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We present a treatment of libration-point capture in the restricted three-body problem. Examples of capture are given, and a long-term numerical integration is presented, to illustrate major features of orbits arising from capture. A theory of lifetimes is given, providing order-of-magnitude (though rather conservative) estimates of the time a body remains captured. A general capture criterion, giving bounds on admissible values of the postcapture semimajor axis, for given values of eccentricity and inclination. This criterion is used to demonstrate that, in general, direct postcapture orbits lie outside retrograde ones. We also emphasize the importance of mass-change, of one or both primaries, in producing capture. This phenomenon is shown to give rise to a new type of capture, “pull-down capture,” which produces retrograde orbits. The effects of nebular drag also are noted.These results suggest the improbability of a capture origin for Jupiter's outer satellites within the last 4+ billion years, or since the solar system reached its present dynamical configuration. Computations indicate, however, that either mass-change or nebular drag could have been effective in producing capture. The outer satellite groups are shown to resemble Hirayama families physically, thus supporting a hypothesis of capture followed by collisional fragmentation.  相似文献   

Some natural satellites may have been captured due to the gas drag they experienced in passing through primordial circumplanetary nebulas. This paper models such an encounter and derives the testable parameters from the known properties of current solar system objects and Bodenheimer's (1977, Icarus 31) model of the earliest phases of Jupiter's evolution. We propose that the clusters of prograde and retrograde irregular satellites of Jupiter originated when two parent bodies were decelerated and fragmented as they passed through an extended primordial Jovian nebula. Fragmentation occured because the gas dynamic pressure exceeded the parent bodies' strengths. These events must have occurred only shortly before the primordial nebula experienced hydrodynamical collapse so that subsequently the fragments underwent only limited orbital evolution. Because self-gravity exceeded the relative drag force, the fragments initially remained together, only to be dispersed at a later time by a collision with a stray body. Predictions of this hypothesis, such as orbital distance of the irregular satellites and size of the parent bodies, are found to be consistent with the observed properties of Jupiter's irregular satellites. In addition nebular drag at a later time may have caused the inner three Galilean satellites to undergo a modest amount of orbital evolution, accounting for their present orbital resonance. Gas drag capture of Saturn's Phoebe and Iapetus and Neptune's Nereid and Triton may also be possible. Reasonable differences in properties could explain why these satellites, in contrast to the Jovian ones, did not fracture upon capture. The current irregular satellites represent only a tiny fraction of the bodies captured by primordial nebulas. The dominant fraction would have spiraled into the center of the nebula as a result of continued gas drag and thus offer one source for the heavy element cores of the outer planets. If one is willing to postulate the presence of a massive gaseous nebula around primordial Mars, then gas drag capture could account for the origin of the Martian moons. We hypothesize that a single parent body was captured in a region of the nebula where the gas velocity approached the Keplerian value, that it fragmented upon deceleration into at least two bodies, Phobos and Deimos, and that continued nebular drag led to the low eccentricity and inclination that characterize the satellites' current orbits. Following the dissipation of this nebula, the more massive Phobos tidally evolved to its current position.  相似文献   

The Galilean satellites Io, Europa, and Ganymede interact through several stable orbital resonances where λ1 ? 2λ2 + ω1 = 0, λ1 ? 2λ2 + ω2 = 180°, λ2 ? 2λ3 + ω2 = 0 and λ1 ? 3λ2 + 2λ3 = 180°, with λi being the mean longitude of the ith satellite and ωi the longitude of the pericenter. The last relation involving all three bodies is known as the Laplace relation. A theory of origin and subsequent evolution of these resonances outlined earlier (C. F. Yoder, 1979b, Nature279, 747–770) is described in detail. From an initially quasi-random distribution of the orbits the resonances are assembled through differential tidal expansion of the orbits. Io is driven out most rapidly and the first two resonance variables above are captured into libration about 0 and 180° respectively with unit probability. The orbits of Io and Europa expand together maintaining the 2:1 orbital commensurability and Europa's mean angular velocity approaches a value which is twice that of Ganymede. The third resonance variable and simultaneously the Laplace angle are captured into libration with probability ~0.9. The tidal dissipation in Io is vital for the rapid damping of the libration amplitudes and for the establishment of a quasi-stationary orbital configuration. Here the eccentricity of Io's orbit is determined by a balance between the effects of tidal dissipation in Io and that in Jupiter, and its measured value leads to the relation k1?1/Q1 ≈ 900kJ/QJ with the k's being Love numbers, the Q's dissipation factors, and f a factor to account for a molten core in Io. This relation and an upper bound on Q1 deduced from Io's observed thermal activity establishes the bounds 6 × 104 < QJ < 2 × 106, where the lower bound follows from the limited expansion of the satellite orbits. The damping time for the Laplace libration and therefore a minimum lifetime of the resonance is 1600 QJ years. Passage of the system through nearby three-body resonances excites free eccentricities. The remnant free eccentricity of Europa leads to the relation Q2/?2 ? 2 × 10?4 QJ for rigidity μ2 = 5 × 1011 dynes/cm2. Probable capture into any of several stable 3:1 two-body resonances implies that the ratio of the orbital mean motions of any adjacent pair of satellites was never this large.A generalized Hamiltonian theory of the resonances in which third-order terms in eccentricity are retained is developed to evaluate the hypothesis that the resonances were of primordial origin. The Laplace relation is unstable for values of Io's eccentricity e1 > 0.012 showing that the theory which retains only the linear terms in e1 is not valid for values of e1 larger than about twice the current value. Processes by which the resonances can be established at the time of satellite formation are undefined, but even if primordial formation is conjectured, the bounds established above for QJ cannot be relaxed. Electromagnetic torques on Io are also not sufficient to relax the bounds on QJ. Some ideas on processes for the dissipation of ideal energy in Jupiter yield values of QJ within the dynamical bounds, but no theory has produced a QJ small enough to be compatible with the measurements of heat flow from Io given the above relation between Q1 and QJ. Tentative observational bounds on the secular acceleration of Io's mean motion are also shown not to be consistent with such low values of QJ. Io's heat flow may therefore be episodic. QJ may actually be determined from improved analysis of 300 years of eclipse data.  相似文献   

C. Froeschlé  H. Rickman 《Icarus》1981,46(3):400-414
We present statistical distributions of Jovian perturbations on short-period comet orbits resulting from accurate numerical integrations. Our sample of 60, 000 cometary orbits with low inclinations and random orientations is characterized by perihelia between 0 and 7 AU and aphelia between 4 and 13 AU. The perturbations considered are those experienced because of Jupiter's gravitation per orbital revolution by the comets. Regularization and accurate step-length control in the numerical integration gives statistical results appreciably different from those computed by Rickman and Vaghi (1978). Their use of a crude method of integration led to erroneous results for close encounters. Strong asymmetries of the δ(1a) distributions, in particular for the extreme tails, are observed for perihelion- or aphelion-tangent orbits. These orbits are also shown to experience the strongest energy perturbations on the average. Some results concerning the perturbations of Tisserand parameters are indicated. The perturbation distributions for the angular elements are described and discussed. The role of the minimum distance from Jupiter as an indicator of perturbations is investigated.  相似文献   

Graboske et al. (1973) have shown that Jupiter's luminosity was orders of magnitude larger during its initial contraction phase than it is today. As a result, during Jupiter's earliest contraction history, ices would have preferentially been prevented from condensing within the region containing the orbits of the inner satellites. The observed variation of the mean density of the Galilean satellites with distance from Jupiter implies that the satellite formation process was operative on a time scale of about five million years. Another consequence of the high luminosity phase is that water should be the only ice present in significant proportions in any of the Galilean satellites.  相似文献   

Hydrogen atoms in Keplerian orbits about a planet are dynamically perturbed by solar Ly α radiation. These perturbations are examined here by analyzing the rates of change of the classical orbital elements, with rather different conclusions from those drawn by Bertaux and Blamont (1973) from numerical integration of sample orbits. There are three main effects: high inclination orbits with eccentricities e ? 0.4 are forced toward the ecliptic plane within a few weeks; the perigees of direct [or retrograde] orbits drift rapidly (i.e., in a few days) toward stable positions roughly westward [or eastward] of the planet; satellite orbits in or near such a stable point rapidly lower their perigees and the satellite's life is ended by a collision in the atmosphere. Thus there are effects tending to diminish the number of highly eccentric orbits with distant apogees in all six principal directions (N, S; Sun, anti-Sun; E, W). The various lifetimes are compared for a sample of initial elements.  相似文献   

Jupiter's innermost Galilean satellite Io is regarded as a fairly good conductor (σ > 10?5 Ω?1m?1). The trapping of magnetic field lines by Io and their deformation is described. A neutral point forms in the vicinity of the satellite. The magnetic field annihilation in the neutral point is enhanced by the emission of low frequency hmd waves. The power carried away by these waves may be as high 1015 W. The characteristic frequency of the wave and its variation while Io orbits around Jupiter is determined.  相似文献   

T. Gold 《Icarus》1975,24(1):134-135
The paper by Reid suggests that masses may be stored in circumlunar orbits for long periods of time, limited only by tidal dissipation. The real loss may, however, be much faster, due to large changes in the orbit caused by the disturbing field of the Earth. It is shown that the example quoted of Jupiter's satellites is inadequate to make the case for stability of such orbits.  相似文献   

We have used Pollack et al.'s 1976 calculations of the quasi-equilibrium contraction of Saturn to study the influence of the planet's early high luminosity on the formation of its satellites and rings. Assuming that the condensation of ices ceased at the same time within Jupiter's and Saturn's primordial nebulae, and using limits for the time of cessation derived for Jupiter's system by Pollack and Reynolds (1974) and Cameron and Pollack (1975), we arrive at the following tentative conclusions. Titan is the innermost satellite at whose position a methane-containing ice could condense, a result consistent with the presence of methane in this satellite's atmosphere. Water ice may have been able to condense at the position of all the satellites, a result consistent with the occurrence of low-density satellites close to Saturn. The systematic decrease in the mass of Saturn's regular satellites with decreasing distance from Saturn may have been caused partially by the larger time intervals for the closer satellites between the start of contraction and the first condensation of ices at their positions and between the start of contraction and the time at which Saturn's radius became less than a satellite's orbital radius. Ammonia ices, principally NH4SH, were able to condense at the positions of all but the innermost satellites.Water ice may bave been able to condense in the region of the rings close to the end of the condensation period. We speculate that the rings are unique to Saturn because on the one hand, temperatures within Jupiter's Roche limit never became cool enough for ice particles to form before the end of the condensation period and on the other hand, ice particles formed only very early within Uranus' and Neptune's Roche limits, and were eliminated by gas drag effects that caused them to spiral into the planet before the gas of these planets' nebula was eliminated. Gas drag would also have eliminated any rocky particles initially present inside the Roche limit.We also derive an independent estimate of several million years for the time between the start of the quasi-equilibrium contraction of Saturn and the cessation of condensation. This estimate is based on the density and mass characteristics of Saturn's satellites. Using this value rather than the one found for Jupiter's satellites, we find that the above conclusions about the rings and the condensation of methane-and ammonia-containing ices remain valid.  相似文献   

Gerhard Hahn  Hans Rickman 《Icarus》1985,61(3):417-442
Orbital integrations are presented for a total of 14 asteroids with perihelia inside 1.7 AU and with aphelion distances in excess of 4 AU, 10 of which were discovered in 1979–1984. The integrations were normally extended over approximately ±1000 years in a three-body model (Sun-Jupiter-asteroid). The effects of uncertainties of starting orbits are not treated in this work, and as far as the real asteroids are concerned, the results should be regarded mostly as preliminary indications. A wide variety of orbital evolutions is found, and some of them evidently belong to the cometary, chaotic type. Three such cases are identified with certainty (1983 SA, 1983 XF, and 1984 BC) and two or three more with various degrees of likelihood. An asteroidal motion is found for the well-observed object 1979 VA. A stable libration around the 21 resonance is found for 1981 FD, which obviously adds to the Griqua group. A long-lasting libration around the 53 resonance performed by 1982 YA is probably unstable. Temporary librations are also found for 1983 SA (43 resonance) and 1983 XF (21 resonance), but these objects appear to transit into irregular motions with close approaches to Jupiter (less than 0.01 AU for 1983 XF). A very rapid large-amplitude ω libration around 90° is found in the future motion of 1983 VA. If this will indeed occur for the real asteroid, the object will oscillate with a period of only 750 years between a main-belt orbit of very high inclination and a low-inclination Apollo-type orbit.  相似文献   

A recent estimate of tidal dissipation by turbulent viscosity in Jupiter's convective interior predicts that the current value of the planet's tidal Q ~ 5 × 106. We point out a fundamental error in this calculation, and show that turbulent dissipation alone implies that at present Q ~ 5 × 1013. Our reduced estimat for the rate of tidal dissipation shows conclusively that tidal torques have produced only negligible modifications of the orbits of the Galilean satellites over the age of the solar system.  相似文献   

Julio A. Fernández 《Icarus》1980,42(3):406-421
The orbital evolution of 500 hypothetical comets during 109 years is studied numerically. It is assumed that the birthplace of such comets was the region of Uranus and Neptune from where they were deflected into very elongated orbits by perturbations of these planets. Then, we adopted the following initial orbital elements: perihelion distances between 20 and 30 AU, inclinations to the ecliptic plane smaller than 20°, and semimajor axes from 5 × 103 to 5 × 104 AU. Gravitational perturbations by the four giant planets and by hypothetical stars passing at distances from the Sun smaller than 5 × 105 AU are considered. During the simulation, somewhat more than 50% of the comets were lost from the solar system due to planetary or stellar perturbations. The survivors were removed from the planetary region and left as members of what is generally known as the cometary cloud. At the end of the studied period, the semimajor axes of the surviving comets tend to be concentrated in the interval 2 × 104 < a < 3 × 104 AU. The orbital planes of the comets with initial a ≧ 3 × 104AU acquired a complete randomization while the others still maintain a slight predominance of direct orbits. In addition, comet orbits with final a < 6 × 104AU preserve high eccentricities with an average value greater than 0.8 Most “new” comets from the sample entering the region interior to Jupiter's orbit had already registered earlier passages through the planetary region. By scaling up the rate of paritions of hypothetical new comets with the observed one, the number of members of the cometary cloud is estimated to be about 7 × 1010 and the conclusion is drawn that Uranus and Neptune had to remove a number of comets ten times greater.  相似文献   

Using magnetic data from the geostationary satellites of ATS 6 and SMS/GOES series, long-period geomagnetic pulsations, Psc 4 and Psc 5, associated with geomagnetic sudden commencements (SC's) were statistically analyzed. Local time and geomagnetic latitude dependence of the occurrence, and local time dependence of the period and the amplitude were examined for 218 SC's. For transverse Psc 5 pulsations which could be observed at all local times, the period was shorter and the amplitude was smaller near noon than in the morning and evening sides. Compressional Psc 5's, which were observed mainly from about 09.00 L.T. to midnight, had larger amplitude near noon. The period seemed to be longer near noon. As for Psc 4 pulsations the period tended to be shorter near noon. Psc 4's with the largest amplitude appeared near noon, but on the whole Psc 4's in the evening side had larger amplitude. The compressional Psc occurred more frequently near the geomagnetic equator (geomagnetic latitude φm≌ 5°N) than at higher latitude (φm≌ 9° ~ 12°N). We suggest that the transverse Psc 5 pulsations can be considered to be magnetic field-line resonant oscillations excited by impulsive waves, while the compressional Psc 5's may be oscillations localized near the geomagnetic equator.  相似文献   

An earlier paper gave solutions for the mean time rates of change of orbital elements of satellite atoms in an exosphere influenced by solar radiation pressure. Each element was assumet to beahve independently. Here the instantaneous rates of change for three elements (e, ω, and θ = ω + Ω) are integrated simultaneously for the case of the inclination i = 0. The results (a) confirm the validity of using mean rates when the orbits are tightly bound to the planet and (b) serve as examples to be reproduced by the complicated numerical solutions required for arbitrary inclination. Strongly bound hydrogen atoms perturbed in Earth orbit by radiation pressure do not seem a likely cause of the geotail extending in the anti-Sun direction. Instead, radiation pressure wil cause those particles' orbits to form a broad fan-shaped tail and to deteriorate into the Earth's atmosphere. Whether loosely bound H atoms are plentiful enough to create the geotail depends on their source function versusr; that question is beyond the scope of this paper.  相似文献   

Hyperion is an irregularly shaped object of about 285 km in mean diameter, which appears as the likely remmant of a catastrophic collisional evolution. Since the peculiar orbit of this satellite (in 43 resonance locking with Titan) provides an effective mechanism to prevent any reaccretion of secondary fragments originated in a breakup event, the present Hyperion is probably the “core” of a disrupted precursor. This contrasts with the other, regularly shaped small satellites of Saturn, which, according to B.A. Smith et al. [Science215, 504–537 (1982)], were disrupted several times but could reaccrete from narrow rings of collisional fragments. The numerical experiments performed to explore the region of the phase space surrounding the present orbit show that most fragments ejected with a relative velocity ?0.1 km/sec rapidly attain chaotic-type orbits, having repeated close encounters with Titan. Ejection velocities of this order of magnitude are indeed expected for a collision at a velocity of ~ 10 km/sec with a projectile-to-target mass ratio of the order of 10?3; similar effects could be produced by less energetic but nearly grazing collisions. Such events are not likely to displace the largest remnant (i.e., the present Hyperion) outside the stable region of the phase space associated with the resonance, but could be responsible for the large amplitude of the observed orbital libration.  相似文献   

V.S. Safronov  E.L. Ruskol 《Icarus》1982,49(2):284-296
A two-stage growth of the giant planets, Jupiter and Saturn, is considered, which is different from the model of contraction of large gaseous protoplanets. In the first stage, within a time of ~3 × 107 years in Jupiter's zone and ~2 × 108 years in Saturn's zone, a nucleus forms from condensed (solid) material having the mass, ~1028 g, necessary for the beginning of acceleration. The second stage may gravitating body, and a relatively slow accretion begins until the mass of the planet reaches ~10 m. Then a rapid accretion begins with the critical radius less than the radius of the Hill lobe, so that the classical formulae for the rate of accretion may be applied. At a mass m > m1 ≈ 50 m accretion proceeds slower than it would according to these formulae. When the planet sweeps out all the gas from its nearest zone of feeding (m = m2 ≈ 130 m), the width of the exhausted zone being built13 of the whole zone of the planet) growth is provided the slow diffusion of gas from the rest of the zone (time scale increases to 105?106 years and more). The process is terminated by the dissipation of the remnants of gas. In Saturn's zone m1 > m2 ≈ 30 m. The initial mass of the gas in Jupiter's zone is estimated. Before the beginning of the rapid accretion about 90% of the gas should have been lost from the solar system, and in the planet's zone less than two Jupiter masses remain. The highest temperature of Jupiter's surface, ≈5000°K, is reached at the stage of rapid accretion, m < 100 m, when the luminosity of the planet reaches 3 × 10?3 L. This favors an effective heating of the inner parts of the accretionary disk and the dissipation of gas from the disk. The accretion of Saturn produced a temperature rise up to 2000?2400° K (at m ≈ 20?25 m) and a luminosity up to 10?4 L.  相似文献   

Yoshihide Kozai 《Icarus》1980,41(1):89-95
As the classical linear theory of secular perturbations for asteroids is known not to be adequate for computing the perturbations of asteroids with high eccentricities and/or inclinations, a seminumerical method to calculate the secular perturbations by including higher-degree terms in the disturbing function has been developed. It is here applied to asteroids with small values of (1 ? e2)12cos i, since the secular variations as well as their deviations from the results derived by the classical linear theory are generally large for such asteroids. It is found that the arguments of perihelion for five of the numbered asteroids are librating around 90 or 270°. For asteroids with (1 ? e2)12cos i less than 0.85 the results of the secular variations are tabulated. Also the stability of such orbits is discussed by comparing the orbital properties of short-periodic comets with them. Generally speaking, orbits of the asteroids are more stable than those of the short-periodic comets, and asteroids with librating arguments of perihelion are more stable than those with circular coplanar orbits although their orbital elements are changed more by secular perturbations.  相似文献   

Kaare Aksnes 《Icarus》1974,21(1):100-111
Two series of predictions have been published for the 1973–1974 mutual phenomena of Jupiter's satellites, one (June–October, 1973) by Milbourn and Carey, and the other (February 1973–May 1974) by Brinkmann and Millis. The main purpose of this paper is to investigate some significant discrepancies between these two sets of predictions. New predictions are calculated for the period June 1973–May 1974. They agree very nearly with the predictions by Milbourn and Carey, but frequently differ by several minutes (up to 30 min when Jupiter III and IV are involved) from those by Brinkmann and Millis. Unlike the previous predictions, the new ones also give the estimated light decreases during the phenomena. The method of prediction is documented for future applications to Jupiter's and Saturn's satellites. The paper concludes with a brief discussion of the problems involved in extracting information about the positions, radii, and albedos of the satellites from observed light curves.  相似文献   

We have derived an explicit third-order solution of Vinti's problem including J3. Poisson brackets for the elements a, e, s, Ms, ψs and Ωs are given. These may be used in the construction of a third-order theory of artificial satellites.  相似文献   

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