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The development and testing of a computerized technique for utilizing multitemporal Landsat multispectral scanner data to estimate spring small grains acreage are described. The Kauth-Thomas green number transformation is applied to the data prior to application of the pixel-level standardized logic. Four years of data from the U.S. and Canada are used in testing. A comparison of the test results to those of the analyst-intensive procedures indicates a potential for increase in near-harvest estimation efficiency with little sacrifice in accuracy.  相似文献   


Popper's concept of Worlds 1. 2, and 3 is discussed briefly in the light of idealism and materialism and to illustrate the debate about reification and reductionism. Then six types of change in geography are classified as changes in the phenomenal environment (World 1) and in that part of the behavioral environment that constitutes World 3. These changes involve those comparisons within or between “Worlds” that identify future research problems.  相似文献   

Local labor market policies of the federal government are critically evaluated with respect to their target efficiency and underlying theoretical assumptions. Policies of the Economic Development Administration are considered to be target inefficient compared to those of the Comprehensive Employment Training Act. Experimental mobility policies of the Department of Labor appear to be have questionable impact locally as opposed to nationally. Some local hybrid programs offer improved place and people targeting.  相似文献   


The need to protect high quality agricultural land through public policies and programs at various levels of government has been debated in the U.S. for at least three decades. This article reviews the evolution of the debate before 1979, the ill-fated attempt of the National Agricultural Lands Study (NALS) (1979–1981) to resolve the debate, and the current status of the land conversion issue. Articulation of the issue has been impeded by confusion of objectives, semantic problems, unreliability of land conversion data, and excess capacity in the American farm economy. Land conversion estimates published in 1977 by the Soil Conservation Service and relied upon by NALS have proven to be misleading in light of the 1982 National Resources Inventory. State and local programs to discourage farmland conversion are justifiable in terms of land use planning objectives, maintenance of a viable local farm economy, and avoidance of undue reliance upon marginal lands requiring costly technical inputs.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Ethnic neighborhoods have long been used to facilitate urban revitalization in older, inner‐city neighborhoods in American cities, but this strategy is much less common in European cities. This is especially surprising because immigrants make up a significant percentage of the population in a large number of those cities. This article explores the role that a largely invented Little Italy has played in revitalizing a section of downtown San Diego in contrast to the difficulty of creating such districts in European cities. The question posed here is, Will this contrast in approaches and outcomes remain indefinitely, or will the use of ethnically themed revitalization strategies become more alike as globalization and the expansion of the European Union serve to lessen historic ethnic tensions and increase the number of distinctive immigrant districts in Europe?  相似文献   


The oil refining and petrochemical industries have occupied an important role in Puerto Rico's development strategy since the early 1960s. However, the hopes epitomized in various planning models of highly integrated and diversified oil-based industrial complexes have not been fulfilled. This paper attempts to account for the discrepancy between official expectations and subsequent events in Puerto Rico and indicates some of the lessons for other developing countries.  相似文献   

TheYarlungZangboRiverCanyon,whichencompassesMountNamjagbarwa,isoneofthefewmysticalforbbidenareasremainingonearthandishometomanyprofoundgeologicalandbiologicalmysteriesawaitingexploration.Inrecentyears,scientistsfromtheInstituteofGeographyandInstituteof…  相似文献   

In the present paper,the possible analytical applications of two topological models,the DARC modeland the group contribution model,are discussed.Both models are applied to obtain calibration laws,which relate UV and IR characteristics with the chemical structure of ethylene oxide condensates.The group contribution model is also applied to determine the contribution of each part of thedifferent compounds involved in a chemical interaction process,having established the sensitizationparameters of benzodiazepines and anionic surfactants from the micellar enhancement fluorescence.  相似文献   

Given steadily increasing federal expenditures to manage surplus crop production, it would seem to make economic and environmental sense to concentrate production on the best acreage and to retire marginal crop acreage to alternate uses. A major obstacle constraining adoption and implementation of cropland retirement programs in the past has been the fear that cropland retirement threatens the viability of rural communities. Regression of change in population and retail establishments on changes in farm structure, nonfarm employment, and agricultural land-use in the rural Southern Plains between 1930 and 1970 provides only weak evidence to support this fear. In fact, short-term cropland idling under post-1960 price-support programs appears to pose more of a threat to rural communities than does cropland retirement.  相似文献   

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