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随机分布的小尺度涡对涡旋自组织影响的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
罗哲贤  李春虎 《气象学报》2007,65(6):856-863
以往双涡相互作用的动力学一般都在决定性的框架内研究。文中用一个平流方程模式,实施积分时间为30 h的8组试验,分析决定性和随机性共存系统中双涡相互作用和涡旋自组织的问题。随机性通过以下方式引入模式:先用Iwayama方案生成随机分布的小尺度涡,再将这些小尺度涡加入初始场。试验中,初始随机分布小尺度涡的强度参数K分别取0.0、0.4、0.6、0.8和1.0。结果表明,没有小尺度涡的条件下(K=0.0),初始分离的两个β中尺度涡逆时针互旋,其准终态流型是两个分离的涡;引进小尺度涡后,K取0.8、1.0时,初始分离强度相同的两个β中尺度涡,逐渐形成主次之分。主涡将次涡拉伸成为螺旋带,其准终态流型是一个自组织起来的类似于台风环流的涡旋。准终态涡中心的相对涡度值随K值的加大而加大。结果还表明,准终态流型不仅与初始小尺度涡的强度参数有关,而且与初始小尺度涡的分布有关。此外,在相同初始场的情况下,还实施了3类不同边畀条件的试验:第1类,在东西边界取周期条件,在南北边界取固定条件;第2类,在所有边界均取固定条件;第3类,在所有边界均取周期条件。这3类试验的准终态流型相同,都显示出一个类似于台风涡旋的环流。根据这些结果可以初步认为,涡旋自组织的研究从决定性动力学向随机动力学的过渡是值得探索的。  相似文献   

利用高分辨率f平面正压拟谱模式,分析一个β中尺度涡对双台风相互作用影响的物理过程。结果表明:β中涡的存在可以使原本排斥的两个DeMaria型台风涡旋合并;β中涡改变双台风相互作用终态的物理机制是:初始时段处于某一台风涡旋正影响区内的β中涡,构成了非对称涡度场,进而在该台风涡旋内部产生指向另一个台风涡旋的气流。该气流如果足够强,则会使两个台风的中心距离在短时间内下降到合并临界距离之内,触发双涡合并过程的发生。  相似文献   

非轴对称双涡相互作用的研究   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4  
在平流动力学的框架内,用准地转正压涡度方程模式实施了19组试验,研究双涡合并的条件及较大尺度涡旋自组织的问题.结果指出:(1)存在着两个影响双涡合并的因素,即初始双涡中心之间的距离和初始涡旋的非轴对称分布.初始两个对称涡旋合并具有明显的临界距离效应,但初始两个非轴对称涡旋能否合并还受到初始涡旋的非对称结构的复杂影响. (2)存在着两类不同的较大尺度涡旋的自组织过程,形成较大尺度涡旋.第一类,初始两个涡旋相同,均呈轴对称分布.双涡作用经历了缓变、快变,以及涡量羽翼的生成、拉伸和发展的过程,合并后呈对称性流型;终态涡内区涡量的堆积来源于两个初始涡,终态涡外区的螺旋带来源于两个初始涡外缘线涡量羽翼的拉伸.第二类,初始两个涡旋不同,一个为椭圆型,一个为偏心型,均呈非轴对称分布.双涡作用中,椭圆涡一边互旋,一边向计算区域中心靠近,同时涡量范围加大,形成了终态涡的内核区;偏心涡一边互旋,一边被不断拉伸,形成了终态涡的螺旋带区;表现出终态涡内区的涡量堆集来源于椭圆涡,终态涡外区螺旋带主要来源于偏心涡的反复拉伸及断裂的特性.  相似文献   

多涡自组织的初步研究   总被引:13,自引:5,他引:8  
在涡旋自组织动力学的框架内,用f平面二维准地转模式研究了初始场上不规则分布的由12个β和γ中尺度涡构成的涡群如何自组织成一个较大涡旋的问题.结果表明,多涡自组织是一个逐次合并的过程,开始时是相邻双涡的合并,然后形成三涡流型,最后才形成一个α中尺度的终态涡.因此,多涡共存条件下的双涡作用,是多涡自组织的一个基本的物理过程.初始场上的每一个涡或涡块,主要有两类\  相似文献   

用一个带有地形项的准地转正压模式,研究了不同初始涡廓线对涡旋自组织的作用。结果表明:初始涡廓线的不同,不仅可以影响到自组织的过程,而且可以影响到自组织起来的准终态涡的性质。  相似文献   

地形对涡旋自组织影响的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
用一个带有地形项的f平面准地转正压涡度方程,实施5组积分时间长度为72h的试验,研究了中尺度地形对涡旋自组织的影响。结果指出:无地形时,准终态涡是一个带有螺旋带的类似台风的涡旋;有地形时,准终态涡是一个无螺旋带但有两个低涡量区的准圆形涡旋。有无地形两个准终态涡中心的位置可以相距100km以上。  相似文献   

用一个带有地形项的β平面准地转正压涡度方程,进行2组积分时间长度为48h的试验,分析旋转大气中地形对多涡自组织的影响。地球旋转作用的引入主要会引起以下的差别:无旋转大气中,多涡自组织的特征是准终态涡将初始多涡全部吸收或全部组织起来;旋转大气中,多涡自组织的特征是准终态涡将初始多涡部分吸收或部分组织起来,差别较明显。中尺度地形对准终态涡位置的影响不同。无旋转大气中,中尺度地形对准终态涡位置的影响较小,有无地形的两个准终态涡中心之间的距离约100km;旋转大气中,中尺度地形对准终态涡位置的影响较大,有无地形的两个准终态涡中心之间的距离约200km,两者相差一倍左右。  相似文献   

斜压大气中台风涡旋自组织的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文中利用MM5(V3),实施了8个数值试验,对斜压大气中台风涡旋自组织的问题进行了初步研究.结果表明:(1)在试验1中,没有引进一个半径为80 km的小涡旋,两个初始分离的半径为500 km的轴对称涡旋,一边互旋,一边相互排斥,两个涡旋中心之间的距离不断加大,致使双涡最终分离.(2)在试验2中引进了一个半径为80 km的小涡旋,其他条件同试验1,两个初始分离的轴对称涡旋一边互旋,一边相互逼近,经自组织形成了一个由内区和螺旋带组成的类似于台风环流的较大尺度的涡旋.这个结果支持周秀骥在十多年前提出的重要观点,也支持以往在正压框架内的同类研究结果.(3)试验3-8为在前两个试验的基础上取不同初始涡旋参数的敏感性试验,其中,试验3和4为引入小涡旋不同初始位置对台风涡旋自组织的影响,试验5和6为不同初始轴对称双涡间距对台风涡旋自组织的影响,试验7和8反映了不同初始轴对称双涡强度对台风涡旋自组织的作用.它表明对涡旋自组织过程影响最大的涡旋初始参数是涡旋之间的距离,其与正压模式中的结果是类似的.  相似文献   

正压无辐散模式中双涡的相互作用   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
本文在无环境流场的情况下,利用正压无辐散模式对双涡的相互作用以及β效应的影响进行了数值模拟研究。一系列的试验结果表明:双涡的相对运动对双涡间的初始距离及双涡的相对强度是十分敏感的,双涡间的非线性涡度平流可导致两个系统的气旋隆互旋;同时可造成两个系统的相互吸引和合并或相互排斥,吸引或排斥的临界距离取决于双涡的结构及相对强度:"合并"的快慢取决于双涡的联合强度,联合强度越强越难于"合并"β效应对双涡的相互作用具有显著的影响。它可以改变双涡相互吸引或排斥的性质,还可以使两个相互吸引的同等强度的涡旋"合并"后较平直地向西北方向漂移,而使两个不同强度的涡旋"合并"后的运动表现为β漂移和陀螺运动的叠加。   相似文献   

初始涡的结构与尺度对涡旋自组织影响的研究   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
在涡旋自组织动力学的框架内,实施了9组积分时间为72 h的试验,分析初始涡廓线与初始涡尺度对多涡自组织的作用.试验的初始场上,存在着12个大小不等的β和γ中尺度的涡.若初始涡廓线为高斯型,则这些涡不能自组织形成一个α中尺度的涡;若初始涡廓线为双正弦型、抛物线型或压缩型,则这个α中尺度的涡可以形成.此外,涡廓线不同,三涡流型出现的时间迟早不一,较大尺度α中尺度涡出现的时间也迟早不一.同时,初始涡的半径大小也是影响自组织过程成败的一个重要因素.  相似文献   

Previous studies concerning the interaction of dual vortices have been made generally in the determin-istic framework. In this paper, by using an advection equation model, eight numerical experiments whose integration times are 30 h are performed in order to analyze the interaction of dual vortices and the vortex self-organization in a coexisting system of deterministic and stochastic components. The stochastic compo-nents are introduced into the model by the way that the Iwayama scheme is used to produce the randomly distributed small-scale vortices which are then added into the initial field. The different intensity of the small-scale vortices is described by parameter K being 0.0, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, and 1.0, respectively. When there is no small-scale vortex (K=0.0), two initially separated meso-beta vortices rotate counterclockwise mutu-ally, and their quasi-final flow pattern is still two separated vortices; after initially incorporating small-scale vortices (K=0.8, 1.0), the two separated meso-beta vortices of initially same intensity gradually evolve into a major and a secondary vortex in time integration. The major vortex pulls the secondary one, which gradually evolves into the spiral band of the major vortex. The quasi-final flow pattern is a self-organized vortex with typhoon-like circulation, and the relative vorticity at its center increases with increasing in K value, suggesting that small-scale vortices feed the self-organized vortex with vorticity. This may be a pos-sible mechanism responsible for changes in the strength of the self-organized vortex. Results also show that the quasi-final pattern not only relates with the initial intensity of the small-scale vortices, but also with their initial distribution. In addition, three experiments are also performed in the case of various boundary conditions. Firstly, the periodic condition is used on the E-W boundary, but the fixed condition on the S-N boundary; secondly, the fixed condition is set on all the boundaries; and thirdly, the periodic condition is chosen on all the boundaries. Their quasi-final flow patterns in the three experiments are the same with each other, exhibiting a larger scale typhoon-like circulation. Based on these results mentioned above, authors think that the transition of vortex self-organization study from the deterministic system to the coexisting system of deterministic and stochastic components is worth exploring.  相似文献   

Previous studies concerning the interaction of dual vortices have been made generally in the deterministic framework. In this paper, by using an advection equation model, eight numerical experiments whose integration times are 30 h are performed in order to analyze the interaction of dual vortices and the vortex self-organization in a coexisting system of deterministic and stochastic components. The stochastic components are introduced into the model by the way that the Iwayama scheme is used to produce the randomly distributed small-scale vortices which are then added into the initial field. The different intensity of the small-scale vortices is described by parameter K being 0.0, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, and 1.0, respectively. When there is no small-scale vortex (K=0.0), two initially separated meso-beta vortices rotate counterclockwise mutually, and their quasi-final flow pattern is still two separated vortices; after initially incorporating small-scale vortices (K=0.8, 1.0), the two separated meso-beta vortices of initially same intensity gradually evolve into a major and a secondary vortex in time integration. The major vortex pulls the secondary one, which gradually evolves into the spiral band of the major vortex. The quasi-final flow pattern is a self-organized vortex with typhoon-like circulation, and the relative vorticity at its center increases with increasing in K value, suggesting that small-scale vortices feed the self-organized vortex with vorticity. This may be a possible mechanism responsible for changes in the strength of the self-organized vortex. Results also show that the quasi-final pattern not only relates with the initial intensity of the small-scale vortices, but also with their initial distribution. In addition, three experiments are also performed in the case of various boundary conditions. Firstly, the periodic condition is used on the E-W boundary, but the fixed condition on the S-N boundary; secondly, the fixed condition is set on all the boundaries; and thirdly, the periodic conditio  相似文献   

In the context of advection dynamics,19 experiments(Exps.)are performed using a quasi-geostrophic barotropic vorticity equation model to explore the condition for the mergence of binary vortices and the self-organization of the larger scale vortex.Results show that the initial distance between the centers of binary vortices and the non-axisymmetric distributions of their initial vorticity are two factors affecting the mergence of binary vortices.There is a critical distance for the mergence of initial symmetric binary vortices, however,the mergence of initial non-axisymmetric binary vortices is also affected by the asymmetric structure of initial vortices.The self-organization processes in 19 experiments can be classified into two types:one is the merging of identical,axisymmetric binary vortices in which the interaction of the two vortices undergoes slowly change,rapid change,and the formation,stretching,and development of the filaments of vorticity, and the two vortices merge into a symmetric vortex,with its vorticity piled up in the inner region coming from the two initial vortices,and the vorticity of the spiral band in the outer region from the stretching of the filaments of the two initial vortices.And the other type is the merging of the two non-axisymmetric initial vortices of an elliptic vortex and an eccentric vortex in which the elliptic vortex,on the one hand, mutually rotates,and on the other hand moves towards the center of the computational domain,at the same time expands its vorticity area,and at last forms the inner core of resultant state vortex;and the eccentric vortex mutually rotates,meanwhile continuously stretches,and finally forms the spiral band of resultant state vortex.The interaction process is characteristic of the vorticity piled up in the inner core region of resultant state vortex originating from the elliptic vortex and the vorticity in spiral band mainly from the successive stretch and rupture of the eccentric vortex.  相似文献   

Self-organization of typhoon vortex in a baroclinic environment is studied based on eight numerical experiments with the fifth-generation Pennsylvania State University/National Center for Atmospheric Research (PSU/NCAR) Mesoscale Model (MM5). The results show that, when there are only two 400-km-away mesoscale axisymmetric vortices with a radius of 500 km in the initial field, the two vortices move away from each other during co-rotating till the distance between them greater than a critical distance named co-rotating critical distance. Then, they stop co-rotating. The situation is changed when a small vortex with a radius of 80 kin is introduced in between the two vortices in the initial field, with the two initially separated vortices approaching each other during their co-rotation, and finally self-organizing into a typhoon-like vortex consisting of an inner core and spiral bands. This result supports both Zhou Xiuji's view in 1994 and the studies in the barotropic framework concerning the interactions between the same and different scales of vortices. Six other experiments are carried out to study the effects of the initial vortex parameters, including the initial position of the small-scale vortex, the distance and intensity of the initially axisymmetric binary mesoscale vortices. It is found that the distance between the initial axisymmetrie mesoscale vortices is the most important parameter that influences the self-organizing process of the final typhoon-like vortex. This conclusion is similar to that obtained from barotropical model experiments.  相似文献   

在涡旋自组织动力学的框架内,数值研究了涡群中双涡相互作用的问题,对比了弱环境流与涡群环境流两类条件下双涡作用的异同。指出:弱环境流条件下双涡合并的过程,在涡群环境条件下不再存在;同时,涡群环境流的引进可使涡强度显著增强。  相似文献   

随机分布的小尺度涡旋场对台风路径影响的研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
文中用正压原始方程模式和理想初始场研究了随机分布的小尺度涡度场对台风路径的作用.在模式初始场上,有一个理想的副热带高压脊、一个台风和一个随机生成的小尺度涡度场.设计实施两组试验,记为试验A和试验B,积分时间为56 h.每个试验的初始场上各有100个随机分布的小尺度涡.除了小尺度涡的空间位置不同以外,两组试验其余的试验条件全部相同.模式积分的结果指出:小尺度涡不同的空间分布可以引起台风外围水平风速的差异,进而改变台风环境引导流的强度.在24、36和48小时,试验A沿东西方向环境引导流分别为7.8、8.2和8.7 m/s,24-48小时平均值为8.2 m/s,沿南北方向环境引导流分别为0.9、1.8和2.5 m/s,24-48小时平均值为2.1 m/s;试验B沿东西方向分别为8.3、9.5和9.7 m/s,24-48小时平均值为9.5 m/s,沿南北方向分别为2.3、2.3和5.9 m/s,24-48小时平均值为3.4 m/s.环境引导气流强度的小同导致未来台风中心位置的不同.两组不同的初始随机涡度场可以引起48 h以后台风中心相距约120 km.副热带高压与台风相互作用的动力学表明:当初始台风位于副热带高压脊与赤道之间时,局域的绝对涡度梯度与台风传播的关系足南若干个不规则的散布点表征的.引进随机涡度场以后,副热带高压脊、台风和小尺度涡旋三者的共同作用使得绝对涡度梯度与台风传播之间的关系复杂化,除了会出现不规则散布点的特征外,还可显示出两者之间的高相关特征.  相似文献   

Summary There exists a common observational phenomenon over the offshore areas of the northwest Pacific, that is, when several mesoscale vortices evolve suddenly into a larger scale typhoon-like vortex within one day, often with serious consequences. In this paper a series of numerical experiments has been designed and performed to emulate this evolution. The model is based on the Charney-Hasegawa-Mima equation, where there are around 40 initial meso-β vortices with parabolic profiles whose central positions, dimensions and intensities are all set stochastically. The self-organization process of these stochastically-distributed multiple meso-β vortices can be divided into two phases. During the first phase, a larger scale vortex similar to a typhoon-like vortex forms near the computational center through the gradual stretching and merging of adjacent meso-β vortices while there are more than 10 isolated vortices surrounding this typhoon-vortex. During the second phase, the isolated vortices are stretched and drawn into the typhoon-vortex circulation and become its spiral arms which are gradually incorporated into the inner area of the typhoon. This is then repeated as new isolated vortices are stretched and become new spiral arms until all the isolated vortices are drawn into the typhoon-vortex. The center of the self-organized typhoon-vortex rotates counterclockwise around the computational center when no topography is involved and is thus a transient vortex. When topography is present the vortex remain in the NE quadrant of the model domain, locked by the topography, and this quasi-steady vortex is thus capable of causing local disasters. Correspondence: Chongjian Liu, Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences (CAMS), State Key Labaratory of Severe Weather, 46 Zhongguancum South Avenue, 100081 Beijing, P.R. China  相似文献   

Initial mesoscale vortex effects on the tropical cyclone(TC) motion in a system where three components coexist(i.e.,an environmental vortex(EV),a TC,and mesoscale vortices) were examined using a barotropic vorticity equation model with initial fields where mesoscale vortices were generated stochastically.Results of these simulations indicate that the deflection of the TC track derived from the initial mesoscale vortices was clearly smaller than that from the beta effect in 60% of the cases.However,they may have a more significant impact on the TC track under the following circumstances.First,the interaction between an adjacent mesoscale vortex and the TC causes the emergence of a complicated structure with two centers in the TC inner region.This configuration may last for 8 h,and the two centers undergo a cyclonic rotation to make the change in direction of the TC motion.Second,two mesoscale vortices located in the EV circulation may merge,and the merged vortex shifts into the EV inner region,intensifying both the EV and steering flow for the TC,increasing speed of the TC.  相似文献   

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