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Summary Petrophysical properties (susceptibility, intensity of the Natural Remanent Magnetisation (NRM) and bulk density) of 489 meteorite samples from 368 meteorites are discussed. The samples, obtained from Finnish meteorite collections, represent all chemical-petrological meteorite classes and their groups. This meteorite petrophysical database has many potential applications in the geophysical studies of extraterrestrial bodies (planets and their moons, asteroids, meteorite parent bodies, etc.). Here we use the database to classify meteorites rapidly and non-destructively by applying the petrophysical classification scheme developed by Kukkonen and Pesonen [10]. For example, the main classes and many groups form distinct clusters in petrophysical relation diagrams such as susceptibility vs. density or NRM vs. susceptibility. The petrophysical classification method was tested on 24 meteorites from Czechoslovak, 3 from Swedish and one from Australian collections. The chemical-mineralogical classifications of these meteorites were previously known. The subjective classification method was also compared with a mathematical cluster analysis. The subjective classification technique was successful in 64% to 93% of the cases whereas the mathematical analysis was successful in 57% to 82% of the cases. The failures can be attributed to (i) non-uniqueness problems (cluster plots overlap) and (ii) effects of porosity, self-demagnetisation, electrical conductivity and frequency on measured values, or to biasing caused by small sample size.  相似文献   

The variation of the low-field susceptibility of basalts down to liquid-nitrogen temperature always falls into one of three types that depend on the composition and grain size of the titanomagnetite grains present. Group 1 basalts contain predominantly unoxidised, multidomain homogeneous titanomagnetites having x 0.3. Group 2 basalts contain predominantly titanomagnetite grains with many exsolved ilmenite lamallae that subdivide the grains so that they act similarly to single domains. Group 3 basalts contain predominantly multidomain magnetite or magnetite-rich titanomagnetite having x 0.15. After repeated heating to 615°C, the group 1 basalts gradually oxidise above 300°C to produce the characteristics of group 2 basalts, owing to the exsolution of ilmenite. On the other hand, both group 2 and 3 basalts are stable to oxidation until at least 500°C. They are therefore the most useful material for palaeointensity studies.  相似文献   

The concentration of Ba in 7 carbonaceous chondrites, 18 ordinary chondrites, 3 achondrites and 1 stony-iron meteorite has been determined by the stable isotope dilution technique using solid source mass spectrometry. Analysis of the C1 chondrite Orgueil indicates a small adjustment of the “cosmic” abundance of Ba to 4.2 on the Si=106 abundance scale. The present work provides a more complete coverage of a number of meteorite classes than has so far been available for the abundance of Ba in stony meteorites.  相似文献   


碳是影响岩石电导率大小的一个重要因素,可能是造成龙门山断层带电导率异常的重要原因之一.为了研究不同的碳含量、矿物颗粒粒径与碳晶体结构对断层带电导率的影响,在干燥、常温、0.2~300 MPa的压力条件下实验研究了人工模拟断层泥样品(石英粉末与含碳粉末混合的样品,简称模拟样品)和采自映秀-北川断层八角庙剖面的天然断层岩样品(简称天然样品)的电导率.实验结果显示,当模拟样品中的含碳粉末连通时,电导率与碳体积率的关系符合逾渗理论模型;而含碳粉末未连通时,电导率随总孔隙度降低而指数性升高.同时模拟样品的电导率也随石英颗粒粒径的变化而发生改变.相比于模拟样品中的含碳粉末主要分布于石英颗粒支撑的孔隙中,天然样品中的碳则主要以碳膜的形式赋存在颗粒边缘,导致碳体积率相同的条件下,模拟样品的电导率小于天然样品.此外,天然样品的电导率( < 9×10-4 S·m-1)也要小于野外大地电磁探测的结果(0.03~0.1 S·m-1).在今后的实验中还需要考虑在动态摩擦条件下对含有完整含碳结构的天然样品进行电导率的实验研究.


频率信号激励下岩石电性参数研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
物性实验是建立地质与地球物理关系的基础,同时也是对地球物理勘查资料进行合理解释的条件之一.本文通过总结以往的研究工作,对获取不同激发信号下电阻率值的实验装置、应注意的问题和应服从的模型进行分析,并针对Cole-Cole模型进行了理论计算与实际模拟电路的物理实验对比研究,提出了未来值得深入研究的几个方面.  相似文献   

An adequate theory of continental drift can be based on heat transfer theory, but it does demand the acceptance of a large downward revision of traditional estimates of average upper mantle temperatures and a consistent understanding of lithosphere and asthenosphere in terms of a difference in rheological behaviour under prolonged non-hydrostatic stress. The recognition that an extremely viscous average state of the upper mantle is self regulating both requires and permits an explanation of magma generation at a strictly limited rate (when averaged for the whole planet over a few years) in terms of unsteady and local deformational heating.The activity of water as a reducer of silicate creep resistance is used to develop the hypothesis that water produced by an amphibole dehydration has been effectively trapped in the Earth and is the underlying cause of a low seismic Q ~ 50 and an electrical conductivity 10?2 ?10?1 ohm?1 m?1, at depths of ~ 100 km. At the predicted low horizontally-avera temperatures, the conductivity contrast of rock and aqueous solutions is very large, and mantle electrical conductivity studies now look best-suited to explore this trapping process, and the distinctly recognisable possibility that the uptake of ocean water in the subduction process exceeds the rate of loss that can be explained purely through magmatic activity.  相似文献   

High-voltage electron microscopy has been used to study the fine structure of four gas-rich meteorites, with particular reference to the cementation and compaction processes that have affected the fine-grained matrix. The observed features are compared with similar effects in lunar breccias. Lithification is attributed to the passage of shock waves through porous aggregates, causing deformation whose intensity varied spatially on a small scale, the most intense deformation and heating effects being concentrated at the edges of large grains and in the matrix between them. It is inferred that relatively mild shocks have produced amorphous cement between matrix grains in the achondrite Khor Temiki and the chondrite Weston. Relatively intense shock is inferred for specimens of the chondrites St. Mesmin and Pantar. These have non-porous, completely crystalline matrices, and fine-grained black veins which fill cracks in relatively large deformed grains. Recrystallization of some deformed material is attributed to shock-heating, which was not sustained long enough to erase the irradiation record from all the relatively large grains. Matrix recrystallization without extensive melting constitutes a metamorphic event, and the observations indicate that shock was responsible for the metamorphism experienced by these chondrites at relatively late stages of the evolution of their parent bodies.  相似文献   

A number of group IVA iron meteorites show metallographic features suggesting that a shock annealing event intervened during the formation of the Widmanstatten structure. This could complicate the estimation of cooling rates based on diffusion profile methods but would have less influence on methods based upon macroscopic measurements of kamacite band widths.  相似文献   

陨石磁学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陨石磁学研究是认识太阳系以及太阳系中星体的形成、演化以及生命起源等基础科学问题的重要研究内容.磁化率测量作为一种经济、快速、无损的手段被广泛应用于陨石分类,陨石中的磁性物质以及其携带的剩磁特征不仅为分析陨石的来源提供了约束,而且为研究早期太阳系磁场提供了重要信息.本文主要评述陨石磁学的重要进展以及存在的问题与对策.  相似文献   

铁镍合金是陨石中重要的磁性物质,其中铁纹石、镍纹石和四方镍纹石是球粒陨石中的主要铁镍合金.然而,迄今针对陨石中铁镍合金的磁学性质研究仍非常缺乏.本文研究了吉林陨石中的铁纹石、四方镍纹石、以及陨硫铁的磁学特征.实验表明,镍含量为6%~7%的铁纹石是该陨石中最主要的铁镍合金物质,它具有低矫顽力和高的热稳定性,居里温度~750 ℃.镍含量为~48%的四方镍纹石具有高矫顽力和高的热稳定性,居里温度~565 ℃,它是剩磁的主要载体.陨硫铁在室温为反铁磁性,不具有载剩磁能力,在60 K左右存在一个低温转换,在氩气中加热较稳定而在空气中加热被氧化转化为磁铁矿.这些研究结果为鉴定球粒陨石中的磁性物质提供了依据.  相似文献   

We present the measured dielectric constant and conductivity of soil samples contaminated by diesel oil. Measurements of the electrical properties of contaminated soil were carried out using a guarded-electrode sample holder and a parallel-plate sample holder in the frequency range 2–250 MHz. Two different soil samples were measured. Both the dielectric constant and the conductivity of the contaminated soils and uncontaminated soils are compared. The measurement results show that the change in the dielectric constant of soils before and after diesel oil contamination is small but significant. These results provide a basis for using ground-penetrating radar or other high-frequency electromagnetic sensors in the detection of soil contamination.  相似文献   

Frequency dependent electrical properties of minerals and partial-melts   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The resistance to current flow of minerals and partial-melts is a frequency dependent electrical property. Measurements of the frequency dependent electrical impedance of single crystal olivine, polycrystalline olivine, dunites, metapelites, and partial-melts, between 10–4 and 105 Hz, when plotted in the complex impedance plane, reveal arcs that correspond to different conduction mechanisms in the material being studied. In polycrystalline materials, two impedance arcs related to material properties (as opposed to electrode properties or electrode-sample interactions) are observed. Each impedance arc is activated over a distinct range of frequency, that is, the mechanisms occur in series. Based on experiments comparing single and polycrystalline impedance spectra, experiments on samples with different electrode configurations, and on samples of varying dimension, the mechanisms responsible for these impedance arcs are interpreted as grain interior conduction ( gi ), grain boundary conduction (in polycrystalline materials; gb ), and sample-electrode interface effects, from highest to lowest frequency, respectively. Impedance spectra of natural dunitic rocks reveal analogous behavior, that is, gb and gi add in series. The grain boundaries do not enhance the conductivity of any of the materials studied (a direct result of the observed series electrical behavior) and, under certain conditions, limit the total conductivity of the grain interior-grain boundary system. By examining the frequency dependence of the electrical properties of partial-melts, it is possible to gain information about microstructure and the distribution of the melt phase and to determine the conditions under which the presence of melt enhances the total conductivity. Impedance spectra of olivine-basalt partial-melts indicate that at least two conduction mechanisms occur in series over the frequency range 10–4-105 Hz, similar to the observed electrical response of melt-absent polycrystalline materials. In a sample containing isolated melt pockets the intermediate frequency grain boundary impedance arc is modified by the presence of melt indicating series conduction behavior. In a sample with an interconnected melt phase the high frequency grain interior impedance arc is modified by the melt phase, indicating the initiation of parallel conduction behavior. Because field EM response versus frequency curves are used to derive conductivity versus depth profiles, it is important to perform laboratory experiments to understand the frequency-dependent electrical behavior of Earth materials. Activation energies determined from studies that measure conductivity at a single frequency may be erroneous because of the shift of the dominant conduction mechanism with frequency as temperature is varied.  相似文献   

An26Al survey by non-destructive gamma ray spectrometry was conducted as part of the preliminary examination effort for Antarctic meteorites. A total of 220 samples were studied. The majority of the samples were from the Allan Hills area; however, samples from several other sites, including the Yamato Mountains, were studied. Compared to worldwide falls and finds, the Antarctic group shows a clear trend toward lower26Al levels. At leasr 10% of the samples studied were clearly undersaturated in26Al. The frequency of undersaturated samples suggests that terrestrial ages of several hundred thousand years are common among the Antarctic meteorite collection. The absence of samples with extremely low26Al implies that the upper limit for terrestrial ages in the Antarctic is on the order of 1 million years.  相似文献   

对具有裂缝结构的各向异性页岩模型等效电特性的研究是非常规油气勘探、页岩储层评价和测井解释的重要基础.针对具有强各向异性的裂缝页岩模型,本文提出使用二阶电学张量矩阵来对裂缝模型的电各向异性进行分析.论文工作采用有限元方法对含针状裂缝和圆盘状裂缝的理想页岩模型进行数值模拟,系统地分析了裂缝的形状、体积以及在岩体中的不同位置形态对页岩等效电参数张量的影响.结果 表明:裂缝的存在是导致岩石模型表现出电各向异性的原因之一;当裂缝的体积相同时,裂缝的形状以及裂缝的位置不同,都会使页岩模型的介电张量出现较大差异,并随裂缝相对位置及角度改变而呈现一定规律.这一研究结果有望为电磁测井和页岩油页岩气参数的反演提供关键的理论参考依据.  相似文献   

Magnetic hysteresis of coarse-grained titanomagnetites at room temperature is characterised by low coercive force, low relative remanence, and a high ratio of coercivity of remanence to coercive force. These properties are generally interpreted in terms of multidomain structure. At low temperatures, however, ulvöspinel-rich compositions exhibit hysteresis properties similar to those of single-domain assemblages, and on this basis Radhakrishnamurty and Deutsch have proposed an alternative interpretation of the domain structure of titanomagnetites having x 0.3 in terms of a mixture of single-domain and superparamagnetic particles. Low apparent Curie temperatures are attributed to the effects of thermal agitation above the blocking temperature.

We have examined theoretically the effects of thermal agitation on the low- and high-field thermomagnetic curves and find that observed Curie temperatures in general represent an intrinsic property of the magnetic mineral present, rather than reflecting thermal agitation. The high coercive force and relative remanence at low temperatures for titanomagnetites having x > 0.5 can be explained on the basis of the interaction of domain walls with crystal defects when the large increases in magnetocrystalline anisotropy and magnetostriction with decreasing temperature are taken into account. We discuss the evidence for the existence of domain walls in coarse-grained ulvöspinel-rich titanomagnetites and conclude that multidomain structure is well established.

It is also shown that fine titanomagnetite grains may have more than one blocking temperature. In any temperature interval for which superparamagnetic grains are present they will disproportionately influence susceptibility and low-field hysteresis.  相似文献   

The isotopic composition of lead was determined for two carbonaceous, two H, and two L chondrites. All are falls. The206Pb/204Pb ratios cover a range from 9.45 to 37.33; the207Pb/204Pb ratios range from 10.39 to 26.10. The isotopic data define a207Pb/206Pb age of 4.635 AE. Uranium and lead concentration data indicate that the isotopic lead ages for the Bruderheim chondrite are concordant within approximately 20%. This contrasts with lead data in the literature for chondrites, which consistently indicate discordant isotopic lead ages due to large excesses of radiogenic lead by factors of two or more. The isotopic lead ages for Pultusk may be concordant; those for a sample of Richardton are not. The lack of concordance for Richardton is not due to the analytical procedures, rather it is likely a result of the handling history of the chondrite prior to analysis.The L-3 chondrite, Mezo-Madaras contains such a high concentration of lead - 5.27 PPM - that accurate ratios for primordial lead can be obtained. These are 206Pb/204Pb= 9.310;207Pb/204Pb= 10.296, values which are in close agreement with a recently reported measurement on lead in troilite from the Canyon Diablo iron meteorite.  相似文献   

In this paper all important results on laboratory measurements of electrical properties of rocks and minerals for the last four years are presented. Although basic results from all over world are reviewed, East European and U.S.S.R. works are described more extensively. Only D.C. conductivity results are considered, however all principal conclusions hold in similar form for both D.C. and A.C. conductivities. At the end the most important areas of further study and measurement are depicted and the main problems of the future are outlined.  相似文献   

建立能够反映储层孔隙结构、流体特征的逾 渗网络模型,通过数值模拟研究了储层孔隙尺寸、 孔隙形状、连通性、微孔隙的发育状况等对I-Sw曲 线影响的定性规律,研究了地层水矿化度对岩石电 阻率的影响。分析讨论了不同因素对电阻率影响的 相对强度。最后,通过曲线拟合定量地研究了不同 因素对I-Sw曲线的影响规律。研究表明,在上述影 响因素中连通性和微孔隙对I-Sw曲线的影响很大, 其它因素的影响强度较小。地层水矿化度对岩石电 阻率绝对值的影响很大。“非阿尔奇”现象普遍存在, 在低渗透(低连通性)储层岩石中更为明显。  相似文献   

The ranges of δ18O and δ17O in components of the Murchison (C2) chondrite exceed those in all other meteorites analyzed. Previous authors have proposed that C2 chondrites are the products of aqueous alteration of anhydrous silicates. A model is presented to determine whether the isotopic variations can be understood in terms of such alteration processes. The minimum number (two) of initial isotopic reservoirs is assumed. Two major stages of reservoir interaction are required: one at high temperature to produce the16O-mixing line observed for the anhydrous minerals, and another at low temperature to produce the matrix minerals. The isotopic compositions severely constrain the conditions of the low-temperature process, requiring temperatures < 20°C and volume fractions of water > 44%. Extension of the model to the data on C1 chondrites requires aqueous alteration in a warmer, wetter environment.  相似文献   

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