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A large-scale boulder beach close to a tidal glacier was examined at Eqip Sermia, Disko Bugt, West Greenland, in 1989. Photographs from 1912 and 1929 show an advance of the glacier of more than 1.5 km beyond its present location. Lateral and terminal moraines were formed in the sea, and subaerial parts and their positions can be detected from the old photographs. Today the outermost part of this moraine system has disappeared totally, except for about 1 km of the lateral moraine. The distal 300 m of the still existing moraine apparently has been displaced and transformed into a shape that, in plan view and cross-section, resembles a barrier spit. The material of the boulder beach consists mainly of coarse clasts with boulders of 1 m to more than 1.5 m in diameter. Distributions of clast sizes and sediment structures on the barrier surface also suggest wave and overwash dynamics as being the responsible agents. Located in the inner part of a fiord system, the fetches are restricted and thus normal waves are very small. Large waves generated by glacier calving, and/or sea-ice action, are therefore the only processes that can explain the geomorphology and clast distribution of this coastal feature.  相似文献   

The first major Weichselian ice advance in Scoresby Sund, during the Aucellaelv stage, deposited thick till beds along the coast of Jameson Land between > 107 ka and 140 ka. and is correlated with isotope substage 5d in the marine record. This is shown by stream-cut sections at the mouth of the Aucellaelv. Jameson Land, which contain a scquence of shallow marine, fluvial and glacigene sediments extending from the Scoresby Sund glaciation (≅Saalian) to the Flakkerhuk stade (Late Weichselian). The sequence is dated by palaeoceanographic correlation with the deep-sea record, U/Th and luminescence dating, and correlated with the record in adjacent areas by mapping of marker horizons, and by mollusc fauna assemblages and amino acid analyses.  相似文献   

The paper describes studies of glacial deposits and raised beaches on the island of Disko. West Greenland. Two stades in the glacial history are defined, the Godhavn stade, which represents the last major glaciation on Disko, and the Disko stade, which defines a Preboreal readvance. During the Godhavn stade, only eastern and southern Disko were affected by the extended Inland Ice, while glaciation on western and northern Disko was local in character. In connection with the deglaciation, the sea transgressed to the marine limit at c. 9,250-9,000 BP. Immediately before, tentatively culminating around 9,300 BP, a significant readvance of glaciers on eastern Disko occurred. The marine limit rises on a transect from northwest to southeast across Disko from 60 m a.s.l. to 90 m. The paper discusses changes in equilibrium line altitude (ELA) during the deglaciation, and explains the Disko stade readvance in terms of variations in upper-air wind conditions.  相似文献   

We consider the basic physical processes resulting in a differential, microscopic redistribution of stellar matter, generally known as diffusion. The main effect of diffusion in the solar interior is a segregation of light and heavy elements in the gravitational field. As a result, the abundance of helium and heavy elements in the solar envelope is reduced, while it becomes enriched by hydrogen. We present estimates of the degree of settling for a sequence of evolutionary models via numerical solution of the generalized diffusion equation. The effect of the ion charge (in the approximation of full ionization) on the settling rate is studied in detail. Abundance variations are given for the centers of the models, as well as for the convective envelope of the modern Sun. We analyze the effects of the thermal and concentrational diffusion on the evolution of the chemical-composition profile. Quantitatively, the effect of thermal diffusion is not very large, but it leads to the appearance of new features in the hydrogen-abundance profile, namely, a discontinuity at the base of the convective zone. The effect of concentration diffusion is relatively small, and is appreciable only at the model center at late stages of the evolution, and also close to the base of the convective envelope. All the mechanisms studied are necessary components of a modern model for the internal structure and evolution of the Sun.  相似文献   

Records of ice‐rafted debris (IRD) in sediments are commonly used as a proxy for iceberg production and to reconstruct past changes of glacier stability. However, the interpretation of IRD is complex as multiple processes modulate its variability. This study investigates the relationship between IRD variability and glaciological change by measuring IRD records from Upernavik Fjord and comparing these to frontal positions of Upernavik Isstrøm during the past century. Results show that the spatial variability of IRD deposition throughout the fjord is high, indicating that randomness inherent to IRD distorts the calving signal. However, we investigate whether IRD records can be combined to improve the reconstruction, as previously suggested, and show the importance of core site selection and number of cores on this approach. The outer‐fjord core compares relatively well to the observed front positions and this is reflected in the composite record: increased IRD deposition in 1937–1946, 1968–1980, and 1996–1999 occurred during periods of faster retreat. Comparison with climatic records shows that the calving episodes in the late ‘30 s/early ‘40 s and late ‘90 s are related to warm ocean and air temperatures, whereas intensified retreat and calving during the ‘70 s reflects partly an internal glacier response to the fjord geometry.  相似文献   

Detailed investigations of sediments exposed along river sections in the coastal part of Jameson Land have revealed a Saalian to Holocene glacial history. Eleven sedimentary units have been distinguished. most of which are found in superposition at one single large section. Four subglacially formed till beds are recognized; three of which are of Weichselian age. All the tills are considered to have been deposited at the base of fjord glaciers restricted to the Scoresby Sund basin. The tills are separated by marine, fluvial or deltaic sediments, and demonstrate changes in the depositional environnient considered to represent changes in relative sea level during the ice-free periods. The fossil content. supported by a series of luminescence dates, suggest that most of the succession is of Eemian and Early Weichselian age. From the luminescence dates, a short duration of <10ka is suggested for the Early Weichselian glacial stades. Sedimentation during this period was partly controlled by glacio-isostatic subsidence caused by net growth of the Greenland Ice Sheet. The Middle Weichselian is represented by a large hiatus. whereas the Late Weichselian is represented by a subglacial till.  相似文献   

We have used high-resolution spectra to study the chemical composition of HR 1512, a star with effective temperature T eff = 15 200 K, atmospheric gravity log g = 3.52, microturbulence parameter V t = 1.5 km/s, and rotation rate v sin i = 17 km s?1. We confirm the presence of a helium deficiency (?0.6 dex), indicating that HR 1512 is a helium-weak star. Its considerable phosphorus excess (1.6 dex) testifies that the star belongs to the PGa subtype. We suggest that the He and P abundances increase with height; i.e., that there is stratification of He and P in the star’s atmosphere. Among the CNO elements, nitrogen demonstrates an underabundance of ?0.4 dex, while the abundances of carbon and oxygen are solar. Deficits of about ?0.5 or ?0.6 dex were also found for Mg, Si, and S. A neon excess of 0.4 dex was derived from our non-LTE analysis of NeI lines. The largest excess among the iron-peak elements (Cr, Mn, Fe, and Ni) is 0.6 dex, for manganese; the abundances of chromium and nickel display excesses of 0.5 and 0.3 dex, respectively, while the iron abundance is almost normal. The chemical anomalies of HR 1512 generally agree with those for mercury-manganese stars. This supports the hypothesis that PGa stars represent an extension of HgMn stars to higher temperatures.  相似文献   

In the system CaO-MgO-A12O3-SiO2 the tie lines connecting anorthite with other phases are sequentially broken down with increasing pressure according to the following univariant reactions: anorthite+ enstatitess+sillimanite pyrope-grossularss+quartz (3), anorthite+enstatitess pyrope-grossularss+diopsidess+quartz (2), anorthite+pyrope-grossularss+ quartz diopsidess+kyanite (4) and anorthite+diopsidess grossular-pyropess +kyanite+quartz (8). At 1,200 ° C these reactions occur at 14.5± 0.5, 15.5±0.5, 19.5±0.5 and 26.4±1 kilobar and have positive slopes (dP/dT) of 1±0.5, 2.8±0.5, 13.3±0.5 and 24±2bars/°C respectively. An invariant point involving kyanite rather than sillimanite, occurs at 850 °C±25 °C and 14.5±0.5kbar at the intersection of reactions (3), (2) and (4). Reaction(4) exhibits significant curvature with an increase in dP/dT from 13.3±0.5 to 18.5± 0.5 bars/°C between 1,050° and 850° C. The pressure at which the complete grossular-pyrope join is stable with quartz is estimated at 41 ± 1 kbar at 1,200 ° C. The pressure at which garnet appears according to reaction (2) is lowered by 5 kbar for a composition with anorthite and orthopyroxene (En0.5Fs0.5). Enstatite and plagioclase (An0.5Ab0.5) first produce garnet at 2 kbar higher pressure than enstatite and pure anorthite (reaction (2)). The calcium content of garnet in various divariant assemblages is relatively insensitive to temperature but very sensitive to pressure, it is therefore a useful geobarometer. At metamorphic temperatures of 700–850 °C pressures of 8–10 kbar are required for the formation of quartz-bearing garnet granulites containing calcic plagioclase and with (Mg/Mg+Fe) bulk = 0.5.  相似文献   

The paper presents the results of an analysis of elemental abundances in the atmosphere of η Ser—a red giant of spectral type K2IIIabCN1, according to Hoffleit and Jaschek [4]. The resulting atmospheric parameters correspond to a K0 giant, and the peculiarities of the star’s chemical composition provide evidence that the assignment of η Ser to the class of CN stars was erroneous.  相似文献   

The effects of glacier ice block grounding on the morphology and sedimentology of proglacial fluvial outwash were examined during a glacier outburst flood or jökulhlaup, near Søndre Strømfjord, west Greenland. Observations made during and after the 1987 jökulhlaup both on the surface of an ice contact delta and within a confined valley sandur plain provided information about the formation of ice block obstacle marks and the significance of these bedforms for sandur morphology and sedimentology. Flow directions determined from obstacle mark morphology have been used successfully to chart flow direction changes on the falling limb of the jökulhlaup. Maximum flow depths for scour around stranded ice blocks may be given by 0·5–0·9 times the diameter of the ice block, as estimated from the depth of scour, the height of the obstacle shadow or the extent of ice block meltout sediments. Minimum flow depths can be represented by the height of the obstacle shadow above the mean bed level. The internal composition of the shadow indicates the ability of the flow to transport various sizes of material into the lee of obstacles. Ice block obstacle marks within the distal portion of the sandur initiated waning stage channel change. Proximal and lateral erosion around stranded ice blocks extended downstream from the ice block, forming chute channels which then captured waning stage flows, resulting in significant bar incision with associated deposition of lobate or deltaic deposits. It is suggested that ice block obstacle marks are important in terms of channel morphology, channel morphological change and their usefulness as palaeohydrological indicators.  相似文献   

Rarely-preserved features indicative of clast lodgement are exceptionally well preserved near Peoria, Illinois, on the contact surface between Illinoian till and underlying glacifluvial sand due to synsedimentary cementation of the substrate contact. Features preserved on the cemented contact surface record a history of particle transport, lodgement by ploughing into a deformable substrate, and subsequent overriding by abrasive debris-rich ice. Linear grooves and frontal sediment prows suggest that clasts embedded in the glacier sole ploughed through the soft, deformable bed. Increasing form resistance by the enlargement of sediment prows that developed on the lee side of clasts and deeper penetration of the clasts into the substrate eventually exceeded the force exerted on the clasts by ice flow, and the clasts lodged. Subsequently, clasts were abraded on their up-ice flanks and plucked on their down-ice flanks, resulting in stoss-lee morphology. These features offer direct information on the nature of the interface between aglacier and a soft, deformable substrate such as characterized large areas of former ice sheets.  相似文献   

A push moraine deposited by the surging tidewater glacier Paulabreen (Svalbard) was investigated using 2D resistivity profiling. Six longitudinal and transverse profiles were obtained on the moraine and the resistivities were compared with data from three boreholes. Four profiles indicate that the inner part of the moraine is ice-cored and that the buried glacier ice is more than 30 m thick. A transverse profile shows evidence of basal crevasses near the former glacier margin. Three profiles cross the former glacier margin and onto a proglacial plain which dips slightly away from the former glacier margin. Low resistivities were encountered where borehole and field observations indicate that the plain consists of marine muds with a high salt content. This landform has previously been interpreted as a slab of seabed pushed up in front of the surging glacier, possibly facilitated by permafrost in the seabed. We suggest, alternatively, that the landform originated from sediments extruded from below (or pushed in front of) the glacier at the surge terminus and deposited as a debrisflow. Ground penetrating radar can reveal small-scale structures, but larger structures and overall composition are better imaged by resistivity measurements.  相似文献   

浅覆盖区基岩露头少,地质填图精度低.根据岩石风化成土过程中的化学成分继承性,笔者提出了基于土壤化学成分识别基岩岩石类型的多层感知器神经网络模型.以大兴安岭北部阿龙山地区为例,根据火山岩基岩上覆土壤样品常量元素和亲石微量元素分析数据,有效地识别出了玄武岩类、安山岩类、英安岩类和流纹岩类4类基岩类型,识别的正确率达到了90%.基于土壤化学成分识别基岩岩石类型的多层感知器神经网络模型具有方便、快捷、高效等优点,是提高浅覆盖区地质填图质量的有效途径之一.  相似文献   

Understanding Arctic glacier sensitivity is key to predicting future response to air temperature rise. Previous studies have used proglacial lake sediment records to reconstruct Holocene glacier advance–retreat patterns in South and West Greenland, but high‐resolution glacier records from High Arctic Greenland are scarce, despite the sensitivity of this region to future climate change. Detailed geochemical analysis of proglacial lake sediments close to Zackenberg, northeast Greenland, provides the first high‐resolution record of Late Holocene High Arctic glacier behaviour. Three phases of glacier advance have occurred in the last 2000 years. The first two phases (c. 1320–800 cal. a BP) occurred prior to the Little Ice Age (LIA), and correspond to the Dark Ages Cold Period and the Medieval Climate Anomaly. The third phase (c. 700 cal. a BP), representing a smaller scale glacier oscillation, is associated with the onset of the LIA. Our results are consistent with recent evidence of pre‐LIA glacier advance in other parts of the Arctic, including South and West Greenland, Svalbard, and Canada. The sub‐millennial glacier fluctuations identified in the Madsen Lake succession are not preserved in the moraine record. Importantly, coupled XRF and XRD analysis has effectively identified a phase of ice advance that is not visible by sedimentology alone. This highlights the value of high‐resolution geochemical analysis of lake sediments to establish rapid glacier advance–retreat patterns in regions where chronological and morphostratigraphical control is limited.  相似文献   

The 1982–1983 surge of Variegated Glacier involved the development, growth and downglacier propagation of a velocity peak associated with rapid basal sliding facilitated by high subglacial water pressures. Passage of the velocity peak through the glacier was preceded by an episode of longitudinal shortening and followed by an episode of elongation. The deformation history of the glacier ice was dependent upon location relative to the surge nucleus and the final position reached by the propagating velocity peak. Ice above the surge nucleus experienced continuous and cumulative elongation; ice below the final position of the velocity peak experienced continuous and cumulative shortening; ice between these two points experienced shortening followed by elongation and low cumulative strain. The large-scale pattern of ice structure development reflects these deformation histories. Surging is equivalent to thrust sheet emplacement by a combination of gravity gliding over a weakened basal layer and ‘push from behind’, with the gravity-driven motion of the surging part of the glacier providing the push which allows the surge front to propagate. The relationships established between the deformation history of surging glaciers and the development of ice structures may facilitate the interpretation of structures in thrust sheets.  相似文献   

Medieval wood ash glass classified as 6 early medieval wood ash glasses, 17 wood ash glasses, 5 early wood ash lime glasses, 7 wood ash lime glasses and 9 mixed alkali glasses has been analyzed by microprobe and ICP-mass spectrometry on 61 elements. Their calcium oxide to potassium oxide ratio (CaO/K2O) increases from early to late medieval glasses according to an increase of the proportion of twigs in the bulk amount of wood (logs plus twigs). Twigs because of their relatively large proportion of bark contain more calcium than wood logs. The ratio CaO/K2O of the glasses from not yet evaluated excavations can be used for dating. The observation that the 25 minor elements Be, Sc, V, Cr, Ge, Y, Nb, REE (La to Lu), Ta, W and Bi occur in almost equal concentrations in the five subtypes of wood ash glass makes it highly probable that these elements were introduced into the starting mixtures of the glasses by means of quartz from quartz-rich sand with heavy minerals. The majorities of the wood ash glasses contain so-called europium anomalies within the group of rare-earth elements (REE). Their Eu concentrations normalized to those of the Continental Earth's Crust are lower than the normalized samarium and gadolinium concentrations. These Eu anomalies are apparently inherited from the granitic source of quartz in the upper Continental Earth's Crust. Soda ash and soda lime glass as the other major types in the history of glass contain no Eu anomaly. Therefore a different source of quartz has caused this important element constellation for these glass types. The elements K, Cu, Rb and S are physiologically separated from Ca, P, Mn, Sr and B during the growth of the wood and bark, respectively, in the trees. Different sources of the metals Cu and Co were used for colouring the glasses of our report.  相似文献   

The main Woodlawn ore lens is a polymetallic, massive sulphide deposit’ with pyrite the major constituent, variable sphalerite, galena and chalcopyrite, and minor arsenopyrite, tetrahedrite‐tennantite, pyrrhotite and electrum. The silicate gangue minerals are chlorite, quartz, talc and sericitic mica. Other mineralization in the vicinity consists of footwall copper ore in chlorite schist and several smaller massive sulphide lenses. The predominant country rocks are felsic volcanics and shales, with abundant quartz, chlorite and mica, and talc in mineralized zones.

An important textural feature of the massive ore is the fine compositional banding. Bands, which vary in thickness from a few tens of micrometres to several millimetres, are produced by variations in the sulphide content. Post‐depositional metomorphism and minor fracturing have only slightly modified this banding.

Apart from the major element constituents—Pb, Zn, Fe, Cu and S—the ore is characterized by significant (100–1000 ppm) values for Ag, As, Cd, Mn, Sb and Sn, and lower (1–100 ppm) values of Au, Bi, Co, Ga, Hg, Mo, Ni, Tl. In and Ge. Variations in the base‐metal sulphide content, the gangue mineralogy, and trace elements, are used to separate the orebody into hanging‐wall and footwall zones. The hanging‐wall zone shows a more variable trace element content, with higher Tl, Sn, Ni, Mn, Ge and Sb, but lower Ag, Cd, and Mo, than the footwall zone.

In general style of mineralization, mineralogy, and chemistry, the Woodlawn deposit resembles other volcanogenic massive sulphide deposits in eastern Australia, in New Brunswick in Canada, and the Kuroko deposits of Japan.  相似文献   

A set of empirical relationships for the ionization correction factors used by various authors to determine the chemical compositions of the gas in nebular objects is tested. New expressions for the ionization correction factors are used to find the nebular-gas compositions in HII regions in blue compact dwarf galaxies. The abundances of He, N, O, Ne, S, and Ar in 41 HII regions are determined. The derived elemental abundances are compared with the results of other studies. The Y-O/H, Y-N/H, and Y-Z dependences are analyzed in detail. The primordial helium abundance Y p and its enrichment dY/dZ are also determined.  相似文献   

Optimization photoionization models are computed for nine planetary nebulae with various metallicities with the aim of determining their chemical compositions. The algorithm used to compute the models is based on identifying best-fit values of the physical parameters of the nebulae by minimizing the χ2 residual for fits to the observed spectra of these objects. The reliability of the results is investigated. The abundances of He, C, N, O, Ne, Si, S, and Ar are derived, as well as the physical characteristics of the nebulae. The Y -Z dependences (where Y and Z are the mass abundances of helium and heavy elements, respectively) are analyzed for the planetary nebulae together with HII regions in blue compact dwarf galaxies. The primordial helium abundance, Y p = 0.2479 ± 0.0014, and dY/dZ = 2.99 ± 0.32 are determined, and found to be close to the corresponding values obtained using ionization correction factors.  相似文献   

Three trend surface techniques are used to evaluate the nature and distribution of the surface sediments of a rock glacier. Trend surface analysis, vector trend analysis, and most predictable surface (MPS)mapping suggest that long-term rock glacier creep causes the highly variable debris cover to display crude sorting and orientation patterns. Poorly sorted and randomly oriented surface materials may be the result of insufficient time for slowly evolving rock glacier sediment distributions to be established and/or the site of glacial erosion or deposition.  相似文献   

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