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The case of a New Jersey dune management plan demonstrates that geographers can initiate environmental policy by formulating and proposing meritorious plans. An evaluation of the plan's rejection shows the complexity of policy-making and indicates that failure to adopt useful plans may be due to distortion of information or misunderstanding of the original plan. In order to avoid failure, geographers should participate in the entire policy-making sequence and should encourage the participation of the public who will be affected by the plan.  相似文献   

我国社会主义市场经济与经济地理学科的发展   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
陈才 《地理学报》1995,50(2):185-191
我国由中央计划经济体制向社会主义市场经济体制的转变,为经济地理学科的发展提出许多新课题。本文从总结经济地理学科发展特点入手,分析我国经济地理学科发展的现状及其存在的主要问题,进而探讨在社会主义市场经济条件下,拓宽我国经济地理学科研究与实践领域,认真总结已有的经济地理理论和建立具有中国特色的经济地理学科的途径。  相似文献   


This paper is a broad review of green infrastructure theory and practice relative to urban sustainability and the space for geographers in these discussions. We use examples from various urban sustainability plans to highlight ways in which green infrastructure is being conceptualized and implemented. We explore how geography contributes research on green infrastructure as well as the emerging practices as seen within sustainability plans. We identify four areas in which geographers can influence both green infrastructure theory and practice: 1) scale; 2) mapping distribution; 3) sensitivity to place and locale; and 4) equity and access. We conclude that in these areas geographers have tremendous opportunity contribute more deliberately to sustainable urbanism.  相似文献   

Making Space for Failure in Geographic Research   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The idea that field research is an inherently “messy” process has become widely accepted by geographers in recent years. There has thus far been little acknowledgment, however, of the role that failure plays in doing human geography. In this article we push back against this, arguing that failure should be recognized as a central component of what it means to do qualitative geographical field research. This article seeks to use failure proactively and provocatively as a powerful resource to improve research practice and outcomes, reconsidering and giving voice to it as everyday, productive, and necessary to our continual development as researchers and academics. This article argues that there is much value to be found in failure if it is critically examined and shared, and—crucially—if there is a supportive space in which to exchange our experiences of failing in the field.  相似文献   

区域规划评估理论与方法研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郭垚  陈雯 《地理科学进展》2012,31(6):768-776
区域规划作为统筹区域资源,协调区域发展的重要手段日益受到重视。而实际上,区域规划在实施阶段却面临困境,已经确定的规划在实施过程中不断被修改甚至瓦解。规划在发挥更大作用的同时,也受到更多的批评。这是由于规划及其实施是一个长期过程,充满了种种不确定性因素的影响。为了使规划达到最佳效能,必须时刻结合实际情况对规划进行评估,从而不断对规划产生反馈,进行必要调整。因此,规划评估是确保区域规划有效实施的必要环节,不仅在宏观意义上有助于区域规划社会地位的建立和巩固,还有助于理解既有规划的不足,了解失效的原因,对区域规划的有效推进无疑具有现实意义。然而当前区域规划评估的研究与应用相对滞后。基于此,本文在回顾国内外规划评估大量研究文献的基础上,指出区域规划评估经历了从“当作终极蓝图的规划编制成果”到“整个决策到实施的过程”的转向,同时结合评估价值观的演变归纳了当前最为流行的评估方法,以及影响规划实施效果的因素,并对今后的研究提出了设想。  相似文献   

《The Journal of geography》2012,111(5):207-218

American students are encouraged to become globally competitive. I argue that in a world plagued by social inequality and environmental mismanagement, students should become globally cooperative. But this position is not new. Nineteenth century geographers such as Peter Kropotkin argued that geographic education should promote cooperation and tolerance of others. This article explores why geographers cast aside this progressive vision for geographic education. It hypothesizes that geography's pursuit of academic and scientific legitimacy prompted it to spurn “value-laden” methods. The article concludes by suggesting that geographers return to their social justice roots by adopting constructivist pedagogical methods of Paulo Freire.  相似文献   

新时期区域发展规划的基本思路及完善途径   总被引:25,自引:3,他引:25  
区域发展规划是当前我国人文地理学界研究的“热点”之一。本文提出了社会主义市场经济条件下我国区域发展规划的基本思路,即编制与市场经济相适应的弹性规划,持续发展规划,多目标协调规划和实用高的效规划,在规划中应加强对市场因素的研究,将经济社会主义PRED协调发展作为区域发展的主线,正确处理好定性与定量相结合关系,重视对区域政策的研究。  相似文献   

国民经济与社会发展规划、土地利用总体规划和城市规划三大规划的冲突已经成为我国条块管理模式弊端的主要表现.以江苏省海安县为例,对海安县的国民经济与社会发展规划、土地利用总体规划和城市规划三大规划进行研究,尝试从规划的技术层面上找寻三大规划的冲突.研究发现三大规划出发点的差异与发展思路变化造成了规划从根本上难以协调,导致规划总体目标和框架的冲突,从而造成政府操作层面,即规划用地的冲突.同时探讨了造成规划冲突的技术方面原因,并对解决规划冲突提出一些有益建议.  相似文献   

To collect time-use data in Third World rural areas, researchers should use broad-focus studies that provide adequate coverage throughout the year and employ direct observation of activities. Various methods used by geographers to obtain time expenditure information are examined in relation to these criteria; certain weaknesses are discussed. An alternative method developed by Allen Johnson, an anthropologist, has particular advantages for geographers because it facilitates mapping spatial patterns of time use, calculating average distances traveled to activities, and computing time spent on movement.  相似文献   

任美锷 《地理研究》1983,2(4):41-47
国土整治是我国一个很重要问题,我提出一些看法,供大家参考。讲两个部分:第一部分,什么是国土整治;第二部分,国土整治与中国地理学的关系。  相似文献   

To collect time-use data in Third World rural areas, researchers should use broad-focus studies that provide adequate coverage throughout the year and employ direct observation of activities. Various methods used by geographers to obtain time expenditure information are examined in relation to these criteria; certain weaknesses are discussed. An alternative method developed by Allen Johnson, an anthropologist, has particular advantages for geographers because it facilitates mapping spatial patterns of time use, calculating average distances traveled to activities, and computing time spent on movement.  相似文献   

Historians and geographers have variously explored the WWI discharged soldier settlement schemes in New Zealand. The shared orthodoxy has emphasised the widespread failure of many of these soldier settlers and settlements. Recently there have been signs of a revisionist interpretation of the scheme. This paper extends this critique by considering the meanings of failure and success in broader terms through two New Zealand case studies. The discussion suggests that there were subtle graduations of both administrative and settler success and failure.  相似文献   

Physical geographers are often confronted with the decision of whether to publish in geography or nongeography journals. The present study seeks to quantify the number of articles with a significant hydrology content published in geography versus hydrology journals by physical geographers from 1997 to 2002 using the ISI Web of Knowledge electronic database. Of 690 articles published in the 10 selected geography and hydrology journals during the period of study, over four‐fifths were published in hydrology journals. Based on our interpretation of the data, the comparatively smaller audience in geography and the risk of acquiring fewer citations compels physical geographers to publish in hydrology journals for increased visibility. A critical mass of physical geographers should consider publishing some of their work in physical geography journals to elevate the status of geography in the academy.  相似文献   

对自然地理区划方法的认识与思考   总被引:23,自引:7,他引:16  
郑度  欧阳  周成虎 《地理学报》2008,63(6):563-573
在研习和继承前人区划研究工作与成果的基础上, 着重于自然地理区划方法论及其体系的探讨。首先, 深入阐述了自然地理区划的内涵, 认为: 自然地理区划既是区域划分的结 果, 也是区域划分的方法与过程, 同时还是认识地理特征和发现地理规律的一种科学方法。 第二, 假设性认为自然地理区划是客观存在的, 针对不同的区划目的和采用不同的区划原则 所形成了不同类型的自然地理区划, 如部门区划与综合区划、区域区划与类型区划等, 则构 成了对区划对象的多角度认识, 并且这些区划间存在内在联系, 具有一定的一致性和可转换性。第三, 在分析总结各种自然地理区划方案研究的基础上, 提出了包括区划本体、区划原 则、区划等级系统、区划模型和区划信息系统的自然地理区划范式, 其中自然地理区划原则、等级系统和区划模型构成了区划方法的核心, 并且通过区划模型, 实现区划原则、指标体系 和单位等级系统的综合。最后, 论文对自然地理区划信息系统研究所涉及的主要科学问题和 主要功能作了简要的说明和讨论, 并指出: 在地理空间单元理论的指导下, 可以实现在统一 的科学框架下的各种自然地理区划的集成, 并为开展综合区划研究提供可用的技术方法。  相似文献   

文章以去中心化和(逆)全球化为背景评估中国的人文地理学研究现状与未来去向。笔者认为近年贸易保护主义和中美争端的不断升级会减缓但不会扭转知识全球化的长期趋势。中国人文地理学者不应该对进入世界舞台失去信心,而应该勇敢正视当前理论和研究创新的重要机遇和挑战。文章通过对比中国人文地理学科与西方同行的研究,发现两者有不少共同的历史和传统,包括研究命题、研究框架和解释方式。比较而言,中国人文地理学更加规范统一、富有组织和系统性,并积极支持国家发展议程;而西方人文地理学强调个人自由、多样性、天马行空(“Blue-sky enquiry”)以及独立于政府的批判性视角。文章指出三种不同的价值观作为供中国人文地理学者进行理论批判的重要视角。其他可能的理论探索方式包括将问题置于不同的时间和空间,使用不同的数据和方法进行多重验证,从基本假设出发来进行理论解构,批判性地辨析因果关系,以及在不同的尺度下重新检视研究问题等。中国人文地理应通过更好地理解三种不同的地理知识,建立有利于激励研究创新的评估体系,探索国际研究和跨学科研究的前沿领域,促进比较研究,以及融合利用不同风格的研究方法等策略来促进研究创新。文章结尾提出三种可能的(逆)全球化情景供中国人文地理学者思考如何迈向充满新挑战和新机遇的未来。  相似文献   

Advances in GIS and databases for dealing with spatiotemporal frameworks are leading to efficient querying, analyzing, and reasoning about moving objects/agents. However, contemporary frameworks on spatiotemporal logics are usually limited to qualitative approaches, such as the numerous studies on spatiotemporal databases that focus on observations, ignoring the intended movements of the agents. Moving object databases, on the other hand, can handle queries about the location, velocity, and time by assuming some agents to be targets. However, reasoning about the plan of moving agents, especially on the network and the achievability of such a plan, still remains a challenge. Studies on vehicle routing are often about the centralized planning of moving agents from scratch and do not deal with intended plans. Based on a plain move predicate, this paper presents a generic framework that can be used for representing and reasoning about plans of moving agents. Concepts from motion, network structure, graph theory, predicate logic, and constraint satisfaction are used to create the framework. We have also provided efficient algorithms for checking the consistency of the movement and extracting compatible plans along with some discussions on computational analysis, logical deduction, and flexibility. Finally, we have demonstrated the application of the methodology by developing NETwork-based Move Atoms Planning System (NETMAPS). The experiments show how NETMAPS can overcome an inconsistent movement plan and deliver advantageous suggestions to an executive agent.  相似文献   

南英  朱竑 《热带地理》2015,35(4):498-506
现代宗教已经越来越多地与世俗社会产生不同形式的联系,然而各种宗教世俗化现象及相关理论却一直未得到国内外宗教地理学者的重视,甚至对其存在极大误解或片面解读。文章梳理了庞杂的西方宗教世俗化概念和理论,指出现代性和宗教的关系不能简单理解为后者被动迎合前者的破坏或压制,事实上两者可能是相互促进、能动地协商的关系;认为应避免混用中文语境下的世俗化概念与西方世俗化概念,以免产生错误解读。世俗化理论对宗教地理学研究有益,能为分析和解释现代宗教提供一个有力的理论框架。但该理论框架却还未被充分利用来揭示当代世界宗教变迁的多元性和复杂性。因为,现有研究1)存在地方偏见;2)存在文化偏见;3)主要基于定量分析和大尺度统计数据,缺乏深度的定性分析;4)实证基础薄弱,缺乏具体、系统地对特定地理环境(特别是非西方)下宗教变迁原因和过程的探讨。故此认为未来宗教变迁研究的注意力应该更多放在非西方社会及其宗教,利用定性研究方法深度剖析中观和微观尺度上的宗教变迁过程和机制,而这正是地理学者能发挥其优势的地方。  相似文献   

分析和总结了"三规"关系及主要城市"三规合一"的实践工作。"三规合一"的发展可分为"两规"衔接和"三规"协调2个阶段。"三规"职责关系为:五年规划负责建设项目的类型和结构,城规负责建设项目的选址布局和规划设计,土规负责建设项目的用地规模落实;实施流程关系为:五年规划负责建设项目前期审核阶段的工作,城规负责建设项目的规划选址、设计施工阶段的工作,土规负责建设项目用地审批阶段的工作。现有"三规合一"工作可归纳为依托土规、依托城规和编制"三规合一"规划3种规划协调模式。  相似文献   


In academic and policy discourse, the concept of urban resilience is proliferating. Social theorists, especially human geographers, have rightfully criticized that the underlying politics of resilience have been ignored and stress the importance of asking “resilience of what, to what, and for whom?” This paper calls for careful consideration of not just resilience for whom and what, but also where, when, and why. A three-phase process is introduced to enable these “five Ws” to be negotiated collectively and to engender critical reflection on the politics of urban resilience as plans, initiatives, and projects are conceived, discussed, and implemented. Deployed through the hypothetical case of green infrastructure in Los Angeles, the paper concludes by illustrating how resilience planning trade-offs and decisions affect outcomes over space and time, often with significant implications for equity.  相似文献   

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