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Summary. In 1972–78, the late N. D. Watkins and others carried out ajoint field programme of geological mapping in the Mio-Pliocene flood basalts of Iceland, including sampling for K-Ar dating and palaeomagnetic research. The major part of the palaeomagnetic sampling is represented by 2462 lavas in five long composite sections through the lava pile. This paper deals with various statistical properties of this data set.
It is concluded that geomagnetic reversals occur more frequently than is assumed in the current ocean-floor polarity time-scale. There is no evidence for significant asymmetries between normal and reverse polarity states of the field, neither as regards chron lengths, secular variation, or virtual dipole moment magnitude. Intensities of remanence in these lavas are shown to be well approximated in terms of a hyperbolic distribution. The latitude distribution of virtual magnetic poles can be fitted with a Bingham function having k' ∼ 4.5, and low-latitude poles do not occur preferentially in any particular longitude interval.  相似文献   

A 72-lake diatom training set was developed for the Irish Ecoregion to examine the response of surface sediment diatom assemblages to measured environmental variables. A variety of multivariate data analyses was used to investigate environmental and biological data structure and their inter-relationships. Of the variables used in determining a typology for lakes in the Irish Ecoregion, alkalinity was the only one found to have a significant effect on diatom assemblages. A total of 602 diatom taxa were identified, with 233 recorded at three or more sites with abundances ≥1%. Generally diatom data displayed a high degree of heterogeneity at the species level and non-linear ecological responses. Both pH and total phosphorus (TP) (in the ranges of 5.1–8.5 and 4.0–142.3 μg l−1 respectively) were shown to be the most significant variables in determining the surface sediment diatom assemblages. The calibration models for pH and TP were developed using the weighted averaging (WA) method; data manipulation showed strong influences on model performances. The optima WA models based on 70 lakes produced a jack-knifed coefficient of determination (r 2 jack) of 0.89 with a root mean squared error (RMSEP) of 0.32 for pH and r 2 jack of 0.74 and RMSEP of 0.21 (log10 μg l−1) for TP. Both models showed strong performances in comparison with existing models for Ireland and elsewhere. Application of the pH and TP transfer functions developed here will enable the generation of quantitative water quality data from the expanding number of palaeolimnological records available for the Irish Ecoregion, and thus facilitate the use of palaeolimnological approaches in the reconstruction of past lake water quality, ecological assessment and restoration.  相似文献   

孙九霞 《地理研究》2019,38(6):1283-1289
近年来由西方主导的文化在向全球扩散的过程中逐渐暴露出一系列问题,导致对西方化的全球化能否达到全球整合目标的质疑不断出现,“各美其美”“美美与共”的多样文化并存的观点受到关注。在新时代发展背景下,需要树立对于中国本土文化的自信,从地理学的研究视角来透视全球化格局的空间治理,回答中国文化的地方性如何传承、如何把握地方性知识的核心等命题。通过继承、创新和发扬中国文化,提高空间治理、地方融合的有效性。因此,地理学关于空间治理的研究,应更多关注本土和“地方”文化。本专栏旨在系统探讨空间治理中的文化传承以及文化(历史性、地方性、乡村性)因素对空间治理的影响,涉及地域文化信仰空间、传统城市空间、乡村社区空间、乡村性、地方文化、精英实践以及身体实践等多尺度、多领域的治理问题,主要围绕历史地理、乡村性以及地方性实践三个层面的空间治理展开,并对基于文化自信的空间治理研究进行了展望,认为文化治理中的地理问题和空间治理中的地方文化研究应该予以进一步深化。  相似文献   

长江经济带乡村功能区域差异及类型划分   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
深度挖掘乡村功能价值是实现乡村全面振兴的重要途径,论文通过构建乡村功能综合评价指标体系,运用GIS和泰尔指数,揭示了2016年长江经济带130个市(区)乡村“生产-生活-生态”功能地区差异特征和差异来源,并进行功能分区。研究结果显示:① 长江经济带乡村功能具有显著的空间分异特征,农业生产功能强的区域集中在中游和下游平原地区;人居生活功能强的区域集中在下游省会及核心发展城市周边;生态保育功能强的区域在上游和中游山地丘陵地区。② 乡村功能总体区域差异来源于上、中、下游地区内部差异,农业生产功能在上游内部区域差异显著,人居生活功能和生态保育功能在下游内部区域差异显著,中游地区乡村功能整体区域差异较小。③ 基于研究结果将研究区划分农业生产区、人居生活区、生态保育区、人居生活-农业生产复合区、人居生活-生态保育复合区、生态保育-农业生产复合区、农业生产-人居生活-生态保育综合发展区和农业生产-人居生活-生态保育综合协调区8种功能类型区,可为完善长江经济带乡村功能的空间布局提供科学依据。  相似文献   

黄淮海平原耕地功能演变的时空特征及其驱动机制   总被引:33,自引:5,他引:28  
本文以县域为基本研究单元,从经济、社会及生态三个维度构建了耕地功能评价指标体系,分析了黄淮海平原耕地功能演化的时空特征,利用耦合动态度模型探讨了耕地功能间耦合关系的演变。在此基础上,利用空间计量模型,对耕地功能演化的驱动机制进行了定量分析。研究结果表明:① 1990-2010年间,冀中南及豫东地区部分欠发达县市耕地经济功能明显增强,发达的城市群及其腹地受工业化及城镇化影响较大,耕地经济功能持续下降;60.29%的县域单元耕地的社会功能下降,增强区主要集聚于郑州北部、德州及沧州西部、烟台、威海等区域;生态功能变化在空间格局上基本形成了以豫北、山东中部山地丘陵区为核心的增长区以及以环京津、环济南地区为核心的持续下降区。② 黄淮海平原耕地经济、社会及生态功能的耦合度及协调度空间差异显著,且退耦化现象日渐突出;经济发达地区耕地的社会及生态功能演化速率普遍滞后于经济功能。③ 黄淮海平原耕地的功能演化是区域本底因素与外部驱动因素综合作用的结果;城镇化与工业化进程中人口、产业的转型对耕地经济、社会及生态功能演化的强度及方向起决定性作用。并指出:黄淮海平原应激活农业现代化、产业化发展动力,促进传统农业的转型升级,充分考虑耕地功能演化的区域分异特征,实行由发达城市地区到欠发达传统农区的差异化、多元化的耕地多功能利用与管理模式。  相似文献   

An analysis of modern phytolith assemblages is presented.Phytolith assemblages were studied in modern surface soils and sediments of 28sites from east Otago, New Zealand, within a range of vegetation types andmicroclimates. No simple distinction could be made between vegetation types onthe basis of phytolith assemblage composition. A Principal Components Analysis(PCA) of the phytolith data set revealed that festucoid, chloridoid andspherical phytolith morphotypes formed strong associations with sites fromwetland, grassland, and forest vegetation types, respectively. Moreimportantly, a comparison of sample replicates from each field site using Squared ChordDistance (SCD) assemblage analysis showed that wetland and grassland sitestended to produce more internally consistent phytolith assemblages than forestsites. Environmental variables including pH, conductivity, altitude,precipitation and temperature were also gathered for each site. The ability ofeach environmental variable to reflect variance in the entire phytolithdata set was estimated by a series of Redundancy Analyses (RDA) with MonteCarlo permutation tests of statistical significance. After a forward selectionprocess, transfer functions were generated using Partial Least Squares (PLS)regression and calibration with jack-knife validation. The final transferfunctions have root mean squared errors of prediction for pH (0.47), logconductivity (0.38 S cm), average annual precipitation (63mm), and average annual (0.28 °C), spring (0.38 °C) andautumn temperature (0.41 °C); the smallest group of environmental variablesexplaining the most variance in the modern phytolith data set. The most usefultransfer functions for application to fossil phytolith data andpaleoenvironmental interpretation are pH, log conductivity and annualprecipitation. The relationship between changes in pH and annual precipitationand phytolith assemblage composition found in this study presents aprima facie relationship with the potential to providedirect proxies for soil weathering and indirectly for paleoenvironmentalreconstruction.  相似文献   

The fossil diatom records preserved in radiometrically dated sediment cores from four shallow lakes in the Norfolk Broads, UK (Barton Broad, Rollesby Broad, Wroxham Broad and Upton Broad) were analysed. A weighted-averaging partial least squares (WA-PLS) diatom-total phosphorus (TP) transfer function, based on a training set of 152 mostly shallow (maximum depth < 3 m) lakes in northwest Europe, was applied to the full diatom dataset for each core to reconstruct the past TP concentrations of the lakes. Owing to the dominance of non-planktonic Staurosira, Pseudostaurosira and Staurosirella spp. (formerly classified in the genus Fragilaria) throughout the diatom records, the quantitative diatom inferred TP (DI-TP) concentrations did not adequately reflect the changes that occurred in the lakes as indicated by shifts in the other diatom taxa, or as reported in the literature. This was most apparent at Barton Broad and Rollesby Broad, where there was a marked increase in the importance of planktonic taxa associated with highly nutrient-rich waters but no increase in DI-TP. The modern and fossil data were thus square-root transformed to downweight the dominant taxa and the new transfer function was applied to the cores. An improvement was seen only in the reconstruction for Barton Broad. Finally, the Staurosira, Pseudostaurosira and Staurosirella spp. were removed from the modern and fossil diatom data, and the transfer function was re-applied. The trends in DI-TP became less clear, particularly for Upton Broad and Barton Broad, owing to a paucity of data for calibration once these taxa were deleted from the counts data. The problems associated with reconstructing trophic status and determining TP targets for restoration from fossil diatom assemblages in these systems are discussed.  相似文献   

Tan  Xuelan  Ouyang  Qiaoling  An  Yue  Mi  Shengyuan  Jiang  Lingxiao  Zhou  Guohua 《地理学报(英文版)》2019,29(8):1381-1395
Journal of Geographical Sciences - As the Rural Revitalization Strategy is gradually implemented, China’s rural areas are set to have more diverse function requirements. This paper selects...  相似文献   

The aim of this work is the determination of regional-scale rainfall thresholds for the triggering of landslides in the Tuscany Region(Italy).The critical rainfall events related to the occurrence of 593 past landslides were characterized in terms of duration(D) and intensity(I).I and D values were plotted in a log-log diagram and a lower boundary was clearly noticeable:it was interpreted as a threshold representing the rainfall conditions associated to landsliding.That was also confirmed by a comparison with many literature thresholds,but at the same time it was clear that a similar threshold would be affected by a too large approximation to be effectively used for a regional warning system.Therefore,further analyses were performed differentiating the events on the basis of seasonality,magnitude,location,land use and lithology.None of these criteria led to discriminate among all the events different groups to be characterized by a specific and more effective threshold.This outcome could be interpreted as the demonstration that at regional scale the best results are obtained by the simplest ap-proach,in our case an empirical black box model which accounts only for two rainfall pa-rameters(I and D).So a set of thresholds could be conveniently defined using a statistical approach:four thresholds corresponding to four severity levels were defined by means of the prediction interval technique and we developed a prototype warning system based on rainfall recordings or weather forecasts.  相似文献   

资源型城市脆弱性研究对于当前我国落实新型城镇化战略,推动城市高质量发展具有重要意义。通过以黄土高原地区25个矿产资源型城市为研究对象,从经济、社会、生态环境和资源4个维度构建指标体系,采用TOPSIS法、灰色关联法和地理探测器等方法研究了2000—2015年的城市脆弱性格局及时空演化,并以人口这一流动性最强的社会资源为切入点,分析其脆弱性演变的区域效应。结果表明:(1)2000—2015年,黄土高原地区资源型城市以中低脆弱性为主,总体呈上升趋势,城市间极差化显著,但不平衡性趋缓;(2)该区域资源型城市脆弱性主要问题呈"生态环境-经济+社会-经济+资源"的转变特征,其中成熟型、衰退型城市的问题尤为突出;社会及生态环境脆弱性总体上均得以改善,资源脆弱性上升区集中在东部、南部;(3)综合脆弱性的人口响应程度呈下降趋势。城镇人口比重的响应程度最强,人口老龄化、社会总抚养比和流动人口比重的响应具有阶段性特征。(4)分维度脆弱性的人口响应呈现维度差异。经济和社会脆弱性的人口响应具有一致性,社会总抚养比是关键解释因子,生态环境脆弱性中流动人口比重的解释力较强且增幅显著,而资源脆弱性中城镇人口比重的响...  相似文献   

秦岭南北地区环境变化响应比较研究   总被引:25,自引:5,他引:25  
延军平  郑宇 《地理研究》2001,20(5):576-582
利用气象水文部门截止1999年的气象水文实测数据,计算分析在气候变暖过程中中国秦岭具有的区域响应分界意义。由于气候变暖,在百年时间尺度上,通过旱涝指数分析证明秦岭以北进入干旱期,秦岭以南为湿润期;在10年时间尺度上,陕南气温变化较小,而关中气温增高较快,陕南与关中年均气温差值变小;关中和陕南降水量差值变小,二者同时干旱或陕南更干旱,反映出秦岭在气候变化中显著的分界作用。气候变暖,渭河与汉江年径流系数同步减小,其中渭河径流系数由50年代的02下降为90年代的01以下,渭河流域已变为少水带,即相当于气候上的干旱区。秦岭以北地区较其以南地区环境干暖化的趋势更明显,这对于认识全球变化的区域响应差异有参考意义。  相似文献   

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