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The Stockholm archipelago spans roughly a semicircular area with a radius of approximately 60 km, traditionally partitioned into three parts: the inner, the middle and the outer archipelago. This subdivision coincides with differing water exchange regimes. The inner and middle archipelagos are characterised by comparatively larger basins which are interconnected by a limited number of straits. This configuration is well suited for a discrete basin (DB-) model approach by partitioning the area into a set of sub-basins that are only resolved vertically. The advantage of this approach over 3D-models is the possibility for enhanced vertical resolution and improved strait exchange formulation, outweighing the disadvantage of neglected horizontal gradients within the basins. In the inner archipelago the dominating exchange process is estuarine circulation, induced by the marked freshwater discharge and the vertical mixing. In the outer and middle archipelagos the density fluctuations due to Ekman pumping along the Baltic boundary interface produce another type of baroclinic process that clearly dominates. Measurements to adequately resolve these density variations do not exist. Missing forcing data are provided by linking the middle archipelago's boundary straits to a 3D-model of the Baltic with a grid resolution of 0.5 nautical miles (n.m.). This fine resolution model (FR-domain) is in turn driven by the atmospheric forcing and the density variation at the rectangular boundary of the FR-domain which acceptably resolves both the interfacial straits and the outer archipelago's complex hypsography. Massive computing resources would be demanded if the FR-domain were extended to comprise the entire Baltic. The FR-domain is thus interfaced with an existing coarse resolution model of the entire Baltic (CR-domain) with a grid size of 5 n.m., the open boundary of which is located in the Kattegat. This 3-fold model set-up has been run for one whole year (1992) with a one-year spin-up time to make up for the lack of initial data. The model concept is at this stage to be regarded as a framework for further development in anticipation of improved formulations, particularly for the strait exchange formulation. Therefore only primary validation experiments and a few sensitivity analyses have been performed.  相似文献   

20 0 0年 10月~ 2 0 0 1年 12月 ,对青岛太平角养殖海区的贻贝寄生中华豆蟹的感染情况进行了调查。以肥满指数为指标 ,通过对感染和未感染贻贝的比较 ,分析了中华豆蟹对贻贝的危害程度。结果表明 ,中华豆蟹对贻贝的感染率为 2 .0 %~ 2 0 .4 %。2 0 0 0年 11月和 2 0 0 1年 11月出现 2次感染高峰 ,分别为 9.7%和 2 0 .4 % ;最低感染率出现于 2 0 0 1年 1月和 3月 (均为 2 .0 % )。感染强度为 1~ 5 ,多数为 1(占感染个体的 83.2 % )。贻贝所感染的豆蟹的性别及感染强度与宿主的大小有关。小个体贻贝仅见雄豆蟹感染 ,绝大多数雌豆蟹见于壳长大于 2 cm的贻贝。未发现同一宿主体内同时感染 2只或以上的雌豆蟹。在调查的 15个月中 ,有 11个月被感染贻贝的肥满度显著低于未感染的贻贝 ,且雌豆蟹对宿主肥满度的影响大于雄豆蟹  相似文献   

Nephrops norvegicus is an essentially sedentary species of lobster that forms the basis of valuable fisheries in the northwest Atlantic and western Mediterranean. Fishers exploiting a sedentary stock are likely to visit the most profitable (highest catch rate) areas first. Such spatial targeting of fishing effort is likely to have important consequences for stock monitoring and assessment. We used underwater television surveys of Nephrops burrow densities on the Farn Deeps grounds, northeast England, to describe changes in abundance and distribution between the beginning and end of a winter fishing season. Above a threshold of c. 0.6 burrows m–2, overwinter depletion increased with burrow density, consistent with fishing effort being targeted at the highest densities. A simple simulation model showed that this pattern of mortality is an expected consequence of spatially targeted fishing behaviour. The model also predicted that there is decreased spatial variability in density after fishing. An overall decrease in variability was not evident from the survey data, but geostatistical analysis indicated that there was “flattening” of the density profile along a north‐south axis, consistent with the dominant direction of commercial trawling. We concluded that Nephrops fishers are able to find and exploit the highest densities of their target species. A potential consequence is that catch per unit effort (CPUE) data used to monitor trends in this stock potentially could mask declines in stock abundance. CPUE might be more effective if analysed at finer spatial scales, but this is not currently possible. In the absence of these fine scale commercial data, fishery‐independent surveys (e.g., underwater television) are an important source of information on trends in stock abundance.  相似文献   

Shallow 3D seismic data show contrasting depositional patterns in Pleistocene deepwater slopes of offshore East Kalimantan, Indonesia. The northern East Kalimantan slope is dominated by valleys and canyons, while the central slope is dominated by unconfined channel–levee complexes. The Mahakam delta is immediately landward of the central slope and provided large amounts of sediments to the central slope during Pleistocene lowstands of sea level. In the central area, the upper slope contains relatively straight and deep channels. Sinuous channel–levee complexes occur on the middle and lower slope, where channels migrated laterally, then aggraded and avulsed. Younger channel–levee complexes avoided bathymetric highs created by previous channel–levee complexes. Levees decrease in thickness down slope. Relief between channels and levees also decreases down slope.North of the Mahakam delta, siliciclastic sediment supply was limited during the Pleistocene, and the slope is dominated by valleys and canyons. Late Pleistocene rivers and deltas were generally not present on the northern outer shelf. Only one lowstand delta was present on the northern shelf margin during the upper Pleistocene, and sediments from that lowstand delta filled a pre-existing slope valley complex and formed a basin-floor fan. Except for that basin-floor fan, the northern basin floor shows no evidence of sand-rich channels or fans, but contains broad areas with chaotic reflectors interpreted as mass transport complexes. This suggests that slope valleys and canyons formed by slope failures, not by erosion associated with turbidite sands from rivers or deltas. In summary, amount of sediment coming onto the slope determines slope morphology. Large, relatively steady input of sediment from the Pleistocene paleo-Mahakam delta apparently prevented large valleys and canyons from developing on the central slope. In contrast, deep valleys and canyons developed on the northern slope that was relatively “starved” for siliciclastic sediment.  相似文献   

通过对研究区海域的水文泥沙进行现场测验,对比1960-1962年海图、1995年和2001年水下地形图三期地形数据和分析浅地层探测数据等方法,分析了舟山外钓山岛西海岸边坡的水动力、悬浮泥沙及冲淤特征,探讨了海岸边坡发育演变的模式与机制。研究结果表明,在基岩岬角海岸与潮流深槽的边界控制及往复潮流的作用下,舟山外钓山岛西海岸边坡演变是一个"上淤下冲"的模式,即边坡变陡至边坡土体失稳并在不定期外力触发下滑塌堆积坡脚,然后上部重新淤积、下部滑坡体不断被侵蚀的循环过程。  相似文献   

石桥镇地处赣榆县东北部,全镇现有23个行政村,总人口6.35万人,其中渔业人口达22087人,镇域面积6000余亩,境内有长5千米的黄金海岸线,拥有潮上带400公顷,潮间带2000公顷,10米等深浅海域6000公  相似文献   

Ten fishery cooperatives of the Pacific coast of Mexico were studied to examine reasons for successful community-based management of the fishery commons. The cooperatives hold exclusive rights to ‘concession’ territories for major fisheries and are linked by geographic adjacency and through a federation. The case study underscores the role of factors such as smallness of scale; the productivity, visibility and legibility of the resources and fisheries involved; clarity of social and territorial boundaries; adjacency and linkages among territorial units; a strong sense of community. The cooperatives also made considerable investments in attaining high levels of knowledge, leadership, transparent and democratic decision-making, and “vigilance,” or enforcement of the rules and the running of the organization. The study also shows the workings of windows of opportunity and experience with environmental change in the development of strong and adaptive capacities for co-management between local organizations and government agencies. Although particular histories and larger legal, political, and cultural contexts matter, the Mexican case supports arguments for greater community-level engagement in “catch share” and territorial management throughout the Pacific.  相似文献   

Both national (GRUND) and international (MEDITS) trawl surveys carried out in the Italian seas since 1994 have produced consistent and rather homogeneous samples of red shrimps (per season, gear, and methods to ascertain abundance). Study and discussion of data regarding Aristeus antennatus (Risso, 1816) from Ligurian fishing grounds during the REDs project (FISH/2004/03‐32) made it possible to verify how key instars of the life of the female shrimp can be recognized from length frequency distributions derived from trawl surveys, allowing the age distributions to be split up. The segment of life that can be studied spans ages 1 and 10 and includes 20 instars, but larger sizes have been found which may extend the life span another 3 years. After age 5, only one growth instar per year occurs. Based on our study of the instars, we developed a size/age key for A. antennatus and used it to derive a von Bertalanffy growth function, total mortality rates and exploitation rates. Our results are related to basic biological and ecological characteristics of this species. Large individuals (females ≥50 mm CL at age 5 onward) present in a considerable percentage in the Ligurian Sea, are very important because (i) their fecundity is very high and therefore greatly influences the reproductive potential and (ii) they represent commercially the most valuable part of the catch. In addition, substantial relationships between the life history of A. antennatus and local oceanographic processes exist because the long life span of the species enlarges the area to which eggs and larvae are transported in surface currents, as well as the active return movements in deep waters where adult life mainly takes place. In the study area, the Northern Current provides the possibility of great horizontal displacement of A. antennatus eggs, larvae and early juveniles and, in general, attention to surface circulation may help to identify affinities in distant Mediterranean populations. This study presents A. antennatus in terms of a resource on the move at a Western Mediterranean scale.  相似文献   

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics - In order to develop astromineralogy, an emerging new research area, the results of studying the features of mineral genesis and geochemistry of native...  相似文献   

Many channels (1 to 3 m relief)_are located offshore of Nauset Beach, Cape Cod, Massachusetts, in water 4 to 18 m deep. The channels are oblique to the shoreline, are spaced approximately 260 m apart, and deepen seaward. The southern flank of each channel is rippled whereas the northern flank and interchannel areas are smooth. The origin of the channels is unknown. They probably formed by erosion of the shoreface, perhaps by rip-current circulation during storm conditions or by rip-current circulation under quiet conditions. The channels may control current flow and thereby maintain themselves even though formative conditions may no longer exist.  相似文献   

根据Feldmann(1938)的评述,管枝藻目的系统分类研究工作始于Schmitz(1879),他首先创建了“group” Siphonocladaceae(发表名为Siphonocladiaceae)。又据Egerod(1952)的研究,Schmitz的“group”事实上只是一个科,Feldmann(1938),Fritsch(1947)及其他人把管枝藻目的创建者归诸Schmitz是错误的。Schmitz在此科中收容了法囊藻(Valonia),肋叶藻(Anadyomene),小网藻(Microdictyon),刚毛藻(Cladophora),硬毛藻(Chaetomorpha),黑孢藻(Pithophora),气球藻(Botrydium)和暂定的网叶藻(Struvea)以及他的新属管枝藻(Siphonocladus)。De Toni(1889)将Schmitz的管枝藻科的各属分散在Order Confervoideae的刚毛藻科的刚毛藻亚科(Cladophoreae)、绵枝藻亚科(Spongocladieae)、小网藻亚科(Microdictyeae)、肋叶藻亚科(Anadyomene)和法囊藻亚科(Valonieae)中。Blackman and Tansley(1902)简历管藻目时下分管藻亚目(Siphoneae)包括无分隔的种类和管枝藻亚目(Siphonocladeae)包括分隔的种类;后者由孢根藻科(Gomontiaceae),刚毛藻科(Cladophoraceae),环藻科(Sphaeropleaceae)和法囊藻科(Valoniaceae)等四个科组成。  相似文献   

Owing to the intensive human activities, the Modaomen Estuary has been significantly modified since 1950s, which has resulted in considerable changes of hydrodynamics and morphodynamics in the area. In this paper, the effects of the anthropogenic activities on the hydrodynamics and morphological evolution in the estuary at different stages are systematically assessed based on the detailed bathymetric data and field survey. The results show that the human activities have caused the channelization of the enclosed sea area in the Modamen Estuary;fast seaward movement of the mouth bar with high siltation;expansion of the channel volume due to channel deepening. The paper also highlights the main hydrodynamic changes in the estuary, including the rise of the water level;the distinguishing changes of tidal range before and after the 1990s (decrease and increase respectively); as well as the increase of the divided flow ratio. It is found that reclamation is the main factor promoting the transition of nature of the estuary from runoff dominant to runoff and wave dominant, and sand mining activities are mainly to strengthen the tidal dynamic and to low the water level. The results provide useful guidance for better planning of the future developments in the estuary and further research in the area.  相似文献   

Owing to the intensive human activities, the Modaomen Estuary has been significantly modified since 1950s, which has resulted in considerable changes of hydrodynamics and morphodynamics in the area. In this paper, the effects of the anthropogenic activities on the hydrodynamics and morphological evolution in the estuary at different stages are systematically assessed based on the detailed bathymetric data and field survey. The results show that the human activities have caused the channelization of the enclosed sea area in the Modamen Estuary; fast seaward movement of the mouth bar with high siltation; expansion of the channel volume due to channel deepening. The paper also highlights the main hydrodynamic changes in the estuary, including the rise of the water level; the distinguishing changes of tidal range before and after the 1990s (decrease and increase respectively); as well as the increase of the divided flow ratio. It is found that reclamation is the main factor promoting the transition of nature of the estuary from runoff dominant to runoff and wave dominant, and sand mining activities are mainly to strengthen the tidal dynamic and to low the water level. The results provide useful guidance for better planning of the future developments in the estuary and further research in the area.  相似文献   

采用筛析法分析了套子湾中滩面上66个表层样品的粒度。结果表明:套子湾海滩沉积物为中、细砂,为典型海滩砂。标准偏差较小,分选较好至好;频率曲线呈近正态分布,稍呈负偏;峰度中等至较窄。平均粒径和标准偏差由夹河口向东西两侧海滩变小,由于突堤的阻挡,海滩沿岸沉积物在突堤东侧产生堆积,西侧侵蚀。粒度特征和海滩地貌变化显示:套子湾海滩沉积物是由夹河口向东西两侧发生沿岸运移。为烟台开发区海水浴场的海滩养护以及芝罘岛连岛沙坝海岸的合理利用提供科学依据。  相似文献   

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