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The present paper investigates the stream sediment geochemistry, behavior of gold and associated elements, delineates Au-anomalous sites and defines related sources in the Wadi Umm Rilan area. Fifty three major and trace elements were analyzed using ICP-MS and treated applying various statistical and mapping techniques. The results showed a significant difference of mean and median Au and most chemical elements in the three portions of the area, and higher values were recorded in the western portion. Furthermore, Au-anomalous sites appeared in upper and lower parts of the Wadi Umm Rilan, along the tributaries of metavolcanic unit and near granitoid contacts. This indicates the main source of Au mineralization is related to emplacement of granitoid plutons and accompanying hydrothermal solutions. There are significant indications for the presence of more than one mineralization event forming a probable single major episode of mineralization in the area, involving Au, Pb and U mineralizations. Geology, geomorphologic aspects and weathering processes could control stream sediment geochemistry, anomalies of Au and associated elements, elemental association and their dispersion patterns. Therefore, the area is fruitful and regarded as a promising target for Au exploration, using Ag, As, Sb, Cd, Cs, and Tl as pathfinder elements.  相似文献   

Fluid inclusions in the gold-bearing quartz veins at the Um Rus area are of three types: H2O, H2O−CO2 and CO2 inclusions. H2O inclusions are the most abundant, they include two phases which exhibit low and high homogenization temperatures ranging from 150 to 200°C and 175 to 250°C, respectively. The salinity of aqueous inclusions, based on ice melting, varies between 6.1 and 8 equiv. wt% NaCl. On the other hand, H2O−CO2 fluid inclusions include three phases. Their total homogenization temperatures range from 270 to 325°C, and their salinity, based on clathrate melting, ranges between 0.8 and 3.8 equiv. wt% NaCl. CO2 fluid inclusions homogenize to a liquid phase and exhibit a low density range from 0.52 to 0.66 g/cm3. The partial mixing of H2O−CO2 and salt H2O−NaCl fluid inclusions is the main source of fluids from which the other types of inclusions were derived. The gold-bearing quartz veins are believed to be of medium temperature hydrothermal convective origin.  相似文献   

Although, the Eastern Desert of Egypt forms about 22% of the surface area of the country, the area is undeveloped due to the limited availability of water. The morphologic units of the Eastern Desert consist of a number of drainage basins covering about 147,820 km2 (66.5% of the total surface area of the Eastern Desert). The basins drain the occasional rainwater, either towards the Nile Valley or to the Red Sea, causing flood hazards. The availability of water from the hydrologic systems of these basins could be improved by constructing runoff controlling systems in these areas (e.g. dykes and partially effective dams), which could save and make use of a considerable amount of water. The groundwater resources in the Eastern Desert can be divided into four main water-bearing units: the fractured crystalline Pre-Cambrian aquifer, the Nubian sandstone aquifer, the fractured limestone and sandstone aquifer and the Quaternary aquifer. The most productive aquifer is the Nubian sandstone while the fractured limestone and sandstone (Miocene) are only productive along the eastern part of the desert. The Quaternary aquifer occurs along the major dry washes (wadis) and is considered of limited potential as it is recharged mainly from the occasional rainfall. Detailed assessment of these aquifers should be carried out locally for further development of the area.
Resumen Aunque el Desierto Oriental de Egipto constituye alrededor del 22% de la superficie del país, esta área no se encuentra desarrollada por causa de la escasez de agua. Las unidades morfológicas del Desierto Oriental consisten de un número de cuencas de drenaje que cubren alrededor de 147,820 km2 (66.5% del área superficial total del Desierto Oriental). Estas cuencas drenan las aguas lluvias ocasionales, bien hacia el Valle del Nilo o hacia el Mar Rojo, causando amenazas de inundación. La disponibilidad de agua a partir de los sistemas hidrológicos de estas cuencas, puede ser mejorada al construir sistemas de control de escorrentía allí (Ej. Diques y presas de efectividad parcial), las cuales podrían almacenar y permitir el uso de una cantidad considerable de agua. Los recursos de agua subterránea en el Desierto Oriental, pueden dividirse en cuatro unidades principales portadoras de agua: El acuífero fracturado cristalino Pre – Cámbrico, el acuífero de la Arenisca de Nubia, el acuífero de arenisca y caliza fracturadas y el acuífero Cuaternario. El acuífero más productivo es la arenisca de Nubia, mientras que la arenisca y caliza fracturadas (Mioceno), son productivas únicamente a lo largo de la parte oriental del desierto. El acuífero Cuaternario se encuentra a lo largo de las corrientes intermitentes mayores (Wadis) y se le considera de potencial limitado por ser recargado principalmente a partir de lluvia ocasional. Una evaluación detallada de estos acuíferos debe llevarse a cabo localmente, para el desarrollo adicional de esta área.

Résumé Bien que le Désert Est occupe 22% de la surface de lEgypte, la région est sousdeveloppée à cause de la ressource en eau limitée. Les unités morphologiques consistent en des bassins drainant qui couvrent une surface de 147,820 km2 ,représentant 66.6% de la surface du Désert Est. Les bassins drainent les plues intermittentes vers la vallée du Nil ou vers la Mer Rouge en provocant des inondations. On peut augmenter la ressource en eau dans cette région en réalisant des systèmes de contrôle de ruissellements (des digues...) qui peuvent sauver et utiliser un volume considérable deau. La ressource en eau souterraine du Désert Est est cantonnée dans quatre grandes structures: l› aquifère fracturé cristallin Précambrien, l› aquifère gréseux Nubien, l› aquifère calcaire et gréseux et l› aquifère quaternaire. Le plus productif est l› aquifère gréseux Nubien tendis que les calcaire et les grèses dage miocène sont productives seulement dans la partie est du désert. L› aquifère quaternaire se trouve au long des oueds sèches et on considéré quil a un potentiel limité, étant rechargé seulement par les plues intermittentes. Pour le futur développement de la région il est nécessaire une évaluation détaillée, à léchelle locale de ces aquifères.

Strongly deformed and locally migmatized gneisses occur at several places in the southern Eastern Desert of Egypt and in Sinai and have variously been interpreted as a basement to Pan-african (900 to 600 Ma) supracrustal and intrusive assemblages. A suite of grabbroic to granitic gneisses was investigated in the Hafafit area, which constitutes an I-type calc-alkaline intrusive assemblage whose chemistry suggests emplacement along an active continental margin and whose granitoid members can be correlated with the so-called Older Granites of Egypt.207Pb/206Pb single zircon evaporation from three samples of the Hafafit gneisses yielded protolith emplacement ages between 677 ± 9 and 700 ± 12 Ma and document granitoid activity over a period of about 23 Ma. A migmatitic granitic gneiss from Wadi Bitan, south-west of Ras Banas, has a zircon age of 704 ± 8 Ma, and its protolith was apparently generated during the same intrusive event as the granitoids at Hafafit. Single zircons from a dioritic gneiss from Wadi Feiran in south-west Sinai suggest emplacement of the protolith at 796 ± 6 Ma and this is comparable with ages for granitoids in north-east Sinai and southern Israel. None of the above gneisses is derived from remelting of older continental crust, but they are interpreted as reflecting subduction-related calc-alkaline magmatism during early Pan-african magmatic arc formation.  相似文献   

Electron microprobe analyses of gold and associated ore minerals as well as stable isotope analyses of sulphide and carbonate minerals were performed in order to determine the metal and fluid sources and temperature of the mineralizing systems to better understand the genesis of the Atud gold deposit hosted in the metagabbro–diorite complex of Gabal Atud (Central Eastern Desert, Egypt). The gold can be classified as electrum (63.6–74.3 wt.% Au and 24.6–26.6 wt.% Ag) and is associated with arsenopyrite and As-bearing pyrite in the main mineralization (gold-sulphides) phase within the main mineralized quartz veins and altered host rocks. Based on the arsenopyrite geothermometer, As-contents (29.3–32.7 atom%) in arsenopyrite point to deposition in the Log ?S2 and T ranges of ?10.5 to ?5.5 and 305–450°C, respectively, during the main mineralizing phase. Based on the δ34S isotopic compositions of the sulphides, they are originated from magmatic fluids in which the sulphur is either sourced directly from magma or remobilized from the magmatic rocks (gabbroic rocks). On the other hand, calcite formed from fluids having mainly magmatic mixed with variable metamorphic signatures based on its δ13C and δ18O values. This work concluded that the gold-bearing ores at Atud deposit have magmatic sources leaching from the country intrusive rocks during water/rock interactions then remobilized during a metamorphic event. Therefore, the Atud gold deposit is classified as an intrusion-related gold deposit, in which the gabbro–diorite host intrusion acted as the source of metals which were mobilized and deposited as a result of the effects of NW–SE shearing.  相似文献   

The Wadi Ibib area is situated in the northern part of the Neoproterozoic Hamisana Shear Zone (HSZ), which is a high strain zone evolved during the late stages of the Pan-African orogeny, likely as a tectonic escape structure. Amphibolite facies pelitic metasedimentary windows crop out in the axial parts of the HSZ and are noticeably associated with numerous N-trending pegmatite dikes. Whole-rock geochemistry of the pegmatites reveals a peraluminous (S-type) affinity, with low K/Rb ratios and elevated concentrations of U, Th, REE, Rb, Li, Cs, Y, Nb and Ta. Structurally, the pegmatite sets intrude along the shear plane of the HSZ, corresponding to the regional N-trending tectonic fabrics, such as axial planar foliation and dextral-shearing in the metasedimentary host rock. Field relationships, including structural context, coupled with geochemical characteristics of the Wadi Ibib pegmatites, do not support their formation as a complementary part of evolved granitic magmas. Space-localized decompression-induced partial melting of peraluminous garnet-bearing metapelites was alternatively the underlying process for formation of these pegmatites. Such decompression was associated with regional escape tectonics and stress axes permutations during the late deformation stage (D3) in the evolution of the south Eastern Desert terrane, due to end-orogeny system pressure-release.  相似文献   

We report the first Re-Os data on gold-associated arsenopyrite from mesothermal gold-quartz veins in the ancient Egyptian Fawakhir–El Sid gold mining district in the central Eastern Desert. This mining district has an ~5000-year-old history and is displayed in the Turin Papyrus Map (about 1150 BC), which is widely acclaimed as the world’s oldest geographic map, as well as the oldest geologic and mine map. The Fawakhir–El Sid district is part of a regional NNW-trending shear corridor (15 km wide) that hosts several other historic gold mines associated with left-lateral wrench structures and related granite intrusions. Vein-style gold mineralization is hosted within and at the margin of an I-type and magnetite-series monzogranite, the Fawakhir granite intrusion, and a Pan-African (~740 Ma) ophiolite sequence. The ore mineralogy of the mineralized quartz veins includes pyrite-arsenopyrite-pyrrhotite-sphalerite-galena-chalcopyrite-electrum plus a number of tellurides of Ag, Au, and Bi. The 187Re/188Os versus 187Os/188Os regression on 5 points of arsenopyrite gives an age of 601 ± 17 Ma with an initial 187Os/188Os of 0.24 ± 0.07 (2 σ; MSWD = 17). This age coincides within error with the U-Pb age on zircon from the Fawakhir monzogranite (598 ± 3 Ma). The age coincidence and the hydrothermal Te and Bi metal signature suggest a foremost role of granite-related fluids in the quartz-vein system.  相似文献   

The G. Abu Garadi area is covered mainly by metasediments, alkali feldspar granites and stream sediments. The alkali feldspar granite is traversed by a major strike-slip fault trending in an N-S direction as well as two subordinate sets of faults trending NW to WNW for the first one and NE for the second one. These faults represent the shear zones affected by magmatic (syngenetic) as well as hydrothermal (epigenetic) activities causing alteration of the granitic rocks. The most common alteration features are albitization, greisenization and koalinitization. The mass balance calculations of the studied altered samples show enrichments in Zr, Y, Ni, U, Th and Ga and depletions in Zn, Sr, Nb, Ba, Pb, Cu and V. Only the greisenized samples exhibit a significant enrichment in Nb, ∑REE budget and pronounced lanthanide tetrad effect (M-type), especially TE1,4, while weakly expressed tetrad effects are for the other albitized and koalinitized samples. Mineralogically, the common accessory minerals in the altered samples include samarskite-(Y), betafite, uranothorite, zircon, fluorite and cassiterite. The greisenized granites contain high eU and eTh than the other altered types, where they are characterized by an assemblage of the radioactive minerals; samarskite-(Y), betafite, uranothorite in addition to zircon. The inter-element relationships between U and Th and also their ratios illustrate that the radioelement distribution in these granites is mainly governed by magmatic processes, in addition to post-magmatic ones. The distribution of chemical elements and the fractionation of some isovalents within the shear zone are largely controlled by the newly formed mineral phases. With respect to uranium mobilization, uranium migrated from the host alkali feldspar granites of G. Abu Garadi, while the shear zones acted as traps for the migrated uranium. Moreover, U migrated in the shear zone during greisenization and albitization, and migrated out during koalinitization.  相似文献   

Quartz-diorite, gneissose granodiorites, two-mica granite and perthite leucogranie are the main rock units cropping out in the Wadi Ghadir area, South Eastern Desert of Egypt. Along the NNE-SSW mega-faults, a broad brittle shear zone is developed in the Ghadir two-mica granite. Brittle deformation is manifested by severe myloniti-zation and alteration of these granites. These sheared altered granites are characterized by the presence of radioactive mineralization, associated with alteration features such as silicification, hematization and kaolinitization. Radioelement measurements revealed that the unaltered and altered two-mica granites are considered as uraniferous granites. The average uranium and thorium contents in the unaltered two-mica granites are 12.29×10-6 and 19.81×10-6, respectively, and the average Th/U ratio is 1.62. The altered granites exhibit higher concentrations of U (averaging 97.949), but have lower Th and Th/U ratios (13.83 and 0.16, respectively), which indicates uranium enrichment in the granites. Binary relations of eTh/eU against either eU or eTh and eU with eTh in the studied gran-ites suggest that the distribution of radioactive elements not only magmatic (positive correlation between eU and eTh), but also due to hydrothermal redistribution of radioelements (weak correlation between eU and eTh/eU). The magmatic U and Th are indicated by the presence of uraninite, thorite, zircon and monazite whereas the evidence of hydrothermal mineralization is the alteration of rock-forming minerals such as feldspar and the forma-tion of secondary minerals such as uranophane and pyrite. Microscopic, XRD and scanning electron microscopic studies revealed the presence of uraninite, uranophane, thorite, Ce-monazite and zircon, in addition to phlogopite-fluor mica in the studied altered granites of the Wadi Ghadir shear zone.  相似文献   

Ophiolitic peridotites exposed in the Eastern Desert(ED) of Egypt record multiple stages of evolution, including different degrees of partial melting and melt extraction, serpentinization, carbonatization and metamorphism. The present study deals with metaperidotites at two selected localities in the central and southern ED, namely Wadi El-Nabá and Wadi Ghadir, respectively. They represent residual mantle sections of a Neoproterozoic dismembered ophiolite that tectonically emplaced over a volcano-sedimentary succession that represents island–arc assemblages. The studied metaperidotites are serpentinized, with the development of talc-carbonate and quartz-carbonate rocks, especially along shear and fault planes. Fresh relics of primary minerals(olivine, orthopyroxene and Cr-spinel) are preserved in a few samples of partiallyserpentinized peridotite. Most of the Cr-spinel crystals have fresh cores followed by outer zones of ferritchromite and Crmagnetite, which indicates that melt extraction from the mantle protolith took place under oxidizing conditions. The protoliths of the studied metaperidotites were dominated by harzburgites, which is supported by the abundance of mesh and bastite textures in addition to some evidence from mineral and whole-rock chemical compositions. The high Cr#(0.62–0.69; Av. 0.66) and low TiO2(0.3 wt%) contents of the fresh Cr-spinels, the higher Fo(89–92; Av. 91) and NiO(0.24–0.54 wt%, Av. 0.40) contents of the primary olivine relics, together with the high Mg#(0.91–0.93; Av. 91) and low CaO, Al2 O3 and TiO2 of the orthopyroxene relics, are all comparable with depleted to highly depleted forearc harzburgite from a suprasubduction zone setting. The investigated peridotites have suffered subsequent phases of metasomatism, from oceanfloor hydrothermal alteration(serpentinization) to magmatic hydrothermal alteration. The enrichment of the studied samples in light rare earth elements(LREEs) relative to the heavy ones(HREEs) is attributed to most probably be due to the contamination of their mantle source with granitic source hydrothermal fluids after the obduction of the ophiolite assemblage onto the continental crust. The examined rocks represent mantle residue that experienced different degrees of partial melting(~10% to 25% for W. El-Nabá rocks and ~5% to 23% for W. Ghadir rocks). Variable degrees of partial melting among the two investigated areas suggest mantle heterogeneity beneath the Arabian-Nubian Shield(ANS).  相似文献   


The dismembered ophiolites in Wadi Arais area of the south Eastern Desert of Egypt are one of a series of Neoproterozoic ophiolites found within the Arabian–Nubian Shield (ANS). We present new major, trace, and rare earth element analyses and mineral composition data from samples of the Wadi Arais ophiolitic rocks with the goal of constraining their geotectonic setting. The suite includes serpentinized ultramafics (mantle section) and greenschist facies metagabbros (crustal section). The major and trace element characteristics of the metagabbro unit show a tholeiitic to calc-alkaline affinity. The serpentinized ultramafics display a bastite, or less commonly mesh, texture of serpentine minerals reflecting harzburgite and dunite protoliths, and unaltered relics of olivine, orthopyroxene, clinopyroxene, and chrome spinel can be found. Bulk-rock chemistry confirms harzburgite as the main protolith. The high Mg# (91.93–93.15) and low Al2O3/SiO2 ratios (0.01–0.02) of the serpentinized peridotite, together with the high Cr# (>0.6) of their Cr-spinels and the high NiO contents (0.39–0.49 wt.%) of their olivines, are consistent with residual mantle rocks that experienced high degrees of partial melt extraction. The high Cr# and low TiO2 contents (0.02–0.34 wt.%) of the Cr-spinels are most consistent with modern highly refractory fore-arc peridtotites and suggest that these rocks probably developed in a supra-subduction zone environment.  相似文献   

The El Minia governorate lies within the Nile Valley, surrounded by calcareous plateaus to the east and west. The present study focuses on the hydrogeochemistry of the Eocene limestone aquifer at some wadis in the east El Minia governorate, Eastern Desert, Egypt. Hydrogeologically, two main aquifers are encountered in the study area, namely the Maghagha marly limestone and the Samalut chalky limestone aquifers. The Maghagha aquifer is composed of alternating layers of marly limestone and shale with thicknesses ranging from 3.49 m to 177.05 m and a groundwater depth ranging from 8.5 m to 59.27 m which reflects low groundwater potentiality. The groundwater salinity representing this aquifer ranges from 603.5 mg/L to 978.5 mg/L, reflecting fresh water type. Samalut aquifer is made up of chalky, cavernous and fractured limestone with thickness ranging from 30 m to 205 m and groundwater depth ranging from 9 m to 86.77 m, which indicates good groundwater potential. The groundwater salinity of the concerned aquifer ranges from 349.7 mg/L to 2043.9 mg/L, reflecting fresh to possibly brackish water types. Groundwater in the study area is of meteoric water origin; recent recharge is mainly controlled through the presence of fractures and their densities. The majority of groundwater samples in the study area are suitable for drinking and irrigation purposes.  相似文献   

Eighteen echinoid species (seven regular and eleven irregular) belonging to twelve genera have been described from the Turonian-Santonian succession of two sections located in the northern part of Wadi Qena, Eastern Desert. The diversity of the recorded species is low in the Turonian (six species), but comparatively high in the Coniacian-Santonian (twelve species). Of the recorded species, Most of these species (72%) are recorded for the first time from Wadi Qena area, one left in open nomenclature, Mecaster sp., represents a new species, and two, Phymosoma microtuberculatum and Thylechinus (T.) said, represent new records for Egypt. The taxonomic rank of Parapygus sudrensis has been changed. Phymosoma microtuberculatum which is known from the ‘Senonian’ of southwest Europe is recorded herein in the lower Turonian. Two echinoid assemblage zones are recognizable in each of the studied two sections. They are correlated with other fossil assemblage zones in Egypt. Faunal affinity and paleobiogeography of the species are discussed. A new arrangement of apical disc plating in spatangoids is described and discussed.  相似文献   

Abu Rusheid area lie in the south of the Eastern Desert of Egypt and comprises (1) ophiolitic mélange, consisting of ultramafic rocks and layered metagabbros in metasedimentary matrix (2) cataclastic group, consisting of protomylonites, mylonites, ultramylonites and silicified ultramylonites (3) monzogranites (4) pegmatite pockets, quartz veins and post-granite dykes. Focus on the monzogranites and the xenoliths of mylonite rocks from the geochemical and mineralogical points of view introduces a new view about the genesis of the related mineralization. Geochemically, the monzogranites have a metaluminous character and were crystallized under moderate water-vapor pressure around 3 kb and temperatures of 750–800°C. The monzogranites are altered along strike-slip faults exhibiting propylitic, with slightly sodic metasomatism and record high radioactive measurements. The average uranium and thorium (U and Th) contents in fresh monzogranites, mylonite xenolith and altered monzogranites are (7.3, 21.20), (40.36, 94.82), (60.34 and 347.88 ppm), respectively. These high radioactivities are attributed to the presence of kasolite, uranothorite, cerite, fluorite, zircon, apatite and columbite. The mylonite xenolith is higher in radioactivity than the surrounding fresh monzogranites, reflecting U and Th enrichment before emplacement of the monzogranites, then the latter were subjected to right lateral strike-slip faulting with producing hydrothermal solution rich in Th and U.  相似文献   

Abstract: The hydrothermal alteration patterns associating with the gold prospect hosted by metavolcanics in the Dungash area, Eastern Desert of Egypt, were investigated in order to assign their relationship to mineralization. The metavolcanics of andesitic composition are generated by regional metamorphism of greenschist facies superimposed by hydrothermal activity. Epidote and chlorite are metamorphic minerals, whereas sericite, carbonates, and chlorite are hydrothermal alteration minerals. The auriferous quartz vein is of NEE‐SWW trend and cuts mainly the andesitic metavolcanics, but sometimes extends to the neighbouring metapyroclastics and metasediments. Quartz‐sericite, sericite, carbonate‐sericite, and chlorite‐sericite constitute four distinctive alteration zones which extend outwards from the mineralized quartz vein. The quartz‐sericite and sericite zones are characterized by high contents of SiO2, K2O, Rb, and As, the carbonate‐sericite zone is by high contents of CaO, Au, Cu, Cr, Ni, and Y, and the chlorite‐sericite zone is by high contents of MgO, Na2O, Zn, Ba, and Co. Gold and sulphide minerals are relatively more abundant in the carbonate‐sericite zone followed by the sericite one. The geochemistry of the alteration system was investigated using volume‐composition and mass balance calculations. The volume factors obtained for the different alteration zones, mentioned above (being 1.64, 1.19, 1.17, and 1.07, respectively), indicate that replacement had taken place with a volume gain. The mass balance calculations revealed addition of SiO2, K2O, As, Cu, Rb, Ba, Ni, and Y to the system as a whole and subtraction of Fe2O3 from the system. Initial high aK+ and aH+ for the invading fluids is suggested. As the fluids migrated into wallrocks, they became more concentrated in Mg, Ca, and Na with increasing activities of CO2 and S. The calculated loss‐gain data are in agreement with the microscopic observations. Breakdown of ferromagnesian minerals and feldspars in the quartz‐sericite, sericite, and chlorite‐sericite zones accompanied by loss in Mg, Fe, Ca, and Na under acidic conditions and low CO2/H2O ratio may obstruct the formation of carbonates and sulphides, and the precipitation of gold in these zones. The role of metamorphic fluids in the area is expected to be restricted to the liberation of Au and some associated elements from their hosts.  相似文献   

The area of Wadi Um Gir, Central Eastern Desert of Egypt, is covered by Basement rocks of Late Precambrian age namely; the postgeosynclinal (Hammamat) sediments, intruded by a bostonite dyke of the younger postorogenic volcanics. The radioactive anomaly discovered at Wadi Urn Gir is a typical vein-type hydrothermal occurrence structurally controlled by a major fault which is among the youngest faults related to the formation of the Red Sea Rift Valley during Tertiary times. The net slip of this fault is determined by the orthographic projection method to be 260 m.Hydrothermal alteration is intense along the fault zone, and is represented by successive bands mainly of hematite, kaolinitic clays, carbonates, etc.The radioactivity is normally distributed in the fresh rocks with anomalous readings connected to the altered bostonite rock in the fault zone. The abnormal high radioactivity is found to be mainly due to secondary uranium mineralization, with a uranium content of 0.065%, and in a radioactive disequilibrium with slight deficiency of daughter elements which may be due to redistribution by the effect of ground water. The uranium mineralization is usually present as fracture-fillings or forming thin fissure veinlets mostly with hematitic alteration bands along the fault zone.Genetically; repeated movement along the major fault resulted in intense fracturing of the bostonite rocks and reopening of the tectonically related fissures. The fault provided an easy channel for the passage of the contemporaneous or immediately ascending uranium-bearing solutions. Subsequently, alteration of bostonite and radioactive mineralization took place in the secondary tension fractures. The physico-chemical conditions of the altered and sheared bostonite rocks afforded the favourable conditions for the deposition of uranium minerals carried by the hydrothermal fluids along the opened fractures.
Zusammenfassung Das Gebiet »Wadi Um Gir« in der zentralarabischen Wüste Ägyptens besteht aus Basisgesteinen von Präkambrischem Alter. Es handelt sich um die postgeosynklinale »Hammamat«-Serie, deren Sedimentabfolge von einem Bostonitgang des jüngeren postorogenen Vulkanismus durchbrochen wird.Eine Radioaktivitätsanomalie wurde in »Wadi Um Gir« festgestellt. Sie bildet ein typisch-gangartiges hydrothermales Vorkommen und ist von einem Hauptbruch der mit der Entstehung des Rotmeergrabens verbundenen jungen Brüche bestimmt. Eine Berechnung der Sprunghöhe dieser Verwerfung mit der orthographischen Projektionsmethode ergab einen Wert von 260 m.Intensive hydrothermale Umwandlung der Muttergesteine kommt entlang der Bruchzone vor. Sie besteht unter anderem aus Successiven Streifen von hämatitischem, kaolinitischem und karbonatischem Material.Die Radioaktivität, deren Verteilung in den frischen Gesteinen normal ist, zeigt Anomalien nur noch im Zusammenhang mit dem umgewandelten Bostonit der Bruchzone, wobei die abnormal hohen Radioaktivitäts-Werte mit der sekundären Uran-Mineralisation (Urangehalt 0,065%) in Einklang stehen. Es besteht jedoch durch geringe Verarmung an gewissen Tochterelementen eine Gleichgewichtsstörung. Dies könnte auf die Umverteilung durch Grundwassereinflüsse zurückgeführt werden.Genetische Überlagerungen führen zu der Annahme, daß die wiederholte Bewegung entlang der Hauptbruchzone eine intensive Fraktur der Bostonitgesteine veranlaßt hat. Dies führte zur mehrfachen Öffnung der in Zusammenhang stehenden Spalten und damit bildeten sich Bahnen für die aufsteigenden, syngenetischen, uranhaltigen Lösungen.Die Anlagerung uranhaltiger Mineralien in den sekundären Spannungsbrüchen wurde durch die physiko-chemischen Verhältnisse des umgewandelten und abgescherten Bestonits gewährleistet.

Wadi Um Gir - . , , . . , . 260 . . , . , , , . . . , . .. . - .

Geochemical reconnaissance survey of Wadi Umm Khariga in the southern part of the Eastern Desert of Egypt was carried out in an area of 30 Km2. The results of 79 stream sediment samples analyzed for Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, K, Li, Mn, Ni, Pb, Rb, Ti, and Zn after hot extraction with aqua regia were treated with simple and multivariate statistical methods. Titanium, Cu, Co, Ni, and Cr show lognormal distribution, whereas the other elements are normally distributed. The correlation between Fe and Mn and most of the analyzed elements suggest coprecipitation process that could be significant in controlling the distribution of these elements. Regression analysis was effective in correcting the effects of Fe and Mn by calculating the residuals. R-mode factor analysis produced a four-factor model, which accounts for 79.1% of the total variance in the data. Factor 1 (rCr, rCo, Ni) scores are correlated spatially with the area underlain by the serpentinites, metarhyolites, and metadacites. Factor 2 (rLi, rZn, rTi, Rb, K) scores are correlated with the metarhyolites, metadacites, and metapyroclastics. Factor 3 (Cu, rTi, Pb) scores characterize the metabasalts, meta-andesites, metarhyolites, and metadacites, thus reflecting the parent rocks as dominant influencing factors. Factor 4 (Mn, Fe) scores reflect the secondary environment effects. Discriminant analysis delineated an anomalous area for Co, Ni, Cr, Cu, Ti, Mn, Pb, and Li with probable occurrence of economic mineral deposits.  相似文献   

The studied graphite-bearing rocks are located at Wadi Sikait in the southern part of the Eastern Desert of Egypt to the west of Marsa Alam on the Red Sea coast. They are intruded by granitic rocks and they have low radioactivity level. Mica-graphite schists are considered as a matrix of ophiolitic mélange. Graphite occurs in mica-graphite schists as disseminated grains and in talc carbonates rocks as bands or veins. Petrographically, the mica-graphite schists are mainly composed of quartz, plagioclase, muscovite, biotite, and graphite. Geochemical characteristics show that trace elements analysis reflects higher content in Cr and Ni in ash-free graphite than mica-graphite schists. Spectrometrically, the graphite-bearing rocks at Wadi Sikait are showing eU values greater than eTh values, indicating that the graphite-bearing rocks gain U from the country rocks. The U/eU ratio range from 2.7 to 11 manifesting enrichment of chemical uranium (U) may be related to recent uranium transported from the mineralized country rocks. There is a role of graphite and carbonaceous matter in the genesis of U deposits.  相似文献   

By comparison with the general features of metamorphic soles (e.g. vertical and lateral extension, metamorphic grade and diagnostic mineral parageneses, deformation and dominant rock types), it is inferred that the amphibolites, metagabbros and hornblendites of the Wadi Um Ghalaga–Wadi Haimur area in the southern part of the Eastern Desert of Egypt represent the metamorphic sole of the Wadi Haimur ophiolite belt. The overlying ultramafic rocks represent overthrusted mantle peridotite. Mineral compositions and thermobarometric studies indicate that the rocks of the metamorphic sole record metamorphic conditions typical of such an environment. The highest P – T conditions ( c . 700 °C and 6.5–8.5 kbar) are preserved in clinopyroxene amphibolites and garnet amphibolites from the top of the metamorphic sole, which is exposed in the southern part of the study area. The massive amphibolites and metagabbros further north (Wadi Haimur) represent the basal parts of the sole and show the lowest P – T  conditions (450–620 °C and 4.7–7.8 kbar). The sole is the product of dynamothermal metamorphism associated with the tectonic displacement of ultramafic rocks. Heat was derived mainly from the hot overlying mantle peridotites, and an inverted P – T  gradient was caused by dynamic shearing during ophiolite emplacement. Sm/Nd dating of whole-rock–metamorphic mineral pairs yields similar ages of c . 630 Ma for clinopyroxene and hornblende, which is interpreted as a lower age limit for ophiolite formation and an upper age limit for metamorphism. A younger Sm/Nd age for a garnet-bearing rock ( c . 590 Ma) is interpreted as reflecting a meaningful cooling age close to the metamorphic peak. Hornblende K/Ar ages in the range 570–550 Ma may reflect thermal events during late orogenic granite magmatism.  相似文献   

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