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正20142263Lü Shaojun(Geological Survey of Jiangxi Province,Nanchang 330030,China)Early-Middle Permian Biostratigraphical Characteristics in Qiangduo Area,Tibet(Resources SurveyEnvironment,ISSN1671-4814,CN32-1640/N,34(4),2013,p.221-227,2illus.,2tables,22refs.)Key words:biostratigraphy,Lower Permian,Middle Permian,Tibet  相似文献   

寒武纪早期大气-海洋氧含量与生命大爆发   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
寒武纪早期(541~510Ma)地球环境与这一时期生命大爆发之间的关系一直是地球生物学研究的热点问题之一。本文系统总结了目前寒武纪早期大气-海洋氧含量与这一时期生命辐射之间关系的3种假说:大气-海洋的氧含量增加导致了寒武纪生命大爆发;寒武纪生命大爆发导致了大气-海洋氧化以及二者之间没有因果关系。3种假说均有相应的支持证据,但也存在与寒武纪早期海洋化学记录、与现代海洋观察不符和上述假说均未考虑寒武纪早期生命演化所展示的时空差异性等问题。在上述3种假说的基础之上,本文通过对寒武纪构造活动、陆源输入、海洋化学和生命演化等最新资料的综合讨论和分析表明:寒武纪早期地球环境与生命辐射之间很可能是相互作用与协同演化关系,而非简单的单向关系。  相似文献   

张宜 《地层学杂志》2008,32(1):106-117
用社会领域能够证明的思想大涌现事实,即中国先秦(春秋战国时期)和古希腊哲学思想在人类进入全新世特定历史阶段大涌现的史实,用类比方法再次证明了地质历史时期寒武纪生命大爆发存在性,从而加强了用归纳法得出的寒武纪生命大爆发论的可靠性。经过细致严谨的研究,寒武纪生命大爆发经历了一个较长的历史时期,这个历史时期相对于历史长河是较短的,给人以"突然出现"的假象,而思想大涌现同样经历了一个较长的历史时期(公元前约700年至公元前约200年)。在用类比方法论证寒武纪生命大爆发的基础上,进一步指出了生命大爆发论是对达尔文进化论的发展,而不是挑战。研究意义在于再次揭示了自然科学和社会科学之间的普遍联系,再次展示了用社会科学研究成果来解决自然科学领域问题这一思想和工作方法的可行性和价值。  相似文献   

寒武纪生命扩张及澄江动物群的意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生命在地球上的出现及其演化有较长的历史。地球的物理、化学条件是早期生命出现的外因。早寒武世西南地区地质、气候及富含营养的浅海水域是澄江动物群在后生动物演化的关键时期出现的外因。“寒武纪生物的扩张”应有恰当的翻译,同时对现代生物学的“适应辐射”应有清楚的中文解释。从新近发现看,早、中寒武世的澄江动物群及布吉斯页岩动物群与埃迪卡拉动物群具有一些联系,埃迪卡拉动物群并没有在寒武纪时完全绝灭。  相似文献   

滇东下寒武统生物磷块岩的形成机制   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
显微结构研究表明,广泛分布于滇东地区下寒武统的磷块岩,除少量生物介壳磷块岩外,其它类型的磷块岩(包括菌藻生物磷块岩、内碎屑磷块岩和次生(风化)磷块岩等的颗粒均由磷质菌藻生物组成。从而揭示了菌藻生物磷块岩是磷块岩的基本类型。本文重点论述了生物磷块岩的结构成因分类、时空展布规律,以及滇东磷块岩的菌藻生物成磷—富磷作用,并探讨了菌藻生物磷块岩的形成机制。  相似文献   

重晶石沉积类型丰富,具有多种成因过程。通常,沉积型重晶石可分为生物、热液、成岩和冷泉重晶石四种类型。富钡与富硫酸盐的流体(海水、早成岩孔隙水或热液流体)及其相互作用过程(水柱、热液系统、沉积柱、沉积物-水界面附近)决定了重晶石的沉积环境、宏微观产出方式、同位素组成及相应的地质意义。另外,根据扬子地区下寒武统富重晶石沉积的地质特征,简述了其各种富集机制的适用性及争论。据此建议,结合埃迪卡拉纪-寒武纪转折时期的古海洋背景,对其进行详细的沉积学及地球化学分析,有助于深化成因认识,弥合分歧。  相似文献   

用古生物和地球化学方法研究了准噶尔东北隅阿勒泰卡姆斯特地区下侏罗统三工河组地层中的紫红色放射虫硅质岩砾石,放射虫化石显示该种砾石所属硅质岩的地质年代为杜内期至维宪期早期,Fe/Ti-Al/(Al Fe Mn)和Fe2O3/TiO2-Al2O3/Al2O3 Fe2O3以及REE等地球化学特征反映该硅质岩沉积背景为局限小洋盆。据此推论克拉麦里洋盆封闭于早石炭世晚期,克拉麦里造山带在侏罗纪早期发生快速隆升。  相似文献   

豫西早寒武世辛集组的一个双壳类   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文所描述的双壳类卵形波杰特蛤(新种)Pojetaia ovata(sp.nov.)系采自河南方城杨楼辛集组上部灰岩之底部的碎屑灰岩层,位于Bergeroniellus层位之下。其时代应属早寒武世沧浪铺早期。可与澳大利亚南部产有Pojetaia runnegari Jell的地层相对比。本种是我国目前最低层位的双壳类。  相似文献   

The assembly of the Gondwana supercontinent during the waning stages of the Proterozoic provides a tectonic backdrop for the myriad biological, climatological, tectonic and geochemical changes leading up to, and including, the Cambrian radiation. A polyphase assembly of Gondwana during the East Africa, Brasiliano, Kuungan and Damaran orogenies resulted in an extensive mountain chain which delivered nutrients into a shifting oceanic realm. An analysis of key evolutionary events during this time period reveals the following (a) several fauna show well established endemism that may be rooted in a cryptic evolutionary pulse (c). 580 Ma (b) the margins of the Mirovian and Mawson Oceans formed the locus of radiation for the Ediacaran fauna (c) the margins of the Iapetan and Mirovian oceans form the olenellid trilobite realm (d) the margins of the Mawson and Paleo-Asian oceans are the birthplace of the so-called Gondwana Province fauna (e) evolutionary events associated with the Cambrian radiation were likely driven by internal (biological) changes, but radiation was enhanced and ecosystems became more complex because of the geochemical, ecological and tectonic changes occurring during Ediacaran–Cambrian periods.  相似文献   

The second half of the Ediacaran period began with a large impact e the Acraman impact in South Australia, which was accompanied by a negative d13Ccarb anomaly and an extinction-radiation event involvi...  相似文献   

It was a serious mistake when subdivision stratotypes had been disposed of in practice of constructing the General stratigraphic scale, because they cannot be substituted by the boundary stratotypes. A subdivision stratotype and respective GSSP are complementary parts characterizing any stratigraphic unit. The best candidates for stage stratotypes of the Lower Cambrian are certainly sections of the Lena-Aldan region in the Siberian platform, which have been studied in detail during many years, are well exposed, and contain abundant and diverse fossils, being insignificantly disturbed by tectonic dislocations. Nomenclature, stage and boundary stratotypes of the Siberian standard can be successfully used therefore for stratigraphic subdivision of the Lower Cambrian.  相似文献   

和平、羊儿坝和猪草河剖面是南秦岭槽区巴山组的三个典型剖面,从南向北,这三个剖面的硅质岩厚度逐渐增大。通过对三个剖面硅质岩各种地球化学特征参数的研究分析,结果表明:猪草河剖面最接近火山弧带,为与大陆火山岛弧相邻的弧后盆地,受火山活动的控制很强烈,热水沉积的控制占主要地位;相应的硅质岩和碳酸盐岩都具有强烈的Eu正异常,其中具有高正Eu异常的碳酸盐岩在华南下寒武统尚属首次发现。羊儿坝剖面相当于大陆边缘的深水盆地,热水与海水处于相对平衡的状态。和平剖面最接近大陆边缘,热水的影响很弱,以海水的正常沉积为主,陆源碎屑物质增多。三个剖面沉积相从早到晚的变化体现了南秦岭断陷海槽从拉张到闭合的过程。  相似文献   

对贵州遵义黄家湾下寒武统牛蹄塘组镍-钼富集层进行电子探针研究,发现镍主要赋存于黄铁矿、针镍矿、辉砷镍矿、铁辉砷镍矿、紫硫镍矿、赫硫镍矿;钼主要以"碳硫钼矿"的形式存在。镍钼硫化物多与黄铁矿、白铁矿交代共生,反映矿物经历了不同的成矿阶段。岩石中不仅富集Ni、Mo元素,而且Se元素存在超常富集,可以视为热液作用或生物作用的结果。遵义黄家湾下寒武统Ni-Mo富集层应为海底热液沉积和生物沉积混合成因,其物源较为复杂。  相似文献   

梅冥相  张海  孟晓庆  陈永红 《中国地质》2006,33(6):1292-1304
上扬子区特别是贵州及邻区的下寒武统发育完整,是一套从黑色页岩系到碳酸盐岩的地层序列。寒武系与震旦系之交的台地淹没事件之后。在研究区域普遍形成一套以牛蹄塘组为代表的缺氧盆地相黑色岩系,随着沉积环境的逐渐变浅,在下寒武统顶部发育一套以清虚洞组为代表的碳酸盐岩地层。因此。下寒武统组成一个二级层序.其中可以进一步划分为5个三级层序,形成一个有序的海侵-海退旋回序列。在二级层序之中,三级层序形成一个有序的垂直叠加形式。自下而上三级层序由“凝缩段(CS)+高水位体系域(HST)”序列演变为“海侵体系域(TST)+凝缩段(CS)+高水位体系域(HST)”,层序界面类型由淹没不整合型层序界面演变为明显的暴露间断面,意味着二级层序的相序组构与三级层序存在相似性。上述时间变化在不同的空间古地理背景之中形成了一些差异,从北西向南东,古地理背景由浅变深,下寒武统厚度变薄,向东南变为一个难以进行三级层序划分的凝缩序列。以不同古地理背景的典型剖面的层序划分为基础。根据三级层序的两大属性——空间上相序的有序性和时间上环境变化的同步性.可以建立研究区域能反映出地层记录中“两种相变面和两种穿时性”的层序地层格架。层序地层格架的建立表明.研究区域的下寒武统是一个复杂而有序的地层序列,代表以凝缩序列为基底的碳酸盐台地生长与形成过程;伴随着寒武纪早期的快速海侵作用事件所造成的生态空间的拓展.为寒武纪生物大爆发奠定了古地理基础,同时意味着沉积环境变化与生物多样性事件之间的较为密切的关系以及若干有待进一步研究的问题.  相似文献   

渔塘铅锌矿田,面积100km~2以上,1986年以前间断勘查三十多年,只探明铅锌金属量20000t。1986年后开展科学研究,发现富矿体有两种类型,产于原地藻灰岩中者集中而稳定,属Ⅰ—Ⅱ勘探类型;产于礁间沉积物中者分散且稳定性差,属Ⅱ—Ⅳ勘探类型。以此认识布置钻探工作,取得了在贫矿中寻找富矿的重大进展,探明铅锌金属量500000t的富矿体。  相似文献   

The black shales of the Lower Cambrian Niutitang Formation in Weng'an.on the Yangtze platform of south China,contain voluminous polymetallic sulfide deposits.A comprehensive geochemical investigation of trace,rare earth,and platinum group elements(PGE)has been undertaken in order to discuss its ore genesis and correlation with the tectono.depositional setting.The ore-bearing layers enrich molybdenum(Mo),nickeI(Ni),vanadium(V),lead(Pb),strontium(Sr), bariam(Ba),uranium(U),arsenic(As),and rare earth elements(REE)in abundance.High uranium/thorium(U/Th)ratios(U/Th>1)indicated that mineralization was mainly influenced by the hydrothermal process.The δU value Was above 1.9.showing a reducing sedimentary condition.The REE patterns showed high enrichment in Iight rare earth elements (LREE)(heavy rare earth elements (HREE)(LREE/HREE=5-17),slightly negative europium(EU)and cerium(Ce)anomalies(δEu=0.81-0.93).and positive Ce anomalies(δCe=0.76-1.12).PGE abundance was characterized by the PGE-type distribution patterns,enriching platinum(Pt),palladium(Pd),ruthenium(RuJ and osmium(Os).The Pt,Pd ratio was 0.8.which is close to the ratios of seawater and ultramafic rocks.AII of these geochemical features suggest that the mineralization was triggered by hydrothermal activity in an extensionai setting in the context of break-up of the Rodinian supercontinent.  相似文献   

Abstract: The black shales of the Lower Cambrian Niutitang Formation in Weng’an, on the Yangtze platform of south China, contain voluminous polymetallic sulfide deposits. A comprehensive geochemical investigation of trace, rare earth, and platinum group elements (PGE) has been undertaken in order to discuss its ore genesis and correlation with the tectono-depositional setting. The ore-bearing layers enrich molybdenum (Mo), nickel (Ni), vanadium (V), lead (Pb), strontium (Sr), barium (Ba) , uranium (U) , arsenic (As), and rare earth elements (REE) in abundance. High uranium/thorium (U/Th) ratios (U/Th>1) indicated that mineralization was mainly influenced by the hydrothermal process. The dU value was above 1.9, showing a reducing sedimentary condition. The REE patterns showed high enrichment in light rare earth elements (LREE) (heavy rare earth elements (HREE) (LREE/HREE=5–17), slightly negative europium (Eu) and cerium (Ce) anomalies (dEu=0.81–0.93), and positive Ce anomalies (dCe=0.76–1.12). PGE abundance was characterized by the PGE-type distribution patterns, enriching platinum (Pt), palladium (Pd), ruthenium (Ru) and osmium (Os). The Pt/Pd ratio was 0.8, which is close to the ratios of seawater and ultramafic rocks. All of these geochemical features suggest that the mineralization was triggered by hydrothermal activity in an extensional setting in the context of break-up of the Rodinian supercontinent.  相似文献   

赵亮东  郭荣涛 《中国地质》2011,38(3):577-585
贵州东南部下寒武统发育较为完整,相变剧烈,组成总体向上变浅的沉积序列,该序列代表一个二级层序;该二级层序还可以进一步划分为5个三级层序。自北西向南东,随着从斜坡到盆地的沉积背景变化,下寒武统逐渐变薄,直至变为一个难以进行三级层序划分的凝缩作用序列。依据三级层序空间上相序的有序性和时间上环境变化的同步性,以地层记录中两种相变面和两种穿时性为基本要素建立研究区下寒武统层序地层格架,该格架表明了在寒武纪早期的快速海侵所造成的台地淹没事件之后,所形成的特殊的三级沉积序列样式。  相似文献   

In the Upper-Yangtze region,especially in Guizhou Province and its adjacent areas,the Lower Cambrian is well developed and is marked by a succession from black shales of the basin facies to carbonate rocks of the platform facies.The drowning event of the platform occurring at the turn from Sinian to Cambrian resulted in a set of black shales,i.e.the Niutitang Formation,which makes up the bottom part of the Lower Cambrian.With the shoaling of the sedimentary environment,a set of carbonate rocks,i.e.the Qingxudong Formation,was formed in the top part of the Lower Cambrian.Thus,the Lower Cambrian in the study area makes up one second-order sequence that can be further subdivided into five third-order sequences,and forms a regularly cyclic succession of transgression-regression.There is a regularly vertical stacking pattern for the third-order sequences in the second-order sequence.From bottom to top,the succession of the"CS(condensed section) HST(high-stand system tract)"of the third-order sequences is changed into the succession of the"TST(transgressive system tract) CS HST".Correspondingly,the drowning-type sequence boundary is changed into the exposure-type one.Therefore,both the second-order and the third-order sequences have similar sedimentary-facies architectures.A concomitant with these temporal changes, the Lower Cambrian with a thickness of 1000m that contains five third-order sequences is changed into a condensed succession that cannot identify third-order sequences toward the southeast with the deepening of the sedimentary environment.According to the elementary features of the third-order sequences,i.e.the regularity o sedimentary-facies successions in space and the synchronism of sedimentary-environment changes in time,the detailed division of the third-order sequences at main logged sections in different paleogeographical background becomes the basis to establish the sequence-stratigraphic framework that can demonstrate two types of facies-changing surface and two types of diachronism in the stratigraphic records.This sequence-stratigraphic framework shows a growing process of the carbonate platform from the base of the condensed succession formed by black shales of basin facies.Resulting from the rapid transgression at the turn from Sinian to Cambrian the ecological space became open,which formed the antecedent condition of paleogeographical setting for"the Cambrian Biological Explosion".Ultimately,the genetic relationship between the depositional events and the biological-diversity events is very complex and there remain lots of problems that need further research in the future.  相似文献   

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