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Summary. Pacific earthquakes studied by Gogna, also three important explosions in the Tuamotu archipelago, are rediscussed. The results are very consistent, but those from Tuamotu are later than Gogna's by about 1 s in the times of P about 60°. Both sets of data give PKP residuals about -5 s about 140° - 142°, indicating that the observations there referred to the neighbourhood of the cusp of the travel-time curve but the ISS had compared them with the DEF branch. The corresponding difference in the 1940 tables is about 2 s.
Analysis at intervals of 1° indicated that the cusp of PKP is about 141° instead of 143° as in the 1940 tables and the difference between it and the DEF branch at these distances is about - 5 s.
Travel times of S under the Pacific were found but need more data, especially at distances under 10°.
Times of PcP reported by Kogan and Carder were compared with those calculated from P in Gogan's explosions, and indicated a radius of the core of 3479.8 ± 1.8 km. 相似文献
Analysis at intervals of 1° indicated that the cusp of PKP is about 141° instead of 143° as in the 1940 tables and the difference between it and the DEF branch at these distances is about - 5 s.
Travel times of S under the Pacific were found but need more data, especially at distances under 10°.
Times of PcP reported by Kogan and Carder were compared with those calculated from P in Gogan's explosions, and indicated a radius of the core of 3479.8 ± 1.8 km. 相似文献
Eric Neumayer 《The Professional geographer》2013,65(2):171-181
The vast majority of states impose visa restrictions on travelers from some foreign countries. Such restrictions are likely to deter foreign visitors from affected countries. They will therefore reduce the flow of tourists, businesspeople, and other travelers and thereby damage a country's tourism industry, reduce its trade, and affect its scientific, cultural, and other exchanges with foreign countries. This study estimates the damaging effect exerted by visa restrictions on bilateral travel in a country dyad data set covering the period from 1995 to 2005. It finds that, depending on the exact model specification chosen, visa restrictions reduce such travel by on average between 52 and 63 percent but with substantial regional variation. Given this large detrimental effect of visa restrictions on bilateral travel, the article discusses the determinants of why states impose such restrictions. 相似文献
《The Journal of geography》2012,111(1):31-33
Abstract Models can greatly assist the student to understand important aspects of a complex reality. A simple model, based on empirical data about farm size in Tokugawa, Japan, is here introduced and applied to China. The model makes explicit one of the major lessons East Asian civilization has for regions of the world more recently integrated into “civilization”; that is, that the productive capacity of land, and thus its ability to support people, is finite. The model also provides a useful integrative framework for introduction to the physical aspects of the geography of East Asia. 相似文献
日本国际旅游业的特点及新动向 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
日本的国际旅游业在世界旅游业发达国家中独具特色,20世纪60年代为界,日本旅游业经历了以入境游为主到以出境游为主的变化,出境游大大超过入境游。本文在介绍和分析日本国际旅游业的发展变化过程及其主要特征的基础上,对新世纪前后日本国际旅游业发展的新动向作了简要介绍分析。 相似文献
AdamCHOI 《资源与生态学报(英文版)》2011,2(2):175-180
摘波兰北部有众多斯堪的纳维亚冰盖冰期形成的湖泊。通过湖泊区的研究,发现湖泊面积在逐渐减少,甚至导致消失.本文对变化的程度进行了观测,指出影响波兰湖泊面积变化的主要自然与人为因素,包括气候变化、湖盆深度、生物量增长、森林砍伐、水利工程建修、农药利用和排污等。 相似文献
Methods of Estimating Travel Times and Epicentres 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
青藏铁路沿线旅游安全风险评价 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
安全是旅游业发展的生命线.旅游地安全风险已成为我国旅游业可持续发展的重要障碍因素,也是近年来国内外旅游科学研究关注的重点领域之一.青藏铁路沿线是我国旅游业发展的重要区域,也是旅游高风险区域.以风险理论为基础,在充分考虑旅游风险评估复杂性和不确定性的基础上,构建了青藏铁路沿线旅游风险评级指标体系,通过层次分析法(AHP)和模糊综合评判方法,对青藏铁路沿线10大区段旅游旺季的风险进行评估.结果发现:低风险区段有6个:湟水谷地区段、拉萨河谷区段、柴达木盆地东北亚高山区段、柴达木盆地盐湖戈壁区段、青海湖盆地区段、昆仑高山区段;一般风险区段有2个:念青唐古拉宽谷盆地区段、怒江源宽谷区段;高风险区段有2个:可可西里-长江源宽谷区段、唐古拉极高山区段. 相似文献
We discuss the issues related to the formation of phytogenic hillocks on sand massifs in the eastern part of the Silesian Highlands. These regions formed on originally deflated fossil soils. The formation processes of hillocks are directly associated with the growth of Salix arenaria. The spread of Salix arenaria in deflation regions is not accidental but exhibits a direct linkage with underlying substrate, especially with the emergence of silt material in it. Species that colonize such regions form propagation cores of vegetation through the spread of secondary roots. Adventitious (daughter) branch roots of Salix arenaria that are responsible for the formation of phytogenic hillocks develop along the main mother roots. 相似文献
日本一直是我国最重要的客源国之一,日本访华客源市场却处于缓慢的发展态势,在金融危机的影响下更是出现了负增长,因此,系统研究并开发日本客源市场不仅具经济意义,而且会对增进两国人民之间的了解,产生积极而深远的影响。文章以日本国内调查资料为基础,对日本海外旅行的信息来源、直接和间接影响的影响因素做了比较系统的研究,希望能增加对日本客源市场的了解。 相似文献
中国村镇居民跨区域出行与乡村地域系统调查研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
村镇居民出行特征是反映乡村生活质量的关键指标,是乡村地域系统的主要组成要素,也是乡村交通规划的重要依据。采用2016年住建部全国小城镇调查的村镇居民调查数据,分析中国31个省(自治区、直辖市)(未含港澳台地区数据)119个建制镇的村镇居民的跨区域出行规律,揭示村、镇、县、市之间相互联系特征,并应用多水平有序逻辑斯蒂回归模型(Meologit),分析个体社会经济属性、小城镇服务设施供给、区位和对外交通便利性对村镇居民跨区域出行频率的影响。分析结果表明,乡村地区传统地域系统正在发生变化,虽然"村-镇-县"等级结构模式依然是主体,但"村-县"和"镇-市"的联系在增强;对村庄居民来说,县城一级服务地的服务和商品的重要性凸显;乡村居民跨区域出行特征存在地区差异,东部沿海和西部大城市周边的村镇居民的出行频率高于中部地区,平原和丘陵地区居民出行频率高于山地、高原地区,地区间差异随出行目的地等级提高而更加明显;随着"村村通公路"的基本全覆盖,地理区位和交通设施条件不再是影响居民城乡联系的主要因素,居民的高品质生活出行需求、收入增加和小汽车拥有率提升等因素对居民跨区域出行的影响在增强,通过"大修大建"乡... 相似文献
Laure Charleux 《The Professional geographer》2018,70(2):186-197
This article proposes a simple post hoc segmentation approach to revisit Household Travel Survey data and sketch archetypal mobility figures (clusters) that relate to people's daily mobility experiences. Describing the mobility behaviors of the different clusters and the distribution of the population between clusters is a powerful means to draw the mobility landscape of a metropolitan area and make comparisons over time and across places. Furthermore, clusters can be used to contextualize mobility behaviors in a variety of social inquiries and can be complementary to traditional quantitative mobility indicators or qualitative investigations. 相似文献
在我国蓬勃发展的旅游消费中出现明显的不和谐现象,突出表现为旅游环境和资源的破坏,群体旅游行为和个体旅游体验的异化,其结果是破坏了旅游区的生态环境,降低了游客的旅游体验.通过对我国旅游消费现状的分析,提出了旅游消费异化的概念,并对异化进行了辩证的认识,深入地分析了消费异化的种种危害,从旅游管理层面和游客心理层面详尽地分析了异化产生的原因,指出以倡导和谐旅游应对异化中的各种冲突以及发展和谐旅游的若干建议. 相似文献
In the past decade, there has been significant investment in Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) technologies that provide information to both en‐route and pre‐trip travelers. However, there is no definitive evidence that en‐route travelers actually use the information and alter their travel patterns. Previous research employed surveys that relied on motorists' written or spoken responses to questions involving travel information and hypothetical roadway scenarios. This research examines travel behavior on freeways equipped with ITS technologies in Connecticut using collected real‐time traffic count data from the diversionary roadways. Results find that more travel is occurring on the diversionary routes during periods of variable message sign (VMS) messages than during equivalent periods having no messages, indicating a motorist travel response to these messages. 相似文献