Permian boundary section at Xikou, Zhen’an County, Shaanxi Province, is analyzed quantitatively, and the relationship between the species diversity of fusulinaceans and relative sea-level changes is discussed. As a whole, the species numbers of fusulinacean fauna experience a rapid increase and an obvious decline in Xikou, Zhen’an County, from the Late Carboniferous to the Early Permian. There is a significant increase in species diversity around the Carboniferous-Permian boundary, which is one of the biggest bio-events of the fusulinacean fauna, and represents the radiation of Pseudoschwagerininae subfamily in the studied area. Integrated fusulinacean species diversity into sequence stratigraphic framework, detailed study suggests that the species diversity of the fusulinaceans is closely related to its relative stratigraphic location, and is essentially controlled by the sea-level changes, especially by the high-frequency sea-level changes. Generally, the species diversity of fusulinaceans is low, and the number of first and last appearance datum is small in the lower unit of high-frequency depositional cycle formed during the quick rise of the sea level; whereas the species diversity of fusulinaceans is high, and the number of first and last appearance datum is large in the upper unit of high-frequency cycle formed during the slow fall of the sea level. Within the third-order depositional sequence, the species diversity of the fusulinaceans at the first flooding surfaces and the maximum flooding surfaces is low, and it increases upward. The fusulinacean species diversity is low within the transgressive systems track, and it is high within the highstand systems track. The second-order rise and fall in sea level coincide with the bloom and decline of high order taxa of fusulinaceans.  相似文献   

Magnetic field measurements, taken by the magnetometer experiment (MAM) on board the German Equator-S spacecraft, have been used to identify and categorise 131 crossings of the dawn-side magnetopause at low latitude, providing unusual, long duration coverage of the adjacent magnetospheric regions and near magnetosheath. The crossings occurred on 31 orbits, providing unbiased coverage over the full range of local magnetic shear from 06:00 to 10:40 LT. Apogee extent places the spacecraft in conditions associated with intermediate, rather than low, solar wind dynamic pressure, as it processes into the flank region. The apogee of the spacecraft remains close to the magnetopause for mean solar wind pressure. The occurrence of the magnetopause encounters are summarised and are found to compare well with predicted boundary location, where solar wind conditions are known. Most scale with solar wind pressure. Magnetopause shape is also documented and we find that the magnetopause orientation is consistently sunward of a model boundary and is not accounted for by IMF or local magnetic shear conditions. A number of well-established crossings, particularly those at high magnetic shear, or exhibiting unusually high-pressure states, were observed and have been analysed for their boundary characteristics and some details of their boundary and near magnetosheath properties are discussed. Of particular note are the occurrence of mirror-like signatures in the adjacent magnetosheath during a significant fraction of the encounters and a high number of multiple crossings over a long time period. The latter is facilitated by the spacecraft orbit which is designed to remain in the near magnetosheath for average solar wind pressure. For most encounters, a well-ordered, tangential (draped) magnetosheath field is observed and there is little evidence of large deviations in local boundary orientations. Two passes corresponding to close conjunctions of the Geotail spacecraft are analysed to confirm boundary orientation and motion. These further show evidence of an anti-sunward moving depression on the magnetopause (which is much smaller at Equator-S). The Tsyganenko model field is used routinely to assist in categorising the crossings and some comparison of models is carried out. We note that typically the T87 model fits the data better than the T89 model during conditions of low to intermediate Kp index near the magnetopause and also near the dawn-side tail current sheet in the dawnside region.  相似文献   

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