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Previous studies based on radio scintillation measurements of the atmosphere of Venus have identified two regions of small-scale temperature fluctuations located in the vicinity of 45 and 60 km. A global study of the fluctuations near 60 km, which are consistent with wind-shear-generated turbulence, was conducted using the Pioneer Venus measurements. The structure constants of refractive index fluctuations cn2 and temperature fluctuations cT2 increase poleward, peak near 70° latitude, and decrease over the pole; cn2 varies from 2 × 10?15 to 1.5 × 10?14m23 and cT2 from 4 × 10?3 to 7 × 10?2°K2m?23. These results indicate greater turbulent activity at the higher latitudes. In the region near 45 km the refractive index fluctuations and the corresponding temperature fluctuations are substantially lower. Based on the analysis of one representative occultation measurement, cn2 = 2 × 10?16m?23and cT2 = 7.3 × 10?4°K2m?23 in the 45-km region. The fluctuations in this region also appear to be consistent with wind-shear-generated turbulence. The turbulence level is considerably weaker than that at 60 km; the energy dissipation rate ε is 4.9 × 10?5m2sec?3 and the small-scale eddy diffusion coefficient K is 2 × 103 cm2 sec?1.  相似文献   

The quenching rate kN2 of O(1D) by N2 and the specific recombination rate α1D of O2+ leading to O(1D) are re-examined in light of available laboratory and satellite data. Use of recent experimental values for the O(1D) transition probabilities in a re-analysis of AE-C satellite 6300 Å airglow data results in a value for kN2 of 2.3 × 10?11 cm3s?1 at thermospheric temperatures, in excellent agreement with the laboratory measurements. This implies a value of JO2 = 1.5 × 10?6s?1 for the O2 photodissociation rate in the Schumann-Runge continuum. The specific recombination coefficient α1D = 2.1 × 10?7cm3s?1 is also in agreement with the laboratory value. Implications for the suggested N(2D) + O2 → O(1D) + NO reaction are discussed.  相似文献   

The part that the energy transfer reaction N2(A3u+) + O(3P) → N2(X1g+) + O(1S) plays in the excitation of the auroral green line has been investigated. The contribution is estimated to be 40 per cent in this case, containing pulsating aurora in class IBC 1. Due to greater quenching of the A3u+ state, the centroid of the VK emission is displaced 10 km upwards of the green line height, which is centred at 110 km.  相似文献   

Incoherent scatter observations of the ionospheric F1 layer above Saint-Santin (44.6°N) are analyzed after correction of a systematic error at 165 and 180 km altitude. The daytime valley observed around 200 km during summer for low solar activity conditions is explained in terms of a downward ionization drift which reaches ?30 m s?1 around 180 km. Experimental determinations of the ion drift confirm the theoretical characteristics required for the summer daytime valley as well as for the winter behaviour without a valley. The computations require an effective dissociative recombination rate of 2.3 × 10?7 (300/Te)0.7 (cm3s?1) and ionizing fluxes compatible with solar activity conditions at the time when the valley is observed.  相似文献   

A sounding rocket was flown during the predawn on 17 January, 1976 from Uchinoura, Japan, to measure directly the behaviour of the conjugate photoelectrons at magnetically low latitudes. On board the rocket were an electron energy analyzer, 630 nm airglow photometer, and plasma probes to measure electron density and temperature. The incoming flux of the photoelectrons was measured in the altitude range between 210 and 340 km. The differential flux at the top of the atmosphere was determined to be F = (1.3 ± 0.4) × 1011exp[?E(eV)12] electron · m?2 · sr?1 · s?1 in the energy range 10 ? E ? 50 eV. The emission rate of the 630 nm airglow was observed in the altitude range between 90 and 360 km. The apparent emission rate observed at 80 km was 32 ± 5 R. From a theoretical calculation of the optical excitation rate using the observed electron flux data along with a model distribution of atomic oxygen, it was estimated that more than 65% of the emission could be produced by direct impact of the photoelectrons with atomic oxygen in the thermosphere between 200 and 360 km. Using the observed electron density and the model distribution of oxygen molecules the residual of the emission was ascribed to the excitation of O(1D) through dissociative recombination, O2++eO1 + O7. The direct collisional excitation by ambient electrons is estimated to be negligibly small at the level of observed electron temperature.  相似文献   

The orbit of Tansei 3rocket(1977-12B) has been determined at 47 epochs between 1 October 1977 and 19 March 1979 using over 1700 observations and the RAE orbit refinement program PROP6. The rate of change of the inclination was examined to evaluate values of the atmospheric rotation rate, Λ rev day?1. Analysis yielded the value Λ = 1.1 ± 0.05 at height 315 ± 30 km, average conditions; or alternatively Λ = 1.1 ± 0.1 at height 347 ± 12 km, slight winter bias and Λ = 1.07 ± 0.1 at height 270 ± 18 km, average conditions, supplying further evidence of a decrease in rotation rates from the 1960s to the 1970s.Analysis of the inclination at 15th-order resonance yielded the lumped harmonic values
109C0,115 = 13.4 ± 6.2, 109S0,115 = 0.7 ± 13.3
for inclination 65.485°.  相似文献   

In a recent paper, Brekke and Pettersen (1972) have introduced a method for estimating any indirect process in the production of the O(1S) atoms in pulsating aurora; for 38 per cent of their data they found that the decay time for the indirect mechanism was shorter than the effective lifetime of the 1S state. These data are related to the energy transfer from the N2(A3Σ) molecules to the O(1S) state, and evidence is found for this process to contribute in the altitude range below 125 km.  相似文献   

For nighttime auroras, we find that positive ion ratios are only a function of the neutral atmospheric composition and of the pertinent ionic processes if the ions are depleted mainly by ion-molecule reactions. Ionic ratios calculated for [N+][N2+] using the 1976 U.S. Standard Atmosphere and laboratory rate coefficients (with one exception) rise smoothly with altitude: 0.1 (120 km), 0.3 (140 km), 0.6 (160 km), 1.0 (180 km) and 1.5 (200 km). These values compare favorably with experimental ratios from three different auroral experiments. The exception refers to our use of a larger rate coefficient for N2+ + O → NO+ + N than found in the laboratory. We also determine an [N2+][O+] ratio with altitude: 0.36 (120 km), 0.078 (140 km), 0.030 (160 km), 0.014 (180 km) and 0.0075 (200 km). These values compare favorably with results from the same three auroral experiments. However, the match with a fourth auroral experiment is poor. Except for this last case, we conclude that the neutral composition at auroral latitudes in late winter is similar to the U.S. Standard for the altitudes examined.  相似文献   

The paper gives the results of detailed studies of the frequency spectra Ss(?) of the chain of the wave packets Fs(t) of geomagnetic pulsations PC-1 recorded at the Novolazarevskaya station. The bulk of the energy of Fs(t) is concentrated in the vicinity of the central frequencies ?s0 of spectra—the carrier frequencies of the signals. The velocity V0 ≌ 6.103km s?1 of the flux of protons generating these signals correspond to them. The spectra of the signals have oscillations—“satellites” irregularly distributed in frequency. These satellites, as the authors believe, testify to the presence of the individual groups of protons of low concentration whose velocities vary within 103–104 km s?1.Their energy is only of the order of 10?2–10?3 of the energy of the main proton flux. Clearly pronounced maxima on double and triple frequencies ? = 2?s0and 3?s0 are detected. They show that the generation of pulsations PC-1 is accompanied by the generation on the overtones of wave packets called in this paper “two-fold” and “three-fold” pulsations PC-1. Intensive symmetrical satellites of a modulation character have been discovered on frequencies ?±sK. Frequency differences Δ?sK± = ¦?s0 ? ?sK±¦ = (0.011,0.022 and 0.035) Hz correspond to them. The authors believe that the values of Δ?±sK are resonance frequencies of the magnetospheric cavity in which geomagnetic pulsations PC-1 are generated. It is established that the values of Δ?±sK coincide closely with the carrier frequencies of geomagnetic pulsations PC-3 and PC-4 generated in the magnetosphere. This leads to the conclusion that the resonance oscillations of the magnetospheric cavity are their source. Thus, the generation of geomagnetic pulsations of different types and resonance oscillations in the magnetosphere are integrated into a unified process. The importance of the results obtained and the necessity to check further their trustworthiness and universality, using experimental data gathered in different conditions, is stressed.  相似文献   

The photodissociation of water vapour in the mesosphere depends on the absorption of solar radiation in the region (175–200 nm) of the O2 Schumann-Runge band system and also at H-Lyman alpha. The photodissociation products are OH + H, OH + H, O + 2H and H2 + O at Lyman alpha; the percentages for these four channels are 70, 8, 12 and 10%, respectively, but OH + H is the only channel between 175 and 200 nm. Such proportions lead to a production of H atoms corresponding to practically the total photodissociation of H2O, while the production of H2 molecules is only 10% of the H2O photodissociation by Lyman alpha.The photodissociation frequency (s?1) at Lyman alpha can be expressed by a simple formula
JLyαH2O=4.5 ×10?61+0.2F10.7?65100exp[?4.4 ×10?19 N0.917]
where F10.7 cm is the solar radioflux at 10.7 cm and N the total number of O2 molecules (cm?2), and when the following conventional value is accepted for the Lyman alpha solar irradiance at the top of the Earth's atmosphere (Δλ = 3.5 A?) qLyα,∞ = 3 × 1011 photons cm?2 s1?.The photodissociation frequency for the Schumann-Runge band region is also given for mesospheric conditions by a simple formula
JSRB(H2O) = JSRB,∞(H2O) exp [?10?7N0.35]
where JSRB,∞(H2O) = 1.2 × 10?6 and 1.4 × 10?6 s?1 for quiet and active sun conditions, respectively.The precision of both formulae is good, with an uncertainty less than 10%, but their accuracy depends on the accuracy of observational and experimental parameters such as the absolute solar irradiances, the variable transmittance of O2 and the H2O effective absorption cross sections. The various uncertainties are discussed. As an example, the absolute values deduced from the above formulae could be decreased by about 25-20% if the possible minimum values of the solar irradiances were used.  相似文献   

Branching ratios σ(O03PO+2D0)σ(O03PO+4S0) and σ(O03PO+2P0)σ (O03P4S0) are calculated at 584 Å and 304 A employing the close-coupling approximation to compute the photoionization cross section values. The coupled channels include the states dominated by the ground configuration 1s22s2p3 of O+and the next excited configuration ls22s2p4. It is found that the partial c section σ(2D0) decreases more rapidly than σ(2P0), and at the lower wavelength 304 Å, the ratio σ(2D0)σ(4S0) < σ(2P0)σ(4S0). Present results at 304 Å differ considerably from previous work.  相似文献   

Recent laboratory measurements of the deactivation rate constants for O(1S) have suggested that the dominant production mechanism for the green line in the nightglow is a two-step process. A similar mechanism involving energy transfer from an excited state of molecular oxygen is considered as a potential source of the OI (5577 Å) emission in the aurora. It is shown that the mechanism, O2 + e → O21 + e O21 + O → O2 + O(1S), is consistent with auroral observations; the intermediate excited state has been tentatively identified as the O2(c1?u) state. For the proposed energy transfer mechanism to be the primary source of the auroral green line, the peak electron impact cross-section for O21 production must be approximately 2 × 10?17 cm2.  相似文献   

Radiative recombination of N and O provides a significant source for auroral emission in the γ and δ bands of NO with selective population of vibrational levels in the A2Σ+ and C2Π states. This mechanism may account for emissions detected near 2150 Å. Models are derived for the auroral ionosphere and include estimates for the concentrations of N and NO. The concentration of NO is estimated to have a value of about 108 cm?1 near 140 km in an IBC III aurora. The corresponding density for N is about 5 × 107cm?3 and the concentration ratio NO+O2+ has a value of about 5.5.  相似文献   

In this paper we confirm an earlier finding that the reaction
constitutes a major source of OI 6300 Å dayglow. The rate coefficient for this reaction is found to be consistent with an auroral result, namely k1 ≈ 6 × 10?12cm3s?1. We correct an error in an earlier publication and demonstrate that reaction (1) is consistent with the laboratory determined quenching rate for the reaction
where k2 = 2.3 × 10?11cm3s?1. Dissociative recombination of O+2 with electrons is found to be a major daytime source in summer above ~220 km.  相似文献   

Observations of type-B red and normal aurora were made with a high-speed multichannel photometer and a digital grating spectrometer. The ratio I(O2+ 1N; 2, 0 + 3, 1)I(N2+ 1N; 0, 3) measured in the 5200–5300 Å region with the spectrometer was found to increase by about 16% from normal to type-B aurora. This small change is difficult to reconcile with a height below 90 km for the red border. In the type-B aurora, λ 5577 was weakened by a factor between 1.9 and 3.8 while the ratio I(N2 1P; 5, 2)I(N2+ 1N) was enhanced less than 20%. Rapid intensity variations in the type-B lower border were observed in the λ 5577 and other channels of the photometer. A revised time dependent auroral excitation-ion chemistry model is used in an attempt to reproduce the observations. The observed weakening of λ 5577 could be produced at heights equal to or less than 100 km while the short observed time lag of λ 5577 on the N2+ 1N emission is easier to explain at 100 km than at 80 km. It is concluded that some type-B lower borders may occur near 100 km although it is recognized that there is good evidence rare deep crimson lower borders lie at 80 km or below. The mechanism for the excitation of O(1S) is considered in the light of these results. None of the mechanisms examined is satisfactory on the basis of currently accepted atmospheric models and quenching rate coefficients.  相似文献   

We study numerically and analytically the conditions leading to the truncation, at the 2:1 resonance, of a disk of infrequently colliding particles surrounding the primary of a binary system. We focus on systems with small mass ratios, q, such as the Sun-Jupiter system with q = 10?3. Previous studies showed that if collisions are frequent with respect to the orbital period, truncation 3nly occurs if the Reynolds number is greater than q?2. This corresponds to particle eccentricity, e, less than of order q for a particle disk of optical depth unity. In thepresent case collisions are less frequent than q?23 orbital periods (the period of the forced eccentricity at the 2:1 resonance), and truncation occurs and (Kirkwood) gaps are produced only if e is less than some critical value which we estimate to be of order q59, or ~0.02 for the Sun-Jupiter case. We mention several means whereby the eccentricities may have been subsequently increased to their observed values.  相似文献   

An astrophysical electron acceleration process is described which involves turbulent plasma effects: the acceleration mechanism will operate in ‘collision free’ magnetoactive astrophysical plasmas when ion-acoustic turbulence is generated by an electric field which acts parallel to the ambient magnetic lines of force. The role of ‘anomalous’ (ion-sound) resistivity is crucial in maintaining the parallel electric field. It is shown that, in spite of the turbulence, a small fraction of the electron population can accelerate freely, i.e. runaway, in the high parallel electric potential. The number density n(B) of the runaway electron component is of order n(B)?n2(csU?)2, where n = background electron number density, cs = ion-sound speed and U? = relative drift velocity between the electron and ion populations. The runaway mechanism and the number density n(B) do not depend critically on the details of the non-linear saturation of the ion-sound instability.  相似文献   

T.E. Cravens  A.E.S. Green 《Icarus》1978,33(3):612-623
The intensities of radiation from the inner comas of comets which are composed primarily of water and carbon monoxide have been calculated. Only “airglow” emissions initiated by the absorption of extreme ultraviolet radiation have been considered. The photoionizations of H2O, CO, CO2, and N2 are the most important emission sources, although photoelectron excitation is also considered. Among the emission features for which intensities were calculated are H2O+ (A?2A1?X?2B1), CO+ (first negative), CO (fourth positive), CO (Cameron), CO2+ (B?2?u?X?2IIg), N2 (Vegard-Kaplan), N2+ (first negative), and OI (1304 Å). In the inner coma (collision region) these airglow mechanisms are shown to be possible competitors with the usually assumed resonance scattering and flourescence excitation mechanisms which are appropriate for the outer coma and tail.  相似文献   

Measurements of N2+ and supporting data made on the Atmosphere Explorer-C satellite in the ionosphere are used to study the charge exchange process
The equality k = (5 ± 1.7) × 10?10cm3s?1. This value lies close to the lower limit of experimental uncertainty of the rate coefficient determined in the laboratory. We have also investigated atomic oxygen quenching of O+(2D) and find that the rate coefficient is 2 × 10?11 cm3s?1 to within approximately a factor of two.  相似文献   

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