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The Middle–Late Miocene Utsira Formation of the North Sea Basin contains a fully preserved, regional marine sand deposit that records a stable paleogeographic setting of sand transport and accumulation within a deep, epeiric seaway which persisted for >8 Ma. The sediment dispersal system was defined by (1) input through a marginal prograding strandplain platform, coast-to-basin bypass, transport along a narrow strait, and accumulation in strait-mouth shoal complexes within a shelf sea; (2) a high-energy marine regime; (3) very low time-averaged rates of sediment supply and accumulation; and (4) consequent high sediment reworking ratio. Sand distribution and stratal architectures reflect regional along-strike sediment transport and local to sub-regional landward sediment transport. Plume-shaped, south-building, submarine sand shoals that formed along the recurved arc of the strandplain margin nourished the shoal system. Very low-angle sigmoid clinoforms and down-stepping, aggradational top sets are distinctive architectures of these strike-fed sand bodies. The combination of strong marine currents and slow but long-lived sand supply from the Shetland strandplain created regional, sandy shelf shoal depositional systems that individually covered 3,500 to 6,000 km2 of the basin floor. Defining attributes of the shelf shoal systems include their location within the basin axis, abundance of autochthonous sediment, and sandy marine facies composition. Diagnostic depositional architectures include the along-strike-dipping sigmoidal clinoforms, poly-directional low-angle accretionary bedding at both regional and local scales, and mounded depositional topography. Erosional features include regional hummocky, low-relief shelf deflation surfaces, broad, elongate scours and sub-circular scour pits.  相似文献   

The Upper Cenozoic deposits of the northern North Sea have been analysed in order to establish a regional and detailed stratigraphy. The Utsira Formation is subdivided into four log-units and mapped, and two main depocentres are outlined. The lower part of the Utsira Formation consists of thick marine, mounded sand bodies, interpreted as overall stacked lowstand fan deposits, while the upper part of the formation consists of more clayey-silty intervals, indicating increased relative sea level. The succeeding progradational Pliocene deposits are subdivided into 13 high-frequency depositional sequences and are mapped. The sequences are grouped into four composite sequences. Each of the four Pliocene composite sequences is composed of one or two rather locally distributed, prograding sequences (lowstand sequence set), succeeded by one or two more widely distributed aggrading-prograding sequences (transgressive-highstand sequence set). Boundaries between the composite sequences are recorded as marked changes in distribution of depocentres and sequence architecture. The regional uplift of Scandinavia is believed to be the main control on sediment input, feeding the succeeding general prograding Pliocene sequences. Oscillations of the eustatic sea level punctuated the tectonically controlled progradation and affected variations in the accommodation space, and thus created the high-frequency sequences.  相似文献   

This paper presents a conceptual model for the net bedload transport regime on the shoreface of the German Bight. The model is based on the spatial distribution of the surficial sediment cover (North Sea sands) which is identical to the uppermost layer in the seismic recordings. Sediment thickness was measured using very high resolution seismic profiling (chirp sonar) and vibrocoring. The three-dimensional sediment distribution was estimated using geostatistical methods (cokriging). The results demonstrate a longshore sand distribution with three distinct zones. In Zone 1 (0–10 m water depth) the sediments attain their maximum thickness of 10±2.5 m. Between 10 and 15 m water depth a relatively thin sand layer of 0.4–1.5 m is observed within Zone 2. The seaward adjacent Zone 3 (15–20 m water depth) is characterized by an averaged sand thickness of 2–3 m with local maxima of 5–6 m. Further offshore, the sand layer decreases to about 1–2 m thickness. The net bedload transport directions inferred from this sediment zonation comprise a longshore sediment bypassing in Zone 1 which results in a substantial sediment supply to the innermost part of the German Bight due to bedload convergence. Shore-normal bedload transport shifts sand to and fro across the coastal profile although the net directional transport is seawards. This results in sediment depletion between the 10 and 15 m-isobaths (Zone 2) and an adjacent sediment accumulation in deeper waters (Zone 3).  相似文献   

渤海海域的上第三系油气研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
综述了渤海湾盆地沉积与构造活动在时间与空间上的迁移与演化、烃源岩与储盖层的空间分布规律,结合盆地内的勘探现状分析了渤海湾海域上第三系的油气远景。认为盆地内凸起、低凸起以上第三系为主体,伴有东营组和前第三系油气藏的复式油气聚集带是目前渤海油气勘探最现实的有利目标。  相似文献   

Interpretation of well-calibrated three-dimensional seismic volumes, sedimentological analysis and electrical well-log correlations from the Ninian and Alwyn North fields challenge the long-held view that Mid-Late Jurassic extensional faults in the East Shetland Basin represent a simple reactivation of older (Triassic) fault systems. Restoration for the effects of the younger, predominantly eastward-dipping, Mid-Late Jurassic structures clearly demonstrates that Triassic precursors had a steep, westerly dip. In contrast to the eastern flank of the Viking Graben (e.g. Troll and Oseberg areas), where the west-dipping Triassic structures are reutilised in the Mid-Late Jurassic, those of the East Shetland Basin have largely been dissected and rotated during the later event. Those west-dipping faults that did see later movement appear to have simply acted as minor antithetic structures to the throughgoing east-dipping ones.The Triassic normal fault patterns actively controlled sediment thicknesses and facies distribution within the Lunde and Teist Formations in the basin. Use of seismic stratigraphic surfaces, calibrated by biostratigraphy and chemostratigraphic markers, provides strong evidence that the Triassic depocentres are spatially offset from their Mid-Late Jurassic counterparts. The combination of structural, stratigraphic and sedimentary effects reveal the existence of an emergent deeper Triassic play opportunity in footwall locations to the Mid-Late Jurassic normal faults, which has the potential to extend the life of what is otherwise mature acreage.  相似文献   

作为一种新的地球化学指标方法,多参数生物标志物法已被广泛应用于重建浮游植物生产力及群落结构。本文对北黄海-渤海表层沉积物中浮游植物生物标志物的分布进行了研究。通过对北黄海-渤海60个站位的调查研究发现,硅藻、甲藻和颗石藻这3种浮游植物的生物标志物含量高值区主要分布在泥质区,同TOC的分布模式类似。为了消除粒度和沉积速率对含量的影响,将这3种生物标志物含量分别与TOC做比值,结果发现相对含量高值区与高生产力区相对应。以这3种生物标志物的相对比例来分别指示浮游植物在北黄海-渤海的相对贡献变化,结果表明近岸区硅藻相对贡献高,这主要与硅藻在高浓度硅的情况下具有竞争优势有关;而由于对营养盐的竞争关系,甲藻相对贡献高值区处于远岸区。在北黄海中部发现高的颗石藻相对贡献,与黄海暖流入侵路径相对应。  相似文献   

北黄海营养盐结构及限制作用时空分布特征分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
根据2006-07~2007-10 4个航次的调查资料,分析讨论了春、夏、秋、冬四季北黄海营养盐结构分布变化特征及营养盐限制状况.结果表明:春夏季表层,10 m层N/P,Si/N和Si/P值分布变化较大,呈现辽东半岛和山东半岛近岸高中部海域低的分布态势,高值区分别自鸭绿江口和夹河河口向外扩散,且均高于Redfield比值.秋冬季表层N/P,Si/N和Si/P值明显降低,且分布变化不大.10 m层,底层各季节分布相近,高值区位于鸭绿江口和夹河口附近.营养盐结构的分析表明,北黄海海域春夏季大部分站位表层浓度低于浮游植物生长的最低阈值,且春、夏、秋三季主要是受P的潜在限制,冬季营养盐限制状况消失.  相似文献   

通过对2006年夏季对北黄海的现场调查,对该海域磷的形态和分布特征进行了探讨.结果表明: 夏季北黄海海域总磷(TP)浓度的变化范围是0.00~1.63 μmol/L,其中溶解无机磷(DIP)是最主要的存在形式,占TP的44%,溶解有机磷(DOP)略低,颗粒磷(PP)最少,总磷的分布呈现由南向北逐渐增高的趋势.北黄海海域水体中各种形态磷(除DOP外)均是表层低于底层,表底层PP的含量相差不大, 表层以DOP为主要存在形态,而底层则以DIP为主,大部分DIP浓度高的区域恰好是DOP浓度的低值区,一定程度上存在着负相关关系(r=-0.34).这样的分布趋势除了受生物活动的影响外,在底部海域还与黄海冷水团密切相关.  相似文献   

The Unst Basin is situated in the northern North Sea between the East Shetland Basin and the Shetland Isles. The basin is essentially a three-armed, Permo-Triassic fault-controlled basin containing up to 3600 m of red-beds. This is overlain by a westerly thickening Jurassic and early Cretaceous sequence, the stratigraphy of which is very similar to that of the East Shetland Basin. In particular, the Brent Group (140 m), Humber Group (685 m) and Cromer Knoll Group (300 m) are well represented.As a result of Laramide uplift of the area, the thick Upper Cretaceous and Palaeocene strata of the East Shetland Basin are absent from the Unst Basin. This uplift resulted in substantial erosion within the Unst Basin providing the major source for Palaeocene sands in the Viking Graben and the Faeroes Basin. Late Palaeocene and younger Tertiary strata transgress westwards across this erosion surface.Petroleum exploration within the basin culminated in the drilling of two exploration wells. These wells encountered potential reservoir and source rocks in the Jurassic section. However, geochemical analyses indicate these source rocks are immature for hydrocarbon generation within the Unst Basin. It is concluded that the Unst Basin has a low petroleum potential.  相似文献   

北黄海表层海水溶解态重金属的分布特征及其影响因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
于2007年春季和秋季对我国北黄海海域进行调查,采取溶剂萃取-原子吸收分光光度法对海水中溶解态重金属Cu,Pb,Zn,Cd进行了分析.结果表明,北黄海表层海水中溶解态重金属的含量呈现出沿岸海区高,中央海区低,浓度自近岸向远海逐渐减少的趋势,受沿岸人类活动影响较为明显.除秋季个别站点的Pb,北黄海表层海水重金属含量均未超过国家一类海水水质标准,水质良好.  相似文献   

本文讨论了北黄海11个柱状岩芯样的颗粒物(<0.063mm)中重金属的分布,采用统计学方法对Cu,Ph,Zn和Cd进行态性检验,用柱样稳定段(拐点以下)作为背景段,获得重金属环境背景值.  相似文献   

A chemostratigraphic study of Upper Jurassic sandstones in the northern Danish Central Graben has been undertaken within the framework of a well-defined stratigraphic/sedimentological model based particularly on cored well sections. Two reservoir sandstone units are recognised, the transgressive marginal marine to shoreface sandstone of the Gert Member and the regressive to transgressive shoreface sandstone of the Ravn Member. Both members belong to the Heno Formation, which is equivalent to the Fulmar Formation (UK) and the Ula Formation (Norway).  相似文献   

Characteristics of two natural gas seepages in the North Sea   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Two occurrences of active gas seepages are described from the North Sea. The southernmost one, situated above a salt diapir in Norwegian block , has been studied and sampled by use of a remotely operated vehicle (ROV). This seepage consists of about 120 single seeps located within a diameter of 100 m. It is estimated to produce 24 m3 of methane gas per day (at ambient pressure, 75 m water depth). Isotope values of the methane gas and higher hydrocarbon gases in the surrounding seafloor sediments, show that their origin is from a deep seated, thermogenic source. No typical gas-induced erosion features are found on the seafloor at this location, probably due to the lack of very fine grained material.The second occurrence is located in U.K. block (Geoteam, 1984), where the seepage is associated with a very large pockmark depression, measuring 17 m in depth and 700×450 m in width. This depression represents an eroded fine grained sediment volume of 7.105 cubic metres. No detailed inspection or sampling of the gas has been performed here. However seismic reflection anomalies are seen on airgun seismic records at various levels down to a depth of at least 1100 m below seafloor. The seeping gas, possibly mixed with liquids, at this location is therefore also expected to be of a thermogenic origin.  相似文献   

Measurements of methane (CH4) so far have always shown supersaturation in the entire North Sea relative to the atmospheric partial pressure and the distribution of surface CH4 reveals a distinct increase towards the shore. Since North Sea sediments presumably are an insignificant source for CH4 the coastal contribution via rivers and tidal flats gains in importance.In this work, CH4 data from the River Weser, the back barrier tidal flats of Spiekeroog Island (NW Germany), and the German Bight are presented. Results from the River Weser are compared to other rivers draining into the German Bight. Measurements in the tidal flat area of Spiekeroog Island highlight this ecosystem as an additional contributor to the overall CH4 budget of the southern North Sea. A tidally driven CH4 pattern is observed for the water column with maximum values during low tide. Tidal flat sediments turn out to be the dominating source because pore waters discharged during low tide are highly enriched in CH4. In contrast, the freshwater contribution to the tidal flats by small coastal tributaries has almost no impact on water column CH4 concentrations. The CH4 level seems to be disturbed irregularly by wind forcing due to elevated degassing and prevention of advective flow when tidal flats remain covered by water.Based on our data, two model calculations were used to estimate the impact of tidal flats on the CH4 budget in the German Bight. Our results demonstrate that the back barrier tidal flats of the east Frisian Wadden Sea contribute CH4 in an order of magnitude between the Wash estuary and River Elbe and thus have to be considered in budget calculations.  相似文献   

北黄海大气颗粒态营养元素的季节分布特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2006年7月~2007年10月对北黄海海域大气气溶胶及其负载的营养元素在春、夏、秋、冬4个季节的浓度分布进行了调查.结果显示,大气总悬浮颗粒物(TSP)、大气颗粒态总碳、钠、钙、镁、氮和磷都呈现出明显的季节变化,但是不同元素的季节分布规律不同.TSP、总碳和氮浓度都是春冬季较高,秋季次之,夏季最低.钠的季节变化与TSP不同,为夏季>冬季>春季>秋季,水溶性钙和镁分别呈现出春季>秋季>冬季>夏季及秋季>冬季>春季>夏季的季节变化.而水溶性磷酸盐浓度夏季最高,春季次之,秋冬季浓度很低.春、夏、秋、冬4季TSP、总碳和氮在不同采样海域的分布特征类似,即在离岸较近海域采集的样品TSP浓度较高,尤其是靠近辽东半岛和山东半岛海域.钠在不同采样海域的分布与TSP完全不同.各航次内钙、镁在不同采样海域的分布特征较复杂,呈现出与TSP和钠都不尽相同的分布特征.  相似文献   

Radar altimetry, when corrected for tides, atmospheric forcing of the sea surface, and the effects of density variations and mean and time-variable currents, provides an along-track realization of the marine geoid. In this study we investigate whether and how such an ‘altimetric-hydrodynamic’ geoid over the North Sea can serve for validating satellite-gravimetric geoids. Our results indicate that, using ERS-2 and ENVISAT along-track altimetry and water levels from the high-resolution operational circulation model BSHcmod, we do find distinct differences in RMS fits for various state-of-the art satellite-only models (beyond degree 145 for GRACE-only, and beyond degree 185 for GOCE models) and for combined geoid models, very similar as seen in GPS-levelling validations over land areas. We find that, at spectral resolution of up to about 200, an RMS fit as low as about 7 cm can be obtained for the most recent GOCE-derived models such as GOCO05S. This is slightly above what we expect from budgeting individual errors. Key to the validation is a proper treatment of the spectral mismatch between satellite-gravimetric and altimetric-hydrodynamic geoids. Comparison of data fits and error budget suggests that geoid truncation errors residual to EGM2008 (i.e. EGM2008 commission and omission error) may amount up to few cm.  相似文献   

A tectonostratigraphic model for the evolution of rift basins has been built, involving three distinct stages of basin development separated by key unconformities or unconformity complexes. The architecture and signature of the sediment infill for each stage are discussed, with reference to the northern North Sea palaeorift system. The proto-rift stage describes the rift onset with either doming or flexural subsidence. In the case of early doming, a proto-rift unconformity separates this stage from the subsequent main rift stage. Active stretching and rotation of fault blocks during the rift stage is terminated by the development of the syn-rift unconformity. Where crustal separation is accomplished, a break-up unconformity commonly marks the boundary to the overlying thermal relaxation or post-rift stage. Tabular architectures, thickening across relatively steep faults, characterize the proto-rift stage. Syn-rift architectures are much more variable. Depending on the ability of the sediment supply to fill the waxing and waning accommodation created during rotation and subsidence, one-, two- or three-fold lithosome architectures are likely to develop. During the post-rift stage, an early phase with coarse clastic infilling of remnant rift topography often precedes late stage widening of the basin and filling with fine-grained sediments.  相似文献   

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