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Cette note expose un ensemble de synthèses régionales sur les thèmes suivants: les macrofossiles de l'Angleterre; les bois de l'Albien du Boulonnais; les végétaux de Normandie du Crétacé moyen; les milieux forestiers littoraux du Cénomanien inférieur de l'Anjou et des Charentes; les macroflores du Crétacé moyen continental de l'Espagne; les gisements de l'Italie et du Sahara.L'esquisse d'une évolution possible de quelques végétations de ces contrées est proposée, ainsi que les arguments paléoclimatiques que l'on peut en déduire.This paper presents a regional synthesis concerning mid-Cretaceous plant megafossils from England, Normandy, Northern and Western France, Spain, Italy, and the Sahara. A possible evolution pattern is offered for these floras during mid-Cretaceous time; some climatic arguments are presented.  相似文献   

Between eastern Africa and the Indian Ocean, Madagascar was a part of the Gondwana at the end of the Proterozoic. Its evolution, from the Carboniferous through to the present times, displays successive stages of the Gondwana disintegration.The original location of Madagascar, close to present Kenya, is deduced from sedimentological, structural and palæomagnetic data. During Permo-Triassic times, it was submitted to a northeast-southwest regional extension, which resulted in the opening of the Karoo Basins. During the Mid-Late Jurassic, opening of the Somalian and Mozambican Oceanic Basins was accompanied by the translation of Madagascar along a north-south trending transform fault, located along the present Davie Ridge. The Late Cretaceous was characterised in the island by an acceleration of the subsidence in the coastal basins and by an important magmatic, essentially effusive, activity. This marked the beginning of a northeast-southwest extension, opening of the Mascarene Oceanic Basin and separation of India from Madagascar. Since the Neogene up to present times, another extensional regime developed, as in eastern Africa, characterised by a roughly east-west extensional horizontal direction, which results in the opening of faulted basins and the emission of Pliocene-Quaternary alkaline magmas.  相似文献   

This paper evaluates the reliability of the geochemical and hydrodynamic sampling in a phreatic aquifer of semi-arid Africa. These remarks are based on a dense network and on detailed data collected for about ten years in the Continental Terminal water table near Niamey, Niger. The natural potentiometric fluctuations are seasonal (up to 6 m during the rainy season) and interannual (up to 10 m since the 1960s). Hydrodynamic measurements can be disturbed by artificial flooding into the wells (20% of the network) and by domestic drawings (up to 2 m of lowering). Geochemical characteristics can vary seasonally: isotopic modifications and salinity increase near recharge areas, with more stability further away. They can also vary artificially in wells because of their large opening towards the open air. Artifical increases of salinity of one order of magnitude and contaminations of 14C activities of up to 20 pmC occur in some wells by atmospheric dust inputs or organic matter which was has fallen into the well. In conclusion, some recommendations are given for a representative sampling in semi-arid phreatic aquifers.  相似文献   

Moorea volcanic island (Central Pacific) shows particular characteristics: it has been built by synchronous emissions (shown by radiometric K-Ar data) of basic volcanics (basalts and K hawaiites) and of very abundant evoluted lavas (K benmoreites), systematically aphyric, but containing ferromagnesian xenocrysts.Radiometric K-Ar data also underline the intricate and multistage character of the island building. Its genesis would be explained in the light of a fractional melting process.


L 'fle volcanique de Moorea (Pacifique Central) présente la particularité d'avoir étéédifiée par la coémission (démontrée par les données radiométriques K-Ar) de roches basiques (basaltes et K hawaiites) et de roches évoluées très abondantes (K benmoréites), systématiquement aphyriques, mais contenant des xénocristaux ferromagnésiens.Les données radiométriques K-Ar soulignent aussi le caractère complexe de l'empilement volcanique construit en plusieurs stades. Sa genèse pourrait être expliquée par un processus de fusion fractionnée.  相似文献   

Les terrains volcaniques et volcanodétritiques du Néoprotérozoïque terminal (Vendien) affleurent largement dans le Haut Atlas occidental. IIs sont située au Nord de l'accident majeur de Tizi n'Test qui sépare le craton ouest africain du craton septentrional. Ces volcanites reposent en concordance sur une série grésopélitique pouvant être l'équivalent des séries de Tidilline et d'Anzi dans l'Anti-Atlas. Ce volcanisme par ses caractéristiques géochimiques calco-alcalin de marge active est affilié á l'histoire post panafricaine développée aussi dans l'Anti-Atlas. II différe de ce dernier par ses teneurs en K2O. Ce volcanisme s'est mis en place dans un contexte distensif. ll est généré par la fusion de la croûte subductée sous un craton septentrional. Au dessus de cet ensemble magmatique repose en concordance ou en légére discordance une puissante série calcschisteuse dans laquelle sont interstratifiées des dacites calco-alcalines montrant la continuité du volcanisme orogénique au moins jusqu'au Cambrien inférieur.  相似文献   

J. Labasse 《Geoforum》1974,5(3):9-12
Processes of regional concentration and development of capital suggest a geographical interpretation. Firstly towns and regions can be studied in terms of their financial strength. Financial strenght is a decisive attractive power in all countries with a market economy.Lastly the world-wide movement of capital is important to our understanding of all spatial exchange processes relating to the migration of workers and the exchange of goods. The movement of capital is controlled at a few important financial centres whose outward appearance and structure manifest this function.


Processes of regional concentration and development of capital suggest a geographical interpretation. Firstly towns and regions can be studied in terms of their financial strength. Financial strenght is a decisive attractive power in all countries with a market economy.Lastly the world-wide movement of capital is important to our understanding of all spatial exchange processes relating to the migration of workers and the exchange of goods. The movement of capital is controlled at a few important financial centres whose outward appearance and structure manifest this function.  相似文献   

Une analyse biostratigraphique des Dasycladales et des Algues rouges est proposéc et critiquée pour la période allant de l'Aptien au Coniacien.A biostratigraphical summary of the Algae of the Aptian to Coniacian is presented. These are species of Red algae and Dasycladal algae.  相似文献   

The mineral assessment programme of Gabon, carried out during the 1980s, showed a 2870 Ma old igneous mafic-ultramafic complex in the Kango area that was first considered to be made up of five separate intrusions associated with Cr---Ni geochemical anomalies. Following the study of the regional relief, the surface materials and the petrography, a heavily incised zone has been selected where outcrops were abundant enough to reasonably define the structure of the complex. Therefore, where observed, the igneous body looks like a subvertical 1–2 km wide dyke composed of an early unit of cumulus feldspathic bronzitites and norites and a late gabbroic unit showing a chilled border against the Archean gneisses. The strike variation of gneisses foliation shows a right-lateral fault of the N40° fracture responsible for the emplacement of the dyke. The mafic-ultramafic complex presents some alkaline late-magmatic and cataclastic effects only along the N170° fractures that affect the dyke by a left-lateral fault. The very same petrography of the other mafic-ultramafic igneous bodies and their relationship with the fractures of the gneisses basement make it possible to interpret the different intrusions as a great dyke some 100 km long within Gabon and possibly extending into equatorial Guinea.  相似文献   

The first ammonite discovered at the base of the Ghomrassène Member of the Tataouine Formation belongs to a species of Pachyerymnoceras from the Latest Callovian (Solidum Zone) of the Arabian province. The underlying Krechem el Miit Member is also dated Late Callovian, with a fauna of Pachyerymnoceras from the Lower Athleta Zone in Algeria. The associated faunas (echinids, brachiopods) are the same, as well as the faunas of the overlying Ksar Haddada Member, which is dated also Late Callovian, referring to the brachiopods faunal succession in Saudi Arabia. Correlations with other areas in Tunisia, Saudi Arabia and Middle East underline the same sedimentary evolution during a second-order transgressive half-cycle. To cite this article: R. Enay et al., C. R. Geoscience 334 (2002) 1157–1167.


La première ammonite découverte à la base du membre Ghomrassène de la formation Tataouine est un Pachyerymnoceras de la partie supérieure du Callovien supérieur (Zone à Solidum) de la province arabique. Le membre Krechem el Miit sous-jacent est aussi daté du Callovien supérieur par des Pachyerymnoceras connus dans la partie inférieure de la Zone à Athleta en Algérie. La faune associée (échinides, brachiopodes) est la même que celle du membre Ksar Haddada sus-jacent, daté également du Callovien supérieur par référence à la succession des brachiopodes en Arabie Saoudite. Les corrélations avec les autres régions de Tunisie, l'Arabie Saoudite et le Moyen-Orient mettent en évidence une même évolution sédimentaire au cours d'un demi-cycle transgressif de deuxième ordre. Pour citer cet article : R. Enay et al., C. R. Geoscience 334 (2002) 1157–1167.  相似文献   

Field studies and observations from aerial photographs, remote sensing and numerical field models show that the Meso-Cenozoic and Recent sedimentary sequences of Madagascar are affected by normal faults. These faults, north-south, north-northeast-south-southwest and north-northwest-south-southwest trending, are responsible for the following morphological effects: scarps, block tilting and opening of faulted basins, the most important of which being the Lake Alaotra Basin. The general orientation of these brittle structures and some observations in the field show tha the horizontal maximum extension isroughly east-west directed. Other lines of evidence, seismic and gravimetric, confirm that Madagascar is presently submitted to a crustal and lithospheric extension, parallel to that in East Africa and the Mozambique Channel.  相似文献   

La série sédimentaire du Crétacé moyen et supérieur étudiée dans l'Ouest du Bassin de Paris et sur la bordure du Massif armoricain comporte sept pulsations transgressives qui peuvent être reconnues en fonction de la disposition géomètrique des dépôts et de l'enchaînement vertical des faciès.Les épisodes transgressifs atteignent leur phase paroxysmale, en alternance avec des stades de régression, successivement:
1. (1) à la fin de l'Aptien supérieur —(régression début Albien)
2. (2) au milieu de l'Albien supérieur —(régression fin Albien-début Cénomanien)
3. (3) au milieu du Cénomanien inférieur —(régression fin Cénomanien inférieur)
4. (4) à la fin du Cénomanien moyen —(régression fin Cénomanien)
5. (5) au milieu du Turonien inférieur —(régression du Coniacien)
6. (6) au Santonien puis Campanien —(régression fin Campanien)
7. (7) au Maestrichtien —(régression fin Maastrichtien)
Ces dépôts crétacés présentent une succession de séquences séparées par des discontinuités et des surfaces d'érosion plus ou moins marquées. Les caractères et la répartition de ces séquences sont analysés en domaine de sédimentation terrigène littorale et dans le bassin envahi par la craie. Il est alors tenté d'interpréter les variations bathymétriques d'une part en fonction d'évènements tectoniques locaux, d'autre part en relation avec des variations eustatiques plus générales.Middle and Upper Cretaceous deposits studied in the western Paris Basin and on the Armorican Massif margin show seven transgressive pulses that can be detected in the geometrical arrangement of the sedimentary bodies and the vertical succession of facies.The transgressive episodes, each delimited by a regressive phase, reached their peak during:
1. (1) late Late Aptian —(Early Albian regression)
2. (2) mid Late Albian —(Late Albian-Early Cenomanian regression)
3. (3) mid Early Cenomanian —(late Early Cenomanian regression)
4. (4) late Middle Cenomanian —(Late Cenomanian regression)
5. (5) mid Early Turonian —(Coniacian regression)
6. (6) Santonian-Campanian —(Late Campanian regression)
7. (7) Maastrichtian —(Late Maastrichtian regression)
The Cretaceous sediments occur as a series of sequences, separated by more or less important discontinuities and erosion surfaces. The features and distribution of these sequences have been studied in the nearshore region of terrigenous sedimentation and in the Chalk basin. An attempt is made to relate the bathymetric changes to either tectonic movements or more widespread eustatic oscillations.  相似文献   

Résumé Le bassin néogène du Tage présente une différenciation en 5 épisodes sédimentaires déterminés par le diastrophisme. L'environnement géochimique du bassin confère à l'uranium et au cuivre une valeur de traceurs. L'unité de sédimentation étudiée correspond à la séquence ou cyclothème.Les résultats obtenus traduisent à l'échelle des séquences, une évolution inverse dans la distribution de l'uranium et du cuivre. La teneur en uranium croît tandis que la teneur en cuivre décroît. A l'échelle de l'épisode sédimentaire les concentrations en cuivre sont élevées à la base des cycles et décroissent vers le sommet; l'uranium évolue inversement. La valeur du rapport Cu/U apparait ici liée à l'environnement de sédimentation: rapport élevé pour le milieu paralique à affinités continentales; faible pour le milieu marin. A l'échelle de la série il en découle un comportement géochimique inverse entre le cuivre et l'uranium. Ce dernier se concentre préférentiellement dans les dépots fins, le premier se piégeant au contraire dans les dépots grossiers à affinités continentales discordants sur les formations sous-jacentes liant les occurences de cuivre à l'activité diastrophique.
The neogene basin of the Tage river shows a differenciation in five sedimentary periods of different facies.The geochemical environment allows to use Copper and Uranium as tracers.The sedimentary unit studied here corresponds to a cyclotheme.The results show an opposite behaviour of copper and uranium inside of a cyclotheme. The grade of uranium increases while that of copper decreases. According to the scale of a sedimentary cycle the grade of copper decreases toward the top, at the base, the grades are higher. Uranium shows an opposite behaviour. The ratio Cu/U is apparently bound here to the particular environment. It is higher in a paralic environment.According to the scale of the sedimentary series an opposite behaviour of copper and uranium results. The latter enriches preferably in the very finegrained sediments, the former is to be found in the coarse deposits which show continental alluvial deposits and which appear discordantly on the underlaying beds. Thus the copper shows a clear connection with the diastrophic processes.

Zusammenfassung Das Becken des Tajo, neogenen Alters, zeigt eine Differenzierung in fünf sedimentären Episoden, die verschiedenen Fazies entstammen. Die geochemischen Verhältnisse der Umgebung gestatten es, Kupfer und Uran als Leitelemente zu benutzen. Die hier untersuchte sedimentäre Einheit entspricht einer Abfolge (einem Cyclothem).Die erhaltenen Resultate zeigen innerhalb einer sedimentären Abfolge ein gegenläufiges Verhalten des Kupfers und des Urans. Der Urangehalt nimmt zu während der Kupfergehalt abnimmt. Im Maßstab eines sedimentären Zyklus nimmt die Konzentration des Kupfers nach oben hin ab, an der Basis sind die Gehalte höher. Das Uran zeigt ein umgekehrtes Verhalten. Der Quotient Cu/U ist hier offensichtlich an das spezielle Milieu gebunden — er ist höher im paralischen Milieu. Im Maßstab der gesamten Sedimentserie folgt daraus ein gegenläufiges Verhalten von Cu und U. Letzteres reichert sich vorzugsweise in den Feinstkorn-Sedimenten an, das erstere ist vor allem in gröberen Ablagerungen zu finden, die stärkere kontinentale Zufuhr zeigen und diskordant über den darunter liegenden Schichten auftreten — das Kupfer zeigt damit deutliche Bindung an diastrophische Vorgänge.

Tajo 5 . (U, u) . a.

Stratigraphic and palaeontologic data from the Lower Cretaceous of Venezuela and the critical revision of the previous results on the whole Caribbean Lower Aptian, show that the South Caribbean region is characterized by an endemic Rudist fauna while some micropalaeontological components have an african affinity. Consequently a South Caribbean palaeobiogeographic province is to be distinguished from a Northern one known to have some European characters. These results fit well with palaeogeographic and palaeotectonic reconstructions concerning both the Caribbean as well as the Central Atlantic areas. New palaeogeographic and palaeoceanographic implications are considered.  相似文献   

The Majunga Basin is located in the northwestern part of Madagascar with a N45–60°E trending axis. It was filled by almost exclusively continental Karoo Supergroup sediments, which are Permian to Early Jurassic in age, and by younger sequences, mainly marine, that were deposited from the Middle Jurassic to the present.The Karoo Basin geometry is deduced from the analysis of seismic sections. A central northeast trending horst is flanked by two sub-basins. Deposition of the Karoo sequences was controlled by these northeast trending faults. On the contrary, the Middle Jurassic to present sequences witness only a slight tilting of the basement towards the northwest.The development of the Majunga Basin includes, therefore, two successive stages. In the synrift episode, from Permian to Early Jurassic times, the sedimentation was syntectonic, controlled by synsedimentary faulting and the creation of a horst and graben extensive pattern. The postrift episode started during the Middle Jurassic.These two stages of the Majunga Basin development correspond to the geodynamic evolution recorded elsewhere in this part of the Gondwana.  相似文献   

International Journal of Earth Sciences - Dans l'avant-pays alpin, en avant du croissant jurassien, une suite de reliefs à ossature hercynienne reproduit la courbure générale de...  相似文献   

Caradocian source rocks belonging to the Utica Group occur around and overlay the southeastern part of the Canadian Shield from the Ottawa embayment, in the southwestern part of St. Lawrence Lowlands, to the Anticosti Island basin. The kerogen of the source rocks is mainly made up of amorphous organic matter (transmitted light), resembling a solid bitumen framework in reflected light, and contains a small portion of zooclasts (graptolites and chitinozoans). The kerogen is often too mature to have preserved the structure of the original constituents, except those of graptolites and chitinozoans. Otherwise, UV fluorescent colonial alga and tasmanites are observed.In the eastern half of the St. Lawrence Lowlands, stratigraphic and tectonic burial is the main control of source rock thermal maturation. From an area located 50 km west of Quebec City, the estimated vitrinite reflectance (Ro-Std) of the source rock increases in both northeastern (Montmorency Falls) and southwestern (St. Maurice River) directions, from Ro-Std of 1.2 to 1.5 and 1.7%, respectively. The source rocks of the Ottawa embayment and Montreal area (western half of the basin) are overmature due to hydrothermal and igneous activities (2.3%<Ro-Std<2.8%).. In Chicoutimi and Lac Saint-Jean outliers, the source rocks show reflectances between 0.9 and 1.2%, slightly less than reflectance values in the Quebec City area (Ro-Std between 1.2 and 1.5%). On Anticosti Island, the thermal maturation is related to burial only and increases downdip of the inclined platform, from the northeast toward the southwest (Ro-Std between 0.9 and 2.1%).These observations suggest that the St. Lawrence platform and the southeastern Canadian Shield were buried by at least 3.5 km of Paleozoic strata prior to erosion to Grenville basement. This implies that most potential hydrocarbon fields are presumably also lost by erosion.


Des roches mères caradociennes, appartenant au Groupe d'Utica, sont trouvées autour et sur la partie sud-est du Bouclier canadien, du sous-bassin de la région d'Ottawa, dans la partie sud-ouest des basses-terres du Saint-Laurent jusqu'au bassin de l'île d'Anticosti. Le kérogène de ces roches mères est principalement constitué de matière organique amorphe (lumière transmise) ayant l'aspect d'un treillis fait de bitume solide lorsqu'il est observé en lumière incidente et contient une petite proportion de zooclastes (graptolites et chitinozoaires). Ce kérogène est souvent trop mature pour avoir préservé la structure originale de ses constituants, sauf celle des graptolites et des chitinozoaires. Dans le cas contraire, on observe des colonies algaires et des tasmanites fluorescentes à la lumière ultraviolette.Dans la moitié est des basses-terres du Saint-Laurent, l'enfouissement stratigraphique et tectonique contrôle la maturation thermique de la roche mère. D'un point situé à 50 km à l'ouest de Québec, la réflectance standardisée à celle de la vitrinite (Rh-Std) de la roche mère augmente tant vers le nord-est (Chutes Montmorency) que vers le sud-ouest (rivière Saint-Maurice), et varie entre 1,2 et 1,5 ou 1,7% respectivement. D'autre part, les roches mères des régions d'Ottawa et de Montréal (ouest du bassin) sont supramatures à cause d'activités hydrothermales et ignées (2,3%<Rh-Std<2,8%). Dans les buttes témoins du Saguenay et du Lac-Saint-Jean, les roches mères montrent des valeurs de la Rh-Std comprises entre 0,9 et 1,2%, légèrement inférieures à celles de la région de Québec (Rh-Std entre 1,2 et 1,5%). Dans l'île d'Anticosti, la maturation thermique est surtout reliée à l'enfouissement et s'accroît en direction de l'approfondissement de la plate-forme, du nord-est vers le sud-ouest (Rh-Std entre 0,9 et 2,1%).Ces observations suggèrent que la plate-forme du Saint-Laurent et le sud-est du Bouclier canadien furent enfouis sous au moins 3,5 km de strates paléozoïques avant que ces dernières soient érodées au niveau du socle grenvillien. Ceci implique que la majorité des gisements potentiels d'hydrocarbures furent probablement aussi perdus par érosion.  相似文献   

In the western part of Madagascar, the Morondava Basin shows the Malagasy Karoo series, made of Late Carboniferous-Mid-Permian (Sakoa), Late Permian-Mid-Triassic (Sakamena) and Late Triassic-Mid-Jurassic (Isalo) sequences. The sedimentary facies are mainly aerial and clastic in the series, and the marine conditions are fully established after Lower Jurassic times, when the strait between Africa and Madagascar was flooded.The Karoo basins where these series were deposited are mainly hemi-grabens. Their filling proceeded from west to east and from south to north. Distinction between the southern and northern part of the Morondava Basin suggests that development of the basin was controlled by old crustal weakness zones trending north-northwest-south-southeast and north-northeast-south-southwest.  相似文献   

A geochemical study of pegmatitic micas from Minas Gerais State in Brazil was performed with an electron microprobe, in order to examine the variations of Rb, K, Al and F contents. It is observed a linear decreasing relationship between the [Rb/K] ratio of the micas and their contents in AlVI. The interpretation is based on the hypothesis that the partition coefficient CRb/Kmica/fl between fluid and mineral does not vary significantly as a function of temperature and pressure in the narrow conditions of crystallization of pegmatites. It is suggested that the relation: CRb/Kmica/fl=0.55×(5?[AlVI]) is of crystallochemical order. Micas with low contents in Al take higher contents in Rb because the potassic sites where Rb enters are larger. This relation gives another way of calculating the values [Rb/K] of the fluids knowing Rb, K, Al and Si in the micas. This crystallochemistry also allows us to foresee a direct correlation between Rb and F in the pegmatitic micas. To cite this article: J. Quéméneur et al., C. R. Geoscience 336 (2004).  相似文献   

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