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I.Introductionl.BasicfcatUresofportcitiesandthcirwhuencingfactorsTl1elhstoricalexperiencesofdevelopedcowtrieshavewitnessedtheessel1tialro1eplayedbyseaportsinpromotingdevelopn1entofnationaleconomy.Manyportcities,emergodfron1marinetransportation,supportedbyseaandlandroLrtesandflourishedn1ainlythroughindustryandtrade,oftenbecomendonalornationalecononhccenters.fu11ongti1eworld's2Omeqalopolesofmorethan6ntilIionpopulation,l2areportcities.AlmosteverycoUntrywiti1coastalline,longorshort,roprdsoneors…  相似文献   

Over the past 15 years the linear learning machine has been applied to a large number of chemicalproblems.The learning machine approach is conceptually simple and does not require knowledge aboutthe statistical distribution of the data.However,there are problems associated with this approach.Oneproblem which has not been investigated is the influence of mislabeled samples on the positioning of thehyerplane in feature space.If a few samples in a data set are incorrectly tagged prior to training(i.e.thesamples are labeled as members of class 2 even though they are actually members of class 1),it is stilIpossible using the linear learning machine to achieve a classification success rate of 100% for the trainingset.However,unfavorable results will be obtained for the prediction set.The magnitude of this effect andits potential implications regarding the proper use of the linear learning machine are discussed.  相似文献   

The effect of peak shifts on the performance of a Kalman filter multicomponent analysis algorithm hasbeen investigated.A series of Gaussian test systems were employed to characterize the concentrationestimation errors and the morphology of the on-line residuals(the innovations sequence).Both forwardand reverse filters were used in the generation of the innovations sequences.It was found that thedifference between the forward and reverse innovations sequences gave an accurate indication of thedirection and magnitude of the peak shift.A series of overlapped two-component systems were alsoinvestigated.Again,a correlation between the difference innovations and the degree of the responseshift was observed.The behavior of the Katman filter in fitting the shifted fluorescence emissionspectrum of benzo[a]pyrene was also examined.The response for henzo[a]pyrene in cyclohexanesolution was compared to that obtained on the surface of a reversed phase thin layer chromatographyplate.A red shift of 4 nm was detected for the surface spectrum by observing the difference innovationssequence.This approach holds promise for correction of response shifts in multicomponent systems.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS For the sake of flood and sedimentation control down-stream of the reservoirs, a study has been carried out on the ways of operation of several reservoirs in the Lower Yellow River. A program on the regulation of flow and sediment is suggested with the following purposes:  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS For the sake of flood and sedimentation control down-stream of the reservoirs, a study has been carried out on the ways of operation of several reservoirs in the Lower Yellow River. A program on the regulation of flow and sediment is suggested with the following purposes:  相似文献   

TheNanshalslandsarethesouthetnmostterritoriesinChina.TheIslandsconsistof230islands,redandbeaches.Inthehistoricalperiod,theChineseancestorsovercamedifficutiesandfOundtheIslands2,0OOyearsago.Agreatmanyofhistoricalliteraturesindicatethatheeariiestrecords,mpa…  相似文献   

The Problem of studying eomPlex multicomPonent systems without seParation of theeomPonents 15 well known.Generally,the situation arises whenever interaetions betweeneomPonents are essential in determining the funetion of the system,notably in biochemiealsystems and in eatalysis.In eases sueh as these,the ultimate aim 15 to deduee the role of eaehof the eomPonents as well as the interaetions between them by  相似文献   

LTlewe~jk~inGeop0uticsbeofiticaisonOfthemoStimPoatbranchesofp0liticalmpaphylnhumanmpaphyThssmpatQfbeoliticshasundeIgOneafewhmes0frisinganddeCirung.SOInetilnesthewiodhaSbonfoedfavourinsomempphers'eyeS,butin0therhmesithasbangiventheedd~and~atargaOfathousandarrowsbyanOtherppaphers.Thetenninationof,the8aredW0rldWarandthedeadofK.HaushofermeantheendofGermangcopolihcal~anditalsoledtothedeCiningOfGapolihcsinaratherlOngtime.Inabout30yearsfromthel940stol977,wboC.Graypublishedhisfamousbookenti…  相似文献   

LTkemskS0tu.ce0fL0ng-mstance0nflpeAncEwiceringSincel992,thenskassessmentoflongdistanceoilpipeline(LDOP)inN0rthwestChinahasbeenputtoagendasystematically.TheLD0PconstruCtionfromLiuyUantowntoLu0yangcltymakeuPthemajorpipelineengineeringwhichstrotchesover2,ll5kmandservesasoneofthemaJorcrudeoilpipelinesinnorthWestinlandroponofChina(Figurel).Theriskeventinducedbynaturaldisasterscanbedividedintofourwaysfl.EaffoquakcIhhistory,LD0PenrouteroponsexPenontaleafthquakes.Theearthquakemagntude,scal…  相似文献   

Mountain research is a comprehensive work. Its main contents are:1. the theory and the method of mountain rescarch;2. the comprehensive development. utilization and protection ofmountain resources:3. mountain calamities and their prevention and control:  相似文献   

TwoskullsofrelicHomoerectus(NanjingHomoerectus)togetherwithonemolarteethofHomoerectusandother2000fossilswereunearthedintheCalabashcaveatnorthernpiedmontofTangshantothewestofTangshanCountyinthesuburbsofNanjingin1993.Onewasafemaleskullabout30yearsold,theother…  相似文献   

TlleupheavaloftheQingl1ai-XizangPlateauisolleoftl1ein1poltanteventsinnaturall1istoryd[lri11gthc1astsevcrall11illio11years.Correspondil1gx`ntl1t11euP]iftinaconsiderablelnagllitude,thePlateaul1asbeel1subjectedtodrasticchangesfrol11subtropica1el1vironn1entatlowaltitlldetofrigid/aridenvironmentatl1ig11altitude.Thecold/Wrmamplitudeofglobalclimatebringsaboutel1orl11ouschal1gesil1tllenatura1el1viro11l11el1t.Tl1efrigid-desiccatio11tel1del1cyhasbeenqlliteobvioussil1celaterperiodof1atePleistocene.The…  相似文献   

Sincel986,theIntngatedSurveyTeamtotheNanshaIslandsorgn1lizedbytheChineseAcademyofScienceshasbeenengnginginthesystematicsurveyandstudyongeophysics,marineenvironment,livingthingr,contnbutingfaCtorsoftheislandsandtheltistoricaldevelopmenintheNanshaIslandsand…  相似文献   

This paper describes the application of the Powell algorithm to the optimization of a flow injectionsystem configuration.The performance of this algorithm has been compared with the modified simplexmethod.The system studied is the determination of ammonia,based on the indophenol blue reaction.Alinear combination of sensitivity and sample throughput is used as the objective function because of itssimultaneous optimization capability.Results obtained show that the proposed method may reach theoptimal conditions with a lower number of experimental evaluations.  相似文献   

1 All islands are measured by Plauimeter.2 Maps and charts used: a, British Admiralty Charts b, Charts published by the Hydrographic Department of Chinese Navy, c, Japanese Charts  相似文献   

The geometric properties of three common object-preprocessing transformations(constant sum,orclosure;constant length,or normalization;and maximum value,or ratioing)are investigated.Anargument is made for using absolute values in the constant sum and maximum value transformations.In general,each transformation distorts the shape and dimensionality of patterns in the data:transformed data lie on(C-l)-dimensional surfaces in the original C-dimensional space.A data set thathas been closed by one of these transformations can be reopened if a vector containing the constant sums,constant lengths or maximum values of the original objects was retained.Transformed data sets may befreely interconverted among these three transformations without the loss of information.  相似文献   

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