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台湾海峡中北部海域刺鲳种群生态学参数及其变动趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以2001~2002年周年逐月采集台湾海峡中北部单拖渔船渔获的刺鲳样品578尾,进行群体结构和生长与死亡关系的研究,与1982~1984年渔获群体结构进行了比较,并结合1995~2008年渔业投入量和产出量的变化,探讨其种群变化趋势及管理策略.结果表明:2001~2002年刺鲳群体的L∞值为238.17 mm,W∞值为506.31 g,k值为0.338 3,t0值为-0.953 4a,tr值为2.146 2a.总死亡系数为2.364 1,自然死亡系数为0.841 5,捕捞死亡系数为1.523 0.与1982~1984年相比,渔获群体发生了个体小型化、结构低龄化、性成熟提早等生态学变化.这些变化与该渔场自1993年以来不断加大捕捞的投入和渔获量的产出且大量捕杀幼鱼,开发比率高达0.644 1,处于过度开发有关.因此必须强化对渔业资源的管理,同时实施最小可捕叉长为126.19 mm和最小可捕体重为58.81 g的管理制度,使该海域渔业资源得以恢复,实现渔业的可持续发展.  相似文献   

The ecological characteristics of four lizardfishes, Trachinocephalus myops, Saurida undosquamis, Saurida tumbil and Saurida elongata, were studied from specimens (910 T. myops, 454 S. un-dosquamis, 686 S. tumbil and 744 S. elongata) collected monthly in the southern Taiwan Straits from April 2005 to March 2006. The population dynamics of the four lizardfishes was also discussed by the comparison with the previous studies. All being composed of 7 a classes; the dominant group of T. myops and S. tumbil was 1-2 a, while S. undosquamis and S. elongate were 2-3 a. The total mortality coefficient Z and the fishing mortality F were at high as indicated by the exploitation ratio E(>0.5), and a large number of by-caught juvenile and young fishes showing that the stock of lizardfishes in this area was overexploited and the fishing gear was irrational. Compared with the previous studies, the maximum and mean fork length, body mass and age of the four lizard-fishes declined gradually, the lizardfishes populations were younger in age and smaller in size. The asymptotic fork length L decreased while increasing growth coefficient k, and age at the inflexion point of mass tr was younger compared with the previous studies. The declining of older ones has moderated the feeding competition and the younger ones grew faster. The larger mortality param-eters Z,M and F have revealed higher fishing pressure. The smaller change of the first mature fork length of female T. myops and the change from K selection pattern to r selection pattern of S. tumbil have indicated a more vulnerable fishery ecosystem in this area. The changes of ecological characteristics and population dynamics may be caused by over-exploitation of demersal fishes such as the lizardfishes, especially a large number of juvenile and young fishes by-catch by the current fishing gears and methods. Therefore, in addition to the traditional fishery management approach such as the minimum length-limit, ecosystem approach to fisheries management (EAF) should be taken to improve the practical marine ecosystem management, including increased fishing intensity of the non-economic species especially the feeding competitors of the lizardfishes and the conser-vation of the pelagic fishery population in the fisheries ecosystem, in order to restore the fishery population and achieve the sustainable use of the fishery stocks.  相似文献   

卤虫是鱼、虾、蟹幼苗极为理想的天然饵料.随着水产育苗发展,卤虫及卤虫卵的需求量在不断增加[1].为了更好地开发、利用和保护卤虫资源,其生态学研究近20a以来受到了明显的重视,但具体研究偏重于实验种群方面,如环境因子(如温度、盐度、饵料等)对卤虫生长、存活、生殖特征(如性成熟速度、生殖方式、生殖力)的影响[2~10],而关于卤虫的自然种群研究较少,原因是进行卤虫的野外生态学研究有诸多困难,如卤虫繁殖速度快且次数多,世代之间有重叠:盐湖或盐池的水文特征经常发生剧烈变化[11,12],故迄今只有Petra[13]和Petra等[14]对Mono湖的Artemiamonica,Gene等[17]对法国Giraud的孤雌生殖卤虫的自然种群进行了系统研究.  相似文献   

A population model is developed and used in conjunction with the results of a study of an unexploited population of paua (Haliotis iris Martyn) to examine the historical pattern of recruitment and yield per recruit. As H. iris cannot yet be aged, the population model uses size rather than age classes, but is structurally similar to the Leslie matrix model. Simulations suggest that the observed population size structure resulted from a short (about 5 year) period of high recruitment, preceded and followed by longer periods of low recruitment. Yield per recruit analysis shows that the present minimum legal size for the fishery (127 mm) provides close to the maximum yield per recruit for most stocks, although yield per recruit could be increased in some areas by a reduction in minimum legal size.  相似文献   

The age, growth, and mortality of Gymnocypris firmispinatus were studied by 582 individuals that collected between July 2015 and June 2016 from the tributaries of the Anning River, China. The total length (TL) ranged from 27 mm to 242 mm, total weight (W) ranged from 0.2 g to 148.2 g. The relationship of total length and weight was expressed as W =7.754×10^-6 TL^ 3.304 for the total samples. The age classes of males were 1–9 a, and that of females were 1–13 a. The von Bertalanff y functions based on otolith readings and observed length data were L t ♂=198.6(1–e^-0.094 ( t +3.497)), and L t ♀=289.3(1–e^-0.089 ( t +1.109)). The total mortality ( Z ) of male and female G . firmispinatus was estimated as 0.73/a and 0.40/a, respectively. The natural mortality ( M ) was evaluated as 0.25/a for males and 0.20/a for females, fishing mortality ( F ) was 0.35/a for males and 0.16/a for females. The exploitation ratio of the population was 0.66/a for males and 0.50/a for females. It was concluded that the growth of the fish is relatively slower than other congeneric fishes. The population of G . firmispinatus in the tributaries of the Anning River might be in over-exploitation under the current fishing intensity.  相似文献   

池养黑鲷性逆转组织学观察   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
黑鲷(Acanthopagrus schlegeli)为具性逆转的珍贵海产鱼类,其个体在第3龄期雄性转为雌性,但性逆转发生的详细过程尚不清楚。为了解黑鲷性腺逆转发生的过程,作者通过对池塘养殖黑鲷3~4龄期个体进行定期跟踪取样观察,结合组织切片显微检测性腺变化过程。结果显示:黑鲷性腺在繁殖前后变化趋势不同;繁殖期雌性个体约占15%;繁殖后至7月份是性腺由雄逆转为雌主要时期;8月份全部个体性腺外观表现为卵巢形式;到9月底,个别性腺的精巢组织又开始发育;到12月底样本性腺有雄性、雌性及雌雄同体同时发育3种形式。此外,分析了黑鲷性腺成熟系数与肝质量系数的周年变化趋势。研究获得了详细的3~4龄黑鲷性逆转发生过程及性逆转结果,并针对与先前报道的有关研究结果差异展开分析,为掌握不同海区黑鲷性逆转特性及育种研究提供了更多资料,也为雌雄同体鱼类资源利用研究提供新的参考依据。  相似文献   

Midsummer (1 August) population estimates of about 2 million O-group plaice (Pleuronectes platessa L.) were derived for sandy bays around the Firth of Forth in 1979–1980. This is an order of magnitude less than similar estimates made for the Clyde Sea Area in 1973–1974. Autumn population estimates of 0·4–1·0 million fish were comparable to estimates by the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food for the area between the Scottish border and Flamborough Head (2·3 million for 1970 and 1973) which represented 4·8% (1973) to 5·3% (1970) of the total number of O-group fish on the English east coast.Largo Bay was the most important nursery area holding 25% of the total population. It is particularly well situated to receive newly metamorphosed plaice carried in water currents along the north side of the Forth from the spawning ground off Fife Ness. Plaice in the Forth are mainly distributed on fine to medium sandy beaches (186–480 μm), the mean number per haul in midsummer (D) being correlated with the median diameter (m.d. in μm) of the low water sediments by the equation: D=−45·7666+0·2327 m.d. (n=11,r=0·68,P<0·02 but>0·01).The shallow inshore water in sandy bays in the outer Firth was well mixed and more marine than estuarine (27·7–35·0‰). The correlation coefficient between fish density and water temperature was low, while that with salinity (S‰) was: D=6·1618+0·2238S (n=23,r=0·62,P<0·005).Regression analysis demonstrated that the relationship between the instantaneous mortality rate (Z) and the initial population density (Dp) was: Z×100=0·7480+0·0546dp (n=12,r=0·87,P<0·001).The mean mortality rate for the O-group plaice in the Forth nursery areas was 53% month−1.  相似文献   

2009年春季(3-4月)在南黄海海域采用选择性代谢抑制剂技术测定了微微型光合浮游生物--聚球藻Synechococcus spp.的生长率和被摄食消亡率,研究了其空间分布格局及其与环境因子的相关性,并根据生长率估算了聚球藻碳生物量、碳生产力及其对微微型光合浮游生物总碳生物量的贡献.结果表明,在真光层内,聚球藻平均生长...  相似文献   

黄鳍金枪鱼(Thunnus albacares)是全球经济和生态价值最重要的鱼类之一,其资源养护和管理受到各方的高度关注。本文依据年龄结构产量模型研究了印度洋黄鳍金枪鱼的资源状态,着重探讨了其生活史特征的不确定性对资源评估结果的影响。研究结果显示,1960−1985年间印度洋黄鳍金枪鱼资源量保持相对稳定,之后开始逐渐下降,相应的捕捞死亡系数也在2010年之后迅速增加,目前其种群可能存在过度捕捞(F2020/FMSY>1,SSB2020/SSBMSY<1)。印度洋黄鳍金枪鱼的资源评估结果对自然死亡系数(M)和亲体−补充量关系陡度参数(h)的改变较为敏感。当h增大时,SSBMSY和初始SSB(即SSB0)的变化较大,分别减少了约25.53万t和34.04万t;F2020/FMSY减小了1.15。当M增大时,F2020/FMSYSSBMSYSSB0均减小。综上所述,今后应重视印度洋黄鳍金枪鱼资源的开发程度,重视其资源养护管理,同时充分了解黄鳍金枪鱼的生活史特征,提高自然死亡系数和陡度参数估算的准确性,以期为印度洋黄鳍金枪鱼的资源评估和渔业管理提供更准确的信息,实现该渔业的长期可持续发展。  相似文献   

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