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The ecological condition and biodiversity values of floodplain wetlands are highly dependent on the hydrological connectivity of wetlands to adjacent rivers. This paper describes a method for quantifying connectivity between floodplain wetlands and the main rivers in a wet tropical catchment of northern Australia. We used a one‐dimensional hydrodynamic model to simulate time‐varying water depths across the stream network (i.e. rivers, streams and man‐made drains). The timing and duration of connectivity of seven wetlands (four natural and three artificial) with the two main rivers in the catchment were then calculated for different hydrological conditions. Location and areal extent of the wetlands and the stream network were identified using high‐resolution laser altimetry, and these data formed key inputs to the hydrodynamic model. The model was calibrated using measured water depths and discharges across the floodplain. An algorithm was developed to identify contiguous water bodies at daily time steps, and this gave the temporal history of connection and disconnection between wetlands and the rivers. Simulation results show that connectivity of individual wetlands to both rivers varies from 26 to 365 days during an average hydrological condition. Location, especially proximity to a main river, and wetland type (natural stream or artificial drain) were identified as key factors influencing these levels of connectivity. Some natural wetlands maintain connection with the river for most or all of the year, whereas the connectivity of some artificial wetlands varies from 26 to 36 days according to their patterns of network connection to adjacent rivers – a result that has important implications for the accessibility of these types of wetland to aquatic biota. Using readily available river gauge data, we also show how connectivity modelling can be used to identify periods when connectivity has fallen below critical thresholds for fish movement. These connectivity patterns within the floodplain network are central to the setting of river flows that will meet environmental requirements for biota that use floodplain wetlands during their life history. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Sugarcane is grown on the floodplains of northern Queensland adjacent to the Great Barrier Reef lagoon. Sediment and nutrient loss from these sugarcane areas is considered a potential threat to coastal and marine ecosystems. To enable sugarcane cultivation, farmers have structured the landscape into different elements, comprising fields, water furrows, ‘headlands’ and drains. In order to apply appropriate management of the landscape and reduce export of sediment, it is important to identify which of these elements act as sediment sources or sinks. In this study erosion and deposition rates were measured for the different landscape elements in a subcatchment of the Herbert River and used to create a sediment budget. Despite large uncertainties, the budget shows that the floodplain area is a net source of sediment. Estimated sediment export varies between 2 and 5 t ha?1 y?1. The relative importance of the landscape elements as sediment sources could also be determined. Plant cane is identified as the most important sediment source. Water furrows generate most sediment, but are a less important source of exported sediment due to their low connectivity. Headlands and minor drains act as sediment traps. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Landscape elements respond to the processes acting on them, and this response connects with neighboring landscape units. The propagation, superposition, and interference of these responses are functions of the connectivity among the landscape units. Such landscape units are referred to as ‘Connectivity Response Units’ or CRUs that are in turn influenced by topography and landuse/landcover (LULC). The CRUs are obtained by the application of diffusion‐kernel based smoothing technique over the connectivity potential maps. A framework has been designed using the CRUs to understand the impacts of changing LULC on the connectivity structure in a relatively flat terrain under pre‐ and post‐monsoon scenarios. The proposed framework has been applied to a water‐stressed wetland occurring in an interfan setting in north Bihar plains, eastern India. It has also been demonstrated that CRUs can be used as a viable option for understanding the seasonal and temporal dynamics of connectivity structure in and around such wetlands and for guiding a rehabilitation strategy for such fragile ecosystems. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The term connectivity has emerged as a powerful concept in hydrology and geomorphology and is emerging as an innovative component of catchment erosion modeling studies. However, considerable confusion remains regarding its definition and quantification, especially as it relates to fluvial systems. This confusion is exacerbated by a lack of detailed case studies and by the tendency to treat water and sediment separately. Extreme flood events provide a useful framework to assess variability in connectivity, particularly the connection between channels and floodplains. The catastrophic flood of January 2011 in the Lockyer valley, southeast Queensland, Australia provides an opportunity to examine this dimension in some detail and to determine how these dynamics operate under high flow regimes. High resolution aerial photographs and multi‐temporal LiDAR digital elevation models (DEMs), coupled with hydrological modeling, are used to assess both the nature of hydrologic and sedimentological connectivity and their dominant controls. Longitudinal variations in flood inundation extent led to the identification of nine reaches which displayed varying channel–floodplain connectivity. The major control on connectivity was significant non‐linear changes in channel capacity due to the presence of notable macrochannels which contained a > 3000 average recurrence interval (ARI) event at mid‐catchment locations. The spatial pattern of hydrological connectivity was not straight‐forward in spite of bankfull discharges for selected reaches exceeding 5600 m3 s–1. Data indicate that the main channel boundary was the dominant source of sediment while the floodplains, where inundated, were the dominant sinks. Spatial variability in channel–floodplain hydrological connectivity leads to dis‐connectivity in the downstream transfer of sediments between reaches and affected sediment storage on adjacent floodplains. Consideration of such variability for even the most extreme flood events, highlights the need to carefully consider non‐linear changes in key variables such as channel capacity and flood conveyance in the development of a quantitative ‘connectivity index’. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Phosphorus (P) is one of the major limiting nutrient in many freshwater ecosystems. During the last decade, attention has been focused on the fluxes of suspended sediment and particulate P through freshwater drainage systems because of severe eutrophication effects in aquatic ecosystems. Hence, the analysis and prediction of phosphorus and sediment dynamics constitute an important element for ecological conservation and restoration of freshwater ecosystems. In that sense, the development of a suitable prediction model is justified, and the present work is devoted to the validation and application of a predictive soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) uptake and sedimentation models, to a real riparian system of the middle Ebro river floodplain. Both models are coupled to a fully distributed two‐dimensional shallow‐water flow numerical model. The SRP uptake model is validated using data from three field experiments. The model predictions show a good accuracy for SRP concentration, where the linear regressions between measured and calculated values of the three experiments were significant (r2 ≥ 0.62; p ≤ 0.05), and a Nash–Sutcliffe coefficient (E) that ranged from 0.54 to 0.62. The sedimentation model is validated using field data collected during two real flooding events within the same river reach. The comparison between calculated and measured sediment depositions showed a significant linear regression (p ≤ 0.05; r2 = 0.97) and an E that ranged from 0.63 to 0.78. Subsequently, the complete model that includes flow dynamics, solute transport, SRP uptake and sedimentation is used to simulate and analyse floodplain sediment deposition, river nutrient contribution and SRP uptake. According to this analysis, the main SRP uptake process appears to be the sediment sorption. The analysis also reveals the presence of a lateral gradient of hydrological connectivity that decreases with distance from the river and controls the river matter contribution to the floodplain. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Understanding hydrological processes in wetlands may be complicated by management practices and complex groundwater/surface water interactions. This is especially true for wetlands underlain by permeable geology, such as chalk. In this study, the physically based, distributed model MIKE SHE is used to simulate hydrological processes at the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology River Lambourn Observatory, Boxford, Berkshire, UK. This comprises a 10‐ha lowland, chalk valley bottom, riparian wetland designated for its conservation value and scientific interest. Channel management and a compound geology exert important, but to date not completely understood, influences upon hydrological conditions. Model calibration and validation were based upon comparisons of observed and simulated groundwater heads and channel stages over an equally split 20‐month period. Model results are generally consistent with field observations and include short‐term responses to events as well as longer‐term seasonal trends. An intrinsic difficulty in representing compressible, anisotropic soils limited otherwise excellent performance in some areas. Hydrological processes in the wetland are dominated by the interaction between groundwater and surface water. Channel stage provides head boundaries for broad water levels across the wetland, whilst areas of groundwater upwelling control discrete head elevations. A relic surface drainage network confines flooding extents and routes seepage to the main channels. In‐channel macrophyte growth and its management have an acute effect on water levels and the proportional contribution of groundwater and surface water. The implications of model results for management of conservation species and their associated habitats are discussed. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Hydrological connectivity is a critical determinant of wetland functions and health, especially in wetlands that have been heavily fragmented and regulated by human activities. However, investigating hydrological connectivity in these wetlands is challenging due to the costs of high-resolution and large-scale monitoring required in order to identify hydrological barriers within the wetlands. To overcome this challenge, we here propose an interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR)-based methodology to map hydrologic connectivity and identify hydrological barriers in fragmented wetlands. This methodology was applied along 70 transects across the Baiyangdian, the largest freshwater wetland in northern China, using Sentinel 1A and 1B data, covering the period 2016–2019. We generated 58 interferograms providing information on relative water level changes across the transects that showed the high coherence needed for the assessment of hydrological connectivity. We mapped the permanent and conditional (temporary) barriers affecting connectivity. In total, 11% of all transects are permanently disconnected by hydrological barriers across all interferograms and 58% of the transects are conditionally disconnected. Areas covered by reed grasslands show the most undisturbed hydrological connectivity while some of these barriers are the result of ditches and channels within the wetland and low water levels during different periods of the year. This study highlights the potential of the application of Wetland InSAR to determine hydrological connectivity and location of hydrological barriers in highly fragmented wetlands, and facilitates the study of hydrological processes from large spatial scales and long-time scales using remote sensing technique.  相似文献   

The water balance of four different rainforest types in the Wet Tropics region of north Queensland is inferred from measurements of canopy hydrological components undertaken for periods between 391 to 657 days. These measurements of rainfall, cloud interception, stem-flow, throughfall, canopy interception and transpiration have revealed considerable differences in the canopy water balance of different locations as a result of forest structural differences, altitude, exposure and climate. Cloud interception is a significant extra input of water to forests at high altitude sites (>1000 m) and varies between 7 and 29% of the total water input. At coastal and lower montane rainforests annual total evaporation is consistently around 50% of the total water input, but in upper montane cloud forest this drops dramatically to only 13% of the water input. At all sites actual evaporation is greater than potential evaporation for most of the year and on an annual basis exceeds potential by between 2 and 53%. The source of this additional energy is uncertain, but is likely to come from advection. Annual interception at all the rainforest sites was greater than annual transpiration, with transpiration dominating in the dry season and interception dominating in the wet season. All of the rainforests have a large annual net water balance to sustain runoff and recharge. Towards the end of the dry season runoff and recharge can cease in coastal lowland and lower mountain forests and they may have to draw on soil moisture and/or ground water at this time. In contrast, upper montane cloud forests have a positive net water balance throughout the year and are therefore an important source of dry season river flows. Furthermore, their exceptionally large annual runoff (∼6500 mm year−1) is a major source of downstream water. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Overflow‐driven lateral connectivity significantly influences the spatial distribution and diversity of floodplain habitats and biota. Proper understanding of lateral connectivity in floodplain and backwater channels is therefore critical for assessment of river quality and for targeting management or restoration actions. In this study, we present a methodological framework for spatial and temporal assessments of overflow‐driven lateral connectivity at two spatial scales: bypass reach and backwater channel. Firstly, we compute the relative elevations, as well as overflow discharge, duration, and frequency using a simple, raster‐based method that uses a LiDAR digital elevation model (DEM), rating curves, and streamflow time series. Subsequently, we analyse the accuracy of this approach with respect to the accuracy of a DEM and evaluate its further applications. Altogether, four 10‐km‐long bypass reaches and 11 backwater channels are analysed, located along the Rhône River corridor in France. The results proved the precision of the method to be affected by the LiDAR DEM accuracy, which was on average more precise in a typically homogeneous floodplain setting rather than for backwater channel plugs with pronounced topographic complexity and usually riparian forest canopy. Amongst the four studied reaches, Brégnier Cordon proved to have the greatest flooding dynamics, followed by Belley and Chautagne. The hydrological connectivity pattern of Pierre Bénite differed significantly. Three longitudinal patterns of hydrological connectivity of backwater channels displayed stepwise advancement of the water. The presented results can be used to assess ecological potential of floodplain habitats and their historic and prospective evolution through time. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Transpiration of four different rainforest types in north Queensland, Australia, was determined using the heat pulse technique for periods ranging between 391 and 657 days. Despite the complexity of the natural rainforest systems being studied, the relationship between sample tree size and daily water use was found to be strong, thus providing a robust means by which to scale transpiration from individual trees to the entire forest stand. Transpiration was shown to be dependent on solar radiation and atmospheric demand for moisture with little evidence of limitation by soil moisture supply. Total stand transpiration was controlled by forest characteristics such as stem density, size distribution and sapwood area. Annual transpiration for each of the four sites ranged between 353 mm for cloud forest and 591 mm for montane rainforest. In comparison with the international literature, transpiration from Australian rainforests is low; the reasons for this could be related to a combination of differences in forest structure, climatic conditions, canopy wetness duration and tree physiology. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

M. Su  W. J Stolte  G van der Kamp 《水文研究》2000,14(14):2405-2422
A hydrological model (SLURP) that was designed for simulating hydrological processes taking place in large river basins was, with minimal modification, used successfully to simulate water level variations over a 28‐year period (1969–1996) for a 3‐ha prairie wetland in Saskatchewan. The model calculates a water balance based on precipitation, snowmelt, evaporation, surface runoff and subsurface flow on a daily time‐step. The model was first calibrated for two periods (1969–1973 for cropland and 1987–1990 for grassland), then it was applied to records outside the calibration periods. The model reproduced the wetland water level variations during a 28‐year period with good accuracy. The wetland water levels were most sensitive to the infiltration coefficient of surface soil under frozen conditions and to maximum soil moisture storage. The applicability of the model and the calibrated parameters to a smaller wetland, with an area of 0·24 ha, was examined. This simulation indicated that scale effects are important, probably largely in relation to snow redistribution by wind. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

受地表河湖系统水情变化干扰,高度动态和异质性的洪泛区地下水文对河湖水资源、水污染以及生态环境功能等方面具有重要影响和贡献。鄱阳湖洪泛区湿地在长江中下游具有重要区位优势和研究特色,但变化环境下其水动力特征和水量交换情况等仍存在许多不确定性。本文以鄱阳湖典型洪泛区为研究区,采用地下水流二维数值模型,开展了洪泛区地表地下水转化作用与水量变化的模拟研究。结果表明,鄱阳湖季节性水位变化很大程度上决定了主湖区与周边地下水之间的动态补排模式,即洪泛区地下水补给湖泊主要发生在枯水和退水时期,而湖泊补给地下水主要发生在涨水和高洪水位时期。一般情况下,整个洪泛区地下水位与湖水位的年内变化态势基本一致,主湖区附近的地下水位年内变幅较大,而大部分洪泛区的地下水位变幅相对较小。北部地下水流速明显大于南部,主湖区附近地下水流速明显大于洪泛区,地下水流速基本小于1~2 m/d。水均衡分析发现,洪泛区地下水系统以接受降雨输入(52%)和主湖区补给(39%)为主,以地下水蒸发输出(72%)和向湖排泄(24%)为主,但补给主要发生在春、夏季,而排泄则发生在秋、冬季。地形地貌对洪泛区地下水位分布以及流速场演化具有主控作用,...  相似文献   

Thirty UK Climate Projections 2009 (UKCP09) scenarios are simulated using a MIKE SHE/MIKE 11 model of a restored floodplain in eastern England. Annual precipitation exhibits uncertainty in direction of change. Extreme changes (10 and 90% probability) range between ?27 and +30%. The central probability projects small declines (相似文献   

Hydrological monitoring in complex, dynamic northern floodplain landscapes is challenging, but increasingly important as a consequence of multiple stressors. The Peace-Athabasca Delta in northern Alberta, Canada, is a Ramsar Wetland of International Importance reliant on episodic river ice-jam flood events to recharge abundant perched lakes and wetlands. Improved and systematic monitoring of landscape-scale hydrological connectivity among freshwater ecosystems (rivers, channels, wetlands, and lakes) is needed to guide stewardship decisions in the face of climate change and upstream industrial development. Here, we use water isotope compositions, supplemented by measurements of specific conductivity and field observations, from 68 lakes and 9 river sites in May 2018 to delineate the extent and magnitude of spring ice-jam induced flooding along the Peace and Athabasca rivers. Lake-specific estimates of input water isotope composition (δI) were modelled after accounting for influence of evaporative isotopic enrichment. Then, using the distinct isotopic signature of input water sources, we develop a set of binary mixing models and estimate the proportion of input to flooded lakes attributable to river floodwater and precipitation (snow or rain). This approach allowed identification of areas and magnitude of flooding that were not captured by other methods, including direct observations from flyovers, and to demarcate flow pathways in the delta. We demonstrate water isotope tracers as an efficient and effective monitoring tool for delineating spatial extent and magnitude of an important hydrological process and elucidating connectivity in the Peace-Athabasca Delta, an approach that can be readily adopted at other floodplain landscapes.  相似文献   

Finite element modelling of the saturated–unsaturated surface–subsurface flow mechanisms operative in a small salinized catchment in south‐western Australia was used to help define the flow system and explain the causes of waterlogging and salinization there. Data available at the site from a previous study were used to obtain a first approximation to the flow system. Altering the properties of some of the strata gave a closer calibration. It was found that the modelled saturated hydraulic conductivity of the B horizon in the duplex soil zone needed to be at least an order of magnitude lower than that measured in order to reproduce the perching conditions observed in the field. Also, the model indicated the influence of a doleritic dyke, whose presence was confirmed by field measurement. Our analysis showed that there were two main flow systems operating in the hillslope. The first, and most dominant, was the recharge occurring through the upslope gradational soil zone and percolating down to both the deeply weathered regolith and the basal aquifer. The second flow system is an unsaturated flow system operating in the high permeability A horizon in the downslope duplex soil zone. The first system is primarily responsible for the saline seepage zone in the valley bottom. The second contributes to the waterlogging and perching occurring upslope of the seepage zone. Vertical flow through the higher permeability B horizon in the gradational soil zone in the upper slopes is a major contributor of recharge. Recharge by flow through macropores occurs where, but only where, perched aquifers develop and allow the macropores to be activated. Areas with perched aquifers occurred in downslope locations and near a doleritic dyke located upslope. Thus, the area where macropore recharge occurred was not large. The recharge rate required to maintain the piezometric levels at present values is only about 30 mm/yr (about 5% of the annual rainfall). The piezometric levels under the upper part of the catchment varied greatly with only small changes in recharge rate. A 50% reduction in recharge rate had the effect of reducing the length of the seepage zone at the end of winter by 40%. Changes in recharge rate had little effect on the extent of the perched aquifer at the end of winter. Deep‐rooted perennial forages, shrubs or trees on the gradational soil zone in the upper part of the catchment and on the zones upslope of geological barriers to flow would be required to reduce the recharge and to allow for rehabilitation of the saline valley floor. Waterlogging associated with the perched water table in the bottom part of the catchment would be best addressed by tree plantations located just upslope of the salinized zone in the valley floor. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Alluvial gullies are often formed in dispersible sodic soils along steep banks of incised river channels. Field data collected by Shellberg et al. (Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 38: 1765–1778, 2013) from a gully outlet in northern Australia showed little hysteresis between water discharge and fine (<63 µm) and coarse (>63 µm) suspended sediment, indicating transport‐limited rather than source‐limited conditions. The major source of the fine (silt/clay) component was the sodic soils of upstream gully scarps, and the coarser (sand) component was sourced locally from channel bed material. In this companion paper at the same study site, a new method was developed for combining the settling velocity characteristics of these two sediment source components to estimate the average settling velocity of the total suspended sediment. This was compared to the analysis of limited sediment samples collected during flood conditions. These settling velocity data were used in the steady‐state transport limit theory of Hairsine and Rose (Water Resources Research 28: 237–243, 245–250, 1992) that successfully predicted field data of concentrations and loads at a cross‐section, regardless of the complexity of transport‐limited upstream sources (sheet erosion, scalds, rills, gullies, mass failure, bank and bed erosion, other disturbed areas). The analysis required calibration of a key model parameter, the fraction of total stream power (F ≈ 0.025) that is effective in re‐entraining sediment. Practical recommendations are provided for the prediction of sediment loads from other alluvial gullies in the region with similar hydrogeomorphic conditions, using average stream power efficiency factors for suspended silt/clay (Fw ≈ 0.016) and sand (Fs ≈ 0.038) respectively, but with no requirement for field data on sediment concentrations. Only basic field data on settling velocity characteristics from soil samples, channel geometry measurements, estimates of water velocity and discharge, and associated error margins are needed for transport limit theory predictions of concentration and load. This theory is simpler than that required in source‐limited situations. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Inadequate knowledge exists on the distribution of soil moisture and shallow groundwater in intensively cultivated inland valley wetlands in tropical environments, which are required for determining the hydrological regime. This study investigated the spatial and temporal variability of soil moisture along 4 hydrological positions segmented as riparian zone, valley bottom, fringe, and valley slope in an agriculturally used inland valley wetland in Central Uganda. The determined hydrological regimes of the defined hydrological positions are based on soil moisture deficit calculated from the depth to the groundwater table. For that, the accuracy and reliability of satellite‐derived surface models, SRTM‐30m and TanDEM‐X‐12m, for mapping microscale topography and hydrological regimes are evaluated against a 5‐m digital elevation model (DEM) derived from field measurements. Soil moisture and depth to groundwater table were measured using frequency domain reflectometry sensors and piezometers installed along the hydrological positions, respectively. Results showed that spatial and temporal variability in soil moisture increased significantly (p < .05) towards the riparian zone; however, no significant difference was observed between the valley bottom and riparian zone. The distribution of soil hydrological regimes, saturated, near‐saturated, and nonsaturated regimes does not correlate with the hydrological positions. This is due to high spatial and temporal variability in depth to groundwater and soil moisture content across the valley. Precipitation strongly controlled the temporal variability, whereas microscale topography, soil properties, distance from the stream, anthropogenic factors, and land use controlled the spatial variability in the inland valley. TanDEM‐X DEM reasonably mapped the microscale topography and thus soil hydrological regimes relative to the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission DEM. The findings of the study contribute to improved understanding of the distribution of hydrological regimes in an inland valley wetland, which is required for a better agricultural water management planning.  相似文献   

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