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It is often suggested that the distant galaxies recently identified in 850-μm surveys with the SCUBA bolometer array on the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope are high-redshift analogues to local ultraluminous infrared galaxies, based on their similar spectral energy distributions and luminosities. We show that these two populations of objects must differ in at least one fundamental way from each other. This assertion is based on a consideration of the possible fates of gas in the high-redshift SCUBA galaxies, given the requirement that they most evolve into some subset of the low-redshift galaxy population with a comoving density of about 10−4 Mpc−3. One possibility is that the SCUBA galaxies have similar gas density profiles to local ultraluminous galaxies. If this is the case, then they must derive almost all their power from active galactic nuclei, which appears not to be the case for local ultraluminous galaxies, which are predominantly star-formation-powered. Another possibility is that the SCUBA galaxies have more extended gas density profiles than local ultraluminous galaxies. In this case they must be almost all star-formation-powered, and much of the star formation in the Universe can happen in these objects. Either way there is a significant difference between the low- and high-redshift populations.  相似文献   

39 galaxies are now known, from follow-up of faint IRAS sources and from submillimetre observations of high-redshift AGN, with far-infrared luminosities >1013 L. 13 of these, which have been found in 60- or 850-μm surveys, form an important unbiased subsample. 12 have been found by comparison of 60-μm surveys with quasar or radio galaxy catalogues, or from infrared surveys with colour selection biased towards AGN, while a further 14 have been found through submillimetre observations of known high-redshift AGN. In this paper I argue, on the basis of detailed modelling of the spectral energy distributions of hyperluminous galaxies with accurate radiative transfer models, and from evidence of high gas mass in several cases, that the bulk of the emission from these galaxies at rest frame wavelengths ≥50 μm is caused by star formation. Even after correction for the effects of lensing, hyperluminous galaxies with emission peaking at rest frame wavelengths ≥50 μm are therefore undergoing star formation at rates >103 M yr−1 and are strong candidates for being primeval galaxies, in the process of a major episode of star formation.  相似文献   

We identify eight   z > 1  radio sources undetected at 850 μm but robustly detected at 70 μm, confirming that they represent ultraluminous infrared galaxies (ULIRGs) with hotter dust temperatures  (〈 T d〉= 52 ± 10 K)  than submillimetre galaxies (SMGs) at similar luminosities and redshifts. These galaxies share many properties with SMGs: ultraviolet spectra consistent with starbursts, high stellar masses and radio luminosities. We can attribute their radio emission to star formation since high-resolution Multi-Element Radio Linked Interferometer Network (MERLIN) radio maps show extended emission regions (with characteristic radii of 2–3 kpc), which are unlikely to be generated by active galactic nucleus (AGN) activity. These observations provide the first direct confirmation of hot, dusty ULIRGs which are missed by current submillimetre surveys. They have significant implications for future observations from the Herschel Space Observatory and Submillimetre Common-User Bolometer Array 2 (SCUBA2), which will select high-redshift luminous galaxies with less selection biases.  相似文献   

We use semi-analytic modelling on top of the Millennium simulation to study the joint formation of galaxies and their embedded supermassive black holes. Our goal is to test scenarios in which black hole accretion and quasar activity are triggered by galaxy mergers, and to constrain different models for the light curves associated with individual quasar events. In the present work, we focus on studying the spatial distribution of simulated quasars. At all luminosities, we find that the simulated quasar two-point correlation function is fit well by a single power law in the range  0.5 ≲ r ≲ 20  h −1 Mpc  , but its normalization is a strong function of redshift. When we select only quasars with luminosities within the range typically accessible by today's quasar surveys, their clustering strength depends only weakly on luminosity, in agreement with observations. This holds independently of the assumed light-curve model, since bright quasars are black holes accreting close to the Eddington limit, and are hosted by dark matter haloes with a narrow mass range of a few  1012  h −1 M  . Therefore, the clustering of bright quasars cannot be used to disentangle light-curve models, but such a discrimination would become possible if the observational samples can be pushed to significantly fainter limits. Overall, our clustering results for the simulated quasar population agree rather well with observations, lending support to the conjecture that galaxy mergers could be the main physical process responsible for triggering black hole accretion and quasar activity.  相似文献   

I review here a few important questions that X‐shooter can help tackle and answer in the field of quasar absorption lines. This includes (i) determine the ionizing background and the physical state of the inter‐galactic medium (IGM) by analysing the characteristics of the Lyman‐α forest and the proximity effect; (ii) investigate the metal content of the high redshift IGM; (iii) study the small scale transverse correlation in the IGM by observing pairs of quasars with small separation in the sky; (iv) study the galaxy‐IGM relations by detecting the counterpart of damped Lyman‐α systems (DLAs) or determining the correlation between the properties of galaxies and absorption lines; (v) detect and characterize the long‐sought cold diffuse molecular (H2 and CO) interstellar medium (ISM) of high redshift galaxies and study its dust content (© 2011 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

We have used deep ground-based imaging in the near-infrared (near-IR) to search for counterparts to the luminous submillimetre (submm) sources in the catalogue of Smail et al. For the majority of the submm sources the near-IR imaging supports the counterparts originally selected from deep optical images. However, in two cases (10 per cent of the sample) we find a relatively bright near-IR source close to the submm position, sources that were unidentified in the deep Hubble Space Telescope ( HST ) and ground-based R -band images used by Smail et al. We place limits on colours of these sources from deep high-resolution Keck II imaging and find they have 2 σ limits of ( I − K )≳6.8 and ( I − K )≳6.0, respectively. Both sources thus class as extremely red objects (EROs). Using the spectral properties of the submm source in the radio and submm we argue that these EROs are probably the source of the submm emission, rather than the bright spiral galaxies previously identified by Smail et al. This connection provides important insights into the nature of the enigmatic ERO population and faint submm galaxies in general. From the estimated surface density of these submm-bright EROs we suggest that this class accounts for the majority of the reddest members of the ERO population, in good agreement with the preliminary conclusions of pointed submm observations of individual EROs. We conclude that the most extreme EROs represent a population of dusty, ultraluminous galaxies at high redshifts; further study of these will provide useful insights into the nature of star formation in obscured galaxies in the early Universe. The identification of similar counterparts in blank-field submm surveys will be extremely difficult owing to their faintness ( K ∼20.5, I ≳26.5). Finally, we discuss the radio and submm properties of the two submm-bright EROs discovered here and suggest that both galaxies lie at z ≳2.  相似文献   

High-redshift submillimetre-bright galaxies identified by blank field surveys at millimetre and submillimetre wavelengths appear in the region of the Infra Red Array Camera (IRAC) colour–colour diagrams previously identified as the domain of luminous active galactic nuclei (AGNs). Our analysis using a set of empirical and theoretical dusty starburst spectral energy distribution (SED) models shows that power-law continuum sources associated with hot dust heated by young (≲100 Myr old), extreme starbursts at z > 2 also occupy the same general area as AGNs in the IRAC colour–colour plots. A detailed comparison of the IRAC colours and SEDs demonstrates that the two populations are distinct from each other, with submillimetre-bright galaxies having a systematically flatter IRAC spectrum (≳1 mag bluer in the observed [4.5]–[8.0] colour). Only about 20 per cent of the objects overlap in the colour–colour plots, and this low fraction suggests that submillimetre galaxies powered by a dust-obscured AGN are not common. The red infrared colours of the submillimetre galaxies are distinct from those of the ubiquitous foreground IRAC sources, and we propose a set of infrared colour selection criteria for identifying SMG counterparts that can be used even in the absence of radio or Multiband Imaging Photometer for Spitzer (MIPS) 24 μm data.  相似文献   

We investigate pure luminosity evolution models for early-type (elliptical and S0) galaxies (i.e. no number density change or morphological transition), and examine whether these models are consistent with observed number counts in the B , I and K bands, and redshift distributions of two samples of faint galaxies selected in the I and K bands. The models are characterized by the star formation time-scale τ SF and the time t gw when the galactic wind starts to blow, in addition to several other conventional parameters. We find that the single-burst model ( τ SF=0.1 Gyr and t gw=0.353 Gyr), which is known to reproduce the photometric properties of early-type galaxies in clusters, is inconsistent with the redshift distributions of early-type galaxies in the field environment, owing to overpredictions of the number of galaxies at z ≳1.4 even with strong extinction which is at work until t gw. In order for dust extinction to be more effective, we treat τ SF and t gw as free parameters, and find that models with τ SF≳0.5 Gyr and t gw>1.0 Gyr can be made consistent with both the observed redshift distributions and the number counts, if we introduce strong extinction [ E ( B − V )≥1 as a peak value]. These results suggest that early-type galaxies in the field environment do not have the same evolutionary history as described by the single-burst model.  相似文献   

We present the K -band Hubble diagrams ( K – z relations) of submillimetre-selected galaxies and hyperluminous galaxies (HLIRGs). We report the discovery of a remarkably tight K – z relation of HLIRGs, indistinguishable from that of the most luminous radio galaxies. Like radio galaxies, the HLIRG K – z relation at   z ≲ 3  is consistent with a passively evolving ∼3 L * instantaneous starburst starting from a redshift of   z ∼ 10  . In contrast, many submillimetre-selected galaxies are ≳2 mag fainter, and the population has a much larger dispersion. We argue that dust obscuration and/or a larger mass range may be responsible for this scatter. The galaxies so far proved to be hyperluminous may have been biased towards higher AGN bolometric contributions than submillimetre-selected galaxies due to the 60-μm selection of some, so the location on the K – z relation may be related to the presence of the most massive active galactic nucleus. Alternatively, a particular host galaxy mass range may be responsible for both extreme star formation and the most massive active nuclei.  相似文献   

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