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The magmatic oxygen fugacity (fO2) of a thirty foot wide feldspathic peridotite dyke has been determined using the experimental method of Fudali (1965). Determinations were made on samples from both the marginal and central portions of the dyke and a difference of approximately one order of magnitude in fO2 was observed. This difference is attributed to the increase in the H2O content of the liquid as crystallization proceeded and to diffusion of hydrogen out of the dyke. It is concluded that the dyke was emplaced with an fO2 between 10–8 and 10–9 atmospheres. Data on the absorbtion of Fe by the silver/palladium sample containers during the experiments are given in an appendix.  相似文献   

The solubility of U and Th in aqueous solutions at P-T-conditions relevant for subduction zones was studied by trapping uraninite or thorite saturated fluids as synthetic fluid inclusions in quartz and analyzing their composition by Laser Ablation-ICPMS. Uranium is virtually insoluble in aqueous fluids at Fe-FeO buffer conditions, whereas its solubility increases both with oxygen fugacity and with salinity to 960 ppm at 26.1 kbar, Re-ReO2 buffer conditions and 14.1 wt% NaCl in the fluid. At 26.1 kbar and 800°C, uranium solubility can be reproduced by the equation: log\textU = 2.681 + 0.1433logf\textO2 + 0.594\textCl, \log {\text{U}} = 2.681 + 0.1433\log f{\text{O}}_{2} + 0.594{\text{Cl,}} where fO2 is the oxygen fugacity, and Cl is the chlorine content of the fluid in molality. In contrast, Th solubility is generally low (<10 ppm) and independent of oxygen fugacity or fluid salinity. The solubility of U and Th in clinopyroxene in equilibrium with uraninite and thorite was found to be in the order of 10 ppm. Calculated fluid/cpx partition coefficients of Th are close to unity for all conditions. In contrast, Dfluid/cpx for uranium increases strongly both with oxygen fugacity and with salinity. We show that reducing or NaCl-free fluids cannot produce primitive arc magmas with U/Th ratio higher than MORB. However, the dissolution of several wt% of oxidized, saline fluids in arc melts can produce U/Th ratios several times higher than in MORB. We suggest that observed U/Th ratios in arc magmas provide tight constraints on both the salinity and the oxidation state of subduction zone fluids.  相似文献   

The dependence of iron and europium partitioning between plagioclase and melt on oxygen fugacity was studied in the system SiO2(Qz)—NaAlSi3O8(Ab)—CaAl2Si2O8(An)—H2O. Experiments were performed at 500 MPa and 850 °C/750 °C under water saturated conditions. The oxygen fugacity was varied in the log f O2-range from −7.27 to −15.78. To work at the most reducing conditions the classical double-capsule technique was modified. The sample and a C—O—H bearing sensor capsule were placed next to each other within a BN jacket to minimise loss of hydrogen to the vessel atmosphere. By this setup redox conditions slightly more reducing than the FeO—Fe3O4 buffer could be maintained even in 96 h runs. Raman spectra showed that the BN was modified by reaction with hydrogen resulting in a low hydrogen permeability. The partition coefficients determined for Eu at 850 °C and 500 MPa vary from 0.095 at conditions of the Cu—Cu2O buffer to 1.81 at the most reducing conditions (C—O—H sensor). In the same f O2 interval the partition coefficient for Fe varies from 0.55 at oxidising conditions to 0.08 at the most reducing conditions. The partitioning of Sm, which was added as a reference for a trivalent REE, does not vary with the oxygen fugacity, yielding an average value for D = 0.07. Lowering the temperature to 750 °C for a given f O2 decreases the partition coefficient of Eu and increases that of Fe. Comparison with published data at 1 atm and at higher temperatures shows that both temperature and composition of the melt have strong effects on the partitioning behaviour. As the change of the partition coefficients in the geologically relevant f O2 range is quite strong, element partitioning of Eu and Fe might be used to estimate redox conditions for the genesis of igneous rocks. Furthermore, by modelling the partitioning data it is possible to extract information about the redox state of the melt. Resulting ferric-ferrous ratios show significant differences from those predicted by empirical models. Received: 14 October 1998 / Received: 5 March 1999  相似文献   

The stability of synthetic armalcolite of composition (Fe0.5Mg0.5Ti2O5 was studied as a function of total pressure up to 15 kbar and 1200°C and also as a function of oxygen fugacity (?O2) at 1200°C and 1 atm total pressure. The high pressure experiments were carried out in a piston-cylinder apparatus using silver-palladium containers. At 1200°C, armalcolite is stable as a single phase at 10 kbar. With increasing pressure, it breaks down (dTdP = 20°C/kbar), to rutile, a more magnesian armalcolite, and ilmenite solid solution. At 14 kbar, this three-phase assemblage gives way (dTdP = 30°C/kbar) to a two-phase assemblage of rutile plus ilmenite solid solution.A zirconian-armalcolite was synthesized and analyzed; 4 wt % ZrO2 appears to saturate armalcolite at 1200°C and 1 atm. The breakdown of Zr-armalcolite occurs at pressures of 1–2 kbar less than those required for the breakdown of Zr-free armalcolite. The zirconium partitions approximately equally between rutile and ilmenite phases.The stability of armalcolite as a function of ?O2 was determined thermogravimetrically at 1200°C and 1 atm by weighing sintered pellets in a controlled atmosphere furnace. Armalcolite, (Fe0.5Mg0.5)-Ti2O5, is stable over a range ?O2 from about 10?9.5to 10?10.5 atm. Below this range to at least 10?12.8 atm, ilmenite plus a reduced armalcolite are formed. These products were observed optically and by Mössbauer spectroscopy, and no metallic iron was detected; therefore, some of the titanium must have been reduced to Ti3+. This reduction may provide yet another mechanism to explain the common association of ilmenite rims around lunar armalcolites.  相似文献   

地幔氧逸度是反映地幔氧化还原程度的参量,由温度、压力、岩石化学成分、矿物结构等共同作用控制.目前对上地幔氧逸度的研究主要针对镁橄榄石-磁铁矿-石英体系、含角闪石的橄榄岩体系和玄武岩(熔体)体系,通过实验岩石学方法进行.地幔氧逸度在垂直深度上随深度增加而减小受到普遍认可.天然样品和理论研究认为,岩石圈地幔底部的软流圈氧逸...  相似文献   

The oxygen fugacity(fO2) may affect the ionic conductivity of olivine under upper mantle conditions because Mg vacancies can be produced in the crystal structure by the oxidization of iron from Fe2+ to Fe3+. Here we investigated olivine ionic conductivity at 4 GPa, as a function of temperature, crystallographic orientation, and oxygen fugacity, corresponding to the topmost asthenospheric conditions. The results demonstrate that the ionic conductivity is insensitive to fO2 under relatively reduced conditions(fO2 below Re-ReO2 buffer), whereas it has a clear fO2-dependence under relatively oxidized conditions(fO2 around the magnetite-hematite buffer). The ionic conduction in olivine may contribute significantly to the conductivity anomaly in the topmost asthenosphere especially at relatively oxidized conditions.  相似文献   

Using impedance spectroscopy, we have measured the electrical properties of two dunites and a single crystal olivine sample from 1000 to 1200° C as a function of oxygen fugacity (f o 2). Two conduction mechanisms with resistances that add in series are observed for the dunites corresponding to grain interior and grain boundary conduction mechanisms. The conductivities for each mechanism were determined by analyzing the data using a complex nonlinear least squares fitting routine and the equivalent circuit approach. The grain interiors display a conductivity dependent on f o 2 to the 1/5.5–1/7 power, consistent with other determinations, and interpreted as indicating small polaron transport (Fe Mg · ). The grain boundaries demonstrate a weaker f o 2 dependence that is dependent on temperature and material. Under certain conditions the f o 2 dependence of the grain boundary conductivity is negative. This result indicates that oxygen ion transport is probably not the dominant grain boundary charge transport mechanism; however, an unequivocal determination of the grain boundary mechanism has not been achieved. In some dunites the grain boundaries are more conductive than the grain interiors; in other dunites they are more resistive than grain interiors. The grain boundaries do not enhance the total conductivity of any of the materials of this study but are the controlling mechanism in some instances. Measurement of the complex electrical response at frequencies as low as 10-4 Hz is required to determine the role of grain boundaries on the overall electrical properties of polycrystalline dunite.  相似文献   

氧逸度是岩石物理化学的1个重要参数,对岩浆演化、岩石成因和岩浆热液成矿具有明显的控制作用。含有变价元素的矿物常被用来计算成岩与成矿过程中的氧逸度,但是不同方法之间的对比研究较少,各种方法的适用性还不明晰。作者对晋东北黑狗背花岗岩体的氧逸度进行了较为系统的研究,通过黑云母、角闪石、磁铁矿-钛铁矿矿物对和锆石的Ce异常的氧逸度计算,发现不同方法的估算结果存在较大的差异,甚至会得出完全相左的结论。其中,基于Fe~(3+)/Fe~(2+)比值的黑云母和磁铁矿-钛铁矿氧逸度计计算结果吻合度较高,可适用于中酸性侵入岩的氧逸度研究,而基于Fe/(Fe+Mg)比值的氧逸度计算方法可能受到母岩浆化学成分的影响,不适合应用于低镁侵入岩的氧逸度估算。  相似文献   

The influence of oxygen fugacity (fO2) and temperature on the valence and structural state of iron was experimentally studied in glasses quenched from natural aluminosilicate melts of granite and pantellerite compositions exposed to various T-fO2 conditions (1100–1420°C and 10?12–10?0.68 bar) at a total pressure of 1 atm. The quenched glasses were investigated by Mössbauer spectroscopy. It was shown that the effect of oxygen fugacity on the redox state of iron at 1320–1420°C can be described by the equation log(Fe3+/Fe2+) = k log(fO2) + q, where k and q are constants depending on melt composition and temperature. The Fe3+/Fe2+ ratio decreases with decreasing fO2 (T = const) and increasing temperature (fO2 = const). The structural state of Fe3+ depends on the degree of iron oxidation. With increasing Fe3+/Fe2+ ≥ 1, the dominant coordination of Fe3+ changes from octahedral to tetrahedral. Ferrous iron ions occur in octahedral (and/or five-coordinated) sites independent of Fe3+/Fe2+.  相似文献   

The paper summarizes experimental and calculation data on the effect of oxygen fugacity on the origin of mineral assemblages in Mn-bearing rocks and demonstrates the possibility of application of these data to the reconstruction of conditions under which metalliferous deposits were metamorphosed. A new variant of the T-log\(f_{O_2 } \) diagram is proposed for the Mn-Si-O system, which differs from previous ones by the location of the lines for the formation (decomposition) of braunite and tephroite. These two minerals are the most universal indicators of oxygen fugacity during the metamorphism of Mn-bearing deposits, because these minerals are widespread in nature and can be formed in diverse environments: braunite at high \(f_{O_2 } \) values in the pore solution, and tephroite at low \(f_{O_2 } \) values. The occurrence of Mn oxides and rhodonite (pyroxmangite) in a rock makes it possible to constrain the oxygen fugacity range. An original T-log\(f_{O_2 } \) diagram is constructed for the Ca-Mn-Si-O system. As follows from this diagram, a Ca admixture expands the stability field of rhodonite toward higher oxygen fugacity values. Johannsenite can be formed in these rocks at even higher \(f_{O_2 } \). The stability of both minerals is constrained in the region of low \(f_{CO_2 } \). The paper reports data on the Fe-Si-O and Mn-Fe-Si-O systems and discusses the possibility of applying the results of experiments in the Mn-Al-Si-O system to the estimation of conditions under which andalusite, spessartine, and galaxite can be formed in Mn-bearing rocks. Data on the mineralogy of numerous Mn deposits metamorphosed under various PTX parameters indicate that the origin of Mn-bearing mineral assemblages depends not so much on the temperature and pressure as on the oxygen fugacity, which is, in turn, controlled primarily by the composition of the pristine sediments (the presence or absence of organic matter in them) and host rocks and depends on the permeability of the rocks to oxygen, the P-T conditions, and the duration of the metamorphic processes.  相似文献   

The speciation of sulfur as a function of oxygen fugacity was calculated in glasses of basaltic composition saturated experimentally with either sulfide or sulfate phases. The experiments were conducted on mixtures of synthetic and natural materials equilibrated at 1300 °C and 1 GPa in a piston-cylinder apparatus. Sulfur speciation was calculated by measuring the peak shift of the sulfur Kα radiation relative to a sulfide standard, whereas oxygen fugacity was calculated from the composition of olivine and spinel present in the assemblages. The results are consistent with sulfur being present as sulfite (S4+) in addition to sulfate (S6+) in oxidized melts. Therefore, sulfur speciation derived from SKα peak shifts should be seen as ”sulfate mole fraction equivalents“ (X(S6+)eq.). Using the data available, an empiric function:
X(S6+)eq.=0.86/(1+exp(2.89−2.23ΔFMQ))  相似文献   

The oxygen fugacities of 48 mantle xenoliths from 5 localities in southern Siberia (USSR) and Mongolia have been determined. Ferric iron contents of spinels were measured by 57Fe Mössbauer spectroscopy and oxygen fugacities calculated from spinel-olivineorthopyroxene equilibrium. The samples studied represent the major types of upper mantle lithologies including spinel and garnet peridotites and pyroxenites, fertile and depleted peridotites and anhydrous and metasomatized samples which come from diverse tectonic settings. Extensive geochemical and isotope data are also available for these samples. Oxygen fugacity values for most central Asian xenoliths fall within the range observed in peridotite xenoliths from other continental regions at or slightly below the FMQ buffer. However, xenoliths from the Baikal rift zone are the most reduced among xenoliths for which Mössbauer data on spinels are available. They yield fO2 values similar to those in oceanic peridotites and MORBs, while xenoliths in other occurrences have higher fO2s. In general, the continental lithosperic mantle is more oxidized than MORB-like oceanic mantle. This difference seems to be due to incorporation of oxidized material into some parts of the subcontinental mantle as a result of subduction of oceanic crust. Garnet- and garnet-spinel lherzolites from the Baikal rift area have slightly higher oxygen fugacities than shallower spinel lherzolites. Oxygen fugacity does not appear to be correlated with the degree of depletion of peridotites, and its values in peridotites and pyroxenites are very much alike, suggesting that partial melting (at least at moderate degrees) takes place at essentially the same fO2s that are now recorded by the residual material. Modally (amphibole- and phlogopitebearing) and cryptically metasomatized xenoliths from the Baikal rift zone give the same fO2 values as depleted anhydrous peridotites, suggesting that solid-melt-fluid reactions in the continental rift mantle also take place without substantial change in redox state. This is in contrast to other tectonic environments where metasomatism appears to be associated with oxidation.  相似文献   

The effects of H2O, CO2, CH4 and HF on partial melting of a model phlogopite harzburgite mantle are considered with regard to the production of ultrapotassic magmas. Fluorine has a polymerising effect in H2O-poor conditions, but in the presence of abundant H2O where HF rather than F is dominant, the overall effect is depolymerisation. Methane also dissolves by forming (OH) groups, and so has a depolymerising effect. Group I ultrapotassic rocks (lamproites) probably originate from primary magmas with SiO2 contents ranging from around 40 wt% to at least 52 wt%. This range can be explained by differing depths of origin from a similar source with a similar reduced H2O-CH4-HF volatile mixture. The formation of silica-rich initial melts from a model phlogopite harzburgite is assisted by the presence of CH4 and HF. Dissociation of less than 0.1 wt% H2O, driven by H2 loss, is sufficient to cause oxidation during emplacement to observed oxidation states. Silica-poor ultrapotassic rocks could be produced at higher pressures in a reduced environment, or in an oxidised environment with high CO2/(CO2 + H2O) ratios.Group II (African Rift) potassic rocks may originate in H2O-poor conditions in which fluorine will maintain a large phlogopite phase field, so that initial melts will be magnesian and silica-undersaturated.  相似文献   

Summary Several experimentally-based, empirical calibrations of the fO2 of natural silicate melts at atmospheric pressure as a function of melt composition, melt Fe2+/Fe3+, and crystallization temperature have been developed (e.g.Sack et al., 1980;Kilinc et al., 1983;Kress andCarmichael, 1988;Borisov andShapkin, 1990). Cr-Al spinel is a liquidus phase of primitive mantle-derived melts, and is commonly found as inclusions in near-liquidus phenocrysts (mainly olivine). The established atmospheric pressure correlation between Fe2+/Fe3+ values in spinel and coexisting melts over a broad range of basaltic compositions (Maurel andMaurel, 1982) can be used to calculate the Fe2+/Fe3+ value of a melt if the composition of the equilibrium spinel is known. Compositions and crystallization temperatures of primitive melts can be determined by experimental studies of melt inclusions trapped by early-formed refractory phenocrysts. Thus, the association of spinel and melt inclusions in early liquidus phenocrysts can be used to estimate fO2 conditions at the time of their crystallization.In this paper, we present a calibration of this method and discuss its applications. We conclude that combination of the equations ofMaurel andMaurel (1982) andBorisov andShapkin (1990) can be used to calculate fO2 with an accuracy of ±0.71og units, when liquidus spinels have TiO2 <2.5 wt% and Cr2O3 > 13 wt.%, and melt compositions are in the range from basaltic to picritic with H2O contents <6 wt.%.Using this technique we find NNO fO2 values of –0.8 to –1.4 for MORB dredged at the VEMA Fracture Zone in the Atlantic, and 0 to + 1 for Tongan high-Ca boninites.
Die Berechnung von Fe2+/Fe3+ und der Sauerstoff-Fugazitäten für primitive Mantelschmelzen: Kalibration einer empirischen Methode
Zusammenfassung Empirische, auf Experimenten basierende, Kalibrationen zur Berechnung von fO2 natürlicher Silikatschmelzen bei atmosphärischem Druck in Abhängigkeit von der Schmelzzusammensetzung, des Fe2+/Fe3+ Verhältnisses und der Kristallisationstemperatur wurden z.B. vonSack et al. (1980),Kilinc et al. (1983),Kress undCarmichael (1988) undBorisov undShapkin (1980) entwickelt. Cr-Al-Spinell ist eine Liquidusphase primitiver Mantelschmelzen und kommt üblicherweise als Einschluß in near-liquidus Phänokristallen (hauptsächlich in Olivin) vor. Die Korrelation des Atmosphärendruckes zwischen Fe2+/Fe3+ in Spinell und koexistierender Schmelze kann dazu verwendet werden, das Verhältnis von Fe2+/Fe3+ der Schmelze für einen weiten Bereich basaltischer Zusammensetzungen zu berechnen, wenn die Zusammensetzung des im Gleichgewicht gebildeten Spinells bekannt ist (Maurel undMaurel, 1982). Die Zusammensetzungen und Kristallisationstemperaturen primitiver Schmelzen können durch experimentelle Studien von Schmelzeinschlüssen, die in früh gebildeten refraktären Phänokristallen eingeschlossen wurden, ermittelt werden. Daher lassen sich Spinelle und assoziierte Schmelzeinschlüsse in frühen Liquidus-Phänokristallen dazu benützen, die fO2-Bedingungen während der Kristallisation abzuschätzen.In dieser Arbeit präsentieren wir eine neue Kalibration dieser Methode und diskutieren ihre Anwendungen. Wir schlußfolgern, daß unter Kombination der verwendeten Gleichungen vonMaurel undMaurel (1982) sowie vonBorisov undShapkin (1990) fO2 mit einer Genauigkeit von ±0.7 log Einheiten berechnet werden kann, soferne die Liquidus-Spinelle < 2.5 Gew.% TiO2 und > 13 Gew.% Cr2O3 haben und die Schmelzzusammensetzungen von basaltisch bis pikritisch, mit maximal 6 Gew.% H2O, reichen.Unter Verwendung dieser Technik wurden die NNO fO2 Werte für die von der VEMA Fracture Zone im Atlantik stammenden MORB Proben mit 0.8 bis - 1.4, die der der High-Ca Boninite von Tonga mit 0 bis + 1 bestimmt.

With 7 Figures  相似文献   

The carbon (δ13 C) and oxygen (δ18O) isotopic composistion in mollusc shells in mainly determined by the isotopic composition of water and dissolved bicarbonate. The δ18O values of water show a good correlation with the salinity of the Baltic. This correlation served as a basis for reconstructing palaeosalinity and for stratifying the marine sediments according to the δ18O values of the carbonate skeletons of subfossil shells. The δ13C values in shells are mainly determined by the isotopic composition of land-originating bicarbonate, especially in the carbonate skeleton of Lymnaea balthica , which inhabits the immediate coastal zone. According to the δ18O data, salinity in the investigated area (the coastal area of W and NW Estonia) was highest (about 9–11%) during the Littorina stage. The Limnae a stage had, in general, a salinity similar to the contemporary one, but during some phases possibly exceeding it by 2–3%.  相似文献   

一种事件沉积的标志——陆相流水波痕   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从现代洪水事件作用可以形成大片不对称流水波痕人手,"将今论古",发现古代地层剖面中也有大量水下至水上的沉积旋回序列,每个旋回单元与下伏岩层为突变接触。水下沉积环境富含不对称流水波痕,水上则为富含泥裂,它们系为洪水事件沉积产物。这些洪水事件具有不同的规模和级别,在地学上具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Summary Olivine leucitites from the Gaussberg volcano, Antarctica are primitive members of the lamproite group of ultrapotassic rocks. They are glass rich, have an Mg number of around 70, and carry spinel lherzolite xenoliths. Liquidus phase fields and compositions were studied experimentally at atmospheric pressure with controlled oxygen fugacities. Chrome-spinels occur as inclusions in olivines in the natural rock, but it was necessary to add Cr2O3 to the experiments to stabilize spinels at the liquidus, indicating that some fractionation of spinel has almost certainly occurred.Experimental results show thatfO2 conditions of crystallization can be characterized by ferric value (100 Fe3+/(Fe3++Fe2+)) of spinel, ferric iron content of leucite, and Mg-number (100 Mg/(Mg+Fe2+)) of olivine. The results demonstrate that the liquidus phases of the Gaussberg rocks crystallized atfO2 slightly below that of the NNO buffer. Application of the results to other lamproites indicates that they began to crystallize at oxygen fugacities varying from well above NNO (Leucite Hills) to around MW (West Kimberley and the Spanish fortunites). The Gaussberg olivine leucitite contains leucite cores poor in ferric iron with rims richer in ferric iron, indicating oxidation during emplacement. The ferric value of spinel is very sensitive to changes in oxygen fugacity and recognizing that some lamproitic magmas are known to contain diamonds, it may prove to be useful as a diamond survival indicator. The preservation of diamonds in lamproitic rocks will depend critically onfO2: diamonds are not likely to be preserved in rocks which reach the surface as liquids atfO2 near NNO or above.
Der Oxidationsgrad lamproitischer Magmen
Zusammenfassung Die Olivin-Leuzitite vom Gaussberg Vulkan, Antarktis, gehören zu den primären Gliedern der Lamproit-Gruppe der ultra-kalireichen Gesteine. Sie sind reich an Glas, weisen Mg-Werte um 70 auf, und führen Spinell-Lherzolith Xenolithe. Die Liquidus-Phasengleichgewichte bei Atmosphärendruck unter kontrollierten Sauerstoff-Partialdruckbedingungen wurden untersucht. Um Chromit als Liquidusphase zu stabilisieren, war es erforderlich, Cr2O3 zu den experimentellen Zusammensetzungen hinzuzufügen, obwohl Chromspinell als Einschluß in Olivin in den Ausgangsgesteinen auftritt; dies deutet eine Spinell-Franktionierung an.Die Resultate zeigten, daß diefO2-Bedingungen bei der Kristallisation durch das Fe3+-Verhältnis (100 Fe3+/(Fe3++Fe2+)) im Spinell, durch den Fe3+-Gehalt im Leuzit, und durch den Mg-Wert (100 mg/(Mg+Fe2+)) im Olivin charakterisiert sind. Die Liquidusphasen der Gaussberg Gesteine kristallisierten beifO2-Bedingungen etwas unterhalb NNO. Die Anwendung der Resultate auf andere Lamproite zeigt, daß diese unter Sauerstoff-Partialdruckbedingungen kristallisierten, die von oberhalb NNO (Leucite Hills) bis etwa MW (West Kimberley und die Spanish Fortunites) variierten. Der Gaussberg Olivin-Leuzitit enthält Leuzitkristalle mit deutlicher Zonierung; die Kernbereiche sind arm an dreiwertigem Eisen, während die Randzonen deutlich an Fe3+ angereichert sind. Dies weist auf eine Oxidation des Magmas während der Platznahme hin. Das Fe3+-Verhältnis der Spinelle ist sehr empfindlich gegenüber Änderungen des Sauerstoff-Partialdruckes; da einige lamproitische Magmen Diamanten führen, könnte sich dieses als ein sinnvoller Indikator für eine mögliche Diamantführung erweisen. Die Überlebensfähigkeit von Diamanten in lamproitischen Gesteinen wird sehr stark abhängig sein vonfO2: Magmen, die die Oberfläche unterfO2-Bedingungen entsprechend NNO oder darüber erreichten, werden keine Diamanten mehr erhalten.

With 7 Figures  相似文献   

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