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Despite widespread interest in the relationship between the exercise of power and control of space, few current works in geography make explicit use of the concept of territoriality. This paper does so by considering the means by which the Los Angeles Police Department pursues its law enforcement and order maintenance functions through regulating space. I draw upon fieldwork observations of a single LAPD patrol division to demonstrate that officers regularly seek to govern the citizenry through controlling the spatial parameters of permissible action. The imperative toward effective territorial control is given further impetus within the subcultural world that officers construct; indeed, officers evaluate each other's competence in large part on their ability to manage activity within the spaces for which they are responsible.  相似文献   

《Urban geography》2013,34(7):658-674
This article traces the history of Black gangs in Los Angeles, California and identifies the factors that were most significant in the formation of these gangs during two waves of gang formation in the post-World War II period. The results of this analysis suggest that the racialization of Black youths played a major factor in both waves of gang formation. The more popular explanations based on economic and community deficiencies, themselves a by-product of racialization, are more central to gang maintenance and proliferation than gang formation.  相似文献   

随着世界进入全球化时代以及信息技术的广泛应用,工业发展的自身特点和外部环境都发生了变化,转型升级成为新的主题。本文通过研究洛杉矶从西部边缘小城市最终成长为全球经济中心的工业升级历程并深入探讨其成功经验。结果表明,选择发展具有前瞻性和潜力的新兴行业,并始终把握价值链的最高环节是洛杉矶实现产业优势的核心,而洛杉矶广阔的地域使得其产业选择具有多样性。同时经济行为背后的社会、制度关系也非常重要,洛杉矶宽容多元、创新进取的文化氛围以及有利于企业经营模式和产业结构变革的制度环境,共同帮助其实现地区产业升级。  相似文献   

This intervention focuses on how national-level rhetoric aimed at impugning “others” has thrived of late, but how concomitantly 1990s-style urban revanchism has faded in cities that were once punitive crucibles against the homeless. Using Los Angeles as case study, I argue that the recent trend has been to grudgingly support the homeless, increasingly via taxpayer initiatives, leading to a potential but stymied post-revanchist city. If the spirit of revanchism remains, it is through the persistent NIMBY opposition to housing the homeless.  相似文献   

近年来,生产网络已经成为研究热点,其对纳入网络中不同企业和地方的技术升级、价值增加和获得具有重要意义。本文以洛杉矶时装业生产网络为对象,深入分析其生产网络的运行体制,吸取成功经验。研究表明,时尚区内密集的社会网络和开放的劳工市场,快速与时尚的生产理念,地理空间聚集,各公司之间竞争、合作、信任关系以及商贸促进区对区域发展的调节与治理等都是其取得成功的重要条件。  相似文献   

Spatial Patterns of Immigrant Assimilation*   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This research compares the contemporary areal patterning of cultural and economic assimilation with patterns expected from a model of urban spatial assimilation described by Massey and modified by us. Using 1990 census data (PUMS) for 12 immigrant groups in the greater Los Angeles area, we locate the ethnic concentrations of each group and identify two additional zones based on distance from the concentration. The zones represent varying degrees of spatial assimilation. This method allows us to compare the distribution of immigrant cohorts over time and the degree of cultural and economic assimilation of residents of the different zones. Our findings confirm most geographical aspects of the modified model. Zonal differentiation occurs in the expected direction and is statistically significant although not strong for most groups. More recently arrived immigrant groups and those with higher incomes tend to show greater differences in assimilation between zones.  相似文献   

《Urban geography》2013,34(2):92-119
What makes places different from one another in the context of globalization? An analysis of 17 emblematic practices in two global cities, Los Angeles and Sydney, provides the empirical basis for answering this question. Evidence from the built environment, the social geography, and the patterns of disorder in the inner cities of these two global places shows that these cities were more alike in the late 1960s than they are today. The differentiation of the two places has increased as the effects of globalization have become more pervasive. The evidence presented in this paper suggests that there is nothing inherent in contemporary globalization that requires global cities to have inner city slums, ghettoes, massive homelessness, residential disinvestment, White flight, relict or suboptimally-utilized brownfields, illegal prostitution, a war on drugs, public spaces awash with guns, and so forth. Places are viewed here as constellations of distinctive practices configured in particular geographical settings at the intersection of specific conjunctures of historical change. Places matter in the epoch of globalization as differentially embedded, bounded particularities consisting of a mixed assortment of human practices forming causally consequential fields of effects.  相似文献   

This paper examines African American migration from Los Angeles County, 1985–1990, utilizing Census Public Use Microdata Samples (PUMS) data to identify linkages between Los Angeles migrants and others in destination households. Increased migration to suburban counties and to regions outside of the South, since 1975–1980, suggests an overall diversification of African American migration. The majority of outmigrants were “independent” because they moved into 1990 destination households that contained only migrants from the same origin, Los Angeles County. Others were linked either to nonmovers or to migrants from other places in destination households. A discriminant analysis suggests that many migrants linked to nonmigrants were moving for assistance, depending on others at the destination for housing and financial resources. In contrast, independent migrants have the personal resources to set up their own destination households.  相似文献   

《Urban geography》2013,34(2):139-172
Although welfare rolls have dropped considerably in recent years, most welfare recipients who find work are employed in low-wage, insecure jobs. The problem of "working poverty" is especially acute in large city-regions such as Los Angeles, where local labor market restructuring has created an expanding, low-wage economy, increasingly dependent on immigrant labor. This paper analyzes the employment outcomes of 6,931 women who completed the county's welfare-to-work program in 1996. I evaluate their earnings, labor market segmentation, and job stability. The results show that women were highly concentrated in low-wage service jobs and experienced high levels of turnover and unemployment. Many were unable to obtain employment in the formal labor market. I argue that the struggles of the working poor in a growing regional economy are explained not solely by human capital limitations, but by processes of local labor market restructuring that have contributed to widespread economic insecurity in Los Angeles County.  相似文献   

This article draws from the recent relational turn in geography to develop a model of relational racialization. It argues that racism functions through the legal and discursive production of linked, interdependent, and unequal places. By comparing two social movements in Los Angeles, the South Central Farmers and the Shadow Hills homeowners, I examine two spatial discourses through which race is relationally reproduced: unequal abilities to mobilize the entitlements of “property rights” and unequal claims to represent hegemonic forms of local heritage. When materialized and naturalized in land use policy, these discourses re-create racial disparities in wealth and poverty and reproduce the qualitative nature of the physical places on which racism depends.  相似文献   

The locations of Korean firms in Los Angeles reflect spatial segmentation in markets and the provision of labor, in that the ethnic neighborhoods facilitate positive business environments for ethnic small firms. While Korean small businesses serve both community needs and broader local markets, firm locations are closely associated with the residential patterns of some ethnic populations. To address the specificity of firm locations, this paper examines Koreatown using historical sources and recent property development, identifies changes in the locational patterns of Korean firms between 1975 and 1986, and analyzes relationships between business density and density of ethnic populations for zip code areas. The findings of this study indicate that both the development of Koreatown and the presence of ethnic neighborhoods are important influences on the location of Korean businesses.  相似文献   

Disparities in park provision raise environmental and health justice concerns. With public agencies stepping back from providing environmental amenities in increasingly neoliberal urban regimes, nonprofits in the U.S. have assumed a prominent role in the parks and recreation sector. But very few studies have comprehensively assessed whether and how park nonprofits contribute to increasing or closing the equity gap in park provision. Focusing on Los Angeles, I analyze how park nonprofits operate and which demographic groups benefit from new and improved parks supported by nonprofits. Based on interviews with local practitioners and geospatial analyses, I find that nonprofits are leading a park equity movement in Los Angeles and helped address park disparities. To do so, nonprofits built diverse coalitions, leveraged complementary strengths, coalesced with public agencies, and helped generate public funds for parks. These findings show that equity-oriented nonprofits can successfully challenge the unjust outcomes of neoliberal governance.  相似文献   

Released in 1961, The Exiles is a low‐budget docudrama that chronicles the lives of three American Indians over a period of twelve hours in a downtown Los Angeles neighborhood in the late 1950s. Contemporary neorealist filmmaking appears to have influenced the film, whereas itsg narrative is ethnographic in form. An examination of the film and its dialogue reveals the ways in which American Indians who recently migrated from their reservation to the city have socially constructed the urban spaces within the framework of the physical setting provided to them. The nature of the engagements of the male and female protagonists with the sites and with other American Indians in this small urban sphere provides substantive clues to the nature and level of their respective transitions into the realm of the white‐dominated society of Los Angeles and beyond.  相似文献   

The traditional definition of concentrated poverty—40 percent of a census tract population living below the federal poverty threshold—is problematic in light of burgeoning working poor populations, increasing inner-suburban poverty, and problems with the federal poverty threshold itself. This article questions the meaning of concentrated poverty as traditionally defined and measured through an analysis of social and built environments in selected Los Angeles area communities that meet the 40 percent threshold. Such neighborhoods face significant challenges, yet do not conform to stereotypes of concentrated poverty areas. Findings indicate the need for measures that recognize the increasingly heterogeneous forms and landscapes of poverty in globalizing urban regions.  相似文献   

Competition among California communities for retail sales tax revenues has increased since the imposition of property tax limitations in the late 1970s. Suburban adoption of redevelopment and other economic planning practices is altering the spatial pattern of retailing in suburban Los Angeles. In the inner suburbs, economic planning contributes to increased spatial concentration of retailing. In the outer suburbs, local economic planning in predominantly residential suburbs has helped reduce the spatial concentration of retailing.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. In the public‐space discourse Los Angeles is usually portrayed as more “anti‐city” than city. Its landscape is overrun by houses, “private‐public” squares and plazas, theme parks, shopping malls, and so on and lacks inclusive public places. Yet this discourse has essentially disdained to contemplate a major public space that contradicts its general thesis: the Los Angeles coast. The coast is meaningful public place in two specific senses. First, it symbolizes Los Angeles as a whole and therefore provides a basis for regional public identity. Second, Angelinos themselves take the coast seriously as a public place, and they have striven to make it inclusive in practice.  相似文献   

《Urban geography》2013,34(5):365-384
Much attention has been paid to preserving land at the urban fringe, and to the negative effects of sprawl and its costs. There is increasing recognition that enhancing green, public open spaces in cities provides a strategy to make those cities more sustainable, more livable, and more equitable. This involves a new approach to public spaces that integrates infrastructure needs, takes equity into account, and reexamines the range of uses public spaces offer. We consider the potential for urban greening through a case study in the dense inner core of Los Angeles that probed local resident attitudes and values toward a more inclusive strategy, and that measured the potential value of nature's services in the urban fabric using a GIS program.  相似文献   

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