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A case study of a gravity wave is carried out with visual observations of cloud and low-level air soundings. The wave is well interpreted by the simple classical theory of a deep water wave. The observed frequency agrees with the Brunt-Väisälä frequency if the Doppler effect is considered.  相似文献   

Boundary-layer measurements from the Brunt Ice Shelf, Antarctica are analyzed to determine flux–profile relationships. Dimensionless quantities are derived in the standard approach from estimates of wind shear, potential temperature gradient, Richardson number, eddy diffusivities for momentum and heat, Prandtl number, mixing length and turbulent kinetic energy. Nieuwstadt local scaling theory for the stable atmospheric boundary-layer appears to work well departing only slightly from expressions found in mid-latitudes. An $E$ E $l_{\mathrm{m}}$ l m single-column model of the stable boundary layer is implemented based on local scaling arguments. Simulations based on the first GEWEX Atmospheric Boundary-Layer Study case study are validated against ensemble-averaged profiles for various stability classes. A stability-dependent function of the dimensionless turbulent kinetic energy allows a better fit to the ensemble profiles.  相似文献   

罗德海 《大气科学》1990,14(4):432-440
本文利用多重尺度方法研究了大气中重力内波的非线性问题,指出,当大气中的Bruntvaisala频率随高度变化时,我们可以得到一个非线性Schrodinger方程,同时还指出,当N~2按N~2=N_0~2+vcosnz(v>o)和N~2=N_0~2+vsinnz(v>0)分布时,可得到如下结论:当大气中的重力内波的波数满足3n~2-k~2<0时,大气中的重力内波可能会出现Benjammin-Feir不稳定,也就是说,大气中垂直方向的波长较长、水平方向的波长较短的重力内波容易出现Bebhanub-Feir不稳  相似文献   

Summary The effects of internal waves on the propagation of acoustic pulses in the lower atmosphere were studied theoretically and by acoustic pulse sounding of the stable atmospheric boundary layer. Due to a control in the experiments of the stratification and time variations of meteorological parameters, such as wind speed, temperature and atmospheric pressure, we were able to observe the influence of the variations of these parameters on a pulse wave form, travel time and time duration. For the travel time and wind speed variations we obtained statistical characteristics (variances, frequency spectra and coherences) in the range of periods from 1 min to 1h and found several dominant periods, which are inherent to the trapped internal waves in the lower atmosphere. Using a nonlinear model of internal wave spectrum in the atmosphere described here we have made the calculations of variances, frequency spectra and structure functions of travel time fluctuations, which allowed us to interpret some of the observed data.  相似文献   

Some Possible Solutions of Nonlinear Internal Inertial Gravity Wave Equations in the AtmosphereLiGuopingandLuJinghua(ChengduI...  相似文献   

During April 1986, as part of an international arctic air chemistry study (AGASP-2), ground level observations of aerosol trace elements, oxides of sulphur and nitrogen and particle number size distribution were made at Alert Canada (82.5N, 62.3W). Pollution haze was evident as indicated by daily aerosol number (size > 0.15 m diameter) and SO4 = concentrations in the range 125 – 260 cm–3 and 1.6 – 4.5 g m–3, respectively. Haze and associated acidic gases tended to increase throughout the period. SO2 and peroxyacetylnitrate (PAN) mixing ratios were in the range 140 – 480 and 370 – 590 ppt(v), respectively. About 88% of the total end-product nitrogen was in the form of PAN. In air dried to 2% relative humidity by warming to room temperature, the aerosol mass size distribution had a major mode at 0.3 m diameter and a minor one at 2.5 m. Aerosol mass below 1.5 m was well correlated with SO4 =, K+ and PAN. There was a steady increase in the oxidized fraction of total airborne sulphur and nitrogen oxide throughout April as the sun rose above the horizon and remained above. The mean oxidation rate of SO2 between Eurasia and Alert was estimated as 0.25 – 0.5% h–1. The molar ratio of total nitrogen oxide to total sulphur oxide in the arctic atmosphere (0.67±0.17) was comparable to that in European emissions. A remarkably strong inverse correlation of filterable Br and O3 led to the conclusion that O3 destruction and filterable Br production below the Arctic surface radiation inversion is associated with tropospheric photochemical reactions involving naturally occurring gaseous bromine compounds.  相似文献   

Acoustic sounding is a remote sensing technique which may be employed not only for the study of the structure of the lower troposphere, but also for the measurement of wind velocity using turbulent scattering regions as tracers or natural targets. Principles involved in the use of both angle of arrival and Doppler techniques for such wind measurements are summarized. Experimental results, which are presented for thermal plumes, structure associated with airflow over hills and a turbulent region of the radiation inversion, illustrate the potential of the acoustic sounding technique for research into boundary-layer meteorology.  相似文献   

利用2018年6月9日—7月10日安庆、长沙、赣州、南昌、宜昌、武汉6个探空站的往返式探空观测试验数据,研究分析了重力波参数(能量密度、固有频率、波长及传播方向),统计了试验地区6—7月的重力波特征,比较了各站之间以及上升与下降段之间重力波的差异.主要结果如下:(1)该区域重力波动能分布在0.2—1.2 J/m3,平均...  相似文献   

A one-dimensional photochemical model was used to explore the role of chlorine atoms in oxidizing methane and other nonmethane hydrocarbons (NMHCs) in the marine troposphere and lower stratosphere. Where appropriate, the model predictions were compared with available measurements. Cl atoms are predicted to be present in the marine troposphere at concentrations of approximately 103 cm-3, mostly as a consequence of the reaction of OH with HCl released from sea spray. Despite this low abundance, our results indicate that 20 to 40% of NMHC oxidation in the troposphere (0–10 km) and 40 to 90% of NMHC oxidation in the lower stratosphere (10–20 km) is caused by Cl atoms. At 15 km, NMHC-Cl reactions account for nearly 80% of the PAN produced.The model was also used to test the longstanding hypothesis that NOCl is an intermediate to HCl formation from sea salt aerosols. It was found that the NOCl concentration required (10 ppt) would be incompatible with field observations of reactive nitrogen and ozone abundance. Chlorine nitrate (ClONO2) and methyl nitrate (CH3ONO2) were shown to be minor components of the total NO y abundance. Heterogeneous reactions that might enhance photolysis of halocarbons or convert ClONO2 to HOCl or Cl2 were determined to be relatively unimportant sources of Cl atoms. Specific and reliable measurements of HCl and other reactive chlorine species are needed to better assess their role in tropospheric chemistry.  相似文献   

Summary Long-term ozone recordings at different altitude levels, conducted in remote areas, can make a valuable contribution to an understanding of the background level of ozone, its periodical variations and possible long-term trends.The measuring stations (three high mountain stations between 740 and nearly 3000 m a.s.l. with small horizontal distance) are described together with recording and calibration procedures. Information is provided on the time history of all recordings since 1978, considering not only the annual means but also the monthly and 10-day means as a function of height. An analysis is presented of the annual variations which differ considerably in the respective height levels and—in three-dimensional diagrams—the correlation between daily and annual variation is shown as a function of height. Then follows a careful parameterization: analysis of the frequency distribution of the ozone concentration, correlation with relative humidity, relative sunshine duration, and temperature. It can be seen that the correlations are very different and partly inverse, depending on the altitude level.Many ozone profiles obtained between valley level and nearly 3000 m a.s.l. (cable car O3 radiosonde) give a picture of the typical ozone profile for different meteorological situations and for the case of stratospheric intrusions of ozone into the troposphere. The stratospheric contribution of ozone to the tropospheric ozone budget is discussed.Since obviously a very high photochemical production rate can be established for ozone in the lowest layer above ground (correlation of O3 with the daily variation of the sunshine duration) it was examined if this O3 variation might be caused only by horizontal transport of ozone from remote areas with high anthropogenic activity by the daily quasiperiodical currents near the ground. But this is not the case.The correlation between ozone concentration, other trace gases such as nitrogen-oxygen compounds and hydrocarbons is shown.With 29 Figures  相似文献   

A series of 72 measurements of the acetaldehyde (CH3CHO) mixing ratio were made in the lower troposphere during TROPOZ II. These measurements are the first ever made of the background level of this trace gas in the free troposphere. The data show a vertical decrease of the CH3CHO mixing ratio with increasing altitude and indicate higher CH3CHO concentrations in the Northern Hemisphere — in general agreement with a model-derived average CH3CHO distribution. Deviations of the observed CH3CHO mixing ratios from the modelled mean distribution are correlated with similar deviations in the corresponding HCHO mixing ratios.  相似文献   

Two gravity wave events as observed at Georg von Neumayer Station in Antarctica are described and analyzed. Wind and temperature are recorded at a meteorological tower. Surface pressure time series are available from four sites so that rather exact evaluations of phase speed and wavelength are possible. Radiosonde ascents provide information on the structure of the atmosphere above the boundary layer.The pressure traces of both events are dominated by sinusoidal oscillations with a well defined frequency. Related variations of wind and temperature are small during the first event (16 July 1986) as are those of temperature on 29 September 1986. However, wind oscillations are quite large during this second event. An attempt is made to interpret the data in the light of linear gravity theory. It is found that linear gravity waves of frequency and phase speed as observed were able to propagate throughout the troposphere on 16 July. We conjecture on the basis of linear theory that the wave of 29 September was propagating on the surface inversion.  相似文献   

Summary This paper documents a tropospheric synoptic-scale wavelike disturbance over Northern Africa and the tropical Atlantic during summer, in the 3.–5.day band period, different from the African wave. It has a velocity of 10–12 degree longitude per day instead of 6–8, a slighter shorter period, i.e. 3.5 instead of 4.5 days. It is best seen between 5°–7° N whilst the African wave has its largest amplitude about 12° N. The data used are NCEP/NCAR reanalyses and radiosonde data.With 10 Figures  相似文献   

The behaviour of relative diffusion theory and Gifford’s random-force theory for long-range atmospheric diffusion is examined. When a puff scale is smaller than the Lagrangian length scale, 2KTL, an accelerative relative diffusion region exists, i.e., σy∝t3/2. While the puff diffusion enters a two-dimensional turbulence region, in which the diffusion scale is larger than 500 km, or time scale is larger than 1 day, divergence and convergence are main cause of horizontal diffusion. Between the two above-mentioned regimes, diffusion deviation is given byσy=2KTL. The large-scale horizontal relative diffusion parameters were obtained by analyzing the data of radioactive cloud width collected in air nuclear tests.  相似文献   

The influence of an accelerating shear flow on the propagation of an internal gravity wave in a continuously stratified fluid is studied by means of two-dimensional numerical simulations. These are motivated by earlier laboratory experiments [Thorpe, S.A. 1978b. On internal gravity waves in an accelerating shear flow, Vol. 88. J. Fluid Mech. pp. 623–639]. In these experiments the mean flow is an accelerated Couette flow and the mean density profile is linear. The laboratory experiments revealed the striking effect of the unsteady shear flow in the evolution of an internal gravity wave leading to the wave focusing in a region where the flow is extremum. This phenomenon is associated with the growth of small scale density fluctuations. As a result density overturns are sometimes observed. This behaviour is well reproduced by the numerical simulations. We provide insights on the flow dynamics in particular on the possible occurrence of wavebreaking. We show that the dynamics is characterized by two competitive mechanisms that is a damping of the wave and a local enhancement of its steepness leading sometimes to density overturns. The budget for the energy of the wave reveals that the initial damping of the wave results from wave-mean flow interactions. These interactions lead to the development of a fine scale vertical density structure which is associated with high vertical shear. We find that in some cases wavebreaking occurs as a result of shear instability. The value of the acceleration of the mean flow is very likely to influence the onset of the instability. The scaling laws of the wave evolution, in particular the rate of decrease of its energy, are determined. From these laws the lifetime of the wave is found as a function of the acceleration of the shear. It may be expected that, in the ocean, this development will result in the largest fluctuations derived from wave-flow interactions occurring where the mean flow in the wave direction is greatest. Waves travelling normal to a two-dimensional shear flow will be unchanged. Waves travelling parallel will be damped. This may have particular application at the continental shelf where flow, mainly parallel to the isobaths, will damp waves travelling along-slope, but allows waves travelling normal to the isobaths (e.g., directly across the shelf-break) to be transmitted without attenuation. Similar effects are expected for the evolution of a high frequency wave interacting with a lower frequency (e.g., near inertial) motion.  相似文献   

《Atmospheric Research》2009,91(2-4):151-158
The relevance of ion-induced nucleation of sulfuric acid and water (IINSW) in the troposphere over the boreal forest at northern latitudes is investigated by combining two existing and previously published models (MALTE — model to predict new aerosol formation in the lower troposphere; PARNUC — a parameterized steady-state model of neutral and ion-induced nucleation of sulfuric acid and water for atmospheric conditions). Simulations were performed for 4 days with observed new particle formation at ground level by using input data from the SMEAR II station in Hyytiälä, Finland. The selected days were chosen to cover a wide range of values of the parameters most relevant for IINSW. The results showed that ion-induced nucleation of sulfuric acid and water can contribute up to 15% to the total amount of newly formed particles in the size range of 3–10 nm inside the mixed layer at the Hyytiälä site. The importance of IINSW seemed to increase in the free troposphere above the boundary layer, however, lack of measurements in the vertical structure of the input parameters suggest that the model results are burdened with high uncertainties.  相似文献   

The relevance of ion-induced nucleation of sulfuric acid and water (IINSW) in the troposphere over the boreal forest at northern latitudes is investigated by combining two existing and previously published models (MALTE — model to predict new aerosol formation in the lower troposphere; PARNUC — a parameterized steady-state model of neutral and ion-induced nucleation of sulfuric acid and water for atmospheric conditions). Simulations were performed for 4 days with observed new particle formation at ground level by using input data from the SMEAR II station in Hyytiälä, Finland. The selected days were chosen to cover a wide range of values of the parameters most relevant for IINSW. The results showed that ion-induced nucleation of sulfuric acid and water can contribute up to 15% to the total amount of newly formed particles in the size range of 3–10 nm inside the mixed layer at the Hyytiälä site. The importance of IINSW seemed to increase in the free troposphere above the boundary layer, however, lack of measurements in the vertical structure of the input parameters suggest that the model results are burdened with high uncertainties.  相似文献   

Motivated by the mean current and stratification structure associated with the equatorial undercurrent (EUC), we examine the stability and wave propagation characteristics of a highly idealized model flow: the asymmetrically stratified jet. This is a parallel shear flow in which the depth-varying current has the sech2 form of a Bickley jet. The stratification has a step function structure: the buoyancy frequency takes uniform values above and below the center of the jet, with the larger value occurring below. The spectrum contains three classes of unstable normal modes. Two are extensions of the sinuous and varicose modes of the unstratified Bickley jet; the third has not been described previously. The asymmetric stratification structure allows instabilities to radiate gravity wave energy from the upper flank of the jet to the lower flank, where it encounters a critical layer. From here, wave energy may be reflected, absorbed or transmitted. Absorption results in wave saturation and momentum transfer to the mean flow, in close analogy with the breaking of orographic gravity waves in the middle atmosphere. Transmission beyond the lower flank may partly account for wave signals observed in the deep equatorial oceans. All of these processes exert zonal forces on the jet that alter its speed and shape. The wave structures and associated fluxes developed by the idealized model are compared with observations of the EUC.  相似文献   

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