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M. Podolak  A. Bar-Nun 《Icarus》1979,39(2):272-276
The physics of aerosols in Titan's atmosphere is examined, and a simple relatioshi particle size, optical depth, and aerosol replacement rate is derived. The consequences for current models of Titan's aerosol distribution are discussed.  相似文献   

《Planetary and Space Science》2007,55(14):2071-2076
We have developed a new method to analyse in situ observations of atmospheric variables of state: the reconstruction of the vertical temperature profile from pressure measurements accompanied by rough knowledge of the atmospheric composition and the aerodynamical response properties of the descent vehicle. We can use the method to construct the temperature profile when no direct measurements are available, as well as to analyse the consistency between data from different instruments. We applied the method to the Huygens measurements of Titan's atmosphere, determining the aerodynamical drag properties from radar altimeter data. We discovered that the temperature profile computed in this manner differs from the profile from the temperature sensor (TEM) of the probe by up to 5% in the altitude range of 0–60 km, and up to 10% at higher altitudes due to increased noise. The method gives a tropopause altitude of about 50 km and a surface temperature of about 98 K, in contrast to the TEM temperature measurements. Our error analysis shows that these differences are caused by the known discrepancy in the Huygens altimeter data, with the estimates made by the reconstruction algorithm contributing only 1–2% of error.  相似文献   

We present far-infrared observations of Saturn in the wavelength band 76–116 μm, using a balloon-borne 75-cm telescope launched on 10 December 1980 from Hyderabad, India, when B′, the Saturnicentric latitude of the Sun, was 4°.3. Normalizing with respect to Jupiter, we find the average brightness temperature of the disk-ring system to be 90 ± 3° K. Correcting for the contribution from rings using experimental information on the brightness temperature of rings at 20 μm, we find TD, the brightness temperature of the disk, to be 96.9 ± 3.5° K. The systematic errors and the correction for the ring contribution are small for our observations. We, therefore, make use of our estimate of TD and earlier observations of Saturn when contribution from the rings was large and find that for wavelengths greater than 50 μm, there is a small reduction in the ring brightness temperature as compared to that at 20 μm.  相似文献   

A dispersion relation is derived for acoustic-gravity waves propagating in a multiconstituent gas whose atoms and molecules are subject to relaxational exchanges of thermal energy between translational and internal forms. The relation employs a complex thermal capacitance, derived in a companion paper, which incorporates the relaxational effects. Approximations to this relation permit ready assessment of the attenuation of wave amplitude and energy that relaxation produces, both in absolute amount and relative to viscous attenuation.In Earth's upper atmosphere, relaxational attenuation is found to be of greatest potential consequence in the middle and upper E region. Both electronic relaxation in atomic oxygen and vibrational relaxation in molecular oxygen and nitrogen appear to be capable of playing a significant role, but it is found that the actual significance of their roles cannot be assessed adequately because of present uncertainties of governing parameters (and, in the case of vibrational relaxation, of governing collisional interactions). Similar uncertainties are found to surround the role that relaxation, notably in atomic oxygen, may play in the termination of turbulence near the 110 km level.  相似文献   

The velocity distribution of atoms in an exosphere can be used to constrain source and loss processes. The velocity distribution itself can be constrained by observing the line profile of an atmospheric emission line. The only atomic species known to exist in the Hermean exosphere that has a strong enough resonance transition in the visible spectrum that its line profile can be observed from the ground with existing instruments is sodium. Line profiles of the sodium D2 emission (5889 A) were obtained at two facilities. On 29 and 30 May 1997, we obtained line profiles with the 107 inch telescope at The McDonald Observatory at coude focus. On 6 January 1998, we obtained line profiles at the Anglo–Australian telescope. The line profiles show that the sodium in Mercury’s atmosphere is at least 700 K hotter than the surface temperature throughout the atmosphere. This implies that the interaction of the Na atoms with the surface is governed by energetic processes.  相似文献   

We analyze the interactions between Saturn's coorbital satellites, Janus and Epimetheus, and the outer edge of the A ring, which is presumably maintained by these moons at their 7:6 resonance. Using two distinct but conceptually related methods, we show that ring torques are driving these satellites into a tighter lock. Unless there is a counterbalancing force which we have neglected, their orbital configuration will evolve from the current horseshoe-type lock to one of tadpole orbits around a single Lagrange point in ~20 myr. This finding adds an additional member to the list of short time scale problems associated with the interactions between Saturn's rings and its inner moons  相似文献   

Atoms which escape Titan's atmosphere are unlikely to possess escape velocity from Saturn, and can orbit the planet until lost by ionization or collision with Titan. It is predicted that a toroidal ring of between ~1 and ~103 atoms or molecules cm?3 exists around Saturn at a distance of about 10 times the radius of the visible rings. This torus may be detectable from Earth-orbit and detection of nondetection of it may provide some information about the presence or absence of a Saturnian magnetic field, and the exospheric temperature and atmospheric escape rate of Titan. It is estimated that, if Titan has a large exosphere, ~97% or more of the escaping atoms can be recaptured by Titan, thereby decreasing the effective net atmospheric loss rate by up to two orders of magnitude. With such a reduction in atmospheric loss rates, it becomes more plausible to suggest that satellites previously thought too small to retain an atmosphere may have one. It is suggested that Saturn be examined by Lyman-α and other observations to search for the gaseous torus of Titan. If successful, these could then be extended to other satellites.The effect of a hypothetical Saturnian magnetosphere on the atmosphere of Titan is investigated. It is shown that, if Saturn has a magnetic field comparable to Jupiter's (~10 G at the planetary surface), the magnetospheric plasma can supply Titan with hydrogen at a rate comparable to the loss rates in some of the models of Trafton (1972) and Sagan (1973). A major part of the Saturnian ionospheric escape flux (~ 1027 photoelectrons sec?1) could perhaps be captured by Titan. At the upper limit, this rate of hydrogen input to the satellite could total ~0.1 atm pressure over the lifetime of the solar system, an amount comparable to estimates of the present atmospheric pressure of Titan.  相似文献   

The Voyager Ultraviolet Spectrometer has made extensive observations of airglow from Jupiter's dark-side equatorial latitudes. The brightness of H Lyman α (Lyα), the only emission detected, varies between 700 and 1000 rayleighs (R) as a function of lungitude. The dark side of Jupiter is illuminated by sky background Lyα arising from resonance scattering of the solar Lyα line by the neutral hydrogen of the interstellar medium. Calculations show that resonance scattering of this sky background by hydrogen in Jupiter's thermosphere will produce about 300 R of Lyα emission. The additional Lyα observed is probably excited by electrons and protons precipitating at equatorial latitudes. Based on the 500-R upper limit set here on the dark-side H2 Lyman and Werner bands, and the Lyα measurements, the exciting particles are thought to have a soft energy spectrum and deposit about 0.04 erg cm?2 sec?1 in the atmosphere. There is evidence for an asymmetrical precipitation pattern associated with the longitudinal variation in Ly α emission, and a suggestion of a strong day-night difference in precipitation as well.  相似文献   

The region in the Saturn system between the F ring and the outer edge of the A ring is an area that appears, in images from the imaging experiment, to be virtually devoid of material except for three small satellites. Near the orbit of 1980S28, Atlas—the innermost satellite—the Voyager Photopolarimeter Stellar Occultation data show a discontinuity in count rate which marks a boundary between the tenuous materials near the outer edge of the A ring and the orbit of Atlas. The data pertaining to this region have been examined with the aid of statistics and models generated from other similar ring structures. It is concluded that the discontinuity is real, implying the existence of tenuous material of normal optical depth of 0.01 to 0.006 in this region.  相似文献   

《New Astronomy》2007,12(5):398-409
We develop a numerical solver for radiative transfer problems based on the weighted essentially nonoscillatory (WENO) scheme modified with anti-diffusive flux corrections, in order to solve the temperature and ionization profiles around a point source of photons in the reionization epoch. Algorithms for such simulation must be able to handle the following two features: (1) the sharp profiles of ionization and temperature at the ionizing front (I-front) and the heating front (T-front), and (2) the fraction of neutral hydrogen within the ionized sphere is extremely small due to the stiffness of the rate equations of atom processes. The WENO scheme can properly handle these two features, as it has been shown to have high order of accuracy and good convergence in capturing discontinuities and complicated structures in fluid as well as to be significantly superior over piecewise smooth solutions containing discontinuities. With this algorithm, we show the time-dependence of the preheated shell around a UV photon source. In the first stage the I-front and T-front are coincident, and propagate with almost the speed of light. In later stage, when the frequency spectrum of UV photons is hardened, the speeds of propagation of the ionizing and heating fronts are both significantly less than the speed of light, and the heating front is always beyond the ionizing front. In the spherical shell between the I- and T-fronts, the IGM is heated, while atoms keep almost neutral. The time scale of the preheated shell evolution is dependent on the intensity of the photon source. We also find that the details of the pre-heated shell and the distribution of neutral hydrogen remained in the ionized sphere are actually sensitive to the parameters used. The WENO algorithm can provide stable and robust solutions to study these details.  相似文献   

A one-dimensional radiative-convective model is used to compute temperature and water vapor profiles as functions of solar flux for an Earth-like atmosphere. The troposphere is assumed to be fully saturated, with a moist adiabatic lapse rate, and changes in cloudiness are neglected. Predicted surface temperatures increase monotonically from ?1 to 111°C as the solar flux increased from 0.81 to 1.45 times its present value. Surface temperatures corresponding to high solar fluxes may be underestimated, however, owing to neglect of H2O continuum absorption outside of the 8- to 12-μm window region. These results imply that the surface temperature of a primitive water-rich Venus should have been at least 80–100°C and may have been much higher. The existence of liquid water at the surface depends on poorly known aspects of H2O continuum absorption and on uncertainties concerning relative humidity and cloudiness. In any case, water vapor should have been a major atmospheric constituent at all altitudes, leading to the rapid hydrodynamic escape of hydrogen. The oxygen left behind by this process was presumably consumed by reactions with reduced minerals in the crust. Both the loss of oxygen and the presently observed enrichment of the deuterium-to-hydrogen ratio are most easily explained if oceans of liquid water were initially present.  相似文献   

An error in the Hayes and Belton (1977), Icarus32, 383–401) estimate of the rotation period of Neptune is corrected. If Neptune exhibits the same degree of limb darkening as Uranus near 4900 Å, the rotation period is 15.4 ± 3 hr. This value is compatible with a recent spectroscopic determination of Munch and Hippelein (1979) who find a period of 11.2?1.2+1.8 hr. However, if, as indirect evidence suggests, the law of darkening on Neptune at these wavelengths is less pronounced than on Uranus, then the above estimates may need to be lengthened by several hours. Recent photometric data are independently analyzed and are found to admit several possible periods, none of which can be confidently assumed to be correct. The period of Neptune most probably falls somewhere in the range 15–20 hr. The Hayes-Belton estimate of the period of Uranus is essentially unaffected by the above-mentioned error and remains at 24 ± 4 hr. All observers agree that the rotation period of Uranus is longer than that of Neptune.  相似文献   

Using the Boltzmann-Fokker-Planck method and the local approximation we derive coupled non-linear equations for the electron and ion concentrations and the energy-dependent electron distribution function in the Earth's lower ionosphere. These equations are new and give the appropriate generalization of the standard electron-ion continuity equations in the local approximation when electron-neutral particle impact ionization is treated rigorously. We report stable, numerical solutions to these equations and compare our calculated electron concentration to the experimentally determined result for a rocket experiment where the electron concentration and solar EUV spectral flux were measured simultaneously.  相似文献   

The equivalent circuit method (Stening,1968, 1971) is used to calculate contributions to ionospheric currents and fields from e.m.f.'s in different latitude bands. Tables are presented showing the different contributions in the case of separate operation of the ‘1,-2’, ‘2.2’ and ‘2.4’ tidal modes. It is suggested that tidal energy may on occasion leak through to the dynamo region in only a restricted region.  相似文献   

Five years of Cassini Imaging Science Subsystem images, from 2004 to 2009, are analyzed in this work to retrieve global zonal wind profiles of Saturn’s northern and southern hemispheres in the methane absorbing bands at 890 and 727 nm and in their respective adjacent continuum wavelengths of 939 and 752 nm. A complete view of Saturn’s global circulation, including the equator, at two pressure levels, in the tropopause (60 mbar to 250 mbar with the MT filters) and in the upper troposphere (from ∼350 mbar to ∼500 mbar with the CB filter set), is presented. Both zonal wind profiles (available at the Supplementary Material Section), show the same structure but with significant differences in the peak of the eastward jets and the equatorial region, including a region of positive vertical shear symmetrically located around the equator between the 10° < |φc| < 25° where zonal velocities close to the tropopause are higher than at 500 mbar. A comparison of previously published zonal wind sets obtained by Voyager 1 and 2 (1980-1981), Hubble Space Telescope, and ground-based telescopes (1990-2004) with the present Cassini profiles (2004-2009) covering a full Saturn year shows that the shape of the zonal wind profile and intensity of the jets has remained almost unchanged except at the equator, despite the seasonal insolation cycle and the variability of Saturn’s emitted power. The major wind changes occurred at equatorial latitudes, perhaps following the Great White Spot eruption in 1990. It is not evident from our study if the seasonal insolation cycle and its associated ring shadowing influence the equatorial circulation at cloud level.  相似文献   

Measuring the spatial distribution of chemical compounds in Saturn’s stratosphere is critical to better understand the planet’s photochemistry and dynamics. Here we present an analysis of infrared spectra in the range 600-1400 cm−1 acquired in limb geometry by the Cassini spacecraft between March 2005 and January 2008. We first determine the vertical temperature profiles from 3 to 0.01 hPa, at latitudes ranging from 70°N to 80°S. We infer a similar meridional temperature gradient at 1-2 hPa as in recent previous studies [Fletcher, L.N., Irwin, P.G.J., Teanby, N.A., Orton, G.S., Parrish, P.D., de Kok, R., Howett, C., Calcutt, S.B., Bowles, N., Taylor, F.W., 2007. Icarus 189, 457-478; Howett, C.J.A., Irwin, P.G.J., Teanby, N.A., Simon-Miller, A., Calcutt, S.B., Fletcher, L.N., de Kok, R., 2007. Icarus 190, 556-572]. We then retrieve the vertical profiles of C2H6 and C2H2 from 3 to 0.01 hPa and of C3H8 around 1 hPa. At 1 hPa, the meridional variation of C2H2 is found to follow the yearly averaged solar insolation, except for a strong equatorial mole fraction of 8×10-7, nearly two times higher than expected. This enhancement in abundance can be explained by the descent of hydrocarbon-rich air, with a vertical wind speed at the equator of 0.25±0.1 mm/s at 1 hPa and 0.4±0.15 mm/s at 0.1 hPa. The ethane distribution is relatively uniform at 1 hPa, with only a moderate 25% increase from 35°S to 80°S. Propane is found to increase from north to south by a factor of 1.9, suggesting that its lifetime may be shorter than Saturn’s year at 1 hPa. At high altitudes (1 Pa), C2H2 and C2H6 abundances depart significantly from the photochemical model predictions of Moses and Greathouse [Moses, J.I., Greathouse, T.K., 2005. J. Geophys. Res. 110, 9007], except at high southern latitudes (62, 70 and 80°S) and near the equator. The observed abundances are found strongly depleted in the 20-40°S region and enhanced in the 20-30°N region, the latter coinciding with the ring’s shadow. We favor a dynamical explanation for these anomalies.  相似文献   

The daily averages of the dawn and dusk observed exospheric temperatures (deduced from solar EUV attenuation measurements between 250 and 400 km) are presented for 280 days from day 227, 1969. They are compared with the empirical model of the US Standard Atmosphere Supplements 1966 and the Jacchia 35 H model. Although consistently lower temperatures than either model were found, a better fit to the latter rather than the former was observed. The exospheric response to solar and geomagnetic activity is investigated, and refinements to the models are suggested.  相似文献   

Radio occultation observations of Saturn's rings with Voyager 1 provided independent measurements of complex (amplitude and phase) microwave extinction and near-forward scattering cross section of the rings at wavelengths (λ) of 3.6 and 13 cm. The ring opening was 5.9°. The normal microwave opacities, τ[3.6] and τ[13], provide a measure of the total cross-sectional area of particles larger than about 1 and 4 cm radius, respectively. Ring C exhibits gently undulating (~ 1000 km) structure of normal opacity τ[3.6] ? 0.25 except for several narrow imbedded ringlets of less than about 100 km width and τ[3.6] ~ 0.5 to 1.0. The normalized differential opacity Δτ/τ[3.6], where Δτ = τ[3.6] ? τ[13], is about 0.3 over most of ring C, indicating a substantial fraction of centimeter-size particles. Some narrow imbedded ringlets show marked increases in Δτ/τ[3.6] near their edges, implying an enhancement in the relative population of centimeter-size and smaller particles at those locations. In the Cassini division, several sharply defined gaps separate regions of opacity τ ~ 0.08 and τ ~ 0.25; the opacity in the Cassini Division appears to be nearly independent of λ. The boundary features at the outer edges of ring C and the Cassini Division are remarkably similar in width and opacity profile, suggesting a similar dynamical control. Ring A appears to be nearly homogeneous over much of its width with 0.6 < τ[3.6] < 0.8 but with considerable thickening, to τ[3.6] ~ 1.0, near its inner boundary with the Cassini division. Normalized differential opacity decreases from ~0.3 at the inner and outer edges of ring A to Δτ/τ[3.6] ~ 0 at a point about one-third of the distance from the inner edge to the outer. The inner one-fourth of ring B has τ[3.6] ~ 1.0, except very near the boundary with ring C, where it is greater. The outer three-fourths of ring B has τ[3.6] ? 1.2. The differential opacity for the inner one-fourth of ring B is Δτ/τ[3.6] ~ 0.15. There are no gaps in ring B exceeding about 2 km in width. Ring F was observed at 3.6 cm as a single ringlet of radial width ? 2 km, but was not detected in 13 cm data.  相似文献   

A spacecraft penetrating into the dense cloud of ambient gas and dust particles in the coma of Halley's Comet, is exposed to a bombardment by these particles having a high kinetic energy due to the large velocity of the spacecraft relative to the cometary coma. The interaction of the spacecraft and cometary neutral particles was simulated by using neutral beams of different species directed towards various target materials such as aluminium, gold and the white conductive paint PCB-Z. The kinetic energy of the primary beam covered, depending on the species, the range from about 700 eV up to more than 3 keV and contained, except for H2O, the expected specific ram energy of 24eVamu. The highest achievable density corresponded to a distance of slightly less than 104 km off the nucleus. Upon impact on the surface of the target, emission of charged as well as neutral secondary particles was initiated. The yields of the charged particles were derived from measurements of the electrical current produced by secondary ions or electrons. The obtained results for the yields complement other measurements performed in parallel to this work. The derived floating potentials show somewhat lower voltages than obtained by model calculations. It was found that for the metallic targets, the acquired charging potential due to neutral gas impact lies between 4 and 6 V. In the case of PCB-Z, the averaged floating potential amounts to about 14 V.  相似文献   

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