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The North Atlantic right whale (Eubalaena glacialis) faces increasing pressure from commercial shipping traffic and proposed marine renewable energy developments. Drawing upon the successful Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary model, we propose a multi-stakeholder marine spatial planning process that considers both appropriate positioning of offshore wind farms and redefining commercial shipping lanes relative to whale migration routes: placement of wind turbines within certain right whale habitats may prove beneficial for the species. To that end, it may be advisable to initially relocate the shipping lanes for the benefit of the whales prior to selecting wind energy areas. The optimal end-state is the commercial viability of renewable energy, as well as a safe shipping infrastructure, with minimal risk of collision and exposure to shipping noise for the whales. This opportunity to manage impacts on right whales could serve as a model for other problematic interactions between marine life and commercial activities.  相似文献   

Three specimens of killer whales (Orcinus orca), an open ocean carnivore, were analysed for extremely toxic polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs) and polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs) to understand their long-range distribution patterns. Several PCDF congeners, including the highly toxic 2,3,7,8-tetra- and 2,3,4,7,8-penta-CDFs were identified in the blubber of those specimens. The PCDF isomeric pattern in killer whale is more complex than the reported patterns in humans and birds, indicating the weaker metabolic potency of killer whales for these toxic compounds. High levels of PCBs (about 400 mg kg−1) have also been detected in those specimens. The 2,3,7,8-substituted PCDF congeners identified in commercial PCBs were also found in killer whale, indicating PCBs as the possible source. Isomer-specific and trace level determinations of PCDD in killer whale, revealed no detectable quantities. The detection of comparatively high levels ( > 300 ng kg−1) of PCDFs and undetection of PCDDs in open ocean killer whales suggest that PCDFs are more ubiquitous than PCDDs.  相似文献   

In this paper we present the concentrations of Hg, Cd, Se, Pb, Cu, Mn, Zn and Fe in organs of 6 non-common specimens of cetaceans that were stranded along the Israeli Mediterranean coast (IMC), during 2002–2010: two fin whales, one minke whale, one Cuvier’s beaked whale, one rough-toothed dolphin, and one Risso’s dolphin. Most of the specimens were calves stranded by accident. Concentrations of Hg and Cd were low in tissues of the baleen whales and higher in the toothed whales, with maximum concentrations of 1067 mg kg−1 Hg in the liver of the Risso’s dolphin and 29 mg kg−1 Cd in the kidney of the Cuvier’s beaked whale. As far as we are aware, this is the first report of trace elements in baleen whales in the Eastern Mediterranean, and the first report of trace elements in minke whale and rough-toothed dolphin in the Mediterranean.  相似文献   

Recent observations of cetacean mass strandings, coincident with anthropogenic sounds emissions, have raised concerns on the potential environmental impact of underwater noise. Cuvier's beaked whale (Ziphius cavirostris) was reported in all the cited stranding events. Within the NATO Marine Mammal Risk Mitigation project (MMRM), multiple interdisciplinary sea trials have been conducted in the Mediterranean Sea with the objective of developing tools and procedures to mitigate the impact of underwater sound emissions. During these cruises, visual observations, passive acoustic detections and environmental data were collected. The aim of this study was to evaluate "a priori" predictions of Cuvier's beaked whale presence in the Alboran Sea, using models developed in the Ligurian Sea that employ bathymetric and chlorophyll features as predictors. The accuracy of these predictions was found adequate and elements are given to account for the uncertainties associated to the use of models developed in areas different from their calibration site.  相似文献   

Infaunal prey communities and gray whale feeding excavations were found at three sites along the west coast of Vancouver Island: Ahous Bay, Pachena Bay and Port San Juan. Side-scan sonar records indicated that whales disturbed up to 36% of the sea floor. The mean percentage of the bottom covered with feeding excavations was > 17% in each of the three feeding grounds. There was a positive relationship between the biomass of ampeliscid amphipod prey and the total quantity of prey consumed by gray whales from the three feeding grounds. There also was considerable annual variation in the size of feeding excavations, the total area covered by excavations, and the dispersion of excavations over the entire prey community during 3 years of observations at Pachena Bay. In general, two types of gray whale feeding records occurred in the Ampelisca tube mats. One record was composed of large complex excavations (mean > 20.5 m2): the other contained only small features(mean < 4 m2). Gray whales expanded the small feeding excavations into large, complex features by feeding along the edges of existing depressions. Edge feeding may increase the energy yield per dive as whales avoid low biomass areas inside existing excavations. It may also require less energy to lift the bottom by suction along the edge of an exposed tube mat. Gray whale feeding suspended over 1000 m3 of sediment per day. Since sediment grain size was coarser inside feeding excavations (mean = 0.160 mm) compared to outside (mean = 0.124 mm), gray whales may help to maintain the mud poor fine sand habitat of its primary benthic prey, Ampelisca, by winnowing away finer sediments. Certain infaunal prey types (e.g. onuphid polychaetes) are less resilient to gray whale predation than others (e.g. Ampelisca) as a result of their local distribution patterns and life history.  相似文献   

This is the first study to report the concentrations and accumulation profiles of PFCs in marine mammals from Korea. The concentrations and profiles of 10 PFCs in the liver of minke whales and common dolphins from Korean coastal waters were recorded in this study. The mean concentrations of PFOS and PFUnDA were 3-20 times higher than that found for other PFCs analyzed. The concentrations of PFOS in cetaceans from Korea were relatively lower than those reported in other countries. Inter-species differences in the concentrations of PFOS, PFOSA and PFNA were found between two cetacean species, while no difference was observed in the concentrations of PFDA, PFUnDA and PFDoDA between the species. The dominant PFC compounds found in cetaceans were PFUnDA and PFOS, accounting for 70-80% of the PFCs. The accumulation profiles and correlation analysis indicated that two cetacean species have different exposure routes and metabolic capacity for PFCs.  相似文献   

Concentrations and enantiomeric profiles for a range of organochlorine compounds are reported in blubber samples from a number of individual killer whales (Orcinus orca) from British and Irish waters. Elevated contaminant levels and enriched isotopic ratios were determined in one individual whale sampled in the Scottish Western Isles compared to the others suggesting marine mammal based dietary influences. The potential application of isotopic ratios to model contaminant uptake, enantioselective enrichment and accumulation is demonstrated. Data are presented which provide information on enantioselective enrichment factors (EFs) for o,p'-DDT, alpha-HCH and toxaphene congeners CHB26 and CHB 50. This dataset further improves the current database on reported levels of a number of contaminants and provides additional background information on potential metabolic processes in killer whales from British and Irish waters.  相似文献   

Data on the occurrence and accumulation profiles of butyltins (BTs), including tributyltin (TBT), in marine mammals are scarce. This is the first study to investigate residue levels and accumulation patterns of BTs in cetaceans from Korean coastal waters. The total concentrations of BTs (sum of mono- to tri-butyltins) in minke whales (Balaenoptera acutorostrata) and long-beaked common dolphins (Delphinus capensis) ranged from 15.7 to 297 ng/g wet weight (mean: 100 ng/g wet weight) and from 59.0 to 412 ng/g wet weight (mean: 228 ng/g wet weight), respectively. Dibutyltin (DBT) accounted for 63% of the total BTs in all cetacean samples. Significant species-specific differences in BT concentrations, possibly due to the differences in their habitat and diet, were found between the two cetacean species. The concentrations of DBT and TBT in most cetacean samples exceeded the threshold value for cytotoxic effects in cetaceans, implying potentially adverse health risks from exposure to BTs.  相似文献   

Samples of liver, lung, heart, muscle, and blubber tissue from the carcasses of juvenile gray whales (Eschrichtius robustus) found stranded on the coast off the Sea of Cortez, México were analyzed for a range of trace metals (Cu, Fe, Zn, Mn, Ni, Pb, and Cd). The highest concentrations of copper, iron, zinc, and manganese were found in liver; nickel and lead in heart, and cadmium in kidney. In all tissues analyzed, iron, zinc and copper were present in the highest concentrations; however, some whales also showed high levels of cadmium in the kidney which could be related to their diet. Elevated concentrations of copper were found only in the liver of one whale. In general, where low levels of iron were found in the liver, they were associated with poor nutrition. Lead, nickel, manganese and zinc levels in liver were within the normal range, indicating that these whales had not been exposed to high levels of these metals.  相似文献   

Tissues of bowhead, beluga, and gray whales were analyzed for Ag, Cd, Cu, Se, Zn, THg and MeHg (belugas only). Delta15N and delta13C in muscle were used to estimate trophic position and feeding habitat, respectively. Trace element concentrations in tissues were significantly different among whale species. Hepatic Ag was higher in belugas than bowheads and gray whales. Gray whales had lower Cd concentrations in liver and kidney than bowhead and belugas and a sigmoid correlation of Cd with length was noted for all whales. Renal and hepatic Se and THg were higher in belugas than in baleen whales. The hepatic molar ratio of Se:THg exceeded 1:1 in all species and was negatively correlated to body length. Hepatic and renal Zn in subsistence-harvested gray whales was lower than concentrations for stranded whales. Se:THg molar ratios and tissue concentrations of Zn may show promise as potential indicators of immune status and animal health.  相似文献   

Southern resident killer whales in British Columbia and Washington are exposed to heavy vessel traffic. This study investigates their exposure to exhaust gases from whale-watching vessels by using a simple dispersion model incorporating data on whale and vessel behavior, atmospheric conditions, and output of airborne pollutants from the whale-watching fleet based on emissions data from regulatory agencies.Our findings suggest that current whale-watching guidelines are usually effective in limiting pollutant exposure to levels at or just below those at which measurable adverse health effects would be expected in killer whales. However, safe pollutant levels are exceeded under worst-case conditions and certain average-case conditions. To reduce killer whale exposure to exhaust we recommend: vessels position on the downwind side of whales, a maximum of 20 whale-watching vessels should be within 800 m at any given time, viewing periods should be limited, and current whale-watch guidelines and laws should be enforced.  相似文献   

The levels of DDT and its metabolites found in the blubber of 29 minke, 6 fin and 1 sei whale landed at the Durban whaling station in 1974 were on average much lower than those found in baleen whales from the North Atlantic, but of the same order as those measured from the Antarctic and North Pacific. In 12 sperm whales examined at Durban the levels of DDT and its metabolites in the blubber were substantially lower than in any other locality so far examined, including the Antarctic, but this may partly reflect the comparative youth of the animals sampled. Low levels of Dieldrin were found in some minke whales only. No PCB could be detected in any of the whales examined.  相似文献   

Abstract The Cetacea are the most diverse and highly aquatically adapted group of mammals. Their fossil record extends back at least to the Middle Eocene ( ca 50 Ma), and they will possibly be found earlier, judging by the relatively highly evolved nature of the earliest known whales. The most likely terrestrial ancestors of whales are the mesonychids, primitive hoofed mammals with omnivorous diets. Recently discovered archaeocetes with large, mesonychid-like heads and dentitions and functional hind limbs reconfirm earlier ideas about the mesonychid origin of cetaceans and the amphibious nature of the earliest transitional forms. Fossil cetaceans are relatively abundant and diverse thoughout the world, and are now known from every continent, including Antarctica. Odontocetes evolved echolocation to locate food. Mysticetes developed bulk feeding adaptations. Both undoubtedly evolved from archaeocetes, and the monophyly of Cetacea is the most parsimonious present hypothesis. Chromosomal and molecular evidence has taken an increasingly important role in determining cetacean relationships, but fossils and classical comparative morphological studies remain a necessary and pivotal source of information about cetacean phylogeny.  相似文献   

It is argued that Japan’s authorities and entrepreneurs involved in whaling and the whale-meat trade have a long-term goal of rebuilding a large and profitable industry of pelagic whaling, particularly in the Southern Hemisphere, in the next 20 years or so. They have made large investments in this enterprise since the so-called moratorium on commercial whaling was adopted by the International Whaling Commission in 1982. These include, but are not confined to, state subsidizing of an expanding and diversifying 20-year programme of commercial whaling under provisions in all relevant international agreements since 1937 that permit unlimited and unilaterally decreed whaling, supposedly for scientific purposes, provided that the commodities from the whales killed are fully utilized. The context of this is the monopoly of technical knowledge, special skills and the market for valuable whale-meat that Japanese enterprises acquired in the post-world war II period, having broken - in 1937 - the strongly defended de facto Anglo-Norwegian monopoly of technology, skills, access to Antarctic whaling grounds and the market for whale-oil that had existed until then. The attraction of ‘scientific whaling’ is not only that it by-passes any internationally agreed catch-limits but that it also circumvents all other rules - many dating fr/om the League of Nations whaling convention of 1931 - regarding protected species, closed areas, killing of juveniles, less inhumane killing methods, etc. The groundwork is being laid to justify that resumed whaling on partially recovered whale stocks will be at the unsustainable levels that will be profitable again. This justification is based on spurious assertions that numerous and hungry whales threaten the world’s fisheries, and that the abundance and possible increase in some whale species is impeding the recovery of other, severely depleted, and potentially more valuable species such as the blue whale. If the scenario presented here is correct it has important implications for attempts by the international community either to bring a negotiated end to commercial whaling or to bring all whaling back under international control, as the international law of the sea requires, and to ensure that any permitted exploitation of recovered whale populations will be sustainable, under a precautionary regime.  相似文献   

Levels of total mercury (T-Hg) were surveyed in red meat (n=73) and liver (n=3) from toothed whales, dolphins and porpoises (odontocetes) sold for human consumption in the coastal cities of South Korea. High concentrations of T-Hg were found in the liver products of finless porpoises (18.7 and 156 microg/wet g) and common dolphins (13.2 microg/wet g). The T-Hg concentrations in red meat products were highest in the false killer whale (9.66+/-12.3 microg/wet g, n=9), bottlenose dolphin (10.6+/-12.6 microg/wet g, n=3) and killer whale (13.3 microg/wet g, n=1), and lowest in Cuvier's beaked whale and the harbour porpoise (0.4-0.5 microg/wet g). Thus, most of the products that originated from odontocetes exceeded the safety limit of 0.5 microg/wet g for T-Hg set by the South Korean health authorities for the fishery industry. Pregnant women and other vulnerable sectors of the population living in South Korea should therefore limit their consumption of odontocete products.  相似文献   

Abstract A nearly complete skeleton of a fossil sperm whale from the Middle Miocene age Bessho Formation at Shiga-mura, Nagano Prefecture, the most complete fossil physeterid skeleton found in Japan, is here named Scaldicetus shigensis, new species. Its abruptly tapered rostrum, deep supracranial basin, and high occipital crest are typical of physeterids. Large teeth with crenulate enamel on conical crowns, present in both the palate and mandible, are consistent with the genus Scaldicetus du Bus, 1867, a genus originally based on fossils discovered in the Antwerp Basin, Belgium. Scaldicetus shigensis is relatively primitive, having a relatively long, slender rostrum, large zygomatic arches, large tympanic bullae, prominent occipital condyles, low tooth count and a sloping occipital shield that is deeply emarginated laterally by large temporal fossae. The probable mandibular tooth count is 12, only one more than the primitive eutherian mammalian dentition. Despite its abundant primitive characters, Scaldicetus shigensis has very asymmetrical external nares, comparable to the living sperm whale, Physeter catodon, and is in this way more derived than most of the contemporaneous fossil physeterids. At a time when other sperm whales were more highly evolved, Scaldicetus shigensis retained a primitive occipital shield, large tympanic bullae, and low tooth count, as in primitive Oligocene odontocetes such as Agorophiidae. It was a relict form in Middle Miocene time, and provides an indication of a primitive stage of sperm whale evolution heretofore undocumented. Fossils from elsewhere previously referred to as Scaldicetus, largely on the basis of tooth characters, range in age from Early Miocene to Plio-Pleistocene time. Cranial material that would clarify relationships is lacking for most of these, and this time range seems too long for a cetacean genus. Because of this simplistic approach to identifications, Scaldicetus is probably a grade taxon, not a natural biological grouping. However, the tooth morphology of Scaldicetus shigensis is correct for the genus Scaldicetus, so we provisionally assign it to this genus. Redefinition of the genus Scaldicetus and revision of the Physeteridae are beyond the scope of the present study.  相似文献   

We investigated the mercury concentrations in red meat from pilot whales consumed by some residents of the Japanese whaling town, Taiji, and in hair samples from 50 residents for their maker of mercury burden. The methyl mercury (M-Hg) level in the red meat was 5.9 μg/wet g, markedly higher than the US FDA action level and Cordex Alimentarius guideline level for predatory fish (1.0 μg/wet g). The average level of total mercury (T-Hg) in the hair from residents who ate whale meat more than once a month was 24.6 μg/g, whereas the average from the residents who did not consume any whale meat was 4.3 μg/g. The T-Hg concentrations in the hair from three donors exceeded 50 μg/g, the level for NOAEL set by WHO. The T-Hg level found in the Taiji whale meat consumers was markedly higher than that observed in the Japanese population overall (about 2 μg/g).  相似文献   

Large mysticete whales represent a unique challenge for chemical risk assessment. Few epidemiological investigations are possible due to the low incidence of adult stranding events. Similarly their often extreme life-history adaptations of prolonged migration and fasting challenge exposure assumptions. Molecular biomarkers offer the potential to complement information yielded through tissue chemical analysis, as well as providing evidence of a molecular response to chemical exposure. In this study we confirm the presence of cytochrome P450 reductase (CPR) and cytochrome P450 isoenzyme 1A1 (CYP1A1) in epidermal tissue of southern hemisphere humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae). The detection of CYP1A1 in the integument of the humpback whale affords the opportunity for further quantitative non-destructive investigations of enzyme activity as a function of chemical stress.  相似文献   

The development and broad use of passive acoustic monitoring techniques have the potential to help assessing the large-scale influence of artificial noise on marine organisms and ecosystems. Deep-sea observatories have the potential to play a key role in understanding these recent acoustic changes. LIDO (Listening to the Deep Ocean Environment) is an international project that is allowing the real-time long-term monitoring of marine ambient noise as well as marine mammal sounds at cabled and standalone observatories. Here, we present the overall development of the project and the use of passive acoustic monitoring (PAM) techniques to provide the scientific community with real-time data at large spatial and temporal scales. Special attention is given to the extraction and identification of high frequency cetacean echolocation signals given the relevance of detecting target species, e.g. beaked whales, in mitigation processes, e.g. during military exercises.  相似文献   

In this paper, according to the synthetic gravity anomaly of a horizontally infinite cylindrical geologic body, gravity gradient in horizontal direction was calculated by potential field discrete cosine transformation in frequency domain. In the calculation, the minimum curvature method was used to extend edge lines. We found that the gravity gradient field from the potential field transformation was dependable by comparison with synthetic gravity gradient, except the data in the edges. Then, the accumulative horizontal gravity gradients before Lushan MS7.0 earthquake were calculated for the accumulative gravity anomaly from September 2010 to October 2012. In the north-south direction, gravity gradient in Daofu-Kangding-Shimian and Markang-Lixian-Lushan exhibited a positive high value, and the strike of the high value zone was in line with the strike of Xianshuihe Faults and Markang Faults. In the east-west direction, high value zone was not as obvious as that in the north-south direction. Gravity gradients in the direction along and vertical to the strike of Longmenshan Faults were calculated by the definition of directional derivative. In the along-strike direction, high gravity gradient values appeared in Markang-Lixian areas along Markang Faults and Daofu-Kangding-Shimian areas along Xianshuihe Faults, and extremum appeared in Kangding-Shimian and the area nearby Lixian. In the direction vertical to the strike of Longmenshan fault zone, high gravity gradient values appeared in Lixian-Lushan-Kangding-Shimian areas, and the extremum appeared in the area nearby Kangding. The results indicate that gravity gradient in the direction along and vertical to the strike of faults can better show the relative gravity change on the two sides of faults. Lushan MS7.0 earthquake is located at the transition zone between the two high value zones of gravity gradient. The total horizontal gravity gradient shows that the location and strike of the high value zone are basically consistent with regional faults, and the extremums of total horizontal gravity gradient appeared nearby Lixian, Kangding and Shimian.  相似文献   

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