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气候变化加速了全球水文循环过程,然而,气候变化如何影响水体蒸发及其水热通量交换仍然不清楚.基于涡度相关系统观测鄱阳湖水体水热通量过程,在小时和日尺度分析了水热通量的变化规律及其主要影响因子.研究表明,潜热通量日变化波动剧烈,大部分为正值,变化范围在-50~580 W/m2之间.而感热通量数值较小,变化范围在-50~50 W/m2之间.8月份潜热通量和感热通量均呈波动下降趋势,均值分别为167.4和15.9 W/m2.8月份日平均潜热通量和感热通量之和大于净辐射,这是由于这一时段储存在水体中的热量释放并补充潜热通量和感热通量.小时尺度上潜热通量日变化在相位上与净辐射无显著相关性,而与风速显著相关.在日尺度变化趋势上,8月份日平均潜热通量仍主要受到风速和水温的影响,感热通量则主要受到风速和饱和水汽压差的影响.  相似文献   

基于非均匀Fourier变换的地震数据重建方法研究   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
不规则采样地震数据会对地震数据的多道处理造成严重影响,将非均匀Fourier变换和贝叶斯参数反演方法相结合,对不规则空间带限地震数据进行反演重建.对每一个频率依据最小视速度确定出重建数据的带宽,然后从不规则地震数据中估计出重建数据的空间Fourier系数.将不规则地震数据重建视为信息重建的地球物理反演问题,运用贝叶斯参数反演理论来估计Fourier系数.在反演求解时,使用共轭梯度算法,以保证求解的稳定性,加快解的收敛速度.理论模型和实际资料处理验证了本方法的有效性和实用性.  相似文献   

非均匀介质热蠕变流动的数值求解   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
针对非均匀介质中热蠕变流动问题,给出了有限单元方法与网格-粒子方法联合求解新技术,即有限单元方法求解欧拉网格节点上的未知量,分布于单元内部作为物质成分标记的粒子反映变形过程.有限元法求解动量方程和连续性方程时引入了速度场和压力场等阶插值的压力场稳定的Petrov-Galerkin方法,求解能量方程时采用了流线迎风Petrov-Galerkin方法,网格-粒子算法中采用双线性插值与有限单元插值函数对应.有限单元计算与网格-粒子计算相对独立,两种方法计算的数据通过有限单元节点传递.同时,实现了三角形单元的算法和程序,解决了复杂结构条件下不规则网格计算的问题.通过经典方腔热对流问题验证了程序,给出了不规则形态块体沉降算例,并分析了数值解的稳定性.  相似文献   

非绝热条件下的波流相互作用与大气能量循环   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在传统的波与流相互作用理论的基础上, 推导了准地转框架下包含非绝热效应的E-P通量, 证明了由Eliassen和Palm导得的波动能量关系与由Lorenz导得的大气能量循环关系的一致性. 大尺度定常波的波动能量传播过程实质上是大气能量循环过程的一部分, 大气中的平均流能量向波动能量的转换就是局地波能通量散度的全球质量积分, 也即是局地波动能源的全球积分.利用NCEP/NCAR资料对北半球各纬带不同季节大气波动能源和E-P通量的诊断分析表明传统的绝热条件下的E-P通量仅能表征冬季的波能输送情况, 其他季节必须要考虑非绝热加热的影响.  相似文献   

张渤带陆地段现代构造应力场的非均匀特征   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
依据活动构造展布及震中分布等情况,将张渤带(张家口-渤海断裂带)陆地段及邻近地区划分为6个应力区,利用格点尝试法计算了1967~2006年间这6个分区内的529个震源机制解.结果显示,6个分区的应力结构较为一致,均为走滑型应力结构;但在应力方向上有明显不同,其应力主轴方向有由西北端的NEE向至东南端的近EW向呈顺时针旋转的趋势.此外,以1976年唐山地震与1998年张北地震为时间界限,计算了张渤带陆地段3个构造交汇段(即张北-怀来段、南口-三河段、天津-塘沽段,简称西段、中段、东段)上的地震震源机制解及各构造段在不同时段的平均主应力轴分布,得到了应力场随时间的变化特征.其中,西段与中段的构造应力场变化复杂,其应力主轴方向在唐山地震后经调整已基本回复至唐山地震前的状态;而东段的平均应力主轴呈顺时针旋转,目前仍为近EW向.张渤带陆地段现代构造应力场的时空非均匀变化特征可能与周边块体的相互作用及两次中强地震(唐山地震与张北地震)有关.  相似文献   

本文采用RAMS(Regional Atmospheric Modeling System)模式模拟研究了没有背景风的情况下,土壤湿度非均匀分布的长度尺度分别为40km逐渐减小到2km时,地表通量的分布和大气边界层的响应.运用二维傅里叶变换,分析了地表通量、中尺度脉动量和中尺度通量的二维幅度谱分布,初步探讨大尺度模式中非均匀地表条件下的边界层参数化问题.分析结果显示各试验的地表水、热通量和中尺度脉动量的幅度谱的极大值都出现在与各自非均匀尺度相对应的波数处,当有不同尺度的非均匀斑块共存时,最大的非均匀尺度占主导.但是中尺度水、热通量的结果有所不同,除了在与各自非均匀尺度相对应的波数处有峰值之外,在其他波数还有多个峰值.这些结果表明地表水、热通量的空间分布尺度与非均匀尺度之间存在较好的对应关系,而中尺度水、热通量与非均匀尺度的关系并不明显,说明地表水、热通量的网格平均值的代表性较好,但是不能反映次网格脉动的影响,而中尺度通量的网格平均值的代表性较差.  相似文献   

针对宽河谷非均匀工程场地地震动响应的空间差异性,以长江下游宽河谷场地为研究对象,建立了宽河谷非均匀场地非线性地震响应的静、动力耦合有限元分析模型,考虑了行波效应和上覆水压力的影响,分析了场地地表及地层不同深度处地震反应空间变异特征。结果表明:场地地表不同位置处地震动参数差异明显,其变化规律与地形起伏相一致,且在多级边坡坡顶、地形起伏较大处地震动参数产生突变,揭示了宽河谷非均匀场地地震动响应空间的差异性;场地地表的反应谱表现出“多峰”、“宽周期”等特性。将计算结果与不考虑地形的简化模型计算结果进行对比分析,验证了非均匀宽河谷场地需要充分考虑地形和土层非均匀的必要性。  相似文献   

短临地震前兆空间非均匀性的定量研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用《中国震例》中总结出的短临前兆资料 ,计算了华北地区 1 969~ 1 983年间发生的 1 3次 5级以上地震前各类短临前兆空间群体分布的 CV 值。结果表明 ,震前短临前兆数≥ 6次的 8个震例中 ,有 6个震前短临前兆空间分布的 CV 值明显高于二维连续空间随机均匀分布的 CV值 ,说明短临地震前兆空间分布具有明显的非均匀性。  相似文献   

为了研究穿越纵向非均匀场地的沉管隧道地震反应规律,进行了沉管隧道穿越砂土-黏土场地和均匀砂土场地两种工况的振动台试验。沉管隧道模型材料主要为微粒混凝土和镀锌钢丝,接头材料为橡胶,模型缩尺比为1/30,采用层叠剪切箱装填黏土和砂土构成纵向非均匀场地,输入荷载为不同峰值的El Centro波和Kobe波。采集土层和隧道不同观测点处的加速度和应变等数据并进行分析,研究在不同性质土层中的沉管隧道地震反应的特点,分析纵向非均匀场地对于沉管隧道地震反应的影响。试验结果表明砂土和黏土不同的动力特性会导致沉管隧道地震反应各异:穿越非均匀场地沉管隧道加速度反应、应变反应和管节间相对位移反应明显异于均匀场地沉管隧道,且在输入不同峰值的地震波下呈现不同规律。试验结果可供沉管隧道抗震设计参考。  相似文献   

京西北盆岭构造区现代构造应力场的非均匀特征   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
京西北盆岭构造区包括延矾、怀涿、蔚广、阳原、灵丘、怀安及张家口多个活动断陷盆地.通过对该区大量活动断层擦痕的测量,利用由断层滑动资料反演构造应力张量的计算方法,获得研究区24个测点的构造应力张量数据;同时利用格点尝试法对研究区两个不同应力分区的中小地震震源机制解进行了分析.依据断层滑动与震源机制解两类资料的分析计算结果,初步给出了研究区现代构造应力场的非均匀特征:延矾盆地区域(B区)断层滑动反演的构造应力张量与震源机制解类型均表现为走滑型,表明该区受控于NEE-SWW向挤压、NNW-SSE向拉张的区域构造应力作用.怀涿、蔚广等盆地所在的山西断陷带北部尾端区域(A区)断层滑动反演的构造应力张量与震源机制解类型以正断型为主,表明怀涿、蔚广等盆地所在的山西断陷带北部尾端区域(A区)受近NNW-SSE向拉张的局部构造作用相对于延矾盆地更为显著.现代构造应力场的非均匀分布反映了京西北盆岭构造的差异特征.  相似文献   

Components of the energy budget were measured continuously above a 300‐year‐old temperate mixed forest at the Changbaishan site, northeastern China, from 1 January to 31 December 2003, as a part of the ChinaFlux programme. The albedo values above the canopy were lower than most temperate forests, and the values for snow‐covered canopy were over 50% higher than for the snow‐free canopy. In winter, net radiation Rn was generally less than 5% of the summer value due to high albedo and low incoming solar radiation. The annual mean latent heat LE was 37·5 W m?2, accounting for 52% of Rn. The maximum daily evaporation was about 4·6 mm day?1 in summer. Over the year, the accumulated precipitation was 578 mm; this compares with 493 mm of evapotranspiration, which shows that more than 85% of water was returned to the atmosphere through evapotranspiration. The LE was strongly affected by the transpiration activity and increased quickly as the broadleaved trees began to foliate. The sensible heat H dropped at that time, although Rn increased. Consequently, the seasonal variation in the Bowen ratio β was clearly U‐shaped, and the minimum value (0·1) occurred on a sunny day just after rain, when most of the available energy was used for evapotranspiration. Negative β values occurred occasionally in the non‐growing season as a result of intensive radiative cooling and the presence of water on the surface. The β was very high (up to 13·0) in snow‐covered winter, when evapotranspiration was small due to low surface temperature and available soil water. Vegetation phenology and soil moisture were the key variables controlling the available energy partitioning between H and LE. Energy budget closure averaged better than 86% on a half‐hourly basis, with slightly greater closure on a daily basis. The degree of closure showed a dependence on friction velocity u*. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The dissipation method, the method preferred for estimating scalar surface fluxes over open water has not traditionally been used by agronomists, whereas the surface renewal (SR) theory in conjunction with the analysis of the scalar time trace offers tremendous advantages for estimating fluxes over agronomic crops. For a steady and horizontally homogeneous flow, it is shown that the dissipation method and SR analysis are closely related. As a consequence, a new dissipation–SR analysis expression for estimating scalar surface fluxes was derived. The new equation requires no calibration, and the scalar time trace measured at a frequency capable of identifying canopy‐scale coherent structures (typically 4–10 Hz in agriculture) is the only input required. Sensible and latent heat flux estimates obtained from 10 Hz air temperature and water vapour concentration measurements in the inertial sub‐layer (2 m height) over short, homogeneous rangeland grass at a site where similarity does not hold gave similar results to those measured with the eddy covariance (EC) method. For unstable cases, the new equation provided a root mean square error of 57 W m?2 for the surface energy‐balance closure. For stable cases, the performance was difficult to evaluate because the EC fluxes were similar in magnitude to the sensor error. It is concluded that the proposed method can contribute to a better understanding of hydrological processes and water requirements by providing an accurate, less costly, alternative method to indirectly estimate evapotranspiration as the residual of the energy balance equation. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Information about seasonal crop water consumption is useful to develop the appropriate irrigation scheme. Measurements of energy balance components using the Bowen ratio method were made for a complete growing season at a vineyard in the arid region of northwest China. Vine in the experiment was furrow‐irrigated using a trellis system. The measured evapotranspiration was compared with estimates using the soil water balance method. It is shown that the Bowen ratio method provided accurate estimates of evapotranspiration from the vineyard and this requires that the Bowen ratio system is appropriately installed. The energy balance components showed typical diurnal pattern with peaks that occurred around the midday, except for the ground heat flux which delayed its peak by 2–3 h. The sensible heat flux was greater than the latent heat flux and followed the net radiation closely. The ratio of the latent heat flux to net radiation was low in the early growing season and increased over time. Under the limited irrigation experienced in the vineyard, the latent heat flux was controlled by available soil moisture and the total evapotranspiration in the growing season was 253 mm. The seasonal progression of the crop coefficient is similar to that reported in the literature, with the maximum occurring during the month of September. The crop coefficient can be estimated as a non‐linear function of day of year (DOY) and used to estimate evapotranspiration from vineyards in the region. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In order to discuss the values and daily variation characteristics of heat storage fluxes in a tropical seasonal rain forest in Xishuangbanna, the sensible and latent heat storage flux within air column, canopy heat storage flux, energy storage by photosynthesis and ground heat storage above the soil heat flux plate, as well as the ratios of these heat storage fluxes to the net radiation in the cool-dry, hot-dry and rainy season were compared and analyzed based on the observation data of carbon fluxes, meteorological factors and biomass within this tropical seasonal rain forest from January 2003 to December 2004. The findings showed that heat storage terms ranged significantly in the daytime and weakly in the nighttime, and the absolute values of sensible and latent heat storage fluxes were obviously greater than other heat storage terms in all seasons. In addition, the absolute values of total heat storage fluxes reached the peak in the hot-dry season, then were higher in the rainy season, and reached the minimum in the cool-dry season. The ratios of heat storage fluxes to net radiation generally decreased with time in the daytime, moreover, the sensible and latent heat storage dominated a considerable fraction of net radiation, while other heat storage contents occupied a smaller fraction of the net radiation and the peak value was not above 3.5%. In the daytime, the ratios of the total heat storage to net radiation were greater and differences in these ratios were distinct among seasons before 12:00, and then they became lower and differences were small among seasons after 12:00. The energy closure was improved when the storage terms were considered in the energy balance, which indicated that heat storage terms should not been neglected. The energy closure of tropical seasonal rain forest was not very well due to effects of many factors. The results would help us to further understand energy transfer and mass exchange between tropical forest and atmosphere. Moreover, they would supply a research basis for studying energy closure at other places.  相似文献   

To evaluate the interactive effects of snow and forest on turbulent fluxes between the forest surface and the atmosphere, the surface energy balance above a forest was measured by the eddy correlation method during the winter of 1995–1996. The forest was a young coniferous plantation comprised of spruce and fir. The study site, in Sapporo, northern Japan, had heavy and frequent snowfalls and the canopy was frequently covered with snow during the study period. A comparison of the observed energy balance above the forest for periods with and without a snow‐covered canopy and an analysis using a single‐source model gave the following results: during daytime when the canopy was covered with snow, the upward latent heat flux was large, about 80% of the net radiation, and the sensible heat flux was positive but small. On the other hand, during daytime when the canopy was dry and free from snow, the sensible heat flux was dominant and the latent heat flux was minor, about 10% of the net radiation. To explain this difference of energy partition between snow‐covered and snow‐free conditions, not only differences in temperature but also differences in the bulk transfer coefficients for latent heat flux were necessary in the model. Therefore, the high evaporation rate from the snow‐covered canopy can be attributed largely to the high moisture availability of the canopy surface. Evaporation from the forest during a 60‐day period in midwinter was estimated on a daily basis as net radiation minus sensible heat flux. The overall average evaporation during the 60‐day period was 0·6 mm day−1, which is larger than that from open snow fields. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The effects of small water bodies or lakes on the surface sensible and latent heat fluxes and the transport of heat and water vapour in the atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) over the Mackenzie River Basin (MRB) are studied from two cases, which occurred on 2 and 8 June 1999 during the warm season. The synoptic condition for the cases is representative of about 33% of the synoptic situation over the MRB. The two events are simulated using the Canadian mesoscale compressible community (MC2) model. A one‐way nesting grid approach is employed with the highest resolution of 100 m over a domain of 100 km2. Experiments were conducted with (LAKE) and without (NOLAKE) the presence of small water bodies, whose size distribution is obtained through an inversion algorithm using information of their linear dimension determined from aircraft measurement of surface temperature during MAGS (the Mackenzie GEWEX (Global Energy and Water Cycle Experiment) Study) in 1999. The water bodies are assumed to be distributed randomly in space with a fractional area coverage of 10% over the MRB. The results show that, in the presence of lakes, the domain‐averaged surface sensible heat flux on 2 June 1999 (8 June 1999) decreases by 9·3% (6·6%). The surface latent heat flux is enhanced by 18·2% (81·5%). Low‐level temperature advection and the lake surface temperature affect the air–land/lake temperature contrast, which in turn controls the sensible heat flux. In the absence of lakes the surface wind speed impacts the latent heat flux, but in the presence of lakes the moisture availability and the atmospheric surface layer stability control the latent heat flux. The enhancement is smaller on 2 June 1999 as a result of a stable surface layer caused by the presence of colder lake temperatures. The domain‐averaged apparent heat source and moisture sink due to turbulent transports were also computed. The results show that, when lakes are present, heating and drying occur in the lowest 100 m from the surface. Above 100 m and within the ABL, there was apparent cooling. However, the apparent moistening profiles reveal that lakes tend to moisten the ABL through transfer of moisture from the lowest 50–100 m layer. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Information on water balance components such as evapotranspiration and groundwater recharge are crucial for water management. Due to differences in physical conditions, but also due to limited budgets, there is not one universal best practice, but a wide range of different methods with specific advantages and disadvantages. In this study, we propose an approach to quantify actual evapotranspiration, groundwater recharge and water inflow, i.e. precipitation and irrigation, that considers the specific conditions of irrigated agriculture in warm, arid environments. This approach does not require direct measurements of precipitation or irrigation quantities and is therefore suitable for sites with an uncertain data basis. For this purpose, we combine soil moisture and energy balance monitoring, remote sensing data analysis and numerical modelling using Hydrus. Energy balance data and routine weather data serve to estimate ET0. Surface reflectance data from satellite images (Sentinel-2) are used to derive leaf area indices, which help to partition ET0 into energy limited evaporation and transpiration. Subsequently, first approximations of water inflow are derived based on observed soil moisture changes. These inflow estimates are used in a series of forward simulations that produce initial estimates of drainage and ETact, which in turn help improve the estimate of water inflow. Finally, the improved inflow estimates are incorporated into the model and then a parameter optimization is performed using the observed soil moisture as the reference figure. Forward simulations with calibrated soil parameters result in final estimates for ETact and groundwater recharge. The presented method is applied to an agricultural test site with a crop rotation of cotton and wheat in Punjab, Pakistan. The final model results, with an RMSE of 2.2% in volumetric water content, suggest a cumulative ETact and groundwater recharge of 769 and 297 mm over a period of 281 days, respectively. The total estimated water inflow accounts for 946 mm, of which 77% originates from irrigation.  相似文献   

The aim of this work is to compare three remote sensing based models: two contextual and one physically-based single-pixel model for the estimation of daytime integrated latent heat flux without the use of any ground measurements over Indian ecosystems. Satellite datasets from the MODIS sensors aboard the Terra and the Aqua satellites were used. The latent heat flux estimated from the remote sensing models was compared with that estimated from Bowen ratio energy balance towers at five sites in India. The root mean square error (RMSE) of the latent heat flux estimated from the contextual and the physically-based models was found to be in the order of 40 and 70 W m?2, respectively. The relatively inferior performance of the more complex physically-based model in comparison with the contextual models was found to be largely due to inaccurate parameterizations estimated only from remote sensing datasets without any ground data.  相似文献   

Continuous turbulence flux measurement using the eddy covariance (EC) technique was made from January 1 to December 31 in 2003 at two and three canopy heights of a subtropical Pinus plantation on the red earth hilly region in southeastern China. To be able to make sure that the measured turbulence flux will equal the net ecosystem/atmosphere exchange, the quality of the data has to be assessed. Three criteria were investigated here, including the power spectra and cospectra analyses, flux variance similarity (integral turbulence test) and energy balance closure. The spectral analyses suggested that above-canopy power spectral slopes for all velocity components and scalars such as CO2, H2O and air temperature followed the expected -2/3 power law in the inertial subrange, and their cospectral slopes were close to -4/3 power law in the inertial subrange. The important contribution of large-scale motions to energy and mass transfer above the canopy at higher measurement level was also confirmed by the spectral analyses. The eddy covariance systems have the ability to resolve fluctuations associated with small-scale eddies and did not induce an obvious underestimation of the measured turbulence flux. The Monin-Obukhov similarity functions for the normalized standard deviation of vertical wind speed and air temperature were well-defined functions of atmospheric stability at two heights above the forest canopy, which indicated that turbulence flux measurements made at two heights were within the surface layer. Nocturnal flux underestimation and departures of this normalized standard deviation of vertical wind speed similarity function from that expected from Monin-Obukhov theory were a function of friction velocity. Thus, an optimal criterion of friction velocity was determined to be greater than 0.2-0.3 m s-1 for nocturnal fluxes so that the eddy covariance flux measurement was under high turbulent mixing conditions. Energy balance closure reached about 72%-81% at the studied site, which was comparable to the 10%-30% of energy imbalance reported in the literature. However, the energy balance closure could be only used as a useful reference criterion.  相似文献   

Soil bulk density (ρb) is commonly treated as static in studies of land surface dynamics. Magnitudes of errors associated with this assumption are largely unknown. Our objectives were to (a) quantify ρb effects on soil hydrologic and thermal properties and (b) evaluate effects of ρb on surface energy balance and heat and water transfer. We evaluated 6 soil properties, volumetric heat capacity, thermal conductivity, soil thermal diffusivity, water retention characteristics, hydraulic conductivity, and vapour diffusivity, over a range of ρb, using a combination of 6 models. Thermal conductivity, water retention, hydraulic conductivity, and vapour diffusivity were most sensitive to ρb, each changing by fractions greater than the associated fractional changes in ρb. A 10% change in ρb led to 10–11% change in thermal conductivity, 6–11% change in saturated and residual water content, 49–54% change in saturated hydraulic conductivity, and 80% change in vapour diffusivity. Subsequently, 3 field seasons were simulated with a numerical model (HYDRUS‐1D) for a range of ρb values. When ρb increased 25% (from 1.2 to 1.5 Mg m?3), soil temperature variation decreased by 2.1 °C in shallow layers and increased by 1 °C in subsurface layers. Surface water content differed by 0.02 m3 m?3 for various ρb values during drying events but differences mostly disappeared in the subsurface. Matric potential varied by >100 m of water. Surface energy balance showed clear trends with ρb. Latent heat flux decreased 6%, sensible heat flux increased 9%, and magnitude of ground heat flux varied by 18% (with a 25% ρb increase). Transient ρb impacted surface conditions and fluxes, and clearly, it warrants consideration in field and modelling investigations.  相似文献   

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