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黔北地区五峰组-龙马溪组页岩地层残留于窄陡型向斜中, 具有地层速度变化大, 地震资料靶点预测精度低; 地层倾角变化频, 地层走向及轨迹难以把控; 地层稳定性差, 井眼扩大严重等难点。增大了地质导向难度, 水平井钻遇率低。针对这些问题, 梳理分析了实钻中地质导向遇到的难点, 通过井震结合, 完善三维地震速度模型, 精确提取各地层、各方位地层视倾角; 实钻中通过多元厚度建模, 不断矫正细化对靶点深度的预测, 优化随钻三维轨迹; 进入箱体后, 强化地球物理响应特征, 对随钻曲线进行正演提取及反演对比, 利用多元元素谱及成像技术精细刻画箱体成像特征。在7口井的钻探应用中靶点误差与设计降低至25 m, 优质页岩钻遇率提高到99.2%, 箱体钻遇率从87.6%提高至96.5%, 其中3口实现了中靶率、优质页岩钻遇率和箱体钻遇率3个100%的地质导向成果。类似于黔北地区这种窄陡型残余留向斜地质导向难点通过该套技术对策可以及时避开小褶皱等细微构造变化, 有效保障水平井箱体钻遇率, 为水平井地质导向提供了扎实的技术支撑。   相似文献   

永顺区块位于中上扬子地台牛蹄塘组页岩气富集区,整体勘探程度较低,页岩气勘探前景不明。利用露头、岩心、测试和地震等资料,分析研究区牛蹄塘组页岩气勘探前景,以页岩气富集理论为指导,结合地球化学分析技术、地质评价—地球物理联合预测技术,评价有利勘探区块。结果表明:永顺区块牛蹄塘组具有优越的烃源供给条件,厚度大,分布广,燕山期是其主要的聚集及成藏期;页岩储层低孔低渗特征明显,储集类型多样,脆性矿物丰富,有利于页岩气储集及压裂改造;研究区构造样式相对简单,断裂、盖层发育分区性明显,关键构造事件控制源盖动态匹配。残留向斜斜坡是研究区有利的勘探目标,Ⅰ类有利区面积为102.1km~2,Ⅱ类有利区面积为88.2km~2。  相似文献   

为深入分析早寒武世(541~509 Ma)海洋化学状态、有机质富集机制,积极评价四川盆地西南部下寒武统筇竹寺组页岩气资源潜力,基于四川盆地威远地区威207井筇竹寺组岩石学、地球化学、主微量元素、孔隙结构与吸附特征,对寒武纪早期上斜坡区古海洋环境、有机质富集控制因素及页岩含气潜力进行了探讨。沉积旋回显示筇竹寺组细粒沉积期发育多个海平面升降控制下深水-浅水陆棚交互转换旋回,但以浅水陆棚相为主,发育典型斜坡浊积体(扇)、重力流沉积。以威远地区为代表的上斜坡区未长期处于深水区,富有机质黑色泥页岩沉积厚度受限。有机地球化学测试结果显示,威207井筇竹寺组有机质以Ⅰ型干酪根为主,热演化程度高,残余烃较少,生烃能力偏低。氧化还原参数指示地处上斜坡的威远地区寒武纪初期海洋环境处于中等限制程度,仅存在一定程度的上升流,海水经历了“缺氧-氧化-缺氧-次氧化-氧化”的转变过程,致使上斜坡区古海洋生产力水平整体较低,由下至上呈明显下降趋势。微观孔隙结构与氮气吸附曲线指示筇竹寺组储层以复杂的、无规则狭缝型孔为主,甲烷吸附量和w(TOC)呈正相关性,但与温度呈负相关性,表明筇竹寺组现今普遍面临的高压高温条件不适于...  相似文献   

利用钻孔岩心观察、煤体结构频度统计及取心化验数据统计等资料,研究黔北煤田JP区块上二叠统煤层气的综合地质条件、含气规律及机制。结果表明:JP区块中、下煤组煤岩结构完整性优于上煤组的,东南翼优于西北翼的,煤层及围岩组合形式、构造应力释放方式决定煤储层结构完整性。煤层有机组分平均为79.29%,煤层镜质体最大反射率平均为3.08%,进入热裂解阶段晚期。煤层气组分以甲烷为主,储层平均含气量为12.17m3/t。煤层含气量受多种因素影响,其中与煤层埋深、热演化程度、高位热量等呈正相关关系,与煤层挥发分产率、地层倾角等呈负相关关系。三大主要控气要素——煤层埋深、地质构造稳定性和热演化程度决定煤层气的分布特征,相对宽缓的向斜西北翼为有利含气区。该结果为黔北地区的煤层气勘探提供指导。  相似文献   

南川地区自下古生界海相页岩成气以来,遭受了强烈的构造改造作用,致使页岩气富集规律复杂。为揭示南川地区中新生代构造变形对页岩气富集的制约,通过构造精细解析,以及对演化时序和页岩气富集主控因素的分析,构建了结构模式,恢复了中新生代构造演化过程,厘定了页岩气富集主控因素,进而分析了构造样式与页岩气富集模式的响应关系。研究表明,南川地区整体构造变形自东向西逐渐减弱,存在北段强烈冲断褶皱-断展-断滑、南段强烈冲断褶皱-断滑两种前展式结构模式。中燕山期,主体NE向构造发育,平桥、东胜构造形成,至中燕山期末期,受金佛山隆起以及南川-遵义断层的作用,南段发生构造叠加与改造,早期NE向构造演化为北倾单斜,并在南川-遵义断层东侧发育近南北向阳春沟背斜。受差异构造变形作用,北段断褶带发育背斜型富页岩气构造样式,外缘带为单斜型构造样式,而南段构造叠加带则发育单斜型和背斜型构造样式。页岩气整体保存条件受构造变形方式制约,北段页岩气保存条件由东向西逐渐变好,而南段页岩气保存条件较为复杂,其中北段的低角度单斜、宽缓背斜、较宽缓背斜3类构造样式为有利的页岩气富集构造。   相似文献   

Zircon U-Pb isotope dating and whole-rock geochemical analyses were undertaken for the rhyolite, rhyolitic lithic crystal tuff and dacitic tuff from the Manketouebo Formation in the Keyihe area, in order to constrain their genesis and tectonic significance. Zircon LA-ICP-MS U-Pb data indicate that the rhyolite and rhyolitic lithic crystal tuff were formed during 137±5 Ma and 143±1 Ma,respectively. These volcanic rocks have high SiO2(70.03%–76.46%) and K2O+Na2O(8....  相似文献   

碳同位素地层学是寒武系地层划分与对比的重要手段。通过对豫北驴驮沟剖面碳酸盐岩地层进行碳同位素分析发现,驴驮沟剖面寒武系鼓山阶(Drumian)底界附近的碳酸盐岩的δ13C值分布于3.1‰~-1.7‰之间,δ18O值分布于-3.9‰~-9.4‰之间。δ13C、δ18O之前的非协变关系指示碳同位素组成比较稳定。鼓山阶底界附近δ13C表现为负漂移演化趋势,漂移幅度为3.0‰,最低值为-1.7‰,出现在三叶虫Proasaphiscus首现位置15 m之下。出现负漂移的位置和负漂移的幅度与华南湘西王村剖面、美国犹他州Drum Mountains等剖面的鼓山阶底部的负漂Drum carbon isotope excursion(DICE)一致,表明DICE负漂移具有洲际对比意义,可作为寒武系鼓山阶划分和对比的工具。负漂移峰值处岩性为位于青灰色页岩之间的薄层灰岩夹层,超覆于鲕粒灰岩之上,因此,寒武系鼓山阶底部附近的DICE负漂移对应于苗岭世早期的海侵时期。   相似文献   

利用黏土矿物及全岩X线衍射分析、有机碳质量分数和显微组分、镜质体反射率、气体法—脉冲法孔隙度和渗透率测定、核磁共振孔隙度、氩离子抛光扫描电镜等方法,测试黔北地区下志留统龙马溪组钻井和剖面富有机质泥岩段岩石样品,研究其储层特征。结果表明,龙马溪组富有机质泥岩岩石类型主要为含粉砂炭质泥岩、粉砂质炭质泥岩,矿物组分中黏土矿物平均质量分数为23.5%,脆性矿物以石英为主(占43.9%)。干酪根类型以I型为主,有机碳质量分数介于2.0%~6.0%,有机质成熟度介于1.51%~2.58%。富有机质泥岩总孔隙度介于2.7%~9.9%,渗透率较低,一般为(0.001~5.960)×10-4μm2。微观储集空间以微裂缝、少量残余粒间孔为主。黔北地区龙马溪组富有机质泥岩具有脆性矿物质量分数高、黏土矿物质量分数低、有机质丰度和有机质成熟度高、低孔低渗的储层特征,具备良好的页岩气勘探潜力。  相似文献   

Rock fragments have major effect on soil macropores and water movement. However, the characteristics of rock fragments and their relationship with macropore characteristics remain elusive in forest stony soils in northern mountainous area of China. The objectives of this study are to (1) use Industrial Computed Tomography (CT) scanning to quantitatively analyze rock fragment characteristics in intact soil columns in different forest lands and (2) identify the relationship between characteristics of rock fragments and that of the macropores. Intact soil columns that were 100 mm in diameter and 300 mm long were randomly taken from six local forest stony soils in Wuzuolou Forest Station in Miyun, Beijing. Industrial CT was used to scan all soil column samples, and then the scanned images were utilized to obtain the three-dimensional (3D) images of rock fragments and macropore structures. Next, the parameters of the rock fragments and macropore structure were measured, including the volume, diameter, surface area, and number of rock fragments, as well as the volume, diameter, surface area, length, angle, tortuosity and number of macropores. The results showed that no significant difference was found in soil rock fragments content in the 10-30 cm layer between mixed forest and pure forest, but in the 0-10 cm soil layer, the rock fragments in mixed forest were significantly less than in pure forest. The number density of macropores has significant negative correlation with the number of rock fragments in the 0-10 cm soil layer, whereas this correlation is not significant in 10-20 cm and 20-30 cm soil layers. The volume density of macropore was not correlated with the volume density of rock fragments, and there is no correlation between the density of macropore surface area and the density of rock fragment surface area. Industrial CT scanning combined with image processing technology can provide a better way to explore 3D distribution of rock fragments in soil. The content of rock fragments in soil is mainly determined by parent rocks. The surface soil (0-10 cm) of forest contains fewer rock fragments and more macropores, which may be caused by bioturbation, root systems, gravitational settling and faunal undermining.  相似文献   

简述了莺-琼盆地横向沉积分布、纵向沉积序列、动态沉积过程,以及浅海重力流的沉积特征与形成机制。南海北部莺歌海盆地黄流组发育了浅海背景下的大型重力流沉积,琼东南盆地发育了半深海沉积环境下的陵水组、三亚组、梅山组海底扇。其中浅海重力流沉积的主要特征体现在:(1)沉积规模大小不等,且展布形态存在较大差异;(2)海平面变化造成沉积特征的复杂性和多变性;(3)浅海重力流沉积通常不具备扇体亚相分异;(4)浅海重力流的水道沉积砂体迁移快、堆积厚,表现为水道富集且多期次叠加。莺-琼盆地物源演化与对比揭示了源-汇过程及不同物源输入的动态时空变化,主控因素包括物源供给、相对海平面变化、差异沉降、古地貌(古坡折及坡度)等。  相似文献   

In order to depict the distribution of diatom fossils in surface sediments and to establish a reliable reference data for further paleoenvironmental study in the Changjiang(Yangtze) River estuary and its adjacent waters, the diatom fossils from 34 surface sediment samples and their relationship with environmental variables were analyzed by principal component analysis and redundancy correspondence analysis. The diversity and abundance of diatom fossils were analyzed. Some annual average parameters of the overlying water(salinity, temperature, turbidity, dissolved oxygen, depth, dissolved inorganic nitrogen,dissolved inorganic phosphate and dissolved inorganic silicate) were measured at each sampling site. A total of 113 diatom taxa and one silicoflagellate species were identified in the investigation area. Diatom fossils were better preserved in fine sediments. The absolute abundance of diatom fossils did not significantly dif fer between inshore and of fshore areas, the species diversity decreased from inshore to of fshore. This may be because high nutrients and low salinity promoted the growth of more brackish species in coastal waters. The diatom taxa were divided into three groups, on the basis of their response and indication to environmental changes. For example, Actinocyclus ehrenbergii and Cyclotella stylorum were dominant in coastal waters(Group 1 and Group 3) with high nutrients and low salinity; the relative abundances of Paralia sulcata and Podosira stelliger were significantly higher in of fshore sites(Group 2, average 39.5%),which were characterized by high salinity and deep water. Four environmental variables(salinity, dissolved inorganic nitrogen, temperature and water depth) explained the composition and distribution of diatom taxa independently( P 0.05), this finding can be applied in further paleoenvironmental reconstruction research in this area.  相似文献   

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