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Currently there is much discussion regarding the impact of climate change and the vagaries of the weather, in particular extreme weather events. The Himalayas form the main natural water resource of the major river systems of the Indian region. We present a brief review of the available information and data for extreme rainfall events that were experienced in different sectors of the Himalayas during the last 137 years (1871–2007). Across the entire Himalayas, from east to west, there are now 822 rainfall stations. There was an increase in the rainfall station network from 1947 onwards, especially in the Nepal and Bhutan Himalayas. Extreme one-day rainfall has been picked out for each station irrespective of the period for which data are available. The decadal distribution of these extreme one-day rainfalls shows that there is a considerable increase in the frequencies during the decades 1951–1960 to 1991–2000, whereas there is a sudden decrease in the frequencies in the present decade during 2001–2007, indicating the need to understand the response of the systems to global change and the associated physical and climatological changes. This is essential in terms of preserving this natural resource and to encourage environmental management and sustainable development of mountain regions.

Citation Nandargi, S. & Dhar, O. N. (2011) Extreme rainfall events over the Himalayas between 1871 and 2007. Hydrol. Sci. J. 56(6), 930–945.  相似文献   


There is increasing concern that flood risk will be exacerbated in Antalya, Turkey as a result of global-warming-induced, more frequent and intensive, heavy rainfalls. In this paper, first, trends in extreme rainfall indices in the Antalya region were analysed using daily rainfall data. All stations in the study area showed statistically significant increasing trends for at least one extreme rainfall index. Extreme rainfall datasets for current (1970–1989) and future periods (2080–2099) were then constructed for frequency analysis using the peaks-over-threshold method. Frequency analysis of extreme rainfall data was performed using generalized Pareto distribution for current and future periods in order to estimate rainfall intensities for various return periods. Rainfall intensities for the future period were found to increase by up to 23% more than the current period. This study contributed to better understanding of climate change effects on extreme rainfalls in Antalya, Turkey.  相似文献   

Rainfall input for hydrologic modelling is assumed uniformly distributed over the entire catchment. This can lead to significant errors. Investigations of areal rainfall in mountain areas are typically limited by a lack of adequate meteorological and hydrogeological records. This study focuses on areal rainfall in mountain areas within the Kaidu River Basin, China, with the aim of analyzing the influence of areal rainfall on the simulation accuracy of runoff prediction. We conducted a simulation using MIKE 11/NAM rainfall‐runoff model over 92 days of the rain season and compared the simulation error in different methods. On the basis of properties of self‐similarity degree (SSD) in analyzing the detailed characteristics of terrain, areal rainfall was calculated to model the runoff. The results of the model simulations are generally consistent with observed data, indicating that the self‐similarity topography method is able to reflect the spatial change of rainfall. This indicates that the proposed methodology is applicable for the management of water resources in mountain area. The modelling and self‐similarity topography method study allowed quantification of the spatial rainfall and provided an insight into their implications in hydrological forecasting. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Assessing water resources is an important issue, especially in the context of climatic changes. Although numerous hydrological models exist, new approaches are still under investigation. In this context, we propose a modelling approach based on the physical principle of least action. We present new hypotheses to develop the model further, to widen its application. The improved version of the model MODHYPMA was applied on 20 sub-catchments in Africa and the USA. Its performance was compared with two well-known lumped conceptual models, GR4J and HBV. The model could be successfully calibrated and validated. In calibration, GR4J performed better, while other models had similar performance. In validation, MODHYPMA and GR4J performed similarly and better than HBV. The parameter λ has medium sensitivity while parameters λ and TX have low sensitivity. The parameter uncertainty for MODHYPMA, analysed using the GLUE methodology, was higher during high flows but with good p and r factors.

EDITOR D. Koutsoyiannis ASSOCIATE EDITOR not assigned  相似文献   

An understanding of the weather drivers of soil erosion necessitates an extended instrumental meteorological series and knowledge of the processes linking climate and hydrology. The nature of such linkages remains poorly understood for the Mediterranean region. This gap is addressed through a composite analysis of long‐term climatic controls on rain erosivity in the Calore River Basin (southern Italy) for the period 1869–2006. Based on a parsimonious interpretation of rainstorm processes, a model (comparable with the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation) was adapted to generate erosivity values on different time‐aggregation scales (yearly and seasonal). The evolution of the generated series of cumulated and extreme erosivity events was assessed by two return period (T) quantiles via a 22‐year moving window analysis (low return period, T = 2 years; high return period, = 50 years). Erosivity extremes are shown to be characterized by increasing yearly trends (at a 100‐year rate of ~150 MJ mm ha–1 h–1 for = 2 years and ~800 MJ mm ha–1 h–1 for = 50 years), especially during the spring and autumn seasons. Quantile patterns on the extremes are also shown to be decoupled from trends in the cumulated values. The Buishand test was applied to detect the presence of temporal change points, and a wavelet spectrum analysis used for time‐frequency localization of climate signals. A change‐point in the evolution of climate is revealed over the 1970s in the spring series, which correlates to a distinct rain erosivity increase. The results indicate that soil erosion risk tends to rise as a consequence of an escalation of the climate erosive hazard, predominantly between April and November (associated with cultivation and tillage practices). Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


The scale invariance of rainfall series in the Tunis area, Tunisia (semi-arid Mediterranean climate) is studied in a mono-fractal framework by applying the box counting method to four series of observations, each about 2.5 years in length, based on a time resolution of 5 min. In addition, a single series of daily rainfall records for the period 1873–2009 was analysed. Three self-similar structures were identified: micro-scale (5 min to 2 d) with fractal dimension 0.44, meso-scale (2 d to one week) and synoptic-scale (one week to eight months) with fractal dimension 0.9. Interpretation of these findings suggests that only the micro-scale and transition to saturation are consistent, while the high fractal dimension relating to the synoptic scale might be affected by the tendency to saturation. A sensitivity analysis of the estimated fractal dimension was performed using daily rainfall data by varying the series length, as well as the intensity threshold for the detection of rain.

Editor Z.W. Kundzewicz; Associate editor S. Grimaldi

Citation Ghanmi, H., Bargaoui, Z., and Mallet, C., 2013. Investigation of the fractal dimension of rainfall occurrence in a semi-arid Mediterranean climate. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 58 (3), 483–497.  相似文献   

The effect of climate change on water resources has been an area of continued research, especially in Australia. Previous studies have suggested significant trends in rainfall, and these are amplified causing larger changes in streamflow. However, most of the previous analysis was based on annual time scales or modelled data and did not account for changes in land cover, which could interact with changes in climate. Climate data and streamflow data between 1970 and 2010 from 13 mostly forested small catchments (<250 km2) in Australia were analysed for trends. Non-parametric Mann-Kendall trend analysis, generalized additive mixed modelling and rainfall-runoff modelling were combined for the analysis. This indicates consistent increases in maximum temperature and varied decreases in rainfall. The streamflow in the studied catchments indicated small decreases in streamflow, which amplified observed trends in the rainfall. In general, overall decreases are much smaller than suggested in earlier research.  相似文献   

The change of hydrological regimes may cause impacts on human and natural system. Therefore, investigation of hydrologic alteration induced by climate change is essential for preparing timely proper adaptation to the changes. This study employed 24 climate projections from the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5 (CMIP5) under Representative Concentration Pathway (RCP) 4.5 scenario. The climate projections were downscaled at a station‐spacing for seven Korean catchments by a statistical downscaling method that preserves a long‐term trend in climate projections. Using an ensemble of future hydrologic projections simulated by three conceptual rainfall‐runoff models (GR4J, IHACRES, and Sacramento models), we calculated Hydrologic Alteration Factors (HAFs) to investigate degrees of variations in Indicators of Hydrologic Alteration (IHAs) derived from the hydrologic projections. The results showed that the seven catchments had similar trend in terms of the HAFs for the 24 IHAs. Given that more frequent severe floods and droughts were projected over Korean catchments, sound water supply strategies are definitely required to adapt to the alteration of streamflow. A wide range of HAFs between rainfall‐runoff models for each catchment was detected by large variations in the magnitude of HAFs with the hydrologic models and the difference could be the hydrologic prediction uncertainty. There were no‐consistent tendency in the order of HAFs between the hydrologic models. In addition, we found that the alterations of hydrologic regimes by climate change are smaller as the size of catchment is larger. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


A river flow regime describes an average seasonal behaviour of flow and reflects the climatic and physiographic conditions in a basin. Differences in the regularity (stability) of the seasonal patterns reflect different dimensionality of the flow regimes, which can change subject to changes in climate conditions. The empirical orthogonal functions (EOF) approach can be used to describe the intrinsic dimension of river flow regimes and is also an adopted method for reducing the phase space in connection to climate change studies, especially in studies of nonlinear dynamic systems with preferred states. A large data set of monthly river flow for the Nordic countries has been investigated in the phase space reduced to the first few amplitude functions to trace a possible signature of climate change on the seasonal flow patterns. The probability density functions (PDF) of the weight coefficients and their possible change over time were used as an indicator of climate change. Two preferred states were identified connected to stable snowmelt-fed and rainfed flow regimes. The results indicate changes in the PDF patterns with time towards higher frequencies of rainfed regime types. The dynamics of seasonal patterns studied in terms of PDF renders it an adequate and convenient characterization, helping to avoid bias connected to flow regime classifications as well as uncertainties inferred by a modelling approach.  相似文献   

Seasonal and annual trends of changes in rainfall, rainy days, heaviest rain and relative humidity have been studied over the last century for nine different river basins in northwest and central India. The majority of river basins have shown increasing trends both in annual rainfall and relative humidity. The magnitude of increased rainfall for considered river basins varied from 2–19% of mean per 100 years. The maximum increase in rainfall is observed in the Indus (lower) followed by the Tapi river basin. Seasonal analysis shows maximum increase in rainfall in the post‐monsoon season followed by the pre‐monsoon season. There were least variations in the monsoon rainfall during the last century and winter rainfall has shown a decreasing trend. Most of the river basins have experienced decreasing trends in annual rainy days with a maximum decrease in the Mahanadi basin. The heaviest rain of the year has increased from 9–27 mm per 100 years over different river basins with a maximum of 27 mm for the Brahamani and Subaranrekha river basins. A combination of increase in heaviest rainfall and reduction in the number of rainy days suggest the possibility of increasing severity of floods. Such information is useful in the planning, development and management of water resources in the study area. Further, the majority of river basins have also experienced an increasing trend in relative humidity both on seasonal and annual scales. An increase in annual mean relative humidity for six river basins has been found in the range of 1–18% of mean per 100 years, while a decrease for three river basins from ? 1 to ? 13% of mean per 100 years was observed, providing a net increase in the study area by 2·4% of mean per 100 years. It is understood that an increase in areal extent of vegetation cover as well as rainfall over the last century has increased the moisture in the atmosphere through enhanced evapotranspiration, which in turn has increased the relative humidity. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

While the effects of land use change in urban areas have been widely examined, the combined effects of climate and land use change on the quality of urban and urbanizing streams have received much less attention. We describe a modelling framework that is applicable to the evaluation of potential changes in urban water quality and associated hydrologic changes in response to ongoing climate and landscape alteration. The grid‐based spatially distributed model, Distributed Hydrology Soil Vegetation Model‐Water Quality (DHSVM‐WQ), is an outgrowth of DHSVM that incorporates modules for assessing hydrology and water quality in urbanized watersheds at a high‐spatial and high‐temporal resolution. DHSVM‐WQ simulates surface run‐off quality and in‐stream processes that control the transport of non‐point source pollutants into urban streams. We configure DHSVM‐WQ for three partially urbanized catchments in the Puget Sound region to evaluate the water quality responses to current conditions and projected changes in climate and/or land use over the next century. Here, we focus on total suspended solids (TSS) and total phosphorus (TP) from non‐point sources (run‐off), as well as stream temperature. The projection of future land use is characterized by a combination of densification in existing urban or partially urban areas and expansion of the urban footprint. The climate change scenarios consist of individual and concurrent changes in temperature and precipitation. Future precipitation is projected to increase in winter and decrease in summer, while future temperature is projected to increase throughout the year. Our results show that urbanization has a much greater effect than climate change on both the magnitude and seasonal variability of streamflow, TSS and TP loads largely because of substantially increased streamflow and particularly winter flow peaks. Water temperature is more sensitive to climate warming scenarios than to urbanization and precipitation changes. Future urbanization and climate change together are predicted to significantly increase annual mean streamflow (up to 55%), water temperature (up to 1.9 °C), TSS load (up to 182%) and TP load (up to 74%). Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Although changes in rainfall characteristics have been noted across the world, few studies have reported those in mountainous areas. This study was undertaken to clarify spatial and temporal variations in rainfall characteristics such as annual rainfall amount (Pr), mean daily rainfall intensity (η), and ratio of rain days (λ) in mountainous and lowland areas in Taiwan. To this aim, we examined spatial and year‐to‐year variations and marginal long‐term trends in Pr, η, and λ, based on rainfall data from 120 stations during the period 1978–2008. The period mean rainfall () at the lowland stations had strong relationships with the period mean daily rainfall intensity () and the period mean ratio of rain days () during those 31 years. Meanwhile, was only strongly related to at mountainous stations, indicating that influences on spatial variations in were different between lowland and mountainous stations. Year‐to‐year variations in Pr at each station were primarily determined from the variation in η at most stations for both lowland and mountainous stations. Long‐term trend analysis showed that Pr and η increased significantly at 10% and 31% of the total 120 stations, respectively, and λ decreased significantly at 6% of the total. The increases in Pr were mostly accompanied by increases in η. Although stations with significant η increases were slightly biased toward the western lowland area, increases or decreases in Pr and λ were not common. These results contribute to understanding the impacts of possible climate changes on terrestrial hydrological cycles. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


Spatial rainfall patterns and seasonal variability were assessed for a mountainous river basin with monsoon climate. Factors were identified that could explain this variability, and a GIS-supported method to determine the areal distribution of precipitation was developed. To find acceptable regression equations, a division had to be made between rainfall stations dominated by the southwest-monsoons and the northeast-monsoons, respectively. Distance to the southwestern border was the main explaining factor for precipitation at southwest-monsoon dominated stations. For northeast-monsoon dominated stations, altitude and slope were the most important factors. The basin was divided into pixels with characteristics typical for northeast- or southwest-monsoon dominated rainfall stations to allow calculation of spatial rainfall. The difference when comparing regression-based estimates with Thiessen-based estimates was small when considering the annual estimates for the whole basin. However, when analysing seasonal rainfall or sub-catchments, the differences between Thiessen-based and regression-based estimates were significant.  相似文献   

Y. Wang  X. Zhang  M. Mu  C. Zhang  A. Lv 《水文科学杂志》2019,64(16):2006-2014

Flood-risk is affected by both climatic and anthropogenic factors. In this study, we assess changes in flood risk induced by a combination of climate change and flood prevention sets in the Baiyangdian (BYD) Lake area of China. Extreme storm events are analysed by the bias-corrected climate data from global climate models. A hydrological model is implemented and integrated with a hydrodynamic model to assess flood risk under three scenarios. The streamflow into the BYD was validated against historical flash-flood events. The results indicate that the changing climate increased extreme precipitation, upstream total inflow and the flood risk at the core region of Xiong’an New Area (XNA), the newly announced special economic zone in the BYD area. However, flood prevention measures can effectively mitigate the climatic effect. The research highlights the severe flash-flood risk at BYD and demonstrates the urgent need for a climate-resilient plan for XNA.  相似文献   


Climate models and hydrological parameter uncertainties were quantified and compared while assessing climate change impacts on monthly runoff and daily flow duration curve (FDC) in a Mediterranean catchment. Simulations of the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) model using an ensemble of behavioural parameter sets derived from the Generalized Likelihood Uncertainty Estimation (GLUE) method were approximated by feed-forward artificial neural networks (FF-NN). Then, outputs of climate models were used as inputs to the FF-NN models. Subsequently, projected changes in runoff and FDC were calculated and their associated uncertainty was partitioned into climate model and hydrological parameter uncertainties. Runoff and daily discharge of the Chiba catchment were expected to decrease in response to drier and warmer climatic conditions in the 2050s. For both hydrological indicators, uncertainty magnitude increased when moving from dry to wet periods. The decomposition of uncertainty demonstrated that climate model uncertainty dominated hydrological parameter uncertainty in wet periods, whereas in dry periods hydrological parametric uncertainty became more important.
Editor M.C. Acreman; Associate editor S. Kanae  相似文献   

Estimates of changes in design rainfall values for Canada   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Annual maximum rainfall data from 51 stations in Canada were analyzed for trends and changes by using the Mann–Kendall trend test and a bootstrap resampling approach, respectively. Rainfall data were analyzed for nine durations ranging from 5 min to 24 h. The data analyzed are typically used in the development of intensity‐duration‐frequency (IDF) curves, which are used for estimating design rainfall values that form an input for the design of critical water infrastructure. The results reveal more increasing than decreasing trends and changes in the data with more increasing changes and larger changes, noted for the longer rainfall durations. The results also indicate that a traditional trend test may not be sufficient when the interest is in identifying changes in design rainfall quantiles. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


Estimating water resources is important for adequate water management in the future, but suitable data are often scarce. We estimated water resources in the Vilcanota basin (Peru) for the 1998–2009 period with the semi-distributed hydrological model PREVAH using: (a) raingauge measurements; (b) satellite rainfall estimates from the TRMM Multi-satellite Precipitation Analysis (TMPA); and (c) ERA-Interim re-analysis data. Multiplicative shift and quantile mapping were applied to post-process the TMPA estimates and ERA-Interim data. This resulted in improved low-flow simulations. High-flow simulations could only be improved with quantile mapping. Furthermore, we adopted temperature and rainfall anomalies obtained from three GCMs for three future periods to make estimations of climate change impacts (Delta-change approach) on water resources. Our results show more total runoff during the rainy season from January to March, and temporary storages indicate that less water will be available in this Andean region, which has an effect on water supply, especially during dry season.

Editor Z.W. Kundzewicz; Associate editor D. Gerten  相似文献   


Rainfall events largely control hydrological processes occurring on and in the ground, but the performance of climate models in reproducing rainfall events has not been investigated enough to guide selection among the models when making hydrological projections. We proposed to compare the durations, intensities, and pause periods, as well as depths of rainfall events when assessing the accuracy of general circulation models (GCMs) in reproducing the hydrological characteristics of observed rainfall. We also compared the sizes of design storm events and the frequency and severity of drought to demonstrate the consequences of GCM selection. The results show that rainfall and extreme hydrological event projections could significantly vary depending on climate model selection and weather stations, suggesting the need for a careful and comprehensive evaluation of GCM in the hydrological analysis of climate change. The proposed methods are expected to help to improve the accuracy of future hydrological projections for water resources planning.  相似文献   

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