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Reverse-time migration has attracted more and more attention owing to the advantages of high imaging accuracy, no dip restriction, and adaptation to complex velocity models. Cross-correlation imaging method is typically used in conventional reverse-time migration that produces images with strong low-frequency noise. Wavefield decomposition imaging can suppress such noise; however, some residual noise persists in the imaging results. We propose a 2D multidirectional wavefield decomposition method based on the traditional wavefield decomposition method. First, source wavefields and receiver wavefields are separated into eight subwavefields, respectively. Second, cross-correlation imaging is applied to selected subwavefields to produce subimages. Finally, the subimages are stacked to generate the final image. Numerical examples suggest that the proposed method can eliminate the low-frequency noise effectively and produce high-quality imaging profiles.  相似文献   

初至波走时反演难以得到复杂的地下构造,而早至波波形反演在处理远偏移距地震记录时易产生周期跳跃现象,只能利用近偏移距数据进行反演.但近偏移距的早至波所携带的信息较少,难以实现对地下介质的高精度速度建模.为解决上述问题,并充分利用远偏移距的早至波信息,本文提出基于初至波波场重构的早至波反演方法.该方法将早至波波动方程作为惩...  相似文献   

Seismic wavefield modeling is important for improving seismic data processing and interpretation. Calculations of wavefield propagation are sometimes not stable when forward modeling of seismic wave uses large time steps for long times. Based on the Hamiltonian expression of the acoustic wave equation, we propose a structure-preserving method for seismic wavefield modeling by applying the symplectic finite-difference method on time grids and the Fourier finite-difference method on space grids to solve the acoustic wave equation. The proposed method is called the symplectic Fourier finite-difference (symplectic FFD) method, and offers high computational accuracy and improves the computational stability. Using acoustic approximation, we extend the method to anisotropic media. We discuss the calculations in the symplectic FFD method for seismic wavefield modeling of isotropic and anisotropic media, and use the BP salt model and BP TTI model to test the proposed method. The numerical examples suggest that the proposed method can be used in seismic modeling of strongly variable velocities, offering high computational accuracy and low numerical dispersion. The symplectic FFD method overcomes the residual qSV wave of seismic modeling in anisotropic media and maintains the stability of the wavefield propagation for large time steps.  相似文献   

地震信号中的多尺度信息对于分辨率、成像精度和反演结果有非常重要的意义,本文提出一种基于直达波模拟波场重建震源子波的地震数据频移算子,以期能应用于基于波动的地震信号多尺度分频.频移过程主要分为两步,第一步利用直达波反传构建震源子波,第二步借助震源子波和频移算子进行多尺度分频.与常规数字滤波器相比,频移算子突破了滤波造成信...  相似文献   

基于波动方程理论的地震波场数值模拟方法综述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
地震波场数值模拟的重要性日益凸显,其在地震勘探、各向异性介质属性研究、强地面振动预测、理论地震图合成等方面的应用日渐增多.基于波动方程理论的模拟方法有很多,如:有限差分法、伪谱法、有限元法、谱元法、边界元法等,而现有的综述性文献仅仅是关注某一种或是几种算法,还未有融入最新的文献后系统论述以上五种方法的综述性文献.鉴于此...  相似文献   

基于Bregman迭代的复杂地震波场稀疏域插值方法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
在地震勘探中,野外施工条件等因素使观测系统很难记录到完整的地震波场,因此,资料处理中的地震数据插值是一个重要的问题。尤其在复杂构造条件下,缺失的叠前地震数据给后续高精度处理带来严重的影响。压缩感知理论源于解决图像采集问题,主要包含信号的稀疏表征以及数学组合优化问题的求解,它为地震数据插值问题的求解提供了有效的解决方案。在应用压缩感知求解复杂地震波场的插值问题中,如何最佳化表征复杂地震波场以及快速准确的迭代算法是该理论应用的关键问题。Seislet变换是一个特殊针对地震波场表征的稀疏多尺度变换,该方法能有效地压缩地震波同相轴。同时,Bregman迭代算法在以稀疏表征为核心的压缩感知理论中,是一种有效的求解算法,通过选取适当的阈值参数,能够开发地震波动力学预测理论、图像处理变换方法和压缩感知反演算法相结合的地震数据插值方法。本文将地震数据插值问题纳入约束最优化问题,选取能够有效压缩复杂地震波场的OC-seislet稀疏变换,应用Bregman迭代方法求解压缩感知理论框架下的混合范数反问题,提出了Bregman迭代方法中固定阈值选取的H曲线方法,实现地震波场的快速、准确重建。理论模型和实际数据的处理结果验证了基于H曲线准则的Bregman迭代稀疏域插值方法可以有效地恢复复杂波场的缺失信息。  相似文献   

利用Gabor-Daubechies(G?-D)小波束域波场分解和传播在空间和方向上的双重局域性,提出了基于G?-D小波束域叠前深度偏移进行角度域成像和计算局部散射系数矩阵的方法. 以简单分层模型为例,对不同探测系统的局部散射系数矩阵分布特征进行分析. 分析结果表明,在一定的探测系统几何布局下,由本文方法得到的局部散射系数矩阵能够较真实地反映局部结构的散射(或反射)特性. 通过局部散射系数矩阵进一步外推具有不同速度反差的水平界面随角度变化的反射系数,并估计界面的空间位置和倾角等说明局部散射系数矩阵的潜在应用.  相似文献   

基于共炮偏移的AVO反演   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
常规AVO多是利用CMP道集的振幅进行反演。主要有三个方面影响其精度:首先,CMP道集假设地下为水平层状介质,但是实际地下介质多为倾斜地层,地层倾角越大CMP道集的振幅所反映地下介质的位置与实际位置差距就越大。其次,NMO、DMO和反褶积等常规处理流程,都会造成振幅值失真。第三,反演所用的反射系数公式是与入射角有关的量,而欲从CMP道集得到准确的入射角与振幅之间的对应关系,则十分困难。波动方程叠前深度偏移除对复杂介质和陡倾角地层具有较强的成像能力,还可以最大限度的减少常规处理所带来的误差并使振幅归位。本文综合了保幅偏移、角度道集提取以及AVO反演等前人的工作,提出直接从炮集数据反演AVO属性的方法,以期显著减少上述三个因素对AVO反演精度的影响。  相似文献   

We propose a method based on the Poynting vector that combines angle-domain imaging and image amplitude correction to overcome the shortcomings of reverse-time migration that cannot handle different angles during wave propagation. First, the local image matrix (LIM) and local illumination matrix are constructed, and the wavefield propagation directions are decomposed. The angle-domain imaging conditions are established in the local imaging matrix to remove low-wavenumber artifacts. Next, the angle-domain common image gathers are extracted and the dip angle is calculated, and the amplitude-corrected factors in the dip angle domain are calculated. The partial images are corrected by factors corresponding to the different angles and then are superimposed to perform the amplitude correction of the final image. Angle-domain imaging based on the Poynting vector improves the computation efficiency compared with local plane-wave decomposition. Finally, numerical simulations based on the SEG/EAGE velocity model are used to validate the proposed method.  相似文献   

Imaging the PP- and PS-wave for the elastic vector wave reverse-time migration requires separating the P- and S-waves during the wave field extrapolation. The amplitude and phase of the P- and S-waves are distorted when divergence and curl operators are used to separate the P- and S-waves. We present a P- and S-wave amplitude-preserving separation algorithm for the elastic wavefield extrapolation. First, we add the P-wave pressure and P-wave vibration velocity equation to the conventional elastic wave equation to decompose the P- and S-wave vectors. Then, we synthesize the scalar P- and S-wave from the vector Pand S-wave to obtain the scalar P- and S-wave. The amplitude-preserved separated P- and S-waves are imaged based on the vector wave reverse-time migration (RTM). This method ensures that the amplitude and phase of the separated P- and S-wave remain unchanged compared with the divergence and curl operators. In addition, after decomposition, the P-wave pressure and vibration velocity can be used to suppress the interlayer reflection noise and to correct the S-wave polarity. This improves the image quality of P- and S-wave in multicomponent seismic data and the true-amplitude elastic reverse time migration used in prestack inversion.  相似文献   

应用多分量地震资料进行成像时通常需要先做波场分离,然后再对分离的波型进行成像。其中,波场分离可以在空间域或波数域实现。然而,由于用交错网格有限差分进行弹性波场数值模拟时,用来进行波数域波场分离的质点振动速度分量定义在不同网格节点上,本文提出了利用波数域插值方法来估算同一网格节点所需质点振动速度值;进而给出了先进行波数域插值后进行波场分离的波数域保幅波场分离方案。数值实验结果表明波数域插值方法具有较高的插值精度且保幅波场分离方法具有较好的保幅性,将本文方法进一步应用于弹性波逆时偏移可以获得保幅性较好的成像结果且对存在一定程度速度误差情况具有较好的适应性。  相似文献   

射线法模拟分析井间地震观测的波场特征   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
按照井间地震的观测系统,用改进的突变点加插值射线追踪方法,追踪每炮每道的射线路径,计算几种主要类型的波沿射线路径的波至时间和射线振幅,制作井间地震多炮多道水平分量和垂直分量的合成记录.并将合成记录选排为井间共炮点道集、共接收点道集、共偏移距道集和共中心深度点道集,系统地分析了不同道集内几种主要类型的地震波的传播特征.对野外观测的实际井间地震记录进行了模拟,从复杂的井间地震记录中,识别出井间地震实际观测到的不同类型的波场,为随后的井间地震资料处理和应用提供了依据.  相似文献   

基于HHT的非线性结构系统识别研究   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:11  
本文研究基于HHT的多自由度非线性结构系统识别方法。首先通过EMD分解得到结构的非线性模态(NNM),然后对非线性模态进行H ilbert分析,识别出结构的瞬时特征参数(瞬时振幅、瞬时固有频率等),进而由各参数间关系识别出非线性结构的类型。最后通过一个具有非线性刚度的两自由度剪切型建筑结构的数值模拟验证了该方法的有效性。  相似文献   

Prestack depth migration of multicomponent seismic data improves the imaging accuracy of subsurface complex geological structures. An accurate velocity field is critical to accurate imaging. Gaussian beam migration was used to perform multicomponent migration velocity analysis of PP- and PS-waves. First, PP- and PS-wave Gaussian beam prestack depth migration algorithms that operate on common-offset gathers are presented to extract offset-domain common-image gathers of PP- and PS-waves. Second, based on the residual moveout equation, the migration velocity fields of P- and S-waves are updated. Depth matching is used to ensure that the depth of the target layers in the PP- and PS-wave migration profiles are consistent, and high-precision P- and S-wave velocities are obtained. Finally, synthetic and field seismic data suggest that the method can be used effectively in multiwave migration velocity analysis.  相似文献   

Various migration methods have been proposed to image high-angle geological structures and media with strong lateral velocity variations; however, the problems of low precision and high computational cost remain unresolved. To describe the seismic wave propagation in media with lateral velocity variations and to image high-angle structures, we propose the generalized screen propagator based on particle swarm optimization (PSO-GSP), for the precise fitting of the single-square-root operator. We use the 2D SEG/EAGE salt model to test the proposed PSO-GSP migration method to image the faults beneath the salt dome and compare the results to those of the conventional high-order generalized screen propagator (GSP) migration and split-step Fourier (SSF) migration. Moreover, we use 2D marine data from the South China Sea to show that the PSO-GSP migration can better image strong reflectors than conventional imaging methods.  相似文献   

基于单程波方程的角度域保幅偏移(英文)   总被引:2,自引:6,他引:2  
传统叠前深度偏移只能够提供地下的构造信息,但工业界在需要构造信息的同时还要与地下界面反射系数成比例的振幅信息。最近几年,基于单程波方程的保幅叠前深度偏移算法有了一定的发展,但是,基于炮域、单程波的保幅型叠前深度偏移必须应用反褶积型的成像条件,这种成像条件在构造复杂、速度变化剧烈的地区会出现不稳定现象。基于角度域的保幅深度偏移克服了这一不稳定性缺点的同时,还域的保幅深度偏移,模型和实际资料的试算分析验证该思路方法的正确性和有效性。  相似文献   

逆时偏移成像方法与其它算法的成像方法相比,由于算法不受地层倾角的限制,因此针对陡倾角构造和复杂地质模型地区的成像有着无可比拟的优越性,特别是在盐丘发育的地区优势更加明显.实际应用过程中,逆时偏移通常是应用互相关成像条件构建成像,然而,这种成像条件会产生低频、强振幅的噪音,如果不能彻底消除这些噪音,那它就会严重影响甚至淹没有效信号,特别是在浅层的强反射界面上方往往会出现大量的低频噪音,从而使得浅层构造基本无法识别.基于传统互相关成像条件的这一局限,本文提供了一个新的成像条件,它能在有效成像的同时消除这些低频、强振幅的干扰噪音;其具体实现思路就是将炮点及检波点波场分离成它们的单程波传播分量,然后采用互相关成像条件对分离后的波场进行成像,从而实现逆时偏移成像.通过对模型数据和实际野外数据的实测,证明了该方法的有效性和适用性.  相似文献   

基于曲率模态和小波变换的结构损伤位置识别   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:9  
小波变换具有在时域和频域内表征信号局部特性的能力,能够在不同尺度下对结构响应中的突变信号进行放大和识别.在结构曲率模态基础上,本文提出了一种基于小波变换的结构损伤检测和定位方法.利用双正交小波函数对损伤前后结构的曲率模态进行小波变换,用损伤前后小波变换系数残差建立了结构损伤指标,通过小波变换系数残差的分布统计情况判定损伤的存在并确定其位置.应用简支梁数值模拟结果对该方法进行了验证.  相似文献   

Prestack reverse time migration (RTM) is an accurate imaging method ofsubsurface media. The viscoacoustic prestack RTM is of practical significance because itconsiders the viscosity of the subsurface media. One of the steps of RTM is solving thewave equation and extrapolating the wave field forward and backward; therefore, solvingaccurately and efficiently the wave equation affects the imaging results and the efficiencyof RTM. In this study, we use the optimal time-space domain dispersion high-order finite-difference (FD) method to solve the viscoacoustic wave equation. Dispersion analysis andnumerical simulations show that the optimal time-space domain FD method is more accurateand suppresses the numerical dispersion. We use hybrid absorbing boundary conditions tohandle the boundary reflection. We also use source-normalized cross-correlation imagingconditions for migration and apply Laplace filtering to remove the low-frequency noise.Numerical modeling suggests that the viscoacoustic wave equation RTM has higher imagingresolution than the acoustic wave equation RTM when the viscosity of the subsurface isconsidered. In addition, for the wave field extrapolation, we use the adaptive variable-lengthFD operator to calculate the spatial derivatives and improve the computational efficiencywithout compromising the accuracy of the numerical solution.  相似文献   

Coherent structures develop due to an instability process on smooth beds under turbulent flow conditions and they are relevant for the incipient motion of fine sand sediment.Similar flow structures were found to be relevant for the sediment transport under rough wall conditions,but an instability process could not explain them.In this article we show that rough walls produce a new class of A-vortices,these vortices develop from separations on the grains,and are new relevant flow structures.  相似文献   

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