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本研究利用亚洲海国际实验南海区所获取的海洋环境噪声数据,研究了2001年5月3日0时至5月17日0时海洋环境噪声的时频特性.实验期间有热带风暴西马仑经过,导致海面风速和风生海洋环境噪声随西马仑的逼近和远离出现了显著的升降.以1 250 Hz的海洋环境噪声为例,海洋环境噪声级在这一期间内有一个明显的升高、稳定和缓慢下降的过程.结合再分析风速数据研究海洋环境噪声级与风速的相关性,结果表明,在较高频1 250 Hz处,海洋环境噪声级与风速的互相关系数r为0.50;在较低频50~400 Hz处,两者的互相关系数r在-0.20~0.20之间.此外,本研究利用噪声级与对数风速之间的线性关系式,将海洋环境噪声级与实验过程中海面风速数据做回归分析,确定拟合系数,将此系数用于反演估计海面风速,反演误差在5%~20%之间.  相似文献   

基于潜标测量的海洋环境噪声谱特性分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
利用海洋环境噪声测量潜标系统对南海典型海域开展了为期3个月的海洋环境噪声测量,16通道海洋环境噪声测量系统每小时测量两分钟噪声信号。数据处理结果表明,800~5 000Hz范围内,噪声谱与风速相关性最好,且风速越大相关性越好,噪声谱与风速的相关性好于与浪高的相关性。风关噪声谱级在海水中部基本不随接收深度发生变化,但由于测量水听器阵长度未能覆盖整个水深,因此未给出海面和海底处谱级变化规律。在400Hz以上的高频段整个风速范围内噪声谱级都随风速发生变化,且噪声谱级与对数风速具有很好的线性关系。  相似文献   

几种经典海洋环境噪声谱分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前风关海洋环境噪声实验研究结果较多,其中较为经典的是Knudsen谱、Wenz谱、Piggott谱、Crouch谱,以及风速与噪声谱级的对数关系等。对这几种经典的海洋环境噪声谱进行了概述,分析了其数据来源,并对Wenz谱、Piggott谱和Crouch谱进行了比较,探究了其差异产生的原因,并给出了不同情况下进行风关海洋环境噪声估计时的参考建议。  相似文献   

利用海洋环境噪声数据反演风速特征是目前海洋领域的研究热点之一。本文以南海获得的94 d实测海洋环境噪声数据为基础,研究100 Hz、200 Hz、500 Hz、800 Hz、1 000 Hz、2 000 Hz、4 000 Hz、8 000 Hz等中心频点的噪声谱级特性,结合对应的风速数据,对海洋环境噪声数据进行相关、回归分析,研究结论表明:1 000 Hz以上频段对应的海洋环境噪声谱级与风速相关程度较高,基本不随深度发生较大变化;利用海洋环境噪声谱级反演海面风速的误差结果随着频率的增加而减小,利用1 000 Hz以上的频率进行海面风速反演,可以得到比较准确的结果。  相似文献   

孙磊  李琪  常哲  高飞 《海洋测绘》2019,39(5):66-69
为探索南海某区域海洋环境噪声谱级与风场的相关特性,结合潜标海洋环境噪声数据及对应海域的海面风场再分析数据,计算各频段噪声级与风速相关系数及线性拟合函数。分析结果表明:400~1 000 Hz频段,海洋环境噪声谱级与海面风速的相关系数在0.5~0.8之间,达到中等相关。1 000~5 000 Hz频段,两者互相关系数大于0.8,达到高度相关。对海洋环境噪声谱级与对数风速的回归分析结果显示,1000~5 000 Hz频段,两者的线性函数关系显著;并且在1 000 Hz附近的拟合斜率最大,海洋环境噪声谱级对海面风速变化的灵敏度最高。  相似文献   

通过对噪声测量潜标系统测得的94 d海洋环境噪声数据及相应的气象数据进行联合时频、相关性、统计特性分析,得到试验海区风速、降雨等自然现象与噪声谱级之间的关系。分析结果表明,海洋环境噪声谱级与风速变化在低频段相关性较低,高频段相关性较高,同时1 k Hz以上频段谱级值分布接近呈正态分布;降雨对环境噪声的影响主要分布在500 Hz以上频段。  相似文献   

当代水下目标探测向低频远程发展,海洋环境噪声的低频特性倍受关注,航船噪声是海洋中的主要低频噪声源。近几十年来,海上航运量迅速增长,导致海洋环境低频噪声大幅升高,增加了海洋环境的噪声污染。本文依据港口进出航船信息库和船舶自动识别技术数据库资料,分析历史航船分布数据,依据获得的某开阔海域航船分布规律,建立数值模型估计了航船噪声源对低频海洋环境噪声特征的影响。结果表明,日进、出港的航船数近似满足正态分布,近海开阔海域单位面积、单位时间内的航船数近似满足泊松分布;由于海上航船的影响,海洋环境噪声强度呈明显的水平非均匀分布状态。  相似文献   

海洋环境噪声是水声信道中的干扰背景场,是影响主动声纳探测能力、限制被动声纳工作性能发挥的主要原因之一.文中详细介绍了目前海洋环境噪声观测的技术手段、测量方法和数据处理方法,并根据实际测量的海洋环境噪声数据,详细分析了海洋环境噪声1/3倍频程带宽内的噪声频谱级计算方法和步骤.  相似文献   

通过对2001年亚洲海国际声学实验(ASIAEX)得到的海洋环境噪声数据进行处理,计算了噪声场空间相关系数、功率谱密度和垂直指向性,分别研究了受到远距离和近距离船舶辐射噪声影响的海洋环境噪声空间相关性.结果表明:船舶距离较远(10 km)时其辐射噪声会导致500 Hz以下的海洋环境噪声的空间相关性提高,而对500 Hz以上噪声的空间相关性没有影响;船舶距离较近(≤10 km)时,船舶辐射噪声会导致500 Hz以下的海洋环境噪声相关系数振荡变化,噪声空间相关性曲线在噪声信号声程差相差四分之一波长时出现第一个零点,对500 Hz以上的海洋环境噪声则会引起噪声能量升高,噪声的空间相关性也相对提高.基于现有理论,分别讨论了远距离船舶和近距离船舶产生的噪声场声学特性,对两种噪声场的海洋环境噪声空间相关性进行了合理的解释.  相似文献   

风通过影响海洋表面从而产生200 Hz以上的深海环境噪声,但有研究指出,通过风生表面波之间的非线性相互作用产生的驻波,能够与海床共振构成海底微震,从而产生10 Hz以下的噪声。针对这一新型风生噪声机制,本研究对威克岛海域10 Hz以下的极低频噪声进行了分析。比较了不同频率下海洋环境噪声功率谱级与风速的相关性,并讨论了风速和风向对设立在威克岛南北部二组水听器三联体信号的影响,结果表明2 Hz处的海洋环境噪声级与风速相关性最好,而风速和风向变化越剧烈海洋环境极低频噪声与风速风向的相关性越好。  相似文献   

星载微波散射计海面风场与海洋环境噪声的相关特性分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
根据海洋环境噪声机理及风关噪声已有的研究成果,提出利用星载微波散射计反演的海面风场数据进行海洋环境噪声分析,并对HY-2A和ASCAT数据与噪声谱级的相关性进行了对比分析。选取南海海域作为研究区,利用潜标测量系统获取的噪声数据和多源散射计风场数据开展了相关实验,并采用NCEP海面风场数据进行对比分析。结果表明,ASCAT数据与噪声的相关性优于HY-2A,散射计数据优于NCEP数据,散射计风场更适合海洋环境噪声的分析研究。该研究内容拓展了微波散射计风场数据的应用领域,并为海洋环境噪声研究提供了更好的技术手段。  相似文献   

Surface-generalized ambient noise in a shallow ocean waveguide with a sediment layer possessing a specific class of density and sound speed distributions capable of describing a realistic seabed environment is considered in this analysis. This class of non-uniform sediment layer has the density and sound speed distributions varying with respect to depth as a generalized-exponential and an inverse-square function, respectively. The study invokes a formulation developed by Kuperman and Ingenito (Kuperman, W. A., Ingenito, F., 1980. Spatial correlation of surface-generated noise in a stratified ocean. J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 67, 1988-1996.) for surface noise generation, in conjunction with the analytical solutions for the Helmholtz equation corresponding to the sediment layer, to arrive at an analytical expression convenient for numerical implementation. The intensity and spatial correlation of the noise sound field are analyzed with respect to the variation of the system parameters, including frequency, sediment layer thickness, sound speed gradient, with emphasis on the effects of sediment properties on the ambient noise field. The results have demonstrated that the intensity of the noise field is relatively sensitive to the variation of the parameters, but the spatial correlation is affected to a less extent, suggesting that the energy distribution, rather than the spatial structure, of the noise field is more susceptible to the environmental variations.  相似文献   

The Ieodo Ocean Research Station(IORS) is an integrated meteorological and oceanographic observation base which was constructed on the Ieodo underwater rock located at a distance of about 150 km to the south-west of the Mara-do, the southernmost island in Korea. The underwater ambient noise level observed at the IORS was similar to the results of the shallow water surrounding the Korean Peninsula (Choi et al. 2003) and was higher than that of deep ocean (Wenz 1962). The wind dependence of ambient noise was dominant at frequencies of a few kHz. The surface current dependence of ambient noise showed good correlation with the ambient noise in the frequency of 10 kHz. Especially, the shrimp sound was estimated through investigations of waveform and spectrum and its main acoustic energy was about 40 dB larger than ambient noise level at 5 kHz.  相似文献   

西沙北部海域海洋环境噪声频谱特性   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Ambient noise is very important in the prediction system of a sonar performance, because it determines the detection ranges always in a passive sonar and usually in an active sonar. In the uncertainty issue for the so-nar performance, it is necessary to know this factor's statistical characteristics that are only obtained by data processing from the underwater ambient noise measurements. Broad-band ambient noise signals from 16 hydrophones were amplified and recorded for 2 min every 1 h. The results show that the ambient noise is essentially depth independent. The cross correlation of the ambient noise levels (1, 6 and 12 h average) with a wind speed is presented. It was found that the correlation is excellent on the upper frequency band and the noise levels correlate better with high wind speed than with low wind speed.  相似文献   

Seismic monitoring using ocean bottom seismometers(OBS) is an efficient method for investigating earthquakes in mid-ocean ridge far away from land. Clock synchronization among the OBSs is difficult without direct communication because electromagnetic signals cannot propagate efficiently in water. Time correction can be estimated through global positioning system(GPS) synchronization if clock drift is linear before and after the deployment. However, some OBSs in the experiments at the southwest Indian ridge(SWIR) on the Chinese DY125-34 cruise had not been re-synchronized from GPS after recovery. So we attempted to estimate clock drift between each station pairs using time symmetry analysis(TSA) based on ambient noise cross-correlation. We tested the feasibility of the TSA method by analyzing daily noise cross-correlation functions(NCFs) that extract from the data of another OBS experiment on the Chinese DY125-40 cruise with known clock drift and the same deployment site. The results suggest that the NCFs' travel time of surface wave between any two stations are symmetrical and have an opposite growing direction with the date. The influence of different band-pass filters,different components and different normalized methods was discussed. The TSA method appeared to be optimal for the hydrophone data within the period band of 2–5 s in dozens of km-scale interstation distances. A significant clock drift of ~2 s was estimated between OBSs sets through linear regression during a 108-d deployment on the Chinese cruise DY125-34. Time correction of the OBS by the ambient noise cross-correlation was demonstrated as a practical approach with the appropriate parameters in case of no GPS re-synchronization.  相似文献   

Estimates of the travel times between the elements of a bottom hydrophone array can be extracted from the time-averaged ambient noise cross-correlation function (NCF). This is confirmed using 11-min-long data blocks of ambient noise recordings that were collected in May 1995 near the southern California coast at an average depth of 21 m in the 150-700 Hz frequency range. Coherent horizontal wavefronts emerging from the time derivative of the NCF are obtained across the array's aperture and are related to the direct arrival time of the time-domain Green's function (TDGF). These coherent wavefronts are used for array element self-localization (AESL) and array element self-synchronization (AESS). The estimated array element locations are used to beamform on a towed source.  相似文献   

童思友  廖仪  陈亮  吴志强 《海洋科学》2016,40(2):145-150
为研究海洋环境信号在OBS(Ocean Bottom Seismograph)原始数据中的规律及应用,根据OBS原始数据的波形及频谱特征,将研究区划分为5个时间段,依次为旧涌浪阶段、风浪渐强阶段、风浪全盛阶段、风浪消退阶段和新涌浪阶段。结合海洋天气预报,认为上述现象是由偏南风风浪对海流的影响造成的。参考野外地震数据采集记录班报,得到各阶段的时长和距离,计算风浪渐强、全盛和消退阶段OBS附近海流的平均速度。结果表明:OBS原始资料中浅海海洋环境噪音增强的主要因素是风浪,且风浪引起的噪音信号的波形变化特征是渐进式的;OBS可用于接收某种特殊阶段(如台风、海啸等)的噪音信号,并根据噪音信号的波形特征、频谱变化规律和持续时间估算该阶段的海流速度变化。  相似文献   

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