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Infiltration into frozen soil plays an important role in soil freeze–thaw and snowmelt-driven hydrological processes. To better understand the complex thermal energy and water transport mechanisms involved, the influence of antecedent moisture content and macroporosity on infiltration into frozen soil was investigated. Ponded infiltration experiments on frozen macroporous and non-macroporous soil columns revealed that dry macroporous soil produced infiltration rates reaching 103 to 104 mm day−1, two to three orders of magnitude larger than dry non-macroporous soil. Results suggest that rapid infiltration and drainage were a result of preferential flow through initially air-filled macropores. Using recorded flow rates and measured macropore characteristics, calculations indicated that a combination of both saturated flow and unsaturated film flow likely occurred within macropores. Under wet conditions, regardless of the presence of macropores, infiltration was restricted by the slow thawing rate of pore ice, producing infiltration rates of 2.8 to 5.0 mm day−1. Reduced preferential flow under wet conditions was attributed to a combination of soil swelling, due to smectite-rich clay (that reduced macropore volume), and pore ice blockage within macropores. In comparison, dry soil column experiments demonstrated that macropores provided conduits for water and thermal energy to bypass the frozen matrix during infiltration, reducing thaw rates compared with non-macroporous soils. Overall, results showed the dominant control of antecedent moisture content on the initiation, timing, and magnitude of infiltration and flow in frozen macroporous soils, as well as the important role of macropore connectivity. The study provides an important data set that can aid the development of hydrological models that consider the interacting effects of soil freeze–thaw and preferential flow on snowmelt partitioning in cold regions.  相似文献   

Draining soil water is an important runoff generator. This study aims to describe runoff‐generating processes on a plot scale (1 m2) in hydromorphic soils with different initial soil water contents. We irrigated 16 hydromorphic soils in the northern Pre‐Alps in Switzerland and recorded the variations in water content with time domain reflectometry (TDR) at five different depths per plot. Sprinkling was repeated three times at approximately 23‐h intervals and lasted for 1 h with a volume flux density of 70 mm h?1. The comparison between the measured water content of the drainages with two physically based models revealed which of the flow processes dominated during water recessions. We distinguished between vertical drainage, lateral outflow and infiltration without drainage. Approximately 45% of all recorded time series of soil water content did not drain within approximately 20 h after the end of irrigation, about 25% drained laterally and 10% of the outflow was vertical. The drainage of the remaining 20% was the result of both lateral and vertical water flow (≈12%), or was not interpretable with the approaches applied (≈8%). Vertical flow was only observed in layers without any or with just a few hydromorphic features. Lateral draining horizons had approximately half the storage capacity and amplitude of water recession of those with vertical flow. Vertical flow was only observed in the upper soil horizons. Thus, vertical flow transmitted water to layers with lateral outflow and did not delay runoff by deep percolation. Increasing initial soil moisture increased the percentage of water content recordings according to a lateral outflow slightly, while vertical flow was less frequent. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Preferred infiltration is mainly perceived as vertically down whereas subsurface storm flow is thought to occur parallel to slopes. The transition from vertical to lateral flow in a layered hillslope soil is the focus of the contribution. Transient flow is assumed to move as a wetting front. Three time‐domain reflectometry (TDR) wave‐guides, each 0·15 m long, were mounted in the shape of a truncated tetrahedron with its peak pointing down. Each wave‐guide focuses the front velocity along its axis. The three front‐velocity vectors are decomposed into their x, y and z components, which are then assembled to the resultant velocity vector. The volume density flux of preferred flow is the product of the front velocity and the mobile water content. The latter is the amplitude of transient soil moisture measured with each wave‐guide. The resultant vector of the volume flux density is computed similarly to the velocity vector. The experimental approach allows for the rapid assessment of transient flows without relying on the variation of water potentials. The experiments indicate that the directions of the resultant vectors of velocity and volume flux density can be estimated if the moisture variations of the three TDR wave‐guides are strongly correlated during the passing of the wetting front. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Todd Redding  Kevin Devito 《水文研究》2010,24(21):2995-3010
Rainfall simulation experiments by Redding and Devito ( 2008 , Hydrological Processes 23: 4287–4300) on two adjacent plots of contrasting antecedent soil moisture storage on an aspen‐forested hillslope on the Boreal Plain showed that lateral flow generation occurred only once large soil storage capacity was saturated combined with a minimum event precipitation of 15–20 mm. This paper extends the results of Redding and Devito ( 2008 , Hydrological Processes 23: 4287–4300) with detailed analysis of pore pressure, soil moisture and tracer data from the rainfall simulation experiments, which is used to identify lateral flow generation mechanisms and flow pathways. Lateral flow was not generated until soils were wet into the fine textured C horizon. Lateral flow occurred dominantly through the clay‐rich Bt horizon by way of root channels. Lateral flow during the largest event was dominated by event water, and precipitation intensity was critical in lateral flow generation. Lateral flow was initiated as preferential flow near the soil surface into root channels, followed by development of a perched water table at depth, which also interacted with preferential flow pathways to move water laterally by the transmissivity feedback mechanism. The results indicate that lateral flow generated by rainfall on these hillslopes is uncommon because of the generally high available soil moisture storage capacity and the low probability of rainfall events of sufficient magnitude and intensity. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Preferential flow is known to influence hillslope hydrology in many areas around the world. Most research on preferential flow has been performed in temperate regions. Preferential infiltration has also been found in semi‐arid regions, but its impact on the hydrology of these regions is poorly known. The aim of this study is to describe and quantify the influence of preferential flow on the hillslope hydrology from small scale (infiltration) to large scale (subsurface stormflow) in a semi‐arid Dehesa landscape. Precipitation, soil moisture content, piezometric water level and discharge data were used to analyse the hydrological functioning of a catchment in Spain. Variability of soil moisture content during the transition from dry to wet season (September to November) within horizontal soil layers leads to the conclusion that there is preferential infiltration into the soils. When the rainfall intensity is high, a water level rapidly builds up in the piezometer pipes in the area, sometimes even reaching soil surface. This water level also drops back to bedrock within a few hours (under dry catchment conditions) to days (under wet catchment conditions). As the soil matrix is not necessarily wet while this water layer is built up, it is thought to be a transient water table in large connected pores which drain partly to the matrix, partly fill up bedrock irregularities and partly drain through subsurface flow to the channels. When the soil matrix becomes wetter the loss of water from macropores to the matrix and bedrock decreases and subsurface stormflow increases. It may be concluded that the hillslope hydrological system consists of a fine matrix domain and a macropore domain, which have their own flow characteristics but which also interact, depending on the soil matrix and macropore moisture contents. The macropore flow can result in subsurface flow, ranging from 13% contribution to total discharge for a large event of high intensity rainfall or high discharge to 80% of total discharge for a small event with low intensity rainfall or low discharge. During large events the fraction of subsurface stormflow in the discharge is suppressed by the large amount of surface runoff. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Soils derived from different lithologies and their controls on preferential flow remain underexplored in forested landscapes. In the same lithology, the propensity for preferential flow occurrence at different hillslope positions also remains largely elusive. By utilizing a soil moisture response time method, we compared preferential flow occurrence between a shale site (Shale Hills, silt loam soils) and a sandstone site (Garner Run, sandy loam soils) at four hillslope positions: ridge-top, North- and South-facing mid-slopes and toe slope, for over 2 years. The catchments are neighbouring and covered by temperate forest. For the four hillslope positions, Shale Hills had higher preferential flow frequencies compared to Garner Run. Between these two catchments, the South-facing mid-slope sites showed the highest contrasts in preferential flow frequency (33.5% of events at Shale Hills vs. 8.8% at Garner Run) while the ridge-top sites showed the lowest contrasts (18.7 vs. 13.2%). Additionally, over the unfrozen period, for seven out of eight monitoring sites, drier antecedent conditions tended to be more favourable for preferential flows to occur, with significant (p < .01) relationships at two sites. Except for the South-facing mid-slope sites, both Shale Hills and Garner Run had two preferential flow pathways. The characteristic preferential flow pathways at Shale Hills were the Bw and C horizons, and for Garner Run, preferential flow moved from the E/AE horizon to the Bw horizon. This study shows that shale-derived soils tended to have higher preferential flow occurrence than sandstone soils, but hillslope positions exhibit different levels of contrasts. More effort should be paid to study the impact of lithology on preferential flows in the context of land surface modelling and biogeochemical reactions to improve ecosystem services of headwater catchments.  相似文献   

Soil moisture plays a key role in the hydrological cycle as it controls the flux of water between soil, vegetation, and atmosphere. This study is focused on a year‐round estimation of soil moisture in a forested mountain area using the bucket model approach. For this purpose, three different soil moisture models are utilised. The procedure is based on splitting the whole year into two complement periods (dormant and vegetation). Model parameters are allowed to vary between the two periods and also from year to year in the calibration procedure. Consequently, two sets of average model parameters corresponding to dormant and vegetation seasons are proposed. The process of splitting is strongly supported by the experimental data, and it enables us to variate saturated hydraulic conductivity and pore‐size characterisation. The use of the two different parameter sets significantly enhances the simulation of two (Teuling and Troch model and soil water balance model‐green–ampt [SWBM‐GA]) out of three models in the 6‐year period from 2009 to 2014. For these two models, the overall Nash‐Sutcliffe coefficient increased from 0.64 to 0.79 and from 0.55 to 0.80. The third model (the Laio approach) proved to be insensitive to parameter changes due to its insufficient drainage prediction. The variability of the warm and cold parameter sets between particular years is more pronounced in the warm periods. The cold periods exhibited approximately similar character during all 6 years.  相似文献   

Soil water is very important in hilly areas with thin soil layers and deep groundwater tables, such as the karst peak‐cluster region of Southwest China. An investigation into soil water movement can provide insights into management of shallow water resources and soil nutrients, as well as prevention of groundwater pollution. In this study, 18O and 2H tracers were used to trace soil water movement in planar soil mass type microhabitats in the middle part of a steep hillslope covered by grasses in a karst peak‐cluster region of China. From May 2008 to July 2009, samples of precipitation and two types of soil water, which had different integrated degrees of mobility and were of different depth intervals or depths, were collected. The hydrogeochemical characteristics were compared between precipitation and soil water, and these data were applied in convolution‐based lumped parameter models. Our results indicated that vertical piston flow, rather than lateral flow along the soil–bedrock interface, played an important role in soil water percolation at least in the upper soil layer approximately 7 cm over the permeable bedrock. The mixing effect and preferential flow might also play a role in soil water percolation. In general, the evaporation effect on soil water was weak except for the uppermost 10 cm soil matrix water during winter. The lower limits of mean transit time of soil matrix flow passing through 5, 15, 25, 35, and 41.5 cm depths were 4.81, 7.70, 16.19, 21.85, and 27.44 days, respectively. Our study demonstrated the crucial functions of the soil reservoir in regulating the water cycle and could provide guidance on conservation of soil water and hydrological studies. The applied method was proved to be a suitable approach for investigating soil water movement on a monthly scale.  相似文献   

Preferential flowpaths transport phosphorus (P) to agricultural tile drains. However, if and to what extent this may vary with soil texture, moisture conditions, and P placement is poorly understood. This study investigated (a) interactions between soil texture, antecedent moisture conditions, and the relative contributions of matrix and preferential flow and (b) associated P distributions through the soil profile when fertilizers were applied to the surface or subsurface. Brilliant blue dye was used to stain subsurface flowpaths in clay and silt loam plots during simulated rainfall events under wet and dry conditions. Fertilizer P was applied to the surface or via subsurface placement to plots of different soil texture and moisture condition. Photographs of dye stains were analysed to classify the flow patterns as matrix dominated or macropore dominated, and soils within plots were analysed for their water‐extractable P (WEP) content. Preferential flow occurred under all soil texture and moisture conditions. Dye penetrated deeper into clay soils via macropores and had lower interaction with the soil matrix, compared with silt loam soil. Moisture conditions influenced preferential flowpaths in clay, with dry clay having deeper infiltration (92 ± 7.6 cm) and less dye–matrix interaction than wet clay (77 ± 4.7 cm). Depth of staining did not differ between wet (56 ± 7.2 cm) and dry (50 ± 6.6 cm) silt loam, nor did dominant flowpaths. WEP distribution in the top 10 cm of the soil profile differed with fertilizer placement, but no differences in soil WEP were observed at depth. These results demonstrate that large rainfall events following drought conditions in clay soil may be prone to rapid P transport to tile drains due to increased preferential flow, whereas flow in silt loams is less affected by antecedent moisture. Subsurface placement of fertilizer may minimize the risk of subsurface P transport, particularily in clay.  相似文献   

Lirong Lin  Jiazhou Chen 《水文研究》2015,29(9):2079-2088
Rain‐induced erosion and short‐term drought are the two factors that limit the productivity of croplands in the red soil region of subtropical China. The objective of this study was to estimate the effects of conservation practices on hydraulic properties and root‐zone water dynamics of the soil. A 3‐year experiment was performed on a slope at Xianning. Four treatments were evaluated for their ability to reduce soil erosion and improve soil water conditions. Compared with no practices (CK) and living grass strips (GS), the application of polyacrylamide (PAM) significantly reduced soil crust formation during intense rainfall, whereas rice straw mulching (SM) completely abolished soil crust formation. The SM and PAM treatments improved soil water‐stable aggregates, with a redistribution of micro‐aggregates into macro‐aggregates. PAM and SM significantly increased the soil water‐holding capacity. These practices mitigated the degradation of the soil saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ks) during intense rainfalls. These methods increased soil water storage but with limited effects during heavy rainfalls in the wet period. In contrast, during the dry period, SM had the highest soil water storage, followed by PAM and CK. Grass strips had the lowest soil water storage because of the water uptake during the vigorous grass growth. A slight decline in the soil moisture resulted in a significant decrease in the unsaturated hydraulic conductivity (Ku) of the topsoil. Therefore, the hydraulic conductivity in the field is governed by soil moisture, and the remaining soil moisture is more important than improving soil properties to resist short‐term droughts. As a result, SM is the most effective management practice when compared with PAM and GS, although they all protect the soil hydraulic properties during wet periods. These results suggest that mulching is the best strategy for water management in erosion‐threatened and drought‐threatened red soils. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Agricultural use of soils implies tillage and often compaction and therefore influences processes on soil surface and affects infiltration of water into the subsoil. Although many studies on soil surface processes or flow patterns in soils exist, works relating both are rare in literature. We did two tracer experiments with Brilliant Blue FCF on a tilled and compacted plot and a non‐tilled one to investigate water storage on the soil surface during simulated rainfall and changes of soil microtopography, to analyse the associated flow patterns in the soil and to relate both to tillage and compaction. Our results show that storage was larger on the tilled and compacted plot than on the non‐tilled one. After tillage, transport processes above the plough pan were partly disconnected from those underneath because macropores were disrupted and buried by the tillage operation. However, preferential flow along cracks occurred on both plots and the macropores buried below the tillage pan still functioned as preferential flow paths. Therefore, we conclude that the studied soil is susceptible to deep vertical solute propagation at dry conditions when cracks are open, irrespective of tillage and compaction. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Cosmic‐ray soil moisture sensors have the advantage of a large measurement footprint (approximately 700 m in diameter) and are able to operate continuously to provide area‐averaged near‐surface (top 10–20 cm) volumetric soil moisture content at the field scale. This paper presents the application of this technique at four sites in southern England over almost 3 years. Results show the soil moisture response to contrasting climatic conditions during 2011–2014 and are the first such field‐scale measurements made in the UK. These four sites are prototype stations for a UK COsmic‐ray Soil Moisture Observing System, and particular consideration is given to sensor operating conditions in the UK. Comparison of these soil water content observations with the Joint UK Land Environment Simulator 10‐cm soil moisture layer shows that these data can be used to test and diagnose model performance and indicate the potential for assimilation of these data into hydro‐meteorological models. The application of these large‐area soil water content measurements to evaluate remotely sensed soil moisture products is also demonstrated. Numerous applications and the future development of a national COsmic‐ray Soil Moisture Observing System network are discussed. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Field‐saturated soil hydraulic conductivity, Kfs, is highly variable. Therefore, interpreting and simulating hydrological processes, such as rainfall excess generation, need a large number of Kfs data even at the plot scale. Simple and reasonably rapid experiments should be carried out in the field. In this investigation, a simple infiltration experiment with a ring inserted shortly into the soil and the estimation of the so‐called α* parameter allowed to obtain an approximate measurement of Kfs. The theoretical approach was tested with reference to 149 sampling points established on Burundian soils. The estimated Kfs with the value of first approximation of α* for most agricultural field soils (α* = 0.012 mm?1) differed by a practically negligible maximum factor of two from the saturated conductivity obtained by the complete Beerkan Estimation of Soil Transfer parameters (BEST) procedure for soil hydraulic characterization. The measured infiltration curve contained the necessary information to obtain a site‐specific prediction of α*. The empirically derived α* relationship gave similar results for Kfs (mean = 0.085 mm s?1; coefficient of variation (CV) = 71%) to those obtained with BEST (mean = 0.086 mm s?1; CV = 67%), and it was also successfully tested with reference to a few Sicilian sampling points, since it yielded a mean and a CV of Kfs (0.0094 mm s?1 and 102%, respectively) close to the values obtained with BEST (mean = 0.0092 mm s?1; CV = 113%). The developed method appears attractive due to the extreme simplicity of the experiment. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this study, a field experiment was conducted to investigate the soil water dynamics and water percolation through the deep vadose zone. A calibrated HYDRUS‐1D model was used to simulate the process of soil water movement and the water budget. Based on the measured volumetric soil water contents, the model was well calibrated and validated. Then, we conducted scenario analyses to determine the combined effects of irrigation amount (IA), antecedent soil moisture (AM), crop evapotranspiration, and deep percolation (DP) in an irrigation event. Four IAs (5, 10, 15, and 20 cm) and three AM conditions (AM‐1, AM‐2, and AM‐3) were controlled in the scenario analyses. The results indicate that according to the Se's (effective saturation) values status and the observed or simulated depth, there could be different conclusions on the influence of DP. Under different IAs in dry (AM‐1) and medium (AM‐2) AM status, DP changed slightly; it was 0.39 and 2.47 cm in AM‐1 and 0.40 and 2.48 cm in AM‐2 for the summer maize and winter wheat crop, respectively; the AM had a crucial contribution to DP. While under the condition of wet AM (AM‐3) or small observation depth, the water inputs could have a significant effect on DP. According to increasing irrigation intensity, the higher values of Se (>0.6) in the whole profile were only displayed between 70 and 300 cm at AM‐1, 70–500 cm at AM‐2, and 70‐below 600 cm at AM‐3, which were gradually extended and moved down with increasing AM. Hence, the IA significantly affected the water percolation at a depth of 200 cm, whereas there was a weak influence at 600 cm except in AM‐3. Furthermore, in the higher values of the Se (>0.65) domain, the correlation between IA and DP was an exponential function and significantly under P < 0.05. In addition, DP began to occur when the soil water content was equal to or greater than 0.75 times that of the field water capacity or the Se > 0.65. When the coarse silt layer became embedded in the silt clay soil profile, it lagged the process of water transport but did not affect permeability in the end.  相似文献   

The form and functioning of peatlands depend strongly on their hydrological status, but there are few data available on the hydraulic properties of tropical peatlands. In particular, the saturated hydraulic conductivity (K) has not previously been measured in neotropical peatlands. Piezometer slug tests were used to measure K at two depths (50 and 90 cm) in three contrasting forested peatlands in the Peruvian Amazon: Quistococha, San Jorge and Buena Vista. Measured K at 50 cm depth varies between 0.00032 and 0.11 cm s?1, and at 90 cm, it varies between 0.00027 and 0.057 cm s?1. Measurements of K taken from different areas of Quistococha showed that spatial heterogeneity accounts for ~20% of the within‐site variance and that depth is a good predictor of K. However, K did not vary significantly with depth at Buena Vista and San Jorge. Statistical analysis showed that ~18% of the variance in the K data can be explained by between‐site differences. Simulations using a simple hydrological model suggest that the relatively high K values could lead to lowering of the water table by >10 cm within ~48 m of the peatland edge for domed peatlands, if subjected to a drought lasting 30 days. However, under current climatic conditions, even with high K, peatlands would be unable to shed the large amount of water entering the system via rainfall through subsurface flow alone. We conclude that most of the water leaves these peatlands via overland flow and/or evapotranspiration. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Entrapped gas bubbles in peat can alter the buoyancy, storativity, void ratio and expansion/contraction properties of the peat. Moreover, when gas bubbles block water‐conducting pores they can significantly reduce saturated hydraulic conductivity and create zones of over‐pressuring, perhaps leading to an alteration in the magnitude and direction of groundwater flow and solute transport. Some previous researches have demonstrated that these zones of over‐pressuring are not observed by the measurements of pore‐water pressures using open‐pipe piezometers in peat; rather, they are only observed with pressure transducers sealed in the peat. In has been hypothesized that open‐pipe piezometers vent entrapped CH4 to the atmosphere and thereby do not permit the natural development of zones of entrapped gas. Here we present findings of the study to investigate whether piezometers vent subsurface CH4 to the atmosphere and whether the presence of piezometers alters the subsurface concentration of dissolved CH4. We measured the flux of methane venting from the piezometers and also determined changes in pore‐water CH4 concentration at a rich fen in southern Ontario and a poor fen in southern Quebec, in the summer of 2004. Seasonally averaged CH4 flux from piezometers was 1450 and 37·8‐mg CH4 m?2 d?1 at the southern Ontario site and Quebec site, respectively. The flux at the Ontario site was two orders of magnitude greater than the diffusive flux at the site. CH4 pore‐water concentrations were significantly lower in open piezometers than in water taken from sealed samplers at both the Ontario and Quebec sites. The flux of CH4 from piezometers decreased throughout the season suggesting that CH4 venting through the piezometer exceeded the rate of methanogenesis in the peat. Consequently we conclude that piezometers may alter the gas dynamics of some peatlands. We suggest that less‐invasive techniques (e.g. buried pressure transducers, tracer experiments) are needed for the accurate measurement of pore‐water pressures and hydraulic conductivity in peatlands with a large entrapped gas component. Furthermore, we argue that caution must be made in interpreting results from previous peatland hydrology studies that use these traditional methods. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Models for contaminant transport in streams commonly idealize transient storage as a well mixed but immobile system. These transient storage models capture rapid (near‐stream) hyporheic storage and transport, but do not account for large‐scale, stage‐dependent interaction with the alluvial aquifer. The objective of this research was to document transient storage of phosphorus (P) in coarse gravel alluvium potentially influenced by large‐scale, stage‐dependent preferential flow pathways (PFPs). Long‐term monitoring was performed at floodplain sites adjacent to the Barren Fork Creek and Honey Creek in northeastern Oklahoma. Based on results from subsurface electrical resistivity mapping which was correlated to hydraulic conductivity data, observation wells were installed both in higher hydraulic conductivity and lower hydraulic conductivity subsoils. Water levels in the wells were monitored over time, and water samples were obtained from the observation wells and the stream to document P concentrations at multiple times during high flow events. Contour plots indicating direction of flow were developed using water table elevation data. Contour plots of total P concentrations showed the alluvial aquifer acting as a transient storage zone, with P‐laden stream water heterogeneously entering the aquifer during the passage of a storm pulse, and subsequently re‐entering the stream during baseflow conditions. Some groundwater in the alluvial floodplains had total P concentrations that mirrored the streams' total P concentrations. A detailed analysis of P forms indicated that particulate P (i.e. P attached to particulates greater than 0·45 µm) was a significant portion of the P transport. This research suggests the need for more controlled studies on stage‐dependent transient storage in alluvial systems. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

TOPMODEL rainfall‐runoff hydrologic concepts are based on soil saturation processes, where soil controls on hydrograph recession have been represented by linear, exponential, and power function decay with soil depth. Although these decay formulations have been incorporated into baseflow decay and topographic index computations, only the linear and exponential forms have been incorporated into infiltration subroutines. This study develops a power function formulation of the Green and Ampt infiltration equation for the case where the power n = 1 and 2. This new function was created to represent field measurements in the New York City, USA, Ward Pound Ridge drinking water supply area, and provide support for similar sites reported by other researchers. Derivation of the power‐function‐based Green and Ampt model begins with the Green and Ampt formulation used by Beven in deriving an exponential decay model. Differences between the linear, exponential, and power function infiltration scenarios are sensitive to the relative difference between rainfall rates and hydraulic conductivity. Using a low‐frequency 30 min design storm with 4·8 cm h?1 rain, the n = 2 power function formulation allows for a faster decay of infiltration and more rapid generation of runoff. Infiltration excess runoff is rare in most forested watersheds, and advantages of the power function infiltration routine may primarily include replication of field‐observed processes in urbanized areas and numerical consistency with power function decay of baseflow and topographic index distributions. Equation development is presented within a TOPMODEL‐based Ward Pound Ridge rainfall‐runoff simulation. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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