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The interaction between a shock-wave and the magnetopause is formulated on the basis of one-dimensional magnetohydrodynamics. The magnetopause is assumed to be a tangential discontinuity, and the magnetic field is limited to the case of perpendicularity. Both the forward and reverse shocks' impact on the magnetopause are considered and analyzed separately. The forward shock-magnetopause interaction results in a transmitted shock, a tangential discontinuity, and a simple rarefaction wave. The reverse shock-magnetopause interaction creates a transmitted shock, a tangential discontinuity, and a reflected wave. The propagation of an SSC signal which is related to an interplanetary shock-induced geomagnetic storm's onset-time on Earth is discussed in general terms. It was found in earlier work (Shen and Dryer, 1972) that the propagation velocity of an inter-planetary shock is decreased by about 1015% following its impact with the earth's bow shock; the present study shows that its velocity is then suddenly increased by a factor of two to three after impact with the magnetopause. The fast propagating shock-wave inside the magnetosphere degenerates into a hydromagnetic wave as it advances into an increasing intensity of the distorted dipole geomagnetic field.  相似文献   

Daily observations of a grid of scintillating sources during the period January–August 1971 indicate that enhancements in scintillation index which cannot be related to corotating structure, are related to interplanetary shock waves associated with solar flares. Only 3 enhancements in scintillation index associated with shock waves were observed during the eight months period of observations.  相似文献   

In order to study the propagation of solar cosmic rays in interplanetary space a computer program has been developed using a Monte-Carlo technique, which traces the histories of particles released impulsively at the Sun. The particle propagation model considers the adiabatic deceleration during the convective and diffusive transport of the particles, and the model of the interplanetary medium incorporates a radially expanding blast wave which exerts a sweeping action on the particles and accelerates them through the first-order Fermi process. It is shown that energetic storm particle events cannot be simulated by assuming a pure sweeping action of the interplanetary blast wave, but that energization of the particles while reflected at the shock can explain many observed features of such events.  相似文献   

Strong cylindrical magnetogasdynamic shock waves in rotating interplanetary medium has been studied and an analytic solution for their propagation has been obtained. Using characteristic method and considering the effect of Coriolis force, we have shown that magnetic field has significant effect on the velocity of the shock wave.  相似文献   

We have analyzed 149 flare-associated shock wave events based on interplanetary scintillation (IPS) observational data. All of the flare-associated shock waves tend to propagate toward the low latitude region near the solar equator for flares that are located in both the solar northern and southern hemispheres. Also, the fastest propagation directions tend toward the heliospheric current sheet near 1 AU. We suggest that this tendency is caused by the dynamic action of near-Sun magnetic forces on the ejected coronal plasma that traverses the helmet-like magnetic topologies near the Sun outward to the classical topology that is essentially parallel to the heliospheric current sheet.  相似文献   

Short-lived ( 15 min), low-energy proton increases associated with the passage of interplanetary shock waves have been previously reported. In the present paper, we have examined in a fine time scale ( 1 min) the concurrent particle and magnetic field data, taken by detectors on Explorer 34, for four of these events which occurred on 30 May 1967, 5 June 1967, 29 November 1967, and 11 January 1968. Our results further support the view that these impulsive events are due to confinement of the solar cosmic-ray particles in the region just ahead ( 106 km) of the advancing shock front. Data from the Pioneer 7 spacecraft for a similar event on 30 August 1966, when this spacecraft was 1.9 × 106 km from the Earth, are shown to be consistent with this interpretation.  相似文献   

Fast forward interplanetary (IP) shocks have been identified as a source of large geomagnetic disturbances. However, the shocks can evolve in the solar wind, they are modified by interaction with the bow shock and during their propagation through the magnetosheath. A few previous papers refer the inclination and deceleration of the IP shock front in this region. Our contribution continues this effort and presents the study of an IP shock interaction with the bow shock. Since the bow shock is a reversed fast shock, the interaction of the IP shock and bow shock is a problem of interaction of two fast MHD shocks.

We compare profiles of magnetic field and plasma parameters observed by several spacecraft in the solar wind and magnetosheath with the profiles of the same parameters resulting from the MHD numerical model. The MHD model suggests that the interaction of an IP shock with the bow shock results in an inward bow shock displacement that is followed by its outward motion. Such motion will result in an indentation propagating along the bow shock surface. This scenario is confirmed by multipoint observations. Moreover, the model confirms also previous suggestions on the IP shock deceleration in the magnetosheath.  相似文献   

A forward-reverse interplanetary shock was observed on 25 March 1969 by the magnetometer and plasma detector on the HEOS-1 satellite. This relatively rare event was described by Chao et al (1972) who concluded that the shock pair was formed at a distance 0.10–0.13 A.U. upstream of the Earth as a result of the interaction between a fast and a slow solar wind streams. Simultaneous observations of 1 MeV solar proton fluxes were also performed on HEOS-1. A characteristic intensity peak was observed as the forward shock passed by the spacecraft. The evolution of the proton intensity, together with a detailed analysis of anisotropies and pitch angle distributions show a complex dynamic picture of the effect of the forward shock on the ambient proton population. Significant changes in particle fluxes are seen to be correlated with fluctuations in the magnetic field. It is suggested that simple geometrical models of shock-associated acceleration should be expanded to include the effect of magnetic fluctuations on particle fluxes. The interaction region limited by the forward and reverse shocks contained a large variety of magnetic fluctuations. Following the tangential discontinuity separating the fast solar wind stream from the preceding slow stream, a sunward flow was observed in the proton data, followed by a small but significant drop in intensity prior to the reverse shock.  相似文献   

Onsets of some 40 to 45 low-energy proton events during the years 1957–1969 coincided in time with transits of well-defined sector boundaries across the Earth. These events can be interpreted as long-lived proton streams filling up some of the magnetic sectors, indicating an acceleration of protons which is not associated with typical proton-producing flares. The sharp onsets of these particle streams, as well as a deficiency of flare-associated particle events shortly before the boundary transit, indicate that in some cases magnetic sector boundaries can inhibit transverse propagation of low-energy particles in the solar corona or in interplanetary space.  相似文献   

Bravo  S.  Aguilar  E.  Blanco-Cano  X.  Stewart  G.A. 《Solar physics》1999,188(1):163-168
Among all the signatures of solar ejecta in interplanetary space, magnetic clouds are particularly interesting. We have shown that they are associated with solar mass ejections that involve not only coronal heights, but also chromospheric heights and so, they are almost always associated with low-altitude solar activity such as H flares or filament eruptions. As a magnetic cloud is a very large structure, and not all the ejecta found in the interplanetary medium are clouds, it is interesting to investigate the characteristics of the large-scale coronal magnetic structures in the regions where the activity leading to a cloud takes place. In this paper we use Hoeksema's potential field model of the solar magnetosphere to obtain the magnetic structure of the site of the solar events associated with 35 interplanetary magnetic clouds. The position of the related solar activity was determined from the location of the near-surface solar explosive events (flares and filament eruptions) associated with each cloud, obtained in our previous study. We find that the solar activity associated with interplanetary magnetic clouds occurs in regions of low-altitude, magnetically closed structures lying between higher helmets, or between the highest helmets and coronal holes, where the magnetic field lines are longitudinally oriented.  相似文献   

A new interpretation of the low frequency type II solar radio bursts of 30 June 1971, and 7–8 August 1972 observed with IMP-6 satellite (Malitson et al., 1973a,b) is suggested. The analysis is carried out for two models of the electron density distribution in the interplanetary medium taking into account that N ~ 3.5 cm?3 at a distance of 1 a.u. It is assumed that the frequency of the radio emission corresponds to the average electron density behind the shock front which exceeds the undisturbed electron density by the factor of 3. The radio data indicate essential deceleration of the shock waves during propagation from the Sun up to 1 a.u. The characteristics of the shock waves obtained from the type II bursts agree with the results of the in situ observations.  相似文献   

The data on optical, X-ray and gamma emission from proton flares, as well as direct observations of flare-associated phenomena, show energetic proton acceleration in the corona rather than in the flare region. In the present paper, the acceleration of protons and accompanying relativistic electrons is accounted for by a shock wave arising during the development of a large flare. We deal with a regular acceleration mechanism due to multiple reflection of resonance protons and fast electrons from a collisionless shock wave front which serves as a moving mirror. The height of the most effective acceleration in the solar corona is determined. The accelerated particle energy and density are estimated. It is shown in particular that a transverse collisionless shock wave may produce the required flux of protons with energy of 10 MeV and of relativistic electrons of 1–10 MeV.The proposed scheme may also serve as an injection mechanism when the protons are accelerated up to relativistic energies by other methods.  相似文献   

Models of acceleration of auroral electrons by electrostatic shock waves are considered based on the model electron beam, calculated by Evans (1974), to account for the observed precipitating electron fluxes. Electron populations in our models include a primary accelerated beam, originating from the plasma sheet, the secondary electrons and the energy-degraded and backscattered primary electrons produced by precipitating electrons of that beam. We find a feasible electrostatic shock model with appropriate ion populations from considerations on the conditions for the existence of shock solutions.  相似文献   

Effect of turbulence on interplanetary shock waves propagation is considered. It is shown that background turbulence results in the additional shock wave deceleration which may be comparable with the deceleration due to plasma sweeping. The turbulent deceleration is connected with the energy losses due to the strong turbulence amplification behind the moving shock front.  相似文献   

Type III bursts have been observed in the 30–100 kHz range which show localized enhancements in their spectra. The enhancements exhibited by a series of type III bursts extending over a period of several hours show a consistent decrease in frequency. The rate of this decrease is consistent with the movement of an interplanetary shock. The passage of such a shock by the Earth is suggested by the occurrence of sudden commencements at approximately the expected time.  相似文献   

In a correlated study using coronagraph and interplanetary data from 1978 to 1983, a set of 56 coronal mass ejections (CMEs) was confidently associated with interplanetary shocks by Sheeleyet al. (1985). In this paper we analyze the characteristics of these particular CMEs in contrast to the whole population of them during the period. We find that the associated CMEs are not a representative sample of all the variety of CMEs and that they share specific characteristics. Contrary to common beliefs, these characteristics are not a high velocity or a large extension, but have more to do with the importance and shape of the CME. Practically all the CMEs associated with shocks were of importance Y (bright and/or large) and had a curved-type front structural class (a continuous curved front with either straight edges or curved legs). Another common characteristic of these particular CMEs is that they show a considerable increase in their angular span as they go out from the Sun, moving the peak of the distribution from 30° to 70°.  相似文献   

We present the results of a one-dimensional computer simulation of the interaction between interplanetary shocks and the Earth's magnetosphere. The position of the bowshock as a function of solar wind velocity and interplanetary field direction is studied.  相似文献   

A discussion is presented on the half hour averaged low energy solar alpha to solar proton flux ratios observed following the three large solar flares of May 23, 1967. One of the large changes observed in the particle ratios (following a sudden commencement (SC) storm observed on the earth) is interpreted as due to a source effect. The second large change, again observed following an SC, is observed in the equal velocity and equal rigidity ratios and not in the equal energy/charge ratios. This observation suggests that electric fields in an interplanetary disturbance may be the cause of the modulations.  相似文献   

Detailed comparisons of measured solar particle structure in the magnetosphere during interplanetary anisotropies are made with the predictions of open tail models and diffusion calculations. Using observed and predicted intensity structures and their time variations, it is found that the nonadiabatic reconnection model shows the closest agreement with observations in all cases so far examined.  相似文献   

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