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Human Dimensions of Weather Modification. W. R. Derrick Sewell (ed.). Controlling London's Growth: Planning the Great Wen, 1940–1960. Donald L. Foley . Economic Geography. Lawrence A. Hoffman . The West Indian Scene. G. Etzel Pearcy . General Climatology. Howard J. Critchfield . Modoc County. A Geographic Time Continuum on the California Volcanic Table-land. Robert W. Pease . Man, Culture, and Animals: The Role of Animals in Human Ecological Adjustments. Anthony Leeds and Andrew P. Vayda (eds.). Scientific Problems of the Humid Tropical Zone Deltas and their Implications: Proceedings of the Dacca Symposium {1964}. An Investigation of Location Factors Influencing the Economy of the Philadelphia Region: A Report to Greater Philadelphia Movement and Federal Reserue Bank of Philadelphia. Benjamin H. Stevens , et al. National Directory of Latin Americanists. Maps: Topographical and Statistical. T. W. Birch . Negroes in Cities: Residential Segregation and Neighborhood Change. Karl E. Taeuber and Alma F. Taeuber . Las heladas en la Argentina (Frost in Argentina). Juan J. Burgos . The Appalachians. Maurice Brooks . Elements of Physical Oceanography. Hugh J. Mc Lellan . Techniques in Geomorphology. Cucnlaine A. M. King . Atlas Climatológico de Guatemala. Hill Farms and Padi Fields: Life in Mainland Southeast Asia. Robbins Burling . People and Progress in West Africa: An Introduction to the Problems of Deuelopment. Robin Hallett .  相似文献   


Store Location Research for the Food Industry. Saul B. Cohen.

Oceanography. Mary Sears.

Southwest Trails to New Horizons. Victor H. Schoffelmayer.

There Studies in Minerals Economics. Orris C. Herfindahl.

Tropical Africa. George H.T. Kimble.

The Lands and Peoples of East Africa. C.M. Hickmanand W.H.G. Dickins.

Temperature and Wind Frequemy Tables for Eurasia. Vol. 3, July-September; Vol. 4, October-December. J.N. Rayner.

The Blizzard of '88. Irving Werstein.

Nebraska Place-Names, new edition. Lilian L. Fitzpatrick.

Lithofacies Maps: An Atlas of the United States and Southern Canada. L.L. Sloss, E.C. Dapples, and W.C. Krumbein.

Data Sources for Plant Locution. Analysis.

Germany. T.H. Elkins.

Atlas Selskove Khosyaistva SSSR.

lntroduction to Plant Geography. Nicholas Polunin.

Western Forest Industry: An Economic Outlook. John A. Guthrieand George R. Armstrong.

Chisholm's Hondbook of Commercial Geography, 16th edition. L. Dudley Stampand S. Carter Gilmour.

Papers on Flood Problems. Gilbert F. White.

Discovery and Exploration: An Atlas-History of Man' Wanderings. Frank Debenham.

Applied Geography. L. Dudley Stamp.

Life Pictorial Atals of the World. Phillip Baconand Edward B. Espenshade.

Compground Atals of the United States and Canada. Jl A. Bierand Henry A. Raup.

A Short Geography of West Africa. J.C. Pughand Perry.

Soils of the North Central Region of the United States.  相似文献   

The Economic Pattern of Modern Germany. Norman J. G. Pounds . Soil Conservation in Perspective. R. Burnell Held and Marion Clawson . Land Tenure in the Cook Islands. R. G. Crocombe . Struggle for Land in the Chimbu High-lands of New Guinea. Harold C. Brookfield and Paula Brown . Agrarian Development in Peasant Economics. E. S. Clayton . An Atlas of Soviet Affairs. Robert C. Kingsbury and Robert N. Taaffe . One World Perspective. Preston E. James . The French in the Mississippi Valley. John Francis Mc Dermott (ed.). Coastal Landforms: An Introduction to of Coastal Geomorphology with Austrulian Examples. E. C. F. Bird . Choice of Adjustment to Floods. Gilbert F. White . Agro-Climatic Atlas of Europe. P. Thran and S. Broekhuizen . Venezuela y sus Recursos. Levi Marrero . Maps of Costa Rica: an Annotated Cartobibliography. Albert E. Palmerlee . Routes over the Serra do Mar: The Evolution of Transportation in the High-lands of Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo. Richard P. Momsen , Jr . Introduction to the Atmosphere. Herbert Riehl . The Making of Urban America: a History of City Planning in the United States. John W. Reps . Soil-Geographical Zoning of the U.S.S.R. Geomorphic History of the Ozarks of Missouri. J. Harlen Bretz . Geografia Rajónu Východoslovenských ?eleziarní. (The Geography of the Region of the East-Slouakian Iron-Works.) Koloman Ivani?ka , (ed.)  相似文献   

Economic Geography. Clarence F. Jones and Gordon G. Darkenwald . World Economic Development. D. W. Fryer . A Geography of Pakistan. Kazi S. Ahmad . The Geography of Frontiers artd Boundaries. J. R. V. Prescott One World Divided: A Geographer Looks at the Modern World. Preston E. James . The Study of Urbanization. Philip M. Hauser and Leo F. Schnore (eds.) Fiziko-geograficheskii Atlas Mira (Physical-Geographic Atlas of the World). I. P. Gerasimov , chairman of the editorial commitee. “Physical-Geographic Atlas of the World, Moscow, 1964,”Soviet Geography: Review & Translation The Demand For Transportation. Eugene D. Perle . Det Danske Kulturlandskab. Aage H. Kampp and Aage Aagesen . The Urban General Plan. T. J. Kent , Jr . Afghanistan: Highway of Conquest. Arnold Fletcher . La Terra e gli Uomini. Lezioni di geografia umana. Elio Migliorini . The Competitive Position of the Port of Durban. N. Manfred Shaffer . An Introduction to Statistical Models im Geology. W. C. Krumbein and F. A. Graybill . Diffusion of the Decision to Irrigate—Simulation of the Spread of a New Resource Management Practice in the Colorado Northern High Plains. Leonard W. Bowden . Malawi, a Geograpihical Study. J. G. Pike and G. T. Rimmington . Taipei Shih She-hui Chi-t'u (Social Base Maps of Taipei City). Peru in Four Dimensions. David A. Robinson . Soil Mapping by Color Aerial Photography. M. S. Simakova . Introduction to Latin America: the Geographic Background of Economic and Political Problems. Preston E. James . An Ecological Approach to Conservation. Russell L. Hamm and Larry Nason . The Elevated System and the Growth of Northern Chicago. James Leslie Davis .  相似文献   

Erich W. Zimmerman's Introduction to World Resources. Henry L. Hunker (ed.). The Geologic Systems: The Quaternary. Volume 1, Kalervo Rankama (ed.). Warriors of the Colorado: The Yumas of the Quechan Nation amd Their Neighbors. Jack D. Forbes Land and Society in New Zealand: Essays in Historical Geography. R. F. Watters (ed.). Climates of the U.S.S.R., A. A. Borisov . Fundamentals of Geography. Earl B. Shaw . Exploration of Alaska 1865–1900. Morgan B. Sherwood . Exploring Earth Environments. E. Willard Miller and George Langdon . Introductory College Geography. Paul F. Griffin and Ronald L. Chatham . Die Grenzen des Iraq (The Boundaries of Iraq). Ulrich Gehrke and Gustav Kuhn . All Things Common: The Hutterian Way of Life. Victor Peters . The Vinland Map and the Tartar Relation. R. A. Skelton , Thomas E. Marston , and George D. Painter . The Modern Encyclopedia of Australia and New Zealand. Victor S. Barnes (ed.) Geography: Its Scope and Spirit. Jan O. M. Broek . Atlas of Michigan. Earl J. Senninger , Jr . Natural Resources for U.S. Growth: A Look Ahead to the Year 2000. Hans H. Landsberg A Prologue to Population Geography. Wilbur Zelinsky . The Towns of Wales: A Study of Urban Geography. Harold Carter . Algeria's Infrastructure: An Economic Survey of Transportation, Communication, and Energy Resources. John C. Pawera . Danmarks Kulturgeografi. Viggo Hansen . Areas of Economic Stress in Canada. W. D. Wood and R. S. Thoman (eds.). Oklahoma Place Names. George H. Shirk . Thoreau as World Traveler. John Aldrich Christie . Chemical Oceunography, Vol. I. J. P. Riley and G. Skirrow (eds.). The United States and the Middle East. Georgiana G. Stevens (ed.). Population Geography. John I. Clarke . The Conditions of Agricultural Growth: The Economics of Agrarian Change Under Population Pressure. Esther Boserup . Antarctica. Trevor Hatherton (ed.). National Growth and Economic Change in the Upper Midwest. James M. Henderson and Anne O. Krueger . The Mineral Resources of Africa. Nicolas De Kun . Mineral Resources of South-Central Africa. R. A. Pelletier . Aymara Communities and the Bolivian Agrarian Reform. William E. Carter . African Primary Products & International Trade. I. G. Stewartand H. W. Ord (eds.). Waikna; Adventures on the Mosquito Shore. Samuel A. Bard (Ephraim G. Squier). Narrative of Voyages and Excursions on the East Coast and in the Interior of Central America… Orlando W. Roberts . The Geography of Soil. Brian T. Bunting . The Chicago-Milwaukee Corridor: A Geographic Study of Inter-Metropolitan Coalescence. Irvin Cutler . Urbanization in West Africa: A Review of Current Literature. Ruth P. Simms . The World Book Encyclopedia. Robert O. Zeleny (ed.).  相似文献   

The Changing Fuce of Toronto—A Study in Urban Geography. Donald Kerr and Jacob Spelt . California and Use of the Ocean; A Planning Study of Marine Resources. Roger R. Revelle (ed.). California and the World Ocean; Conference Proceedings. Forestry In Communist China. S. D. Richardson . The Mark Jefferson Paris Peace Conference Diary. Geoffrey J. Martin (ed.). Wisconsin State University, Platteuille Southwestern Archueology. John C. Mc Gregor . Western Europe. E. D. Laborde . A Geography of China. T. R. Tregear . The Historian's Guide to Ordnance Survey Maps. J. B. Harley and C. W. Phillips . Report on a Field Study of Soils of Australia. James Thorp . Planning in Chinese Agriculture: Socialisation and the Private Sector, 1956–1962. Kenneth R. Walker . The Italian South: Economic Development in Mediterraneun Europe. Gustav Schacter . Yesterday's People: Life in Contemporary Appalachia. Jack E. Weller . New Mexico Place Names: A Geographical Dictionary. T. M. Pearce (ed.). The Caribbean: Mexico Today. A. Curtis Wilgus (ed.). The Tarai Region of U.P.: A Study in Human Geography. Lekh Raj Singh . Der Orient: Die Steppen und Wüsten der Nordhemisphere mit Ihren Randgebieten. Oskar Schmieder . An Atlas of Latin America-Affairs. Ronald M. Schneider and Robert C. Kingsbury . The Common Wealth in Ocean Fisheries. Francis T. Christy , Jr . and Anthony Scott . The Englishwoman in America. Isabella Lucy Bird . Migrants and Malaria. R. Mansell Prothero . Regionalism in America. Merrill E. Jensen . My Life in the Mountains and on the Plains: The Newly Discovered Autobiografihy. David Meriwether , edited by Robert A. Griffen . Norden, Crossroads of Destiny. Vincent H. Malmstrom . Merchants & Scholars: Essays in the History of Exploration and Trade. Edited by John Parker . Macrogeography and Income Fronts. Wm . Warntz . The Odyssey World Atlas. Landsplanlaegnings Problemer. Med skitse til en landsplanlaegning i Dan mark. Johannes Humlum .  相似文献   


Coastal and Submarine Morphology. Andre Guilcher.

International Resources and National Policy. Olin T. Mouzon.

Economic Geography of the U.S.S.R. N.N. Baransky.

Seven Roads to Moscow. W. G. F. Jackson.

Permanent Peace. Tom Slick.

Paradise in Trust, A Report on Americans in Micronesia, 1946–1958. Robert Trumbull.

Photographic Documentation of Vegetational Changes in Africa Over a Third of a Century. H. L. Shantz and B. L. Turner.

British Weather in Maps. James A. Taylor &; R. A. Yates.  相似文献   

Ten Years o f Physicogeographic Research in Hungary

Antarctic Snow and Ice Studies  相似文献   

Books reviewed in this article:

The Big Bend Country

Our Vanishing Shoreline

The Agricultural Development of Colombia

The Teaching of Geography

Canadian Maps

Maps, Their Care, Repair and Preseruation in Libraries

Fizycna Mapa Polski

Man's Role in Changing the Face of the Earth

This Growing World: Economtc Development and the World Bank

The Water Balance  相似文献   

Books reviewed in this aritcle: Geographical Regions Studies in the Geography of South-east Asia. W. L. Dale and Ooi Jin Bee (eds.) Regional Structure of Jafianese Archipelago (Atlas). Shinzo Kiuchi and Kenzo Tange (eds.). Bhutan: A Physical and Cultural Geography. Pradyumna P. Karan . East Central Europe. R. H. Osborne . A Region Geography of Western Europe. F. J. Monkhouse . The Western Mediterraneam World: An Introduction to its Regional Laadscapes. J. M. Houston An Historical Geography of Western Europe Before 1800. C. T. Smith . PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY Principles of Physical Geography. F. J. Monkhouse . BIOGEOGRAPHY Plants and Man on the Seychelles Coast: A Study in Historical Biogeography. Jonathan D. Sauer . ECONOMIC GEOGRAPHY Readings in Economic Geography. Howard G. Roepke (ed.) Traffic and Industry: A Study of Traffic Generation and Spatial Interaction. D. N. M. Starkie . Waterway Industrial Sites: A Chicago Case Study. David M. Solzman . Ruimtelijke Ordening em Geografie. SOCIAL AND CULTURAL GEOGRAPHY Geography of Religions. David E. Sopher . SETTLEMENT AND URBAN GEOGRAPHY Emergence and Growth of an Urban Region: The Developing Urban Detroit Area. Vol. 1: Analysis. Vol. 2: Future Alternatives. Constantinos A. Doxiadis Private Redevelopment of the Central City. Larry S. Bourne . Siedungsgeographie. Georg Niemeier . Nairobi: City and Region. W. T. W. Morgan (ed.). The Southeast Asian City. T. G. Mcgee . Metropolitam Kano: Report on the Twenty-Year Development Plan 1963–1983, prepared by B. A. W. Trevallion , et al. AIDS TO GEOGRAPHICAL STUDY Aerial Discovery Manual. Carl H. Strandberg .  相似文献   

The Face of Scotland. I. G. Mc Intosh and C. B. Marshall . Von Thünen's Isolated State. Peter Hall (ed.), Carla M. Wartenberg (translator). Traffic in a New Zealand City. W. B. Johnston (ed.). Central Places in Southern Germany. W. Christaller . Trans. by Carlisle W. Baskin . Africa: A Handbook to the Continent. Colin Legum , (ed.). Pakistan: A Political Geography. A. Tayyer . Geography of Coastal Deserts. Peveril Meigs . New England: A Study in Industrial Adjustment. R. C. Estall . Land Use in Central Cape Town: A Study in Urban Geography. D. Hywel Davies . Kartographische Geländedarstellung. Eduard Imhof . Dilemmas Down Under. A. James Rose . Difusion Geográfica de Cultivos Indices en las Provincias de Neuquen y de Rio Negro y sus Causus (Geographic distribution and its causes of index-crops in the provinces of Neuquen and Río Negro). Armando L. De Fina et al. Plantation Geography. P. P. Courtenay . Human Ecology; Collected Readings. Jack B. Bresler (ed.). Physical Geography. William E. Powers . Physical Geography. Michael P. Mc Intyre .  相似文献   

Cartography and Maps Mapping from Aerial Photographs. C. D. BURNSIDE Introduction to Map Projections. P. W. MCDONNEL, Jr. Maps for America. M. M. THOMPSON Economic Geography The Marketing Environment. JOHN A. DAWSON Nonmetropolitan Industrialization. RICHARD E. LONSDALE and H. L. SEYLER, eds. Agricultural Geography. Second Edition. LESLIE SYMONS Environmental Management and Resources The Soviet Energy System: Resource Use and Policies. LESLIE DIENES and THEODORE SHABAD Historical Geography Geographic Perspectives on America's Past. DAVID WARD, ed. The Great Plains: Environment and Culture. BRIAN W. BLOUET and FREDERICK C. LUEBKE, eds. Philosophy and Geographic Thought Philosophy in Geography. STEPHEN GALE and GUNNAR OLSON, eds. Geography: A Modern Synthesis. Third Edition. PETER HAGGETT Regional and Urban Planning Land Use and the States. Second Edition. R. G. HEALY and J. S. ROSENBERG Transport Network Planning. PATRICK O'SULLIVAN, GARY D. HORTZCLAW, and GERALD BARBER Regional Geography A Geography of the Soviet Union. JOHN C. DEWDNEY Rural Africa. A. T. GROVE and F. M. G. KLEIN Social Geography Social Problems and the City: Geographical Perspectives. D. T. HERBERT and D. M. SMITH, eds. Urban Geography and Settlement The Socialist City: Spatial Structure and Urban Policy. R. A. FRENCH and F. E. IAN HAMILTON, eds. The Economics of Neighborhood. DAVID SECAL, ed.  相似文献   

Economic Geography Principles of Industrial Facility Location. Howard A. Stafford . Industrial Location and Community Development. Barry M. Moriarty . Geography of Marketing. J. Beaujeau -Garnier and Annie Delobez Fundamentals of Modern Marketing. Third Edition. Edward W. Cundiff , Richard P. Still , and Norman A. P. Govoni . Philosophy and Geographic Thought The Nature of Change in Geographical Ideas. Brian J. L. Berry , ed. A Geography of the Lifeworld. D. Seamon . Physical Geography Physical Geography. 3rd Edition. M. P. Mclntyre . Applied Hydrogeology. C. W. Fetters , Jr. Political Geography Location and Public Probtems: A Potitical Geography of the Contemporary World. Kevin R. Cox . Population and Migration Population Redistribution and Public Policy. B. J. L. Berry and L. P. Silverman , eds. Population Geography: Problems, Concepts, and Prospects. G. L. Peters and R. P. Larkin . The Geographical Impact of Migration. Paul White and Robert Woods , eds. Geographic Perspectives in Migration Research: A Bibliographical Survey. Studies in Geography No. 12. D. Gorden Bennett and Ole Gade . Regional and Urban Planning Land in America. Richard N. L. Andrews , ed. Urban Revitalization. Donald B. Rosenthal , ed. Urban Hydrology: A Multidisciplinary Perspective. Timothy R. Lazaro Regions in Crisis. John Carney , Ray Hudson , and Jim Lewis . Regional Developnient in Britain. Second Edition. G. Manners , D. Keeble , B. Rodgers , and K. Warren . Regional Geography Europe: A Geographical Survey of the Continent. E. H. Mellor and E. Alistair Smith . Western Europe: A Geographical Analysis. Aubrey Diem . Social Geography Location and Environment of Elderly Population. S. M. Golant . Teaching and Learning Computer Assisted Learning in Geography. Ifan Shepherd , Zena Cooper , and David Wlaker . Urban Geography and Settlements . Geography and the Urban Environment: Progress in Research and Application, Volume 2. D. T. Herbert and R. J. Johnston , eds. The Form of Cities. D. I. Scarcill . The Soviet City. James H. Bater  相似文献   

Book reviwed in this article: GENERAL GEOGRAPHY. A Question of Place: World Regional Geography. PAUL WARD ENGLISH. Human Geography, Culture, Society and Space. HARM J. DE BLIJ. REGIONAL GEOGRAPHY. The Arctic Circle: Aspects of the North from the Circumpolar Nations. WILLIAM C. WONDERS (ed.). Geography in Japan. SHINZO KIUCHI (ed.). How Japan's Economy Grew So Fast: The Sources of Postwar Expansion. EDWARD F. DENISON and WILLIAM K. CHUNG. France. J. BEAUJEU-GARNIER. PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. The Periglacial Environment. HUGH M. FRENCH. The Cooling. LOWELL PONTE. ENVIRONMENT AND MAN. Potential Energy: An Analysis of World Energy Technology. MICHAEL KENWARD. Man in the Andes: A Multidisciplinary Study of High-Altitude Quechua. PAUL T. BAKER and MICHAEL A. LITTLE (eds.). Landscape Assessment: Values, Perceptions, and Resources. ERVIN H. ZUBE, ROBERT O. BRUSH and JULIUS GY. FABOS (eds.). Inscape and Landscape: The Human Perception of Environment. PIERRE DANSEREAU. Epidemiology for the Health Sciences. DONALD F. AUSTIN and S. BENSON WERNER. URBAN GEOGRAPHY AND SETTLEMENT. Social Areas in Cities, Volume One, Spatial Processes and Spatial Form; Volume Two, Spatial Perspectives on Problems and Policies. D. T. HERBERT and R. J. JOHNSTON (eds.). Centrality and Cities. JAMES BIRD. Suburbia: The American Dream and Dilemma. PHILIP C. DOLCE (ed.). Black Suburbanization: Access to Improved Quality of Life or Maintenance of the Status Quo? HAROLD M. ROSE. Urban Transportation Modeling and Planning. PETER STOPHER and ARNIM MEYBURG. Transportation Systems Evaluation. PETER STOPHER and ARNIM MEYBURG. Urban Fields: A Geometry of Movement for Regional Science. S. ANGEL and G. M. HYMAN. Essays on Urban Spatial Structure. JOHN F. KAIN. The Environments of Human Settlements: Human Well Being in Cities. PIERRE LACONTO (ed.). People and Housing in Third World Cities: Perspectives on the Problem of Spontaneous Settlements. DONALD J. DWYER. Traditionelle und moderne Formen der Landwirtschaft in Iran. ECKART EHLERS with a contribution by GRACE GOODELL. ECONOMIC GEOGRAPHY. North Sea Oil and Gas: A Geographical Perspective. KEITH CHAPMAN. Land Concentration and Rural Poverty. KEITH GRIFFIN. Studies in Industrial Geography Volume III: The USSR. JOHN C. DEWDNEY. AIDS TO GEOGRAPHIC RESEARCH. Quantitative Methods in Geography. PETER J. TAYLOR. The University of North Carolina at Charlotte Bibliography of Ceograph y, Part 1. Introduction to General Aids. CHAUNCY D. HARRIS. A Bibliography of the literature on North American Climates of the Past 13,000 Years. D. K. GRAYSON. Landscape Evaluation: The Landscape Evaluation Research Project 1970–75. D. G. ROBINSON, et al. (eds.). Introduction to Environmental Remote Sensing. E. C. BARRETT and L. E. CURTIS.  相似文献   

Books reviewed in this aritcle: Geographical Regions North Carolina: Its Geology and Mineral Resources. Jasper L. Stuckey . Africa in Transition: Geographical Essays. B. W. Hodder and D. R. Harris (eds.). Frerøerne. Aage H. Kampp . Cmnada: A Geographical Interpretation. John Warkentin (ed.) The Tropical World: Its Social and Economic Conditions and Its Future Status. PIerre Gourou TRAVEL AND EXPLORATION Thoreau as World Traveler. John Aldrich Christie . Physical Geography River Plains und Sea Coasts. Richard J. Russell . Selected Pafiers in Soil Formatiom and Classification. J. V. Drew (ed.). Social Geography Southern Africa and the United States. William A. Hance (ed.) Aids to Geographical Study Communist China Map Polio.  相似文献   

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