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基础动力刚度的精确数值解及集中参数模型   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
土-结构相互作用分析的关键是建立以土-结构界面定义的无限半空间的动力刚度矩阵。本文介绍了一种求解半无限地基动力刚度的新方法,通过两个算例验证了该方法的精度,并给出了一种利用频域刚性基础动力刚度计算基础时域荷载响应的实用方法,该研究为刚性基础设计提供了一种新的,可靠的理论方法。  相似文献   

提出采用工程软件实现基础隔震计算分析的多种简化方法,主要包括计算模型的建立和地震作用效应的计算。对不同方法的适用条件和计算结果差异进行讨论,并通过算例加以说明,可供设计人员进行基础隔震设计时参考。  相似文献   

结构-地基相互作用体系动力特性参数的简化计算方法   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
本文首先介绍了几种计算结构-地基相互作用体系动力特性的简化方法,并用振动台模型试验的数据资料进行计算分析,讨论了各方法的局限性;在此基础上,提出了一种改进的简化计算方法。在该方法中,主要改进是合理考虑了桩基对体系刚度的贡献。  相似文献   

改进的基础隔震结构地震作用简化计算方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在《建筑抗震设计规范》(GB50011-2001)关于隔震结构的简化计算方法中,水平向减震系数的表达式和定义有些不符,假定的隔震结构地震作用分布规律也与实际情况略有出入。本文基于水平向减震系数的定义和实际隔震结构的地震作用分布规律提出了一种改进的隔震结构水平向减震系数、隔震结构总地震作用、隔震结构上部地震作用分布的计算方法,并提出了总水平地震作用减震系数的新概念。本文提出的改进方法具有表达准确、物理意义明确的特点。将本文提出的改进算法计算结果与时程分析计算结果比较,结果显示,改进方法的计算结果与时程分析结果接近,且分布规律一致。  相似文献   

本文根据边界元方法建立了位不规则场上刚体的动阻抗和在入射平面波作用下的有效输入运动的分析模型,分析模型考虑了不规则场地和基础对入射波的散射作用以及土与基础的相互作用,通过验证确认了本方法的正确性,文中计算了凹陷,高地和盆地三种不规则场地土不同条件基础的动阻和有效输入的运动,并与半空间地基上相应基础的情况作了对比,计算表明,当基础尺寸与不规则场地范围可比时有必要用本文模型分析不规则场地的影响和土一结  相似文献   

应用广泛的刚性桩复合地基目前其抗震设计还没有足够简便的计算方法,工程设计中对其抗震设计往往予以回避。本文首先介绍了笔者之前的一种对刚性桩复合地基进行抗震分析的拟静力方法,进而对其中有关上部结构惯性作用对桩身内力影响的计算部分进行了进一步简化,之后通过多种设计工况及实际土层条件下的计算对比,验证了改进方法的可行性。还对上部结构惯性作用的影响深度、地基分层对桩身内力的影响等进行了讨论。  相似文献   

高层隔震建筑的隔震层在罕遇地震作用下会产生拉应力。本文通过对一栋20层的高层隔震结构,分别采用等拉压刚度模型和不等拉压刚度模型进行动力非线性时程分析,研究叠层橡胶隔震支座竖向刚度模型对高层基础隔震结构动力响应的影响。研究表明,超出线弹性工作范围后,竖向等拉压刚度模型将会低估隔震层的竖向位移量,低估上部结构的动力响应。  相似文献   

基于简化的群桩动力计算模型,采用有限元子结构方法和薄层法,提出了与工程实际情况更为接近的完全埋入、部分埋入群桩和刚性桩筏基础的计算方法。分析了层状地基中不同激振频率条件下,承台板厚度、桩间距对于群桩动力阻抗的影响,研究了不同承台板厚度条件下群桩阻抗的分布规律。通过与传统刚性承台下群桩动力特性的比较分析,验证了本模型的合理性。  相似文献   

以郑州城郊铁路工程中独柱高架车站为例,将土体化为一系列弹簧,描述土体的变形性质。通过比较《城市轨道交通结构抗震设计规范》中的非线性土弹簧、《铁路桥涵地基和基础设计规范》中的m系数法弹簧及Mindlin解弹簧进行建模计算得到的车站结构的地震响应,由结果可知结构地震响应对承台处弹簧刚度最为敏感。另外,将分布弹簧模型等代为六弹簧模型进行地震反应计算,结果表明桩体质量的影响与承台质量相比很小。  相似文献   

动力基础系统非线性本构关系的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
采用理想集总参数计算体系,以三次幂多项式模型反映动力地基的非线性特性,将非线性幂函数作为循环荷载作用下系统位移-力关系的主干骨线,在此基础上按照Masing二倍法则,将骨线拓展为位移一力的滞回曲线,建立了动力基础双曲线滞回动力学模型。提出了非线性广义刚度函数的概念,建立了动力基础系统在不同振动形式下的非线性本构关系。  相似文献   

A simple, efficient numerical procedure is presented for the analysis of the steady-state dynamic response of rigid foundations of arbitrary shape on a homogeneous, isotropic elastic half-space. The contact area of the foundation and soil medium is discretized into square subregions. The influence of the rigid square subregion is approximated by that of an equivalent rigid circular base with the same contact area. This approximation is a better representation of a rigid square subregion than a uniformly stressed subregion used in earlier approaches. Simple expressions are used to determine the influence of the subregion on itself and on the rest of the subregions, without the expense of numerical integration procedures. The present method is demonstrated to converge rapidly. The accuracy of this method is examined by comparison with available published theoretical and experimental results.  相似文献   

SH波冲击下浅埋任意形孔洞的动力分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
求解了稳态SH波垂直弹性半空间水平表面入射时,浅埋任意形孔洞的动力响应。采用复变函数和多极坐标方法构造了一个能够自动满足水平表面上应力自由边界条件的散射波函数。应用这一波函数,将半空间中的问题转化为求解一个全空间中任意形孔洞的散射问题,最终将问题归结为对一组无穷代数方程组的求解。作为对抗爆问题的研究,给出了浅埋椭圆孔和方孔附近的动应力集中系数的数值结果,并对算例进行了讨论。  相似文献   

Harmonic wave response of two 3-D rigid surface foundations   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A boundary element methodology is developed for studying the response of a system of two rigid, massless or massive, surface foundations of arbitrary plan-forms to various harmonic waves under three-dimensional conditions. The method employs the frequency domain Green's function for the surface of the elastic half-space, thereby restricting the discretization only to the soil-foundation interfaces, and isoparametric quadratic quadrilateral boundary elements for increased accuracy. Extensive comparison studies with other known numerical solutions confirm the high accuracy of the proposed method. Detailed parametric studies are conducted in order to study the harmonic wave response of two square foundations as a function of the kind of incident wave, the angles of wave incidence, the wave frequency, the separation distance between the foundations and the amount of mass in each foundation and compare it against that of a single foundation for assessing the through the soil coupling effect.  相似文献   

The vertical and rocking response of rigid rectangular foundations resting on a linear-elastic, compressible, non-homogeneous half-space soil model is studied. The non-homogeneity is described by a continuous yet bounded increase of shear modulus with depth. The mixed boundary value problem is solved by means of the semi-analytical method of the subdivision of the foundation/soil contact area whereby the influence functions for the sub-regions are determined by integration of the corresponding surface-to-surface Green's functions for the particular soil model. Impedance functions are given for representative values of the non-homogeneity parameters, the Poisson's ratio and the foundation geometry over a wide range of frequencies. Significant features associated with the soil non-homogeneity are pointed out. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.  相似文献   

A methodology using modal analysis is presented to evaluate dynamic displacements of a circular flexible foundation on soil media subjected to vertical vibration. The interaction effects between the foundation and the underlying soil are represented using modal soil impedance functions determined by an efficient procedure developed. The displacements of the foundation can then be easily solved by modal superposition. Comparing with existing solutions, the presented method is found to provide accurate results with less computational effort using only a few vibration modes. In addition, parametric studies for modal responses of the flexible foundation indicate that the response of the foundation are significantly influenced by relative stiffness between the foundation and the soil medium, load distributions, vibration frequency range, and the foundation mass. Besides, justification for flexible foundations to be considered as rigid are investigated.  相似文献   

With a simplified model and Galerkin's weighted residual procedure, two simple differential equations of dynamic behavior of a bounded rectangular medium are established along the boundaries in the x- and y-direction in the medium. Solutions of these equations yield closed form expressions of soil stiffnesses for various cases of a partially embedded rigid foundation, including the stiffnesses per depth of foundation with rectangular base area and the stifnesses of strip foundation. The developed procedure provides the definition of the weight functions, which are used in Galerkin's method for weighted residual. In addition to these weight functions, their conjugators are also suitable for weight functions. When the soil depth is finite, the original weight functions fail to produce physically meaningful results in some frequency range but the conjugators do not fail at any frequencies. The developed equations to compute soil stiffnesses for embedded foundations are simple yet capable of calculating the responses close to those computed by the much more elaborated finite element method.  相似文献   

本文提出了一种当结构系统采用Rayleigh阻尼且阻尼参数发生变化时,对系统动力反应结果直接进行修正的方法并通过算例对其精度进行了验证。这一方法可以提高大型工程结构动力计算的效率。  相似文献   

A boundary element formulation of the substructure deletion method is presented for the seismic analysis of the dynamic cross-interaction between multiple embedded foundations. This approach is particularly suitable for three-dimensional foundations of any arbitrary geometrical shape and spatial location, since it requires only the discretization of the foundations’ surfaces. The surrounding soil is represented by a homogeneous viscoelastic half-space while the foundations are assumed to be rigid and subjected to incoming SH-, P-, and SV-waves arbitrarily inclined in both the horizontal and vertical planes. The proposed methodology is tested for the case of two identical embedded square foundations for different values of the foundations’ embedment and distance. The effects of the cross-interaction are outlined in the components of the impedance matrix and of the foundation input motion. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

IntroductionThe analysis of dynamic soil-structure interaction for important engineering project is still based on linear model (including equivalent linear model) with complex damping, and traditional frequency domain method (Lysmer, et al, 1975, 1981; DING, et al, 1999). Namely, first calculating frequency domain solution by Fourier transform, and then calculating time domain solution by Fourier inverse transform. The motion equation of a system in frequency domain is usually written as (…  相似文献   

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