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《Mathematical Geology》1997,29(5):653-668
Filtering either through the electronics of an instrument or through digital procedure is performed routinely on geophysical data. When velocity fluctuations are measured in turbulent flows using electromagnetic current meters (ECMs), a builtin lowpass Butterworth filter of order n usually attenuates fluctuations at high frequencies. However, the effects of this filter may not be acknowledged in turbulence studies, thus impeding comparisons between data collected with different ECMs. This paper explores the implications of the filters on the characteristics of velocity signals, mainly on variance, power spectra, and correlation analyses. Variance losses resulting from filtering can be important but will vary with the order n of the Butterworth filter, decreasing as n increases. Knowing the filter response, it is possible to reconstruct the original signal spectrum to evaluate the effect of filtering on variance and to allow comparisons between data collected with different instruments. The autocorrelation function also is affected by filtering which increases the value of the coefficients in the first lags, resulting in an overestimation of the integral length scale of coherent structures. These important effects add to those related to size and shape differences in ECM sensors and must be taken into account in comparative studies.  相似文献   

Based on the methods of Fisher and Watson,Fortran iv computer programs are presented for the following analyses of directional observations on the sphere: (1) to determine if points are randomly distributed; (2) to estimate the azimuth and inclination of the center (mean direction) of a cluster and to estimate the precision (closeness) with which points are clustered; (3) to determine if two or more clusters have the same mean direction; (4) to determine if two clusters have the same precision of clustering; and (5) to locate the pole of a greatcircle girdle of points. Limitations of these analyses for undirected directional observations on the hemisphere also are given.  相似文献   

Spline surfaces are interpolated for top of the Dundee Limestone of the central Michigan Basin, USA. The requirement of gridded data render spline functions inappropriate tools for representing many types of geological mapped data. Comparisons are drawn with maps for the same Michigan data based on trend surfaces and spatial filtering.  相似文献   

Utilizing both borehole and Cone Penetration Testing (CPT) data in soil stratification helps to get more convincing soil stratification results. However, the soil classification results revealed by borehole (Unified Soil Classification System, USCS) and CPT tests (soil behavior type, SBT) are commonly not consistent. This study proposes a feasible solution to integrate the borehole and CPT data with the tree-based method. The tree-based method is naturally suitable for soil stratification tasks as it aims to divide the subsurface space into several clusters based on the similarities of the soil types. A novel boundary dictionary method is proposed to enhance the model performance on complex soil layer conditions. A probabilistic mapping matrix between the USCS-SBT system is built based on a collected municipal database with collocated borehole and CPT data. The optimal soil stratification results can be selected based on considering multiple borehole information and pruning the structure of trees. The structure of the trees can be optimized in a back analysis perspective with the Sequential Model-Based Global Optimization (SMBO) algorithm which aims to maximize the possibility of observing the borehole information based on the USCS-SBT probabilistic mapping matrix. The uncertainties of the optimal soil stratification results can be estimated based on a weighted Gini index method. The performance of the proposed method is validated based on a real case in New Zealand with a cross-validation method. The results indicate that the proposed method is robust and effective.  相似文献   

Given a set of nondirectional orientation data (fold axes, lineations, dip and dip direction of bedding, universal stage readings of crystallographic axes, etc.),the best-fit line (point maximum),plane (great circle),or cone (small circle)can be determined by minimizing the sum of the squares of the angular residuals using a simplex convergence technique. Stereoplots of the angular deviation over the complete lower hemisphere for these distributions may also be generated when consideration of the constraint on the best-fit position is important; for example in comparing different data sets of the same structural element. The routines are available as a FORTRAN coded computer program.  相似文献   

The modern analog technique typically uses a distance metric to determine the dissimilarity between fossil and modern biological assemblages. Despite this quantitative approach, interpretation of distance metrics is usually qualitative and rules for selection of analogs tend to be ad hoc. We present a statistical tool, the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve, which provides a framework for identifying analogs from distance metrics. If modern assemblages are placed into groups (e.g., biomes), this method can (1) evaluate the ability of different distance metrics to distinguish among groups, (2) objectively identify thresholds of the distance metric for determining analogs, and (3) compute a likelihood ratio and a Bayesian probability that a modern group is an analog for an unknown (fossil) assemblage. Applied to a set of 1689 modern pollen assemblages from eastern North America classified into eight biomes, ROC analysis confirmed that the squared-chord distance (SCD) outperforms most other distance metrics. The optimal threshold increased when more dissimilar biomes were compared. The probability of an analog vs no-analog result (a likelihood ratio) increased sharply when SCD decreased below the optimal threshold, indicating a nonlinear relationship between SCD and the probability of analog. Probabilities of analog computed for a postglacial pollen record at Tannersville Bog (Pennsylvania, USA) identified transitions between biomes and periods of no analog.  相似文献   

Seafloor classification is aimed at quantitatively characterizing seafloor properties such as roughness and anisotropy, and at using such spatial characteristics to distinguish geological provinces automatically. From geostatistical principals, a variogram method is developed for seafloor classification and it is demonstrated for data from the western flank of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge at 25°45N to 26°40N. This study uses HYDROSWEEP bathymetric data which have been ping-edited to flag erroneous data records, and navigation corrected. The classification method can handle the resultant data gaps inside the survey swaths as well as interpret data from several swaths. For a suite of test areas representative of different geological provinces, directional variograms are calculated, and characteristic parameters are extracted for the classification. Examples include a sediment pond, abyssal hill terrain in several segments and of variable spacing, inside and outside corners of ridge discontinuities, and mixed morphological forms. The dependency of the results on random or regular subsampling and on the size of the test area is investigated.  相似文献   

介绍了开发地震资料采集监控及评价系统的必要性,详细地论述了系统包含的各部分功能以及在实际生产中针对不同地区不同资料的使用方法。使用该系统进行计算机自动化监理评价,可以极大地提高监理评价工作的效率。该系统的成功开发,为规范和提高地震资料监理质量提供了技术保障。  相似文献   

Detailed, chronologically tightly constrained, lake-sediment-based geochemical and pollen records have enabled local changes in soil erosion, woodland cover and composition, and prehistoric farming impact to be reconstructed in considerable detail. The profile opens shortly after 7800 BC when tall canopy trees were well-established and presumably in equilibrium with their environment. A distinct perturbation that involved an increase in pine and birch, a decrease in oak and a minor opening-up of the woodland is regarded as the local expression of the 8.2 ka climate anomaly. Lack of response in the geochemical erosional indicators is interpreted as evidence for drier conditions. A short-lived, over-compensation in climate recovery followed the 8.2 ka event. Neolithic farming impact is clearly expressed in both the pollen and geochemical data. Both datasets indicate that Neolithic impact was concentrated in the early Neolithic (3715–3440 BC). In the interval 3000–2700 BC there appears to have been a break in farming activity. The pollen data suggest substantially increased farming impact (both arable and pastoral) in the Bronze Age, with maximum farming and woodland clearances taking place in the late Bronze Age (1155–935 BC). These developments are poorly expressed in the geochemical record, possibly due to within-lake changes.  相似文献   

林鑫  周军  张兵 《地质找矿论丛》2012,27(4):516-521
以新疆西准噶尔地区阿克巴斯陶1∶50 000万岩屑数据为对象,利用相关、偏相关分析和R型聚类分析确定研究区成矿元素组合为Cu-Mo-Zn-W-Sb-Bi-As(铜钼成矿组合)与Au-As-Bi(金成矿组合);基于主成分分析,以线性方法将2组成矿元素重组为新的变量N1(Cu-Mo-Zn-W-Sb-Bi-As)与N2(Au-Bi-As),新变量中各元素权重根据主成分分析所得特征向量值大小决定;运用分形含量-面积法提取新变量异常下限并生成综合异常图。结合野外地质检查,成功圈定两处成矿潜力区,为下一步工作提供有力依据。  相似文献   

常规的二维地质图件难以直观地表达煤炭资源的三维空间展布。基于青海木里三露天勘探区的钻孔数据、二维平面地形地质图、煤层底板等高线和地质勘探剖面图,对该地区地形、煤层底板和断层的三维空间形态及温度场进行了重构。三维重建结果清晰明确地展示了三露天勘探区煤层的形态特征、各个沉积旋回的聚煤范围和强度、构造轮廓特征以及地下地温特征等。结果表明,基于多源地质数据的三维可视化技术可直观形象地反映煤层等地质体的形态和属性特征,可有效地分析复杂断层在地质历史中产生的先后顺序及古构造应力场特征。使用三维建模技术重构地质体对沉积构造及地质体属性特征分析是一种行之有效的手段。  相似文献   

The recently proposed TR method (TRM) which uses the slip preference of the faults to separate heterogeneous fault-slip data in extensional and compressional Andersonian stress regimes, is enhanced so as to determine stress tensors with the use of the Wallace–Bott slip criterion. Published natural fault-slip data from the extensional region of Tympaki, Crete, Greece and artificial fault-slip data modeled from the Chelungpu thrust, activated during the 1999 Chi–Chi earthquake in Taiwan, have been used as case studies. In the first case, the fault-slip data previously considered as homogeneous might actually be of heterogeneous origin as they determine two distinct stress tensors that both fit well with the neotectonic faulting deformation of the region. In the second case, where the fault-slip data belonging to three different subsets are of low diversity, the TRM succeeds in defining the driving stress tensors. The Misfit Angle minimization criterion can adequately separate the fault-slip data between two subsets when the percentage of the “Stress Tensor Discriminator Faults” is higher than approximately 70%.  相似文献   

Th. De Crook 《Natural Hazards》1989,2(3-4):349-362
From the earthquake catalogue of the region of interest 2–8°E, 49–52°N, only events with intensity > 3 are considered. The fore/aftershocks and the induced seismicity are removed. The completeness and other properties of the remaining data set are investigated. The seismic data, as well as the geological, tectonic, and other geophysical data of the area are used for the determination of the seismotectonic zones. For each zone, the cumulative intensity-frequency relation (taking into account the completeness of the catalogue), the attenuation depending on the direction, the upper bound of intensity and the average depth are calculated. When the seismic activity is changing within a zone, this zone is divided into subzones with an almost constant activity and a b value equal to the value of the whole zone. When necessary for each subzone, a different attenuation coefficient can be used, to take into account more regional effects. Then the seismic hazard is assessed with the modified McGuire program. Annual probability versus intensity for several sites and hazard intensity and probability maps are calculated. Finally, an error discussion of the whole procedure for one test site is given.  相似文献   

何云 《地质与勘探》2023,59(1):43-53
风化壳型矿床的资源储量,大多采用水平投影地质块段法进行估算,目前划分地质块段的原则与方法尚不统一。以云南省武定县梅子箐风化壳型钛铁砂矿V1号矿体由78个钻孔控制的南矿段为研究实例,对划分地质块段的主要参数——矿体铅直厚度(m)、钛铁矿含量(kg/m3)、金红石含量(kg/m3)进行数理统计与图解分析,提出划分地质块段的方法。具体方法是:(1)以勘查网中地理位置相邻的3个或4个探矿工程围成的区域,作为划分地质块段的基本区块;(2)对单工程、基本区块的主要参数进行统计与计算,对基本区块的主要参数、关键参数进行图解分析;(3)将地理位置相邻、关键参数类型相同的基本区块进行归并,得出合理的地质块段划分方案。该方法能够合理地控制地质块段数量,优化地质块段划分方案,科学合理、简单易行,可在风化壳型钛铁砂矿和其他风化壳型矿床中推广使用。  相似文献   

聂军胜  李曼 《第四纪研究》2017,37(5):1017-1026

本文应用沉积物粒度端元分析模型对柴达木盆地怀头他拉剖面开放湖相沉积物进行分离,得到4个具有现实环境意义的端元组分,分别代表 4种动力过程。端元1为河流沉积,端元2、3都为湖相沉积,端元4为三角洲沉积。这些成分含量在晚中新世的变化趋势不明显但变化幅度相对较大,表明柴达木盆地这套地层记录了沉积环境或气候的快速变化。尽管怀头他拉粒度变化趋势总体不明显,然而平均粒径在约8.3~7.0Ma期间有所降低,指示当时亚洲季风可能发生了增强,导致柴达木古湖面积扩大,到达研究站点沉积物的粒度变细。东亚和南亚地区古气候数据合成支持这一推论,由此我们推断亚洲大陆在约8.3~7.0Ma期间气候相对较湿润,是青藏高原隆升的一个直接反应;而7Ma以后气候变干可能反映了大气CO2含量下降的驱动。轨道尺度研究表明柴达木盆地气候在约8.3~7.0Ma期间发生了较大幅度的变化,支持青藏高原隆升是气候变化放大器的观点。


在中国北方主要盆地铀矿地质调查工作中,煤田自然伽马异常作为主要矿化信息和找矿线索,为一系列铀矿床(点)的快速发现奠定了坚实基础。为进一步提高煤田资料铀矿二次开发的高效性和准确性,运用水成铀矿理论,以中国二连盆地ZS煤矿区典型铀矿点的发现为例,初步探讨了煤田资料的铀矿二次开发技术,提出了"异常筛选与选区分析、原位验证与环境判别、等时地层格架建立与沉积体系分析、综合分析与靶区定位"四位一体的煤矿区铀矿地质调查模式。这对中国北方含煤盆地铀矿地质调查工作提供了新的找矿思路和技术路线,具有较重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

SLIP4EX is a straightforward computer program developed in connection with the EU funded ECOSLOPES project for routine stability analysis and the assessment of the contribution of vegetation to slope stability. The slope section is drawn up and dimensions and parameters are fed in to the Microsoft Excel based program for stability calculations and comparisons of Factors of Safety using different methods of analysis (Bishop, Janbu, Fellenius, Simple, Greenwood). The background and assumptions involved in the derivation of each of the methods is briefly described. The simplicity of the program enables the user to understand the nature of the analysis, explore the parameter assumptions made and compare the different methods of analysis. Soil reinforcement by geosynthetic layers or anchors, and vegetation effects of enhanced cohesion, changed water pressures, mass of vegetation, wind forces and root reinforcement forces are readily included in the analysis. The program is freely available on request from the Author.  相似文献   

A framework was developed to address the automatic optimization of the level of geometric detail required for stress analysis of underground excavations in mining, which was presented in the companion paper. The motivation for optimizing the mesh geometry stems from the over‐discretization of computational domain as the digital mine model is built while our knowledge of some of the input parameters is quite limited. Thus, the accuracy of the solution is not expected to be increased with a finely discretized mesh, only the computation time does. Therefore, it is acceptable if the results obtained from an optimized model have accuracy comparable to the uncertainty in input data (e.g. rock mass properties, geology, etc.). Although the mesh optimization framework automates the geometry optimization and reduces computation time, the accuracy of the solution from the resulting geometry must be evaluated to ensure the quality of the solution at the ‘region of interest’. Both a priori (mesh quality) and a posteriori (solution quality) measures are employed along with recording the mesh optimization time. Finally, the applicability of the mesh optimization framework is demonstrated by analysing a number of mining and civil engineering underground models. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Chabahar Bay in SE of Iran is a shallow semi-enclosed environment affected by anthropogenic activities. In this paper, 19 sediment samples were collected and concentration of selected metals (Cu, Pb, Zn, Cd, Ni, Cr, Co, V and Fe) was determined using ICP-MS analytical method. Sediment samples from five stations were also selected for sequential extraction analysis and concentration of metals in each fraction was determined using ICP-OES. In order to investigate the environmental quality of Chabahar Bay, geographic information system (GIS) along with geochemical data, environmental indices and statistical analyses were used. Calculated contamination degree (Cd) revealed that most contaminated stations (Ch3, S1 and S3) are located SE of Chabahar Bay and contamination decreases in a NW direction. The S9 station, west of the bay, is also contaminated. High organic matter (OM) content in the sediments is most likely the result of fuel and sewage discharge from fishing vessels along with discharge of fishing leftovers. Significant correlation coefficient among OM, Fe, Cu, Pb, Zn and Cd seemingly reflects the importance of the role that OM and Fe oxy-hydroxides play in the metals mobility. The results of hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA), computed correlation coefficient and sequential extraction analysis suggest that Cu, Pb, Zn and Cd probably come from antifouling and sea vessel paints, while Ni, Cr, Co, V and Fe are most likely contributed by ophiolitic formations located north of the bay and/or deep sea sediments. Average individual contamination factors (ICFs) indicated that the highest health hazard from the bay is posed by Cu, Pb and Zn.  相似文献   

在利用遥感技术找矿中,矿化蚀变信息识别与提取起着重要作用。选择具有典型蚀变特征的安徽铜陵凤凰山矿田作为研究区,从分析地物波谱,尤其是岩矿光谱特征出发,根据ETM+和ASTER数据的光谱特征,采用主成分分析(PCA),设计了相应的粘土矿化蚀变信息提取方案,成功地进行信息提取。对两者的提取结果进行比较后表明,ASTER数据较之ETM数据在粘土类矿化蚀变信息提取中具有更大的优势。  相似文献   

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