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对青海省乐都台的气氡测项用“十五”攻关方法进行震例分析研究,总结出了乐都台气氡短期异常特征及预报指标,同时计算出了该台气氡测项的短期预报效能评分。乐都气氡具有一定的短期地震预报信度。 相似文献
应用断层气氡进行地震监测预报 总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2
概述了断层气氡观测点的地理位置,地质环境和观测条件,用最优周期谱持和多元逐步回归分析方法对观测资料进行了详细分析,分析结果表明观测曲线具有“冬高夏低”的年动态变化和固体潮变化特征。其中固体潮变化是断层气氡进行地震监测预报的力不基础。 相似文献
用地球化学方法研究覆盖层较厚,构造交汇部位的土壤中氡的含量,结合该地的地球牡物理资料及地震活动评价了断层的现今活动性,并聚最了初步结果, 相似文献
观测深度对断层气(氡、汞)测量的影响 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
本文根据武山实验点1m、3m、5m三个深度的断层气Rn、Hg时值资料采用多元逐步回归分析方法,深入讨论了断层气测量中的干扰,重点研究了深度对断层气Rn、Hg测量的影响。结果表明:随着深度的增加,气象因素对断层气Rn,Hg测量的干扰减小,测量的可靠性测量;从Rn,Hg在垂直方向上的分布看,断层气Hg随着观测深度的增加含量增高,Rn的含量主要受岩性控制,与深度关系不密切。 相似文献
氢气被认为是反应断裂活动最灵敏的地球化学组分之一。研究影响断裂带氢浓度动态变化的主要因素,是科学分析断裂带氢与构造活动关系的基础工作。本文基于河南内乡马山口断层气氢气浓度与辅助测项的连续观测资料,重点分析了氢浓度变化与地温、气温、气压的相关关系,确定了主要影响因素。结果表明,氢气浓度日变化极值介于气温和地温之间,极值点靠近地温一侧。使用逐步回归方法分析进一步证明,地温、温度对氢气浓度均有影响,但地温影响更显著,气压影响不显著。总体来讲,氢浓度会受到地温和气温的双重影响,但与地温关系更为密切。 相似文献
嘉峪关断层气氡对祁连山西段中强地震的异常特征分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
主要利用嘉峪关断层气氡对1992年以来发生在祁连山中西段的一些中强地震进行分析探讨,说明嘉峪关断层气氡对发生在距嘉峪关地震台300km范围内的地震反映较灵敏。利用气氡主样五日均值与标准年动态对比图、日测值曲线,给甘肃省地震局提交了几次较成功的短临预报。 相似文献
Entrapped biogenic gas in peat can greatly affect peatland biogeochemical and hydrological processes by altering volumetric water content, peat buoyancy, and ‘saturated’ hydraulic conductivity, and by generating over‐pressure zones. These over‐pressure zones further affect hydraulic gradients which influence water and nutrient flow direction and rate. The dynamics of entrapped gas are of global interest because the loss of this gas to the atmosphere via ebullition (bubbling) is likely the dominant transport mechanism of methane (CH4) to the atmosphere from peatlands, which are the largest natural terrestrial source per annum of atmospheric CH4. We investigated the relationship between atmospheric pressure and temperature on volumetric gas content (VGC) and CH4 ebullition using a laboratory peat core incubation experiment. Peat cores were incubated at three temperatures (one core at 4 °C, three cores at 11 °C, and one core at 20 °C) in sealed PVC cylinders, instrumented to measure VGC, pore‐water CH4 concentrations, and ebullition (volume and CH4 concentrations). Ebullition events primarily occurred (71% of the time) during periods of falling atmospheric pressure. The duration of the drop in atmospheric pressure had a larger control on ebullition volume than the magnitude of the drop. VGC in the 20 °C core increased from the onset of the experiment and reached a fluctuating but time‐averaged constant level between experiment day 30 and 115. The change in VGC was low for the 11 °C cores for the initial period of the experiment but showed large increases when the growth chamber temperature increased to 20 °C due to a malfunction. The core maintained at 4 °C showed only a small increase in entrapped gas content throughout the experiment. The 20 °C core showed the largest increase in VGC. The increases in VGC occurred despite pore‐water concentrations of CH4 being below the equilibrium solubility level. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
断层气氡浓度是探测断层位置与断层活动性的一种有效手段. 该文基于Abdoh和Pilkington提出的氡迁移二维偏微分方程与相应的边界条件, 建立内部含裂隙、 裂隙系-断层带和非均质等3种覆盖层物理模型, 在Matlab平台上运用偏微分工具箱(pdetool)与非线性求解函数(pdenonlin), 对模型求解以及模拟覆盖层中氡迁移. 通过对3种模型的模拟结果分析, 分别解释了地表氡异常点与断层带位置不同步现象, 覆盖层厚度对氡浓度曲线形状的影响, 以及土壤结构性质对氡异常强度和异常形态的影响. 相似文献
强地震前地震区域会出现卫星热红外增温异常现象,S A Pulinets提出了一种新的解释,认为是震前地表大量析出的222Rn衰变产生的高能α粒子使得空气电离,这些离子很容易吸附水蒸气分子,导致大气中潜热的释放,使得空气温度、湿度发生显著变化.本文分析了高能α粒子对空气辐射电离后的主要物理、化学作用,估算了放热和吸附水蒸气分子数量的极大值,结果表明空气温度、湿度的变化是微不足道的.由此认为,地震前出现的温度升高、湿度下降的现象可能与氡浓度变化无关. 相似文献
P. P. Firstov E. A. Ponomarev N. V. Cherneva A. V. Buzevich O. P. Malysheva 《Journal of Volcanology and Seismology》2007,1(6):397-404
A model is studied which claims to describe the effects of air pressure variations on the outflow of radon into the atmosphere from loose deposits that are treated as a porous medium having the gas dynamic properties described by Darcy’s law. It is shown that the model results are in satisfactory agreement with the experimental data acquired from a network for monitoring subsoil radon in the Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskii Geodynamic Site in 1997–2006. A technique has been developed for estimating the Darcy coefficient based on radon concentration data in loose deposits at various depths. 相似文献
Based on the convection and diffusion mechanisms of radon migration, in this paper we deduce the two-dimensional differential equation for radon transportation in the overburden above active fault zones with an unlimited extension along the strike. Making use of the finite difference method, the radon concentration distribution in the overburden above active faults is calculated and modeled. The active fault zone parameters, such as the depth and the width of the fault zone, and the value of radon concentration, can be inverted from the measured radon concentration curve. These realize quantitative interpretation for radon concentration anomalies. The inversion results are in good agreement with the actual fault zone parameters. 相似文献
断层氢气浓度观测技术试验研究 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
为了探索地下流体地震监测新技术、新方法,在中条山山前断裂带上开展了断层氢气浓度观测技术试验研究。通过对观测点位置、集气装置以及采样深度等观测条件的试验研究,给出了使用痕量氢在线自动分析仪进行断层氢气浓度观测的技术方法。针对在野外环境下该类仪器的稳定性、适宜条件进行了对比试验,对同一条断层上不同测点的氢气浓度动态特征进行了观测对比分析。试验结果表明,在断裂带上进行氢气浓度连续观测,技术上是可行的,本文提出的观测技术方法对观测点勘选、观测深度选择以及对观测数据的客观分析等均有参考意义。 相似文献
刘家堡活动断层土壤气氡、 汞地球化学特征 总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5
应用FD-3017RaA测氡仪和JM-4数字金膜测汞仪在兰州市进行了野外现场勘察, 结果表明: ① 刘家堡断层土壤气氡、 汞具有明显的异常显示。 与气氡相比, 土壤气汞具有更好的指示性, 与断层位置有很好的对应关系; ②土壤气氡、 汞的典型异常形态为低-较高-高-较高-低的峰值形态。 单点异常大多数为观测中的干扰因素造成; ③ 在断层带上方氡、 汞的峰值异常一般比背景值高出2倍以上, 且具有成组特征, 即在断层带上方超过背景值2倍以上的点2个以上。 根据断层带土壤气氡、 汞的变化特征, 确定了刘家堡活动断层在不同区段的具体位置。 探讨了利用土壤气氡、 汞浓度形态变化特征判断活断层性质及产状的可能性。 相似文献
The Tibetan Plateau is characterized by lower atmospheric pressure, lower air temperature and high daily and seasonal variation due to high elevation. The photosynthesis of plants is significantly influenced by these alpine environmental factors. Apparent quantum yield (αA) is one of the basic parameters of photosynthesis and mass production. Its accuracy determination is of significance to model photosynthesis of C3 plants and global change on the plateau. In the Lhasa Plateau Ecological Station with 65.4 kPa of atmospheric pressure at an elevation of 3688 m, Li-Cor 6400 portable photosynthesis system was used to measure light response curves of winter wheat in different temperatures and intercellular CO2 concentration (Ci).The slope of light response curve in weak light area of PFD from 0 to 150 μmol m-2 S-1 was used to evaluate the value of αA. The dependence of αA on temperature and intercellular concentration was analyzed. In 30℃, the average value of αAWaS 0.0476 ± 0.0038. It is not quite different from the values in low elevation areas. αA is influenced both by temperature and by the ratio of CO2and O2 partial pressure ([CO2]/[O2]). The measured values in the previous study were much lower.This might be due to systematic errors from instrument and data processing methods. The values of αA decreased linearly with temperature. It decreased 0.0007 in every 1℃ increase of temperature. The decrease slope is similar to those of C3 plants in the previous researches. While [O2] is constant, αA increases with Ciwith a hyperbolic relationship. In comparison with low elevation areas, the αA on the Tibetan Plateau is more sensitive to increase of CO2. 相似文献