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While research into the formation of memorial landscapes in the American South has focused on those resulting from racial conflicts, a new landscape memorializing labor conflict and class consciousness is also emerging in the region's textile‐producing Piedmont. This memorialization poses significant challenges to dominant regional discourses of economic development and class mutuality in a region in which labor organizing and radical politics remain anathema. This paper examines this emerging landscape for what it can tell us about class relations in the region and the process by which memorial landscapes are formed.  相似文献   

Produced over the past decade, monuments and museums dedicated to the Civil Rights movement of the 1950s and 1960s have desegregated America's memorial landscape. Tracing a broad arc across the US South, the material elements of this landscape — historic markers, monuments, parks, registered buildings, and museums — present a distinct challenge to representations of an elite, white American past. This challenge, however, is offered in a distinctly gendered manner, inasmuch as the role of women in organizing and leading the movement is obscured. Further, the historical narratives concretized at these sites are mediated by conventions associated with civil rights historiography and the tourism development industry. The result is a complex, sometimes ironic landscape. Via the narratives they embed and the crowds they attract, these landscapes are co-constitutive with contemporary politics of representing the past in the United States. This paper offers an overview of current memorial practices and representations of the Civil Rights movement found at the country's major memorial landscapes.  相似文献   

Produced over the past decade, monuments and museums dedicated to the Civil Rights movement of the 1950s and 1960s have desegregated America's memorial landscape. Tracing a broad arc across the US South, the material elements of this landscape — historic markers, monuments, parks, registered buildings, and museums — present a distinct challenge to representations of an elite, white American past. This challenge, however, is offered in a distinctly gendered manner, inasmuch as the role of women in organizing and leading the movement is obscured. Further, the historical narratives concretized at these sites are mediated by conventions associated with civil rights historiography and the tourism development industry. The result is a complex, sometimes ironic landscape. Via the narratives they embed and the crowds they attract, these landscapes are co‐constitutive with contemporary politics of representing the past in the United States. This paper offers an overview of current memorial practices and representations of the Civil Rights movement found at the country's major memorial landscapes.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Students of human landscapes often view those landscapes as documents and seek to “read” them for cultural and historical meaning. But how does one learn to read landscape? And how can students be taught to do it? After many years of teaching courses about commonplace American landscapes, I have discovered that students must learn two things before they can expect to read human landscapes. First, they must learn to pay attention to commonplace things which most Americans normally ignore. Second, they must master vocabularies that permit them to classify elements in the landscape and to connect small things with larger ideas. Two examples in the landscape of Bellefonte, Pennsylvania—the town's war memorial and a scattering of California bungalows-demonstrate how these ideas work.  相似文献   

邱彭华  俞鸣同 《热带地理》2004,24(3):221-225
综合分析了影响旅游地景观的主要因子,以人为干扰为基础,以地貌为基本线索,以植被为标志,以土壤为参照,结合实地考察和景观生态制图技术,建立研究区的三级景观生态分类体系.结论认为:旅游地景观类型的划分应强调整体的综合,而不是对个别组分进行分类;多要素综合的分级分类体系,既能反映控制景观形成过程的主要因子,又可体现景观的综合性,能较好地反映客观实际;旅游地景观生态类型的划分,应根据景观异质性、图形比例尺和图斑的需要,明确分类单元的等级,确定分类的基础单元.  相似文献   

青川东河口地震遗址公园是2008年"5.12"汶川大地震后第一个开园的以地震遗址为主题的地质公园。地质公园内景观类型主要以滑坡、串珠状分布的堰塞湖、地热和可燃气体等为主。人文景观有民居遗址、纪念碑、遇难同胞纪念墙等。与四川其他地震遗址相比,该遗址公园的突出特点是造成当地居民重大伤亡的山地次生灾害集中分布,滑坡和泥石流遗迹保存完好。作为震遗地质公园,需要在人们凭吊和瞻仰过程中配有较好的旅游解说系统,加强解说人员的地学素养,强化地震博物馆中地震模拟的建设。现该遗址公园已成为省级地质公园,在此基础上需要通过对遗址公园的景观构建及公园旅游解说系统的建设,期望其成为国家级地质公园乃至世界级地震遗迹公园。  相似文献   

西方劳工地理学研究进展及对中国的启示   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
与新古典工业区位论和新马克思主义经济地理学论将工人视为一种生产要素和抽象劳动力不同,劳工地理学将工人视为具有能动性的社会主体,研究工人如何按照自身的意愿创造有助于自身生存和再生产的空间。这种劳工认识论的转变在国际经济地理学界产生了极大和持续的反响,促使劳工地理学发展成为具有独特概念体系的经济地理子学科。本文梳理了近20年西方劳工地理学的研究进展,围绕工人能动性的概念、表现形式、形成机制以及它与空间、尺度、地方、全球生产网络之间的关系展开分析。最后基于劳工地理学前沿问题的分析,认为中国劳工地理研究应重点关注中国特色工会体制下工人能动性的构成、经济地理影响与形成的地域条件,并探索有助于社会升级的制度安排。开展劳工地理研究有助于拓展经济地理学的劳动力研究范畴,对认识中国市场经济深入发展时期面临的劳资矛盾和探索共享发展政策具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

王云才  韩丽莹 《地理研究》2014,33(1):143-156
在城镇化、现代化和商业化快速发展的今天,传统文化景观的破碎化已成为传统地域文化景观的重要空间特征和现象,破碎化直接催生了传统文化景观空间的孤岛化现象,直接影响着传统地域文化景观的整体性,成为传统文化景观整体性保护的重要障碍。本文以苏州市甪直镇为例,在分析区域特征及对当地居民进行问卷调查的基础上,通过构造孤岛化评价指数,评价甪直古镇传统文化景观的格局的综合特征和景观孤岛化现象、特征及形成过程。在传统文化景观孤岛化评价的基础上,通过确定保护圈层、构建文化景观遗产廊道和景观生态网络格局,实现传统文化景观空间的拓展、连接和传统文化景观与缓冲空间的有机复合,成为传统地域文化景观区域性整体保护的空间模式。  相似文献   

加拿大新斯科舍省的大草地是传统土地利用的杰出例子,反映了人类与独特环境相互作用,也因此被联合国教科文组织列入世界遗产名录。大草地不但是加拿大最肥沃的农业景观,还是一个标志性历史遗址,承载着1755年的驱逐阿卡迭人的历史悲剧,吸引了无数游客慕名而来。而今面临着农业的转变和旅游业的衰败双重威胁,人们对大草地于2012年成为世界遗产及其所带来的旅游发展充满期待。本文将大草地作为全球重要农业文化遗产,根据以前的研究,对其成为世界遗产地之后该地区未来经济繁荣和可持续发展的情况进行了探讨。  相似文献   

巩乃斯河流域游憩景观生态评价及持续利用   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
王云才 《地理学报》2005,60(4):645-655
流域是重要的景观生态空间和游憩景观建设空间。游憩景观生态适宜性评价与规划是合理利用流域资源,建立流域协调景观体系,促进流域可持续发展的重要环节。以巩乃斯河流域景观空间为依托,以游憩景观生态适宜性评价为核心,通过景观旷奥度和相容度的核心评价和综合评价,研究了巩乃斯河流域游憩景观生态适宜性特征,探讨了巩乃斯河流域游憩景观生态保护、游憩景观资源可持续利用的重点途径。  相似文献   

西辽河流域历史早期的文化景观格局   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10  
胡金明  崔海亭 《地理研究》2002,21(6):723-732
考古发现表明 ,西辽河流域自历史早期以来 ,先后演绎了多期文化 ,文明一直延续至今。本文根据大量的野外考古调查资料 ,在典型考古遗址、教来河流域、敖汉旗三个空间尺度上建立了本区历史早期文化景观的DEM模型 ,分析了赤峰全境历史早期文化遗址点的水平分布格局 ,从四个不同的空间尺度探讨了西辽河流域历史早期文化景观的演变过程 ,概括出本区历史时期文化景观垂向变迁和水平变迁两种模式 ,为进一步深入研究本区人地系统的相互作用机制提供了基础。  相似文献   

在对乌蒙山区社会经济、扶贫现状、自然环境及区域地质背景和岩溶地质特征进行分析和研究的基础上,首先系统探讨了其岩溶景观的类型、发育和分布特征,然后从资源潜力、开发适宜性、区位特性、开发条件、市场潜力等方面探讨和分析其岩溶景观旅游扶贫潜力的大小及其与岩溶特征间的关系,认为:1)乌蒙山区拥有118处不同级别优势(78处省级、32处国家级、8处世界级)的岩溶景观单体或景观区,是全球高原岩溶景观的典型集中发育区和杰出范例,形成并表现出明显的类型、区域优势和特色;2)总体上,随着岩溶景观分布密度的依次降低,以及可溶性特征的减弱和景观区级别的降低,贵州、云南、四川三大岩溶片区以及各县域岩溶区、各类岩溶景观单体或景观区资源的优势性、聚集性、规模性及知名性依次降低,旅游扶贫潜力依次下降;3)观光体验和休闲度假,是乌蒙山区各岩溶区最适宜,且最具优势和开发潜力的旅游产品;4)乌蒙山区的区位特性、开发条件和市场潜力等则明显逊色于其他相似的岩溶地区。最后,在上述分析的基础上提出了观光休闲旅游、生态旅游、科学旅游、文化旅游、探险科考等5种乌蒙山区岩溶旅游扶贫模式,并从政府、基础设施、区域旅游发展、区域协作、发展理念等方面探讨了岩溶旅游扶贫的保障机制。  相似文献   

李仁杰  谷枫  郭风华  傅学庆 《地理科学》2015,35(9):1086-1094
在已有景观感知度概念和模型基础上,根据景观规模和特征将交通线某一具体位置的景观感知度划分为单点景观、多点景观和组景观感知度,并提出了基于集合表达的交通线景观感知度模型,以解决在一组特定的线性空间单元或区域上开展景观感知的研究和计算问题。以紫荆关长城文化景观为例,利用DEM进行景观视域分析,并引入资源价值、遗存现状等权重因子,实现了紫荆关附近公路和铁路线的景观感知度定量计算。根据景观感知度的空间格局,准确划分了敌台、烽火台和马面等单点景观、墙体景观及各类组景观和综合景观的最佳感知功能路段和最佳观赏位置。总体来看,紫荆关附近的公路线可感知位置连续性更强,铁路线高感知位置相对离散,公路感知效果整体优于铁路感知。交通线景观感知度模型特别适合用于大型造型地貌、宏伟建筑群等景观感知分析,是对旅游景观规划设计方法的一种扩充,能够将旅游景观规划设计从旅游地内部拓展到旅游地外围,对于提高旅游景观导引设计的精准性、提升旅游文化传播效率和增加传播途径等均有理论参考意义和实践应用价值。  相似文献   

王云才  韩丽莹 《地理研究》2014,33(1):143-156
在城镇化、现代化和商业化快速发展的今天,传统文化景观的破碎化已成为传统地域文化景观的重要空间特征和现象,破碎化直接催生了传统文化景观空间的孤岛化现象,直接影响着传统地域文化景观的整体性,成为传统文化景观整体性保护的重要障碍。本文以苏州市甪直镇为例,在分析区域特征及对当地居民进行问卷调查的基础上,通过构造孤岛化评价指数,评价甪直古镇传统文化景观的格局的综合特征和景观孤岛化现象、特征及形成过程。在传统文化景观孤岛化评价的基础上,通过确定保护圈层、构建文化景观遗产廊道和景观生态网络格局,实现传统文化景观空间的拓展、连接和传统文化景观与缓冲空间的有机复合,成为传统地域文化景观区域性整体保护的空间模式。  相似文献   

An analysis is made of the volcanic landscape structure of Mount Kerinci, the highest volcano in South-East Asia. Field observations, remote sensing methods, and also cartographic material were used in obtaining new evidence to gain a more penetrating insight into the characteristics of structure and altitudinal zonation of the landscapes along the equatorial belt that have shaped themselves and are evolving in conditions of intense volcanic activity, equatorial climate and heavy anthropogenic load. The analysis revealed natural and anthropogenic landscape-forming factors that determined the present-day landscape appearance of the Kerinci volcano. Within the boundaries of the volcanic structure, landscapes of the mountain class show the highest diversity of landscape taxa. They are represented largely by slope units. With an increase in altitude, there is an increase in the proportion of landscapes of steep and vertical slopes as well as moderately steep slopes, along with the disappearance of landscapes of smart slopes and valley bottoms. A less diverse landscape structure is characteristic for subclasses of aggraded-denudation plains where there occur only landscapes with bogs and waterlogged meadows predominating. Anthropogenic modifications of landscapes occur mostly within subclasses of smart slopes and aggraded-denudation plains. They are characterized by a predominance of agricultural plants.  相似文献   

甘肃省张掖丹霞与彩色丘陵地貌的形成与景观特征   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
张荷生  崔振卿 《中国沙漠》2007,27(6):942-945
对发育在甘肃省张掖市境内祁连山山麓、白垩系中下统碎屑岩地层中的丹霞地貌与彩色丘陵形成的地层、构造、地貌、古地理环境和外动力条件进行了分析;将该地的丹霞地貌划分为窗棂状宫殿式、柱状式和巷谷式三类不同的地貌景观群,并分别描述了各类丹霞地貌和彩色丘陵的景观特征;从景观的典型性、美学价值、科考价值、观赏价值四个方面评价了丹霞地貌与彩色丘陵的科教旅游价值;认为张掖丹霞地貌既有南方丹霞之秀美、又有北方雅丹之雄浑,彩色丘陵色彩斑斓、绚丽多姿、气势宏大,这两种奇特的地貌景观相互衬托,成为国内独特的地质遗迹,具有极高的观赏价值和重要的科研价值,是旅游观光、绘画摄影、科普教育、科学研究和考察的最佳场所。  相似文献   

我国低硒带典型景观植物硒的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
黄毅坚  谭见安 《地理学报》1990,45(4):451-456
本研究在我国低硒带的东北端和西南端分别选取了针阔叶混交林景观和云南松林景观,并且在低硒带内的克山病和大骨节病非病区与东南非病带选取了落叶阔叶林景观和马尾松林景观为对照景观,系统地采集了上述各不同景观的主要植物和土壤,对硒进行了分析。结果发现,在我国低硒带的东北瑞和西南瑞景观的主要植物含硒量显著地低于对照景观,同时景观内土壤硒也明显地低于划分我国低硒生态景观的阈值,从天然植物的角度进一步对我国低硒带客观存在这一科学论断进行了补充。  相似文献   

刘前进  于兴修 《地理研究》2010,29(8):1471-1483
以具北方土石山区典型特征的沂蒙山区为例,在分析土壤侵蚀过程的基础上,选取具生态学意义的侵蚀强度景观格局指数,从垂直维度上分析侵蚀景观格局变化特征。结果表明:土壤侵蚀景观格局具有显著垂直分带性。50~200带为低侵蚀稳定区,人类活动影响大,缀块成片分布,连通性强,形状较规则;400~800带为高侵蚀稳定区,自然因素起主导作用,缀块密度大且分散,形状较复杂;200~400带为侵蚀景观急剧变化区,侵蚀程度随高程增加而增大,自然因素作用增强。微度与轻度侵蚀景观、强烈与极强烈侵蚀景观具相同垂直变化趋势,此两组侵蚀景观变化趋势的差异主要分布于低于300带和高于500带处;中度侵蚀景观变化趋势可视为前两组侵蚀景观变化趋势的过渡。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the conflict that arose as the result of opening a McDonald's restaurant adjacent to a national shrine in Israel. This conflict transformed Golani Junction, previously associated with the meanings assigned to the Golani memorial, into a contested place and a controversial issue. The paper outlines the conflict and the attempts to reach a compromise solution. The main argument is that the conflict reflects the notion prevalent among those dedicated to the memorial site and to the values it enshrines that the restaurant defies the sacred character of the place and marginalized the memorial in the local landscape. The conflict of meaning is also associated with McDonald's being construed as a prominent symbol of the alleged Americanization of Israeli society and culture. With this, the controversial character of the Golani Junction is also an aspect of a wider debate concerning cultural identity in Israel. Beyond the local context and specific issues involved, the controversies that transform the Golani Junction into a contested place demonstrate how conflicting interpretations of place and the politics of its meaning are formulated in terms of landscape features and architectural details.  相似文献   

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