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Mobile, location‐aware computing technology is widely available. In this article we sketch out a manifesto on mobile computing in geographic education (MoGeo) for consideration and debate within the geographic community. At the core of our argument is the idea that emerging mobile computing technologies will allow teachers to bring the classroom and pedagogic materials into the field, and that the resulting in situ educational experience will enhance learning by contextualizing the complex and abstract concepts that we teach. We provide a set of key principles that can guide the development of field experiences for students using these new technologies.  相似文献   


Appropriate diffusion of geographic information technologies is hampered by lack of systematic research on factors and processes affecting diffusion, utilization and impact assessment of the technologies and by a variety of conceptual and methodological problems. Diffusion of innovation principles developed in other fields, in combination with methods developed within the field of management information systems, provide an important beginning for improved understanding. This paper focuses on gaps in knowledge which might be addressed within the geographic information field by analysis techniques and research methodologies used in the diffusion of innovations.  相似文献   

《The Journal of geography》2012,111(6):213-223

This study uses survey and focus group methods to explore attitudes toward and experiences of nature among millennial-aged students in northern Colorado. First, results confirm that young people possess a strong interest in the outdoors yet time, transportation, and new technologies hamper their ability to visit public lands and outdoor spaces. Second, respondents experience nature in ways more mediated by new technologies such as cell phones and nature DVDs. Third, citizen science and active learning show promise as techniques for returning young people to the outdoors. The challenge lies in teaching young people to reimagine the outdoors not as elsewhere or out there but as a backyard geographic space.  相似文献   

《The Journal of geography》2012,111(4):211-212

This article advocates that geography teachers undertake field studies of human systems with their students. A field trip process is described that helps teachers to guide students to explore and analyze a real human system with the expressed goal of building skills that can transfer to and complement a wide range of geographic learning tasks identified in Geography for Life: National Geography Standards 1994. Students are taken to a human system, such as a supermarket or a hotel. In groups, students interview as well as tour with a representative of a key department of the human system. Using teacher-supplied materials, groups create models or visual schematics of the whole human system they studied. The model must show the complex as a collection of interdependent elements with distinct functions. The learning outcomes achieved by students are a collection of geographic skills ideal for transfer to subsequent geographic investigations of urban places and or regions.  相似文献   

《The Journal of geography》2012,111(4):196-202

The ultimate goal of all geographic education is to have our students think geographically for life. To this end, the five geographic skills sets allow teachers to use the inquiry approach to more accurately observe whether or not geographic thinking is actually taking place. As essential components of these geographic skills, fieldwork, journaling, and stories based on the field experience have proven to be effective tools of inquiry. This article demonstrates how a journal, kept by the author while on an advanced alliance summer institute to Russia in 1996, was used to write an original short story based on the author's fieldwork there. The author's experiences model the five geographic skills sets in developing lesson plans for the original short story, The Dragon and the Anchor. These activities allow the students to sharpen their geographic skills and develop a sense of place by studying the changes that have occurred in Russia since the fall of communism in 1991.  相似文献   


Crime often clusters in space and time. Near-repeat patterns improve understanding of crime communicability and their space–time interactions. Near-repeat analysis requires extensive computing resources for the assessment of statistical significance of space–time interactions. A computationally intensive Monte Carlo simulation-based approach is used to evaluate the statistical significance of the space-time patterns underlying near-repeat events. Currently available software for identifying near-repeat patterns is not scalable for large crime datasets. In this paper, we show how parallel spatial programming can help to leverage spatio-temporal simulation-based analysis in large datasets. A parallel near-repeat calculator was developed and a set of experiments were conducted to compare the newly developed software with an existing implementation, assess the performance gain due to parallel computation, test the scalability of the software to handle large crime datasets and assess the utility of the new software for real-world crime data analysis. Our experimental results suggest that, efficiently designed parallel algorithms that leverage high-performance computing along with performance optimization techniques could be used to develop software that are scalable with large datasets and could provide solutions for computationally intensive statistical simulation-based approaches in crime analysis.  相似文献   

This article provides a decentralized and coordinate-free algorithm, called decentralized gradient field (DGraF), to identify critical points (peaks, pits, and passes) and the topological structure of the surface network connecting those critical points. Algorithms that can operate in the network without centralized control and without coordinates are important in emerging resource-constrained spatial computing environments, in particular geosensor networks. Our approach accounts for the discrepancies between finite granularity sensor data and the underlying continuous field, ignored by previous work. Empirical evaluation shows that our DGraF algorithm can improve the accuracy of critical points identification when compared with the current state-of-the-art decentralized algorithm and matches the accuracy of a centralized algorithm for peaks and pits. The DGraF algorithm is efficient, requiring O(n) overall communication complexity, where n is the number of nodes in the geosensor network. Further, empirical investigations of our algorithm across a range of simulations demonstrate improved load balance of DGraF when compared with an existing decentralized algorithm. Our investigation highlights a number of important issues for future research on the detection of holes and the monitoring of dynamic events in a field.  相似文献   


This article discusses the use of geographic information technologies to assist researchers in the exploration of historical databases. The case study is a pilot project in which we used geographic information systems (GIS) and global positioning systems (GPS) to study the history of the Public Waterfront Act (the “Chapter 91” program), a policy designed to balance private property rights, public interest, and environmental protection in the Massachusetts tidelands. The issues discussed range from the role of GIS in society and its limitations as a representational tool to the ability of current GIS to deal with historical data and to manage temporal attributes.


《The Journal of geography》2012,111(5):217-218

Project GeoSim is a multidisciplinary effort by members of Virginia Tech's Departments of Geography and Computer Science, College of Education, and Learning Resources Center to develop computer-aided education (CAE) software for introductory geography and related classes. GeoSim laboratory exercises draw on the five fundamental themes of geography for their subject matter. The programs emphasize interactive learning combining the information capabilities of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) with the techniques of computer simulation. The result is a series of geographic explorations that will make available some of the most exciting aspects of geography to a potential audience of 425,000 introductory geography students per year.  相似文献   


The geographic problematic stems from the fact that we cannot accept reality as it is and so we create places to transform reality into what we think it ought to be, and then transform this new reality, and so on. This paper assumes an understanding of the power of place as an instrument in transforming the world, and explores how the ought in the problematic is formed, how it is a moral issue that leads to a geographic theory of morality. This theory argues that it is good to create places that increase our capacities to see reality more clearly, and that also increase the variety and complexity of that reality. Using this as a precept or guide to our place-making will encourage care for distant others and lead to a political-economy of altruism.  相似文献   

《The Journal of geography》2012,111(4):459-461

How will the National Geography Standards change the way teachers teach? The Standards will provide teachers with a geographic perspective that will enable them to teach improved geography content while building geographic skills and knowledge that will benefit their students for the rest of their lives. By taking a fresh look at the content in the curriculum from a geographic perspective, teachers can make connections between the Geography Standards and our own classrooms. The Standards provide information and strategies for teaching geography. They can be used to create lessons which offer opportunities for students to “do” geography and apply the skills they are learning.  相似文献   


The Local Community: A Handbook for Teachers is an effective text and organizational framework for developing a course on the geography of a state which combines elements of introductory geography, regional geography, and geographic methods for a graduate class composed of practicing teachers generally inadequately trained in geography. Through a series of distinct, yet integrated steps teachers are exposed to the conceptual and methodological basics of the field, comprehensive analysis of regional patterns of the state, and specific strategies for teaching the geography of the state and the local community. Teachers leave the course knowing not only what to teach about the geography of a state, but how to teach it.  相似文献   

《The Journal of geography》2012,111(6):259-268

Environmental agencies in most states have an environmental education Web page that can point geography teachers to a variety of opportunities and resources to enhance their teaching. Most states provide linkages to local and national programs such as Project WET and Project WILD, and access to lesson plans and other teaching materials. A number of state agencies have environmental resource centers, teacher workshops, and grant programs for field trips and class projects. A few states have workshops that provide graduate academic credit and special certification. Much of the content of these programs contributes to fundamental geographic education themes as specified in the 1983 Guidelines in Geographic Education K–12 and Geography for Life: National Geography Standards 1994.  相似文献   

High performance computing has undergone a radical transformation during the past decade. Though monolithic supercomputers continue to be built with significantly increased computing power, geographically distributed computing resources are now routinely linked using high‐speed networks to address a broad range of computationally complex problems. These confederated resources are referred to collectively as a computational Grid. Many geographical problems exhibit characteristics that make them candidates for this new model of computing. As an illustration, we describe a spatial statistics problem and demonstrate how it can be addressed using Grid computing strategies. A key element of this application is the development of middleware that handles domain decomposition and coordinates computational functions. We also discuss the development of Grid portals that are designed to help researchers and decision makers access and use geographic information analysis tools.  相似文献   


Substantial changes in a core idea of geography, integration, have occurred since Alexander von Humboldt published Kosmos (1845-1862). These changes are part of a larger shift in Western civilization to mechanistic reasoning. This shift led to the strengthening of system-based analysis, central to the development of geographic information systems (GIS). The duality of holism and the systems approach has led to an apparent contradiction in geography. R. Hartshorne in The Nature of Geography described this contradiction, but as did Alfred Hettner and Emil Wisotzki before, moved to partial systems as the core concept of geographic integration. Hartshorne's concept of vertical integration is the antecedent for the ubiquitous GIS layer model. The reduction of geographic relationships and processes to mechanistic components (layers) aids the systematic approach, but may lessen geographic understanding of a place's interrelationships. Although the partiality of the system approach was already acknowledged by Finch and Hartshorne in the 1930s, the tension between holistic and system approaches in geography remains. Holism and system-based approaches are indeed complementary methods for developing geographic understanding. Using holistic approaches to understand geographic phenomena, before we teleologically (following a purpose) analyze phenomena as a system, extends GIS to include broader interrelationships of geography in specific locations.  相似文献   

Performing point pattern analysis using Ripley’s K function on point events of large size is computationally intensive as it involves massive point-wise comparisons, time-consuming edge effect correction weights calculation, and a large number of simulations. This article presented two strategies to optimize the algorithm for point pattern analysis using Ripley’s K function and utilized cloud computing to further accelerate the optimized algorithm. The first optimization sorted the points on their x and y coordinates and thus narrowed the scope of searching for neighboring points down to a rectangular area around each point in estimating K function. Using the actual study area in computing edge effect correction weights is essential to estimate an unbiased K function, but is very computationally intensive if the study area is of complex shape. The second optimization reused the previously computed weights to avoid repeating expensive weights calculation. The optimized algorithm was then parallelized using Open Multi-Processing (OpenMP) and hybrid Message Passing Interface (MPI)/OpenMP on the cloud computing platform. Performance testing showed that the optimizations effectively accelerated point pattern analysis using K function by a factor of 8 using both the sequential version and the OpenMP-parallel version of the optimized algorithm. While the OpenMP-based parallelization achieved good scalability with respect to the number of CPU cores utilized and the problem size, the hybrid MPI/OpenMP-based parallelization significantly shortened the time for estimating K function and performing simulations by utilizing computing resources on multiple computing nodes. Computational challenge imposed by point pattern analysis tasks on point events of large size involving a large number of simulations can be addressed by utilizing elastic, distributed cloud resources.  相似文献   

This article explores the notion of a system of ontologies specifically designed for the needs of an information science. A framework for geographic information ontologies is outlined that focuses on geographic information constructs rather than on the direct representation of real-world entities or on linguistic terms. The framework takes the form of a generative hierarchy anchored by the notion of intentionality at one end and of a spatiotemporal field of potentially relevant information at the other. Two theoretical notions are used in the generation of the hierarchy. The first is the principle of semantic contraction, whereby, starting from a level of geographic information constructs specified so as to reflect user intentionality, semantically coherent domains of properties are removed over several steps until only the rudiments of a spatiotemporal information system are left. The second notion is that of object of discourse, which allows entities to be represented as the composites of geographic information constructs at the higher levels of the hierarchy, explicitly reflecting the connections between the purpose, function, appropriate internal constitution, and ensuing categorization of the entities represented. The framework's main contribution is thus twofold: first, it allows the notions of user purpose and object function to be directly built into geographic representations; second, it proposes a hierarchy of ontological levels that are linked by systematic semantic relations. Further, the framework presents an integrated view of object and field representations. It may also provide a novel perspective on a number of issues of ongoing interest in geographic information science.  相似文献   


Dora the Explorer is a twenty-three-minute television program for preschoolers viewed by millions every day in many countries. These programs are also marketed as videotapes and DVDs. This seven-year-old Latina, bilingual cartoon character teaches many things by interacting with the young viewers. On every program Dora and friends have to go someplace to solve a problem. Map is a cartoon character who helps viewers read the map and tells Dora where to go next. Some episodes are particularly geographic. Geographers need to evaluate the contributions of Dora the Explorer to geographic education for preschool children, a little-studied subject.  相似文献   


Abstract. The growth of the remote sensing field has caused and explosion in the size and complexity of Earth satellite image databases. The explosion of data is already challenging current satellite-based GIS databases. New technologies for information management will be required in the future to maintain these large geographically-oriented systems created by projects such as NASA's Earth Observing System (EOS). This paper presents a technology adapted from the planning/scheduling field in Artificial Intelligence (AI) that promises to automate and facilitate the process of creating and storing satellite images and their associated data products.  相似文献   

《The Journal of geography》2012,111(5):193-196

Students often ask whether the examples we give as instructors have any relevance to their worlds, to their lives. Too often the answer is no. This paper describes a case that is obviously pertinent to both secondary and university students and their instructors. The legal battle over equality and racial discrimination in the New York City School system presents not simply a rich field for geographical consideration but also a pertinent one. It brings to students and their instructors a complex of economic, legal, and social issues played across a discrete spatial surface. As importantly, it offers a case study exploring the difficulties of both defining and then achieving distributive justice in post-modern environments in a context students and their instructors will recognize as relevant and timely. The discussion that results may be useful in economic, legal, locational, and social geographic instruction.  相似文献   

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