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Mariner 9 photographs of the southern hemisphere of Mars taken during the 1971 planet-wide dust storm display circular bright spots at a time when all near-surface features were totally obscured. Correlating the positions and diameters of these spots with topography shows that they correspond to craters. About half of all the large craters in thestudy area were brightened. The associated craters are large and flat-floored, have significant rim uplift, and contain dark splotches on their floors. The depth/diameter relationship of the bright spot craters is comparable to that of a planet-wide sample. Depth may not be important in selectively brightening certain craters. The visibility of bright spots in A-camera photographs is strongly dependent on the wavelength of the filter used during exposure. It is proposed that bright spots result from the multiple scattering of incident light in dust clouds entrained within craters during dust storms. The appearance of the dust clouds is a function of the availability of a dust supply and, perhaps, air turbulence generated by winds flowing over upraised rims and rough crater floors. Bright spots persist during the final stage of the planet-wide dust storm. If bright spots are dust clouds, this persistence demonstrates that crater interiors are the last regions of clearing.  相似文献   

Leonard J. Martin 《Icarus》1974,22(2):175-188
Extensive Earth-based photography produced by the International Planetary Patrol has been used to map the positions of brightened areas (clouds) during the 1971 storm on Mars. The mapping was done on an hourly basis from two days prior to the onset of the storm through its twenty-second day. Summaries of these maps are presented to illustrate the changes that take place during the course of a Martian day, as well as the changes from one day to the next. It is shown that the storm goes through a daily cycle of regeneration, although each day it advances farther than it did the day before. The possible influence of Martian topography on the progress of the storm is examined. Comparisons between red- and blue-filter photographs of the storm are presented cartographically and are discussed. Areas most affected by the storm during this period are summarized in Fig. 8.  相似文献   

A semiquantitative analysis of clearing in the 1971 great dust storm on Mars is presented as a function of time and altitude, using Mariner 9 orange- and visual-light photos. Steady settling of dust approximately accounts for the decline of the storm after December 22, 1971. Continuous settling cannot be invoked prior to that date; injection of dust into the atmosphere, i.e., a storm resurgence, occurred in mid-December 1971. Theoretical models of optical depth versus time are developed for various distributions of particles in the atmosphere. By intespreting settling in terms of Stokes' law, estimates of the maximum radii of dust particles throughout the atmosphere have been obtained. Models which best account for the dust-storm decline indicate particles ? 5μm in diameter high in the atmosphere, with a concentration of larger particles (? 10μm) near the ground in the lowest parts of Mars. Long-term thin high hazes should persist through much of the Martian year, perhaps clearing before perihelion.  相似文献   

L.J. Martin 《Icarus》1974,23(1):108-115
The two largest Martian dust storms on photographic record occurred during the past two apparitions. The general characteristics of these events are compared using the hourly photography from the International Planetary Patrol. Dust storms are believed to be seasonal events on Mars, and therefore both storms had been predicted, but both turned out to be larger than expected, since they were each more extensive than the famous 1956 storm.The 1971 storm was much larger than the 1973 storm in both intensity and duration, although the 1973 storm had a more rapid initial expansion. Both storms began in the southern hemisphere but the 1973 storm began later (during summer, nearly three months beyond perihelion). The 1971 storm lasted approximately twice as long as the 1973 storm.Maps of the first nine days of both storms are presented to facilitate a comparison of their initial outbreaks and growth. Graphs of changes in contrast of albedo features during the 1973 storm are based on microdensitometer tracings of Planetary Patrol photographs.The frequency and regularity of storms of this size are uncertain because of the lack of comprehensive photographic observation during past apparitions. Identification and evaluation of such events in the future requires the continuation of well-coordinated worldwide observing efforts.  相似文献   

Barney J. Conrath 《Icarus》1981,48(2):246-255
Wave-like perturbations are found in the Mariner 9 IRIS atmospheric temperature data during late Northern Hemisphere winter in a latitude band between 45°N and 65°N. The nature of the data base prevents a unique separation of spatial and temporal behavior, but Fourier analysis of the data constrains the waves to discrete combinations of planetary wavenumber and period. One major spectral component possesses a meridional amplitude cross section with a maximum near the 1-mbar level at 60°N and is strongly correlated with the circumpolar jet observed in thermal winds calculated from the mean meridional temperature cross section. This feature is consistent with the low-wavenumber baroclinic waves observed in Viking Lander data, and the vertical structure reflects the behavior anticipated for a vertically penetrating quasi-geostrophic disturbance. Other possible origins for the wave cannotbe ruled out, however. Among these is a stationary wave forced by wavenumber-2 topographic relief.  相似文献   

Helium concentrations in the Martian atmosphere are estimated assuming that the helium production on Mars, comparable to its production on Earth, via the radioactive decay of uranium and thorium, is in steady state equilibrium with its thermal escape. Although non-thermal losses would tend to reduce the estimated concentrations, these concentrations are not necessarily an upper limit since higher production rates and/or a possibly lower effective exospheric temperature over the solar activity cycle could increase them to even higher values. The computed helium concentration at the Martian exobase (200 km) is 8 × 106 atoms cm?3. Through the lower exosphere, the computed helium concentrations are 30–200 times greater than the Mariner-measured atomic hydrogen concentrations. It follows that helium may be the predominant constituent in the Martian lower exosphere and may well control the orbital lifetime of Mars-orbiting spacecraft. The estimated helium mixing ratio is greater at the Martian turbopause than at the terrestrial turbopause, and the helium column density in the lower Martian atmosphere may be comparable to that on Earth.  相似文献   

Aerosols are very important in the Martian climate system. Aerosols get charged by the attachment of ions in the atmosphere. Charging of aerosols reduces the conductivity of the atmosphere as the very mobile ions are lost during the ion-aerosol attachment. During a dust storm the dust opacity increases and more ion-aerosol attachment process occurs and consequently conductivity reduces further. It was found that with the background aerosols (dust opacity ∼0.2), the conductivity close to the surface of Mars was reduced by a factor of 5, but during the dust storm (opacity ∼5) of 2001 the conductivity decreased by about 2 orders of magnitude.  相似文献   

T.Y. Kong  M.B. McElroy 《Icarus》1977,32(2):168-189
A variety of models are explored to study the photochemistry of CO2 in the Martian atmosphere with emphasis on reactions involving compounds of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. Acceptable models are constrained to account for measured concentrations of CO and O above 90 km, with an additional requirement that they should be in accord with observations of CO, O2, and O3 in the lower atmosphere. Dynamical mixing must be exceedingly rapid at altitudes above 90 km, with effective eddy diffusion coefficients in excess of 107 cm2 sec?1. If recombination of CO2 is to occur mainly by gas phase chemistry, catalyzed by trace quantities of H, OH, and HO2, mixing must be rapid over the altitude interval 30 to 40 km. The value implied for the diffusion coefficient in this region is a function of assumptions made regarding the rates for reaction of OH with HO2 to form H2O and of the rate for reaction of HO2 with itself to form H2O2. If rates for these reactions are taken to have values similar to rates used in current models for the Earth's stratosphere, the eddy diffusion coefficient at 40 km on Mars should be about 5 × 107 cm2 sec?1, consistent with Zurek's (1976) estimate for this parameter inferred from tidal theory. Surface chemistry could have an influence on the abundances of atmospheric CO and O2, but a major effect would imply sluggish mixing at all altitudes below 50 km and in addition would carry implications for the magnitude of the rates for reaction of OH with HO2 and HO2 with itself.  相似文献   

Leonard J. Martin 《Icarus》1975,26(3):341-352
The 1956, 1971, and 1973 major dust storms on Mars affected the apparent contrast and extent of the northern polar hood. A survey of photography from seven apparitions indicates that this seasonal feature is consistently prominent and identifiable in the absence of major storms throughout half of the Martian year. During the 1956 dust storm, the hood was not seen for a period of over one month on Lowell photographs. The effects of a storm are also seen on 1971 International Planetary Patrol photographs; the hood quickly became faint and tenuous even in ultraviolet light, which normally shows it as very bright.Patrol photographs of 1973 cover the complete progression from a prominent and extensive hood before the storm, to an intermittent disappearance at the height of the storm, to the subsequent return of a normal hood as the storm died out. Hourly and daily mapping from these photographs indicates that the hood developed a southward protrusion during the first few days of the storm as it began its apparent recession. The hood was seen on at least one side of the planet on every day throughout the duration of the storm, although its normal extent and contrast were greatly reduced.  相似文献   

Kevin Pang  Charles W. Hord 《Icarus》1973,18(3):481-488
The Mariner 9 ultraviolet spectrometer observed the brightness of a region on the south polar cap centered at approximately ?87°S, 10°W. Measurements taken at various incidence and emission angles (i and ?) show that the brightness increased with decreasing air mass, ≈(sec i + sec ?). The observed intensity consists primarily of a component reflected from the cap and twice-attenuated by the atmosphere and a component diffusely reflected from the atmosphere. The diffusely reflected component was determined from nearby observations of non-polar regions at the same incidence and emission angles and was substrated from the total intensity. Inversion of the intensity difference using a formula analogous to the Bouger-Langley law yielded the optical thickness of the atmosphere. The dust cloud over the polar cap was moderately thick between November 26 and December 2, 1971. At this time the optical thickness was near unity, and it decreased approximately linearly with time, reaching a value close to that of a Rayleigh atmosphere by mid-February. The optical thickness showed little dependence on the wavelength during the early orbital observations. As the dust storm cleared, the atmospheric optical thickness exhibited increasingly strong inverse wavelength dependence. Particles large compared with the wavelength dominated the Martian dust storm. These particles are estimated to have a mean radius of about 2 μm.  相似文献   

G.S. Golitsyn 《Icarus》1973,18(1):113-119
A short review is given of the observational data on the great Martian dust storms. It is noted that these storms are observed at the time of the great oppositions, when Mars is at its perihelion. It is then late spring-early summer in the Southern Hemisphere and the insolation is a maximum. Intense storms were observed during the 1892, 1924, 1941, 1956 and 1971 oppositions, but not in 1909 or 1939. These storms were of various duration and intensity which points out the importance of local time and space meteorological conditions at the moment of storm origin. Storm generation is caused by local conditions, but the fact that they frequently reach global scale implies that there are some feedback processes favoring the global spread of the dust. Possible such processes are described qualitatively together with the causes of storm declines. Those problems of Martian meteorology and micrometeorology are discussed which have to be studied for a better understanding of the generation, development and decay of a dust storm.  相似文献   

A mechanism for initiating global dust storms on Mars is proposed in which the diurnal variation of surface temperature results in the desorption of adsorbed CO2, which under certain conditions can inject large amounts of fine (1–10 μm) dust into the atmosphere.  相似文献   

Several recent suggestions for stabilizing the Martian atmosphere against photolysis have proved untenable. However, downward convective transport as well as a low altitude (0–35 km) aerosol, which catalyzes two-body molecular recombination reactions, can bring about such stability. The ‘effective’ convection velocity and ‘average’ two-body reaction rate coefficients required by observed abundances are evaluated. The computed profiles of CO and O at high altitude are shown to agree well with observations.  相似文献   

M S Marley  C P McKay 《Icarus》1999,138(2):268-286
Application of a radiative-convective equilibrium model to the thermal structure of Uranus' atmosphere evaluates the role of hazes in the planet's stratospheric energy budget and places a lower limit on the internal energy flux. The model is constrained by Voyager and post-Voyager observations of the vertical aerosol and radiative active gas profiles. Our baseline model generally reproduces the observed tropospheric and stratospheric temperature profile. However, as in past studies, the model stratosphere from about 10(-3) to 10(-1) bar is too cold. We find that the observed stratospheric hazes do not warm this region appreciably and that any postulated hazes capable of warming the stratosphere sufficiently are inconsistent with Voyager and ground-based constraints. We explore the roles played by the stratospheric methane abundance, the H2 pressure-induced opacity, photochemical hazes, and C2H2, and C2H6 in controlling the temperature structure in this region. Assuming a vertical methane abundance profile consistent with that found by the Voyager UVS occultation observations, the model upper stratosphere, from 10 to 100 microbar, is also too cold. Radiation in the 7.8-micrometers band from a small abundance of hot methane in the lower thermosphere absorbed in this region can warm the atmosphere and bring models into closer agreement with observations. Finally, we find that internal heat fluxes < or approximately 60 erg cm-2 sec-1 are inconsistent with the observed tropospheric temperature profile.  相似文献   

Richard W. Zurek 《Icarus》1978,35(2):196-208
This paper examines the solar heating of the Martian atmosphere during the 1971 global dust storm observed by Mariner 9. Radiative scattering as well as absorption is included by utilizing the delta-Eddington approximation to the full radiative transfer equation. The necessary optical parameters are generated by a Mie program which uses a size distribution and a complex refractive index inferred from a number of sources, particularly from recent analyces of Mariner 9 UVS and TV observations. Assuming uniform mixing of the dust, the solar heating per unit mass during a Martian global dust storm is remarkably uniform with height for small solar zenith angles. Heating rates may reach 80°K day? for overhead sunlight. Overall, 20% of the direct insolation is absorbed by the dust-laden atmosphere. Even optically thin widespread dust hazes may produce heating rates of several degrees Kelvin per day.  相似文献   

Kari Lumme  Philip B. James 《Icarus》1984,58(3):363-376
High-quality Earth-based photographs from the Lowell Observatory Planetary Research Center collection have been analyzed to derive some photometric parameters for the Martian south polar cap region during the 1971 apparition. The optical thickness of the atmosphere above the cap varied with wavelength from 0.35 ± 0.05 in red light to 0.58 ± 0.06 inuv light. The effective geometric albedo is calculated from the 30° phase data assuming isotropic scattering; it varies from 0.85 ± 0.04 (in red light) to 0.63 ± 0.05 (in uv light).  相似文献   

Attila Elteto  Owen B. Toon 《Icarus》2010,210(2):566-588
We present a new parameter retrieval algorithm for Mars Global Surveyor Thermal Emission Spectrometer data. The algorithm uses Newtonian first-order sensitivity functions of the infrared spectrum in response to variations in physical parameters to fit a model spectrum to the data at 499, 1099, and 1301 cm−1. The algorithm iteratively fits the model spectrum to data to simultaneously retrieve dust extinction optical depth, effective radius, and surface temperature. There are several sources of uncertainty in the results. The assumed dust vertical distribution can introduce errors in retrieved optical depth of a few tens of percent. The assumed dust optical constants can introduce errors in both optical depth and effective radius, although the systematic nature of these errors will not affect retrieval of trends in these parameters. The algorithm does not include the spectral signature of water ice, and hence data needs to be filtered against this parameter before the algorithm is applied. The algorithm also needs sufficient dust spectral signature, and hence surface-to-atmosphere temperature contrast, to successfully retrieve the parameters. After the application of data filters the algorithm is both relatively accurate and very fast, successfully retrieving parameters, as well as meaningful parameter variability and trends from tens of thousands of individual spectra on a global scale (Elteto, A., Toon, O.B. [2010]. Icarus, this issue). Our results for optical depth compare well with TES archive values when corrected by the single scattering albedo. Our results are on average 1–4 K higher in surface temperatures from the TES archive values, with greater differences at higher optical depths. Our retrieval of dust effective radii compare well with the retrievals of Wolff and Clancy (Wolff, M.J., Clancy, R.T. [2003]. J. Geophys. Res. 108 (E9), 5097) for the corresponding data selections from the same orbits.  相似文献   

Models are developed for the photochemistry of a CO2H2ON2 atmosphere on Mars and estimates are given for the concentrations of N, NO, NO2, NO3, N2O5, HNO2, HNO3, and N2O as a function of altitude. Nitric oxide is the most abundant form of odd nitrogen, present with a mixing ratio relative to CO2 of order 10?8. Deposition rates for nitrite and nitrate minerals could be as large as 3× 105 N equivalent atoms cm?2 sec?1 under present conditions and may have been higher in the past.  相似文献   

There are reasons to expect that Mars is surrounded by a region of dust, similar to rings, originating from the bombardment of Phobos and Deimos by meteroids. Using a simple radiative transfer model, we have investigated the angular distribution and the absolute values of the solar radiance scattered by such a dust region, to the purpose of assessing the possibilities and limitations of future photometric searches after the circummartian dust. Our model values of the number density of the dust grains in the space around Mars and of their size distribution have been derived from the results obtained by other authors. The single-scattering albedo of the dust grains has been deduced from the reflectance spectra of Phobos, taken by the spacecraft Phobos 2. Calculations, carried out for a few phenomenological phase functions, have shown that in the visible the radiance scattered by the rings is well within the detectability range of a modern sensible photometer, so that the prospectives for photometric search for the Martian dust rings are optimistic. Furthermore, our results confirm that the dust region could not be observed by the Viking cameras and this supports o our assumptions regarding the optical properties of the circummartian grains.  相似文献   

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