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Given the importance of fieldwork in Latin Americanist geography, it is intriguing to note the absence of a dialogue about the politics of fieldwork within the subdiscipline. Drawing from feminist theories about the production of knowledge, this article suggests that the silence about fieldwork is rooted in masculinist epistemologies that predominate in Latin Americanist geography. After analyzing the epistemological and pedagogical implications of masculinism, I argue for increased attention to the nexus of power and knowledge and in particular, to how the researcher's geographic location, social status, race, and gender fundamentally shape the questions asked, the data collected, and the interpretation of the data. Dialogue about these issues in our teaching and writing not only will better prepare students for fieldwork, but also has the potential to foster research that subverts rather than reproduces power inequalities.  相似文献   

By focusing on critical geographies, landscape, and spatial literacy, this article evaluates a semester-long spatial justice project conducted in a preservice teacher education program. The analysis recognizes the limitations of reading the products literally as a means of comprehending spatial representation. It expands the analysis by hacking the products and producing new landscapes to read against or up against the products as sociospatial texts. It considers the deployment of landscape concepts—borders, the representation of tension, and the gaze and subjectivity of the reader-authors—as central elements of spatial literacy that is of consequence.  相似文献   

This article explores the production of geographic knowledge arising through civic engagement, using the example of a research course in Pittsburgh's South Side Flats neighborhood. Although civic engagement is a persistent feature in geography research and education, recent papers note that the term civic engagement conceals diverse practices and goals and that the outcomes of engagement are usually uncertain. In this article, I argue that attention must be paid to the positionality of stakeholder groups at all stages of the engagement process and that there are necessary limits to how participatory the coproduction of knowledge can be during a civic engagement course.  相似文献   

In this response to Ananya Roy’s paper, I ask: who are the allies of feminist knowledge production about the urban? To explore this question, I specifically ask what feminist scholars may find of use in two books, namely Arrival Cities by Doug Saunders and Implosions/Explosions edited by Neil Brenner, that are representative of two major discourses on the urban, respectively, the “Urban Age” and planetary urbanization, currently favored by policy bodies and (some) academics. Their limited engagement with politics leads me to conclude with a call for a feminist mode of situated knowledge production to engage with (the limits of) urban theory and the urban as a site of praxis.  相似文献   

旅游目的地游客满意理论研究综述   总被引:24,自引:2,他引:24  
阐述国内外关于旅游目的地游客满意理论的研究进展。国外研究主要包括游客满意的定义、影响因素的鉴别、遗产地游客满意研究、游客满意度测度;国内研究文献少而零散,且中国内地、港澳和台湾的研究在时间、视角和深度上表现不平衡。旅游目的地游客满意研究经历了概念辨析、因素分析和满意度测度模型研究的过程,游客满意理论基本沿用服务管理领域的顾客满意理论。提出游客满意的未来研究方向。  相似文献   

Getting Personal: Reflexivity,Positionality, and Feminist Research*   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
Feminist and poststructural challenges to objectivist social science demand greater reflection by the researcher with the aim of producing more inclusive methods sensitive to the power relations in fieldwork. Following a discussion of contrasting approaches to these power relations, I present a reflexive examination of a research project on sexual identities. My reflections highlight some of the key ethical questions that face researchers conducting fieldwork, especially with regard to the relationship between the researcher and those being researched. My discussion of these dilemmas reflect the situated and partial nature of our understanding of “others.” I argue that the researcher's positionality and biography directly affect fieldwork and that fieldwork is a dialogical process which is structured by the researcher and the participants.  相似文献   

汤茂林 《地理研究》2021,40(9):2695-2703
我国学者在从事学术写作时,基于学术史意识进行诚实引证的观念还有待改进,只在基金项目申请中才做得比较好,使我们的一些学术观点无法归因到最初提出的人,这直接影响了我国学术的积累、提高和影响力。那种不与同行认真对话的意识,不注意学术史并认真诚实地引证的学术文化是到了该改变的时候了。遵守学术规范是学术的基本要求,学者要自律,才能赢得他人的尊重;在自律可能失效的背景下,加强学术产品标准建设,并建立专门的学术诚信办公室,尤为必要,据此可能扭转学术风气,形成正向激励,这是成为学术强国的必由之路。  相似文献   

塔娜  刘志林 《地理科学进展》2017,36(10):1208-1217
为满足当前城市社会发展与城市建设需要,西方女性时空行为研究近年来取得了长足进展,研究主题覆盖行为特征、社会公平、可持续性等方面。中国城市女性在转型期同样面临着重大的挑战,城市空间的性别不平等正在深刻地影响女性的日常行为与生活质量。本文系统梳理了近50年来西方女性时空行为研究成果,介绍了女性通勤行为、非工作活动等传统议题和家庭关系、联合行为、可达性等新问题的研究进展,并总结了女性时空行为研究的理论解释。西方女性时空行为研究早期关注经济转型背景下的女性出行行为,对就业可达性、通勤和非工作活动的性别差异进行了大量研究。近年来,西方研究呈现出多元化趋势,研究重点转向家庭关系、家庭联合行为与时空可达性等新主题,指出女性在日常生活中面临社会排斥与空间不平等。为理解女性时空行为模式的形成机制,学者从经济学、社会学、地理学等角度进行探讨,提出了地租与工资理论、劳动力市场隔离理论、家庭责任假说、女性的自我认知与社会文化、家庭资源分配说、时空固定性制约等解释理论。这些研究为中国城市女性时空行为研究提供了借鉴。针对中国女性面临的城市社会转型的独特背景,其时空行为受制度、家庭和自身的多重制约,提出了中国城市女性时空行为研究的框架和未来研究方向。  相似文献   

We present a summary of the kinds of outputs submitted to the Geography and Environmental Studies sub-panel (H-32) for the 2008 Research Assessment Exercise (RAE), and examine the relationships between the peer assessment of research quality that the RAE process has typified, and alternative modes of assessment based on bibliometrics. This comparison is effected using (in aggregate form) some of the results from the RAE, together with citation data gathered after completion of the RAE assessment, specifically for the purpose of this paper. We conclude that, if it continues to be necessary and desirable to assess, in some measure and however imprecisely, research quality, then peer assessment cannot be replaced by bibliometrics. Bibliometrics permit measurement of something that may be linked to quality but is essentially a different phenomenon – a measure of 'impact', for example.  相似文献   

Feminism and Social Theory in Geography: An Introduction*   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This essay introduces a collection of articles based on papers developed for a Fall 2004 speaker series at the University of Minnesota. The articles address the continued relevance of feminist geography and the unique contributions of feminist perspectives in various areas of geographic research. They also point out directions for needed future research. This introduction briefly reviews the successes of and remaining challenges to feminist geography, including material inequities yet unresolved in two other (nonresearch) “places” of academic life: teaching and the workplace. We discuss the ongoing underrepresentation of women and people of color on our faculties and in the front of classrooms.  相似文献   

Over the past two decades, feminist geographers have contributed in critical ways to thinking on the conduct, complications, and consequences of feminist research. The robust existing body of work is testament to the foundational import of these contributions, but the articles in this Focus Section suggest that there are still important things to argue, talk about, and reflect on with regard to the epistemological aspects of doing feminist geography. These six articles bring together real-life examples of complex issues that feminist researchers in geography face today, with the overarching aim of sparking discussions about the relationship between feminist research and knowledge production. Specifically, the articles expand key concepts facilitating reflexive processes and offer new tools for feminist researchers. This Introduction reviews the existing literature pertaining to both of these goals, and summarizes and situates the articles that follow.  相似文献   

近30年来国外国家公园研究进展与启示   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
国家公园是自然保护和旅游研究领域的重要内容之一。本文以Web of Science数据库收录的近30年国外国家公园相关文献为基础,对筛选的451篇英文文献运用可视化软件CitespaceⅢ及系统综述的方法,从资源评估、环境影响、发展模式、规划、运营管理5个方面对国外国家公园研究主要内容进行述评,并对研究方法进行系统分析。最后,从国家公园立法、发展模式构建、管理内容与方法、社区参与模式与机制、环境监测与评估5个方面提出未来中国国家公园的研究方向。总体上看,国外有关国家公园的研究具有研究对象复杂、视角多元、方法综合的特征。在构建国家公园体制的大背景下,借鉴国际经验构建中国国家公园研究体系将对完善中国保护地相关研究、指导国家公园建设具有重要意义。  相似文献   

This paper provides an introduction to the set of articles presented in the focus section Women in Geography in the 21st Century. The paper argues that feminist geographers should view their professional biographies in a structure‐agency context. Such a theoretical perspective views events that are commonly thought to be unique and attributable to individual merit or foible as the outcome instead of interactions between actors and social structures. Creating genuinely equal opportunities in geography departments for women and others who are different from the able‐bodied, middle‐class, white heterosexual male model of “the geographer” depends upon challenges to and transformations of the structures which bear on the discipline, rather than solely upon individual initiative.  相似文献   

This paper provides an introduction to the set of articles presented in the focus section Women in Geography in the 21st Century. The paper argues that feminist geographers should view their professional biographies in a structure-agency context. Such a theoretical perspective views events that are commonly thought to be unique and attributable to individual merit or foible as the outcome instead of interactions between actors and social structures. Creating genuinely equal opportunities in geography departments for women and others who are different from the able-bodied, middle-class, white heterosexual male model of “the geographer” depends upon challenges to and transformations of the structures which bear on the discipline, rather than solely upon individual initiative.  相似文献   

Feminist post-structuralist theory, feminist empiricism, and field practice can all contribute to insights on the value of quantitative and qualitative methods in feminist geographical research. A political ecology study of gendered interests in a social forestry program in the Dominican Republic illustrates the methodological dilemmas and potentials of feminist research on environmental change. The study combined qualitative and quantitative data collection and analytical techniques. Examples from the case study address three methodological questions in feminist geography: (1) Should identity or affinity be the basis for situating ourselves and the subjects of our research? (2) How can we reconcile multiple subjectivities and quantitative methods in the quest for objectivity? and (3) Can we combine traditional positivist methods with participatory mapping and oral histories? The paper draws on theoretical literature as well as field experience to answer these questions.  相似文献   

Over the past three decades, feminist historiography of geography has begun to situate women's contribution to the production of geographical knowledge within the histories of geography, at times against the conviction of skeptical colleagues. In this Focus Section introduction, we renew Domosh's (1991a Domosh, M. 1991a. Beyond the frontiers of geographical knowledge. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers 16 (4): 48890.[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar], 1991b ———. 1991b. Toward a feminist historiography of geography. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers 16 (1): 95104.[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) call for creating more inclusive feminist histories of geography by situating the three focus section articles on the careers and contributions of women in twentieth-century geographical practice and knowledge production in the United Kingdom and the United States within wider debates about diverse, unfamiliar, and previously hidden aspects of geographical knowledge production. We argue that feminist historiography of geography and feminist historical geography could benefit from continuously diversifying inclusive and comparative research perspectives, and from unlocking diverse archives, to enhance understanding of why and how some male and some female gatekeepers have been more supportive of women than others.  相似文献   

Private land conservation provides an opportunity to address problems of habitat fragmentation and biodiversity loss caused by an increase in the development and parcelization of private land. Conservation easements (CEs) are used to protect significant natural qualities of private land. In this study, we explore landowner attitudes toward CEs through the implementation of a mixed-mode survey to private landowners in the Whychus Creek Watershed (Deschutes County, Oregon). The results of an exploratory factor analysis suggest there are two dimensions to landowner attitudes toward CEs, an internal dimension and an external dimension. We found that positive external attitudes are primarily influenced by environmental beliefs, whereas positive internal attitudes are influenced by a suite of factors, including financial beliefs and perceived risk to private ownership. Awareness of CEs may also play a role in attitude development. Through this research, we argue that CEs may be beneficial in reintegrating the public good into private property.  相似文献   

网络城市研究回顾:概念、特征与发展经验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
信息化、全球化与网络化的时代背景下,网络城市成为新的城市空间发展模式。通过构建多中心网络城市来促进均衡、可持续的地域发展成为规划界的研究热点。网络城市不仅是构建形态上的网络,更重要的是成为具备关键功能性关联的功能实体。本文将从概念辨析与特征描述、形态与结构演化、功能联系与整合分析、典型案例研究四个方面,系统地回顾国内外网络城市相关研究的进展,从而更好地指导国内城市空间发展的实践。  相似文献   

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