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Carl Sagan 《Icarus》1973,19(3):350-352
Even with slow rates of technological advance, extraterrestrial civilizations substantially in our future will have technologies and laws of nature currently inaccessible to us, and will probably have minimal interest in communicating with us. If this communication horizon is ~103 years in our future, other crude estimates previously published imply that only ~10?4 of the technical civilizations in the Galaxy are accessible to us. The mean distance to the nearest such society is then ~104 light years. Radio detection of extraterrestrial intelligence seems to imply either (1) much larger telescopes or antenna arrays for the detection of civilizations within our Galaxy than now exist; or (2) attention to the nearer extragalactic systems, with smaller radio telescopes, to detect the very small fraction of very advanced societies which may choose to make their presence known to emerging civilizations via antique communication modes.  相似文献   

The problem of, attempting to make radio contact, with other technological civilizations is examined. It is argued that there are few (perhaps indeed no) omnidirectional radio beacons in the Galaxy primarily because any such beacon, to be effective, would have to be designed for a call-response time of at least some 104 years, which is much too long to be likely to be acceptable to governments. A consequence, is that any search program by us would have little chance of detecting incoming signals.Paper dedicated to Professor Hannes Alfvén on the occasion of his 70th birthday, 30th May, 1978.  相似文献   

A new theory for galactic arm formation shows the arms to be continually eminating from the galactic nucleus due to a continual influx of cosmic dust. In the neighborhood of the nucleus the problem is treated as a fluid flow and a simple solution is given using conservation of momentum. When rotational dynamics are included the spinning arm system is the result. This solution resolves the problem of the missing mass, accounts for warped disk galaxies and gives a probable source for the gravity waves measured by Weber which eminate from our galactic center. Reversal of arm direction is demonstrated and examples of such reversals are cited. An approximate theoretical estimate of the age of our Sun is found to be in good agreement with radio isotope dating. A general result shows why twin star systems are in such great abundance in a galaxy. It gives a model of galactic evolution which begins with only a single massive nucleus with the collapsing gas clouds forming the arms.  相似文献   

An attempt is made to present all the relevant observations of our galactic centre and to explain them by means of a working scheme that involves a minimum number ofad hoc assumptions.In this scheme, the central engine is Sgr A*, a supermassive star of some 103 M and surface temperature 3.6×104 K in Keplerian rotation, fuelled by the strongly magnetized disk. It drives both a non-thermal (pair-plasma) wind and a thermal wind. Interactions with the central star cluster and with the circumnuclear disk give rise to the thermal vortex Sgr A West and to the non-thermal spill-over bubble Sgr A East. The relativistic pair plasma escapes supersonically through the galactic chimney into the galactic twin jets, as in Seyfert galaxies.  相似文献   

The evolution of the Solar neighbourhood is followed using a unique, magnitude complete and kinematically unbiased sample of 14,000 F, G, and K dwarfs. Metallicity, age, space motion and galactic orbits have been determined for all stars. The result is a detailed view of the complex evolution of the local Milky Way, which must be matched by any model for the chemical and dynamical evolution of the Galactic disk. E.g., such models must explain the shape and large scatter in the age-metallity relation as well as the overall metallicity distribution; the evolution of stellar kinematics with age; the distribution of stars in velocity space; and the contributions from the thick and thin disks to all these relations. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The interstellar diffusion of galactic civilizations is reexamined by potential theory; both numerical and analytical solutions are derived for the nonlinear partial differential and difference equations which specify a range of relevant models, drawn from blast wave physics, soil science, and, especially, population biology. An essential feature of these models is that, for all civilizations, population growth must be limited by the carrying capacity of the planetary environments. Dispersal is fundamentally a diffusion process; a directed density-dependent diffusivity describes interstellar emigration. We concentrate on two models, the first describing zero population growth (ZPG) and the second which also includes local growth and saturation of a planetary population, and for which we find an asymptotic travelling wave solution. For both models the colonization wavefront expands slowly and uniformly, but only the frontier worlds are sources of further expansion. For nonlinear diffusion with growth and saturation, the colonization wavefront from the nearest independently arisen galactic civilization can have reached the Earth only if its lifetime exceeds 2.6 × 106 years. If discretization can be neglected, the critical lifetime is 2.0 × 107 years. For ZPG the corresponding number is 1.3 × 1010 years. These numerical results depend on our choices for the specific emigration rate, the distribution of colonizable worlds, and, in the second model, the population growth rate; but the dependence on these parameters is entrancingly weak. We conclude that the Earth is uncolonized not because interstellar spacefaring societies are rare, but because there are too many worlds to be colonized in the plausible lifetime of the colonization phase of nearby galactic civilizations. This phase is, we contend, eventually outgrown. We also conclude that, except possibly early in the history of the Galaxy, there are no very old galactic civilizations with a consistent policy of conquest of inhabited worlds; there is no Galactic Empire. There may, however, be abundant groups of ~105 to 106 worlds linked by a common colonial heritage. The radar and television announcement of an emerging technical society on Earth may induce a rapid response by nearby civilizations, thus newly motivated to reach our system directly rather than by diffusion.  相似文献   

We consider the possible observational consequences of galactic civilizations which utilize their local star as a repository for radioactive fissile waste material. If a relatively small fraction of the nuclear resources present in the crust of a terrestrial-type planet were processed via breeder reactors, the resulting stellar spectrum would be selectively modified over geological time periods provided the star has a sufficiently shallow outer convective zone. Consideration of surface convective mixing and stellar lifetimes restricts the possible candidate stars to the approximate spectra range A5-F2. The abundance anomalies resulting from the slow neutron fission of plutonium-239 and uranium-233 are presented and it is argued that these anomalous distributions are unlikely to be duplicated by natural nucleosynthesis processes. Relative to solar system abundances, the elements praseodymium and neodymium are found to be the most overabundant. These elements, along with the radioactive elements technetium and plutonium, could be used to identify A5-F2 candidate stars in a preliminary spectral survey.  相似文献   

A model of compact galactic nuclei in statistical equilibrium was developed in [L. Sh. Grigorian and G. S. Sahakian, Astrofizika (in press)]. It was shown that they should consist predominantly of neutron stars (pulsars) and white dwarfs. The problem of the energy reserves of galactic nuclei is discussed in terms of this concept. The mechanism of conversion of a white dwarf into a neutron star due to the accretion of interstellar matter is considered. This means that a galactic nucleus has an energy reserve of some 5·1060 N8 erg (N is the number of stars in the nucleus). It is shown that galactic nuclei are powerful sources of hard γ radiation [power L » 2·1044µ30N8(Ω/50)17/7 erg/sec, where µ is the magnetic moment and Ω is the angular rotation rate of a neutron star ] due to curvature radiation from relativistic electron fluxes flowing along channels of open magnetic field lines of pulsars. The x-ray and ultraviolet emission are due to synchrotron emission from the same electron fluxes in the magnetic field of the galactic nucleus (L » 1042-1044 erg/sec). The optical (visible and infrared) and radio emission are due to bremsstrahlung from electrons in the interstellar medium [L » 6·1046N 8 2 (5/Rpc)3 erg/sec, where R is the radius of the galactic nucleus]. An equation is obtained for the magnetic moment of a pulsar: µ ≈ 3.4·10-5LγP17/7, where P is the pulsar’s period and L03B3; is the luminosity of the pulsar’s y radiation.  相似文献   

We present the first results of a systematic analysis of radially truncated exponential discs for four galaxies of a complete sample of disc-dominated edge-on spiral galaxies.
The discs of our sample galaxies are truncated at similar radii on either side of their centres. With the possible exception of the disc of ESO 416-G25, it appears that the truncations in our sample galaxies are closely symmetric, in terms of both their sharpness and the truncation length. However, the truncations occur over a larger region and not as abruptly as found in previous studies.
We show that the truncated luminosity distributions of our sample galaxies, if also present in the mass distributions, comfortably meet the requirements for longevity. The formation and maintenance of disc truncations are probably closely related to stability requirements for galactic discs.  相似文献   

It is pointed out that there is a better than even chance that a galactic supernova will occur during the lifetime of the present generation of astronomers. A brief discussion is given of a number of types of observations that could be made of such a unique event. It would be particularly important to obtain speckle interferometry of the expanding supernova. High time-resolution spectroscopy and photometry should be obtained during the early phases of the outburst.  相似文献   

Three groups of galactic mass models, each consisting of nine inhomogeneous spheroids of two kinds are described, according to three adopted values of the total density near the Sun: 0.10, 0.15 and 0.20 M pc–3. Approximately 20% of the total mass of each model is in the halo, constructed to adequately fit recent RR Lyrae star observations. It is shown that the maxima found in the RR Lyrae star densities towards the galactic axis (Plaut, 1970) should not be interpreted as being associated with the galactic nucleus, but as the result of the greater decrease in density with increasingz over the increase in density as the galactic axis is approached. Even at the low galactic latitude of 5° (l=0°), this effect causes a 0.5 kpc correction to the distance to the galactic centre. A basic model for kpc, km s–1, M pc–3 is first constructed, mainly to satisfy structural conditions near the sun and in the halo. An attempt to optimize the basic model is made by scaling it so as to retain constant density and angular velocity near the sun, and to best fit kinematic data, including the recent re-examination of the 21-cm data of Simonson and Mader (1972). No unknown matter is required in the models, in accordance with the results of Weistrop (1972b), and, as pointed out earlier (Innanen, 1966b) the faintM-stars must be in a highly flattened spheroid. The optimizing indicates that an adequate fit to kinematics can be achieved for km s–1. More detailed results are tabulated for a representative model for which . Two new galactic density functions are discussed in the Appendix.  相似文献   

We study the effect of a spiral-like perturbation in the orbits of an axisymmetric galactic potential using surfaces of section. We find that the perturbation induces stochasticity and diffusion of orbits in phase space.Paper presented at the 11th European Regional Astronomical Meetings of the IAU on New Windows to the Universe, held 3–8 July, 1989, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain.  相似文献   

The case is made for most cosmic rays having come from galactic sources. ‘Structure’, i.e. a lack of smoothness in the energy spectrum, is apparent, strengthening the view that most cosmic rays come from discrete sources, supernova remnants being most likely.  相似文献   

We summarize the current state of the long term discussion about the saturation mechanisms associated with rapid growth of small‐scale magnetic field, that operate in large‐scale galactic dynamos, and related problems with magnetic helicity conservation. Our general conclusion is that, taking into account magnetic helicity fluxes, large‐scale magnetic field can be amplified up to about the equipartition level. In contrast, models without helicity fluxes give an initial temporal magnetic field growth, but then decay. In our opinion, it is more appropriate to refer to the situation as a “potentially catastrophic scenario” rather than as “catastrophic α‐quenching” (© 2011 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

The effects of collisions between two galaxies on the test galaxy considered are classified as follows — Type A: the changes in the size and mass of the test galaxy are both negligible; Type B: There is significant increase in the size (at least 10%) or decrease in the mass (at least 1%) of the test galaxy or in both; Type C: The test galaxy becomes a component of a double galaxy by tidal capture; Type D: The test galaxy is disrupted by the tidal forces of the field galaxy.The type of collision is given as a function of the distance and speed at closest approach and also as a function of the initial impact parameter and speed at infinite separation of the two galaxies for two density models of the galaxies. Collisions in which the two galaxies do not penetrate each other are generally of type A while slow interpenetrating collisions are generally of type B. Types C and D occur in head-on or nearly head-on collisions if the relative speed of the two galaxies is sufficiently small; the former is favoured if the two galaxies do not differ appreciably in mass and density distribution. If one of the two galaxies is considerably less massive or less centrally concentrated than the other, it will be disrupted in slow close collisions.  相似文献   

The formation of galactic discs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Theories of galactic structure are reviewed briefly before comparing them with recent observations. Also reviewed is the evidence for an intergalactic magnetic field and its possible effects on gas concentrations and patterns of star creation, including spiral arms. It is then shown that normal spiral galaxies may be divided into the M51-type and others. The rare M51-type have Hi gas arms coincident with unusually filamentary and luminous optical arms; they also have a companion galaxy. The remaining great majority of spirals have no well-defined gas arms and their optical arms are irregular, broader and less luminous; they have no companion galaxy. It appears that without exception the half-dozen or so galaxies whose structures appear to support the density-wave theory show one or more of the characteristics of the rare type of spiral, and that the three principal confirmations of the spiral-wave idea (M51, M81, M101) have companions which may account for their arms. Toomre has rejected this idea on the grounds that his models do not agree with the observed structures. It is shown that these models are inadequate in two major respects, and when replaced by magneto-tidal models using non-uniform gas disks one might expect agreement. The original hydromagnetic model of spiral arms is now reserved for non-interacting galaxies, of which M33 might be taken as a prototype. The model predicts broad or massive optical arms and no corresponding arms of neutral hydrogen, as observed.  相似文献   

Measurements of lithium in stars of different galactic populations such as young open clusters ( Per, Pleiades, Praesepe, Coma, Hyades), very young stellar associations (Taurus-Auriga, Chamaeleon, Ophiuchus clouds), intermediate and old open clusters (NGC 752, M 67, NGC 188), old disc stars and halo stars give us the observational framework from which the galactic evolution of lithium has to be inferred. This element is produced mainly via three mechanisms: primordial nucleosynthesis, spallation reactions in the interstellar medium and thermonuclear reactions in some particular stellar evolutionary stages (novae, red giants). The complicated nucleosynthesis and the fact that astration of lithium in stars is not well understood, makes a direct interpretation of the lithium evolutionary abundance curve difficult. The constraints set by recent lithium measurements in very old open clusters and metal-deficient stars on galactic lithium production mechanisms are discussed. Current problems in the determination of the primordial lithium abundance are briefly reviewed.  相似文献   

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