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Neodymium isotopic analyses have been measured on nine ophiolites and four orogenic lherzolites. εNd varies from +12 to +3 in the ophiolites and from +18 to +2 in the orogenic lherzolites. The majority of the analyses plot on a εNdSr correlation line as defined by Nd and Sr isotopic analyses of oceanic basalts. However, certain ophiolitic and lherzolitic samples exhibit high87Sr/86Sr ratios and as such lie to the right of the correlation line towards seawater compositions.From these data one can postulate several origins for ophiolites including that of mid-ocean ridges and ocean islands. If the orogenic lherzolites are interpreted as representative of the mantle occurring below active ridges a more complex model is required involving mantle heterogeneity and multi-episodic chemical fractionation starting prior to 2 Ga ago.  相似文献   

The reaction between enstatite (En95.3Fs4.7) and CaCO3 has been studied at pressures between 23 and 77 kbars and at temperatures between 800° and 1400°C. At 1000°C enstatite and CaCO3 react to form dolomite and diopside solid solutions at pressures below approximately 45 kbars and magnesite and diopside solid solutions at higher pressures. The curve for the reaction dolomitess + enstatitess ? magnesitess + diopsidess lies between 40 to 45 kbars at 1000°C and between 45 and 50 kbars at 1200°C. It is very close to the graphite-diamond transition curve. These experimental results indicate that calcite (or aragonite) is unstable in the presence of enstatite, and that dolomite and magnesite are the stable carbonates at high pressures. The forsterite + aragonite assemblage is, however, stable to at least 80 kbars at 800°C. It is suggested that in the upper mantle where enstatite is present, dolomite is stable to depths of about 150 km and magnesite is stable at greater depths in the continental regions, assuming that the partial pressure of CO2 is equal or close to the total pressure. It is also suggested that carbonate inclusions in pyroxene can be used as an indicator of the depth of their equilibration; dolomite inclusions in enstatite would be formed at depths shallower than 150 km and magnesite inclusions in diopside at greater depths. Eclogite and peridotite inclusions in kimberlite may be classified on this basis.  相似文献   

This paper summarizes the geochronological, geochemical and zircon Hf isotopic data for Mesozoic granitoids within the Erguna Massif, NE China, and discusses the spatial-temporal variation of zircon Hf isotopic compositions, with the aim of constraining the accretion and reworking processes of continental crust within the Erguna Massif, and shedding light on the crustal evolution of the eastern segment of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt. Based on the zircon U-Pb dating results, the Mesozoic granitic magmatisms within the Erguna Massif can be subdivided into five stages: Early-Middle Triassic(249–237 Ma), Late Triassic(229–201 Ma), Early-Middle Jurassic(199–171 Ma), Late Jurassic(155–149 Ma), and Early Cretaceous(145–125 Ma).The Triassic to Early-Middle Jurassic granitoids are mainly I-type granites and minor adakitic rocks, whereas the Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous granitoids are mainly A-type granites. This change in magmatism is consistent with the southward subduction of the Mongol-Okhotsk oceanic plate and subsequent collision and crustal thickening, followed by post-collision extension. Zircon Hf isotopic data indicate that crustal accretion of the Erguna Massif occurred in the Mesoproterozoic and Neoproterozoic. ZirconεHf(t) values increase gradually over time, whereas two-stage model(TDM2) ages decrease throughout the Mesozoic. The latter result indicates a change in the source of granitic magmas from the melting of ancient crust to more juvenile crust. Zircon εHf(t)values also exhibit spatial variations, with values decreasing northwards, whereas TDM2 ages increase. This pattern suggests that,moving from south to north, there is an increasing component of ancient crustal material within the lower continental crust of the Erguna Massif. Even if at the same latitude, the zircon Hf isotopic compositions are also inconsistent. These results reveal lateral and vertical heterogeneities in the lower continental crust of the Erguna Massif during the Mesozoic, which we use as the basis of a structural and tectonic model for this region.  相似文献   

Analyses of Pb from mid-ocean ridge basalts obtained from DSDP Leg 37 lie on a line of near-zero-age slope. The data seem consistent with an evolutionary model of three stages, the beginning of the second stage being at about 600 m.y. — the model age obtained for the least radiogenic Pb. The beginning of the third stage of evolution at the time of formation of the rocks apparently did not change the average Th/U ratio since measured values are consistent with the ratio deduced from Pb isotope ratios. Ratios of U/Pb are not consistent with Pb isotope ratios, however, thus ruling out a simple two-stage evolutionary model.  相似文献   

NH4 is the most common form of nitrogen found in rocks and may substitute for K in potas-sic minerals such as biotite, muscovite, and K-feldspar[1,2]. N2 has been observed in fluid inclu-sions, and thermodynamic calculations suggest that N2 is the most c…  相似文献   

In order to explore mantle heterogeneity through geological time, Pb isotopic compositions have been determined for 8 differentiated-layered intrusions whose ages are between 2.7 and 0.05 b.y.. The Pb-Pb ages of these intrusions and the U-Pb characteristics of their parent sources are discussed.The Pb-Pb dating method is found to be applicable for this type of basic or ultrabasic rocks and agrees satisfactorily with other available methods. Significant differences are found between the calculated values for the parent bodies of these intrusions. This could reflect either mantle heterogeneity since Archean times, or contamination of some of the bodies by continental crust. Discrimination between these hypotheses can be proposed from the positions of the initial Sr ratios of these massives in respect to the supposed “terrestrial” evolution line. The two intrusions which plot on that closed system Sr evolution line (Muntsche Tundra, U.S.S.R., and Skaergaard, Greenland) belong also to a simple two-stage evolution model for Pb, with a low first-stage μ value of 7.8. If these two bodies are considered as pieces of a “primitive” closed-system mantle, a4.55 ± 0.01 age of the earth can be calculated from their Pb initial ratios.  相似文献   

A combined study using LA-ICP-MS U-Pb dating, Hf isotopes, trace elements and the Ti-in-zircon geo-thermometer was carried out on zircons from the metamorphosed basic-ultrabasic rocks in the meta-morphic basement of the Cathaysia Block, southwestern Zhejiang Province. The formation and meta-morphic ages of the rocks from the metamorphic basement of the Cathaysia Block were determined based on zircon U-Pb geochronology. The age for the magmatic crystalline zircons from the protolith is about 1.85 Ga. The εHf(t) values of the older zircons were from ?7 to ?3, with two-stage model Hf ages (TDM2LC) of about 2.9 to 3.4 Ga, indicating that the source material was derived from anatexis and recy-cling of the Archean crust. The newly formed metamorphic zircons yielded U-Pb ages of 260―230 Ma. The metamorphic temperature calculated using the Ti-in-zircon geothermometer ranged from 610 to 720℃, consistent with the results from petrographic observations, indicating that the Cathaysia Block experienced an amphibolite facies metamorphism during the Indosinian. Results from this study pro-vided an important timeframe for the tectonic evolution in South China and the Southeast Asia during the Late Permian and Early Triassic times.  相似文献   

A model to simulate recharge processes of karst massifs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The recharge processes have been evaluated for two karst massifs of southern Italy, the Mt Terminio and Mt Cervialto, characterized by wide endorheic areas. The annual mean recharge has been estimated by Geographic Information System (GIS) tools, from regression of annual mean values of different ground‐elevated rain gauges and thermometers. The recharge has been distinguished for endorheic areas and the other areas of spring catchment, and the ratio between the output spring and input rainfall has been also estimated (recharge coefficient). The annual recharge has been used to calibrate a daily scale model, which allows to estimate the amount of effective rainfall, which is retained as soil moisture; the amount reaching the water table (recharge s.s.); and the amount of rainfall, which develops the runoff and leaves the catchment. All these amounts vary through the hydrological year, in function of soil moisture deficit and daily rainfall intensity. The model allows estimating the recharge conditions through the hydrological year, and it is a useful tool for water management. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A new analysis of the isotope systematics of sulphide common leads can be made on the basis of examining the deriations of the data from a simple single-stage evolution. Δt, the age discrepancy between the single-stage lead model age and the geologic age, increases systematically from 3.8 Ga to the present. This trend appears to reflect an increase in the μ of the primitive mantle due to incorporation of a large portion of the earth's lead into the core, early in the earth's evolution. Leads associated with shale-hosted lead-zinc deposits show a rapid increase in Δt beginning at 2.5 to 2.0 Ga. This deviation of shale-hosted leads from the general trend is interpreted as a response to concentration of uranium in organic-rich shales subsequent to the evolution of an oxidizing atmosphere. Comparison of common leads in alkali feldspars with the volcanogenic sulphide data suggests that they have a similar evolution of Δt with time. Numerical simulations reveal that even substantial increases in real μ over the last 2.0 Ga are not reflected in significant increases in the single-stage model μs.  相似文献   

In an earlier study of Mesozoic and Cenozoic mineralization in Central America and the Caribbean region, we found that lead isotopic compositions of deposits in northern Central America, which is underlain by a pre-Mesozoic craton, ranged to higher206Pb/204Pb and207Pb/204Pb compositions than did deposits from elsewhere in the region, where the basement is Mesozoic oceanic material. Using 16 analyses for 12 new deposits, as well as new analyses for 11 of the samples studied previously, we have found that lead isotopic compositions correlate closely with crustal type but show little or no correlation with depth to the M-discontinuity. The deposits are divisible into three main groups including (in order of increasing207Pb/204Pb and208Pb/204Pb ratio): (1) deposits in southern Central America and all deposits in the Greater Antilles except Cuba; (2) all deposits in northern Central America; and (3) the Cuban deposits. Southern Central American and Caribbean lead is higher in207Pb/204Pb and208Pb/204Pb than most mid-ocean ridge basalts but could have been derived directly or indirectly from undepleted mantle. Northern Central America can be divided into the Maya block, which belongs to the Americas plate, and the Chortis block, which belongs to the Caribbean plate. Maya block deposits fall along a linear array whereas those of the Chortis block (except the Monte Cristo deposit) form a cluster. These results suggest that the Maya block is underlain by crust or mantle with a large range of U/Pb and Th/U ratios, whereas the Chortis block basement is more homogeneous. Two-stage model calculations indicate an age of about 2280±310 m.y. for the Maya block basement, although no such rocks are known in the region. Comparison of the Chortis block data to our recently published lead isotopic analyses of Mexican deposits shows considerable similarities suggesting that the Chortis block could have been derived from Mexico.  相似文献   

Petrogenesis of garnet lherzolite, Cima di Gagnone, Lepontine Alps   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Garnet lherzolite at Cima di Gagnone has chemical and mineralogical properties similar to those of other garnet lherzolites in the lower Pennine Adula/Cima Lunga Nappe (Alpe Arami, Monte Duria). The Cima di Gagnone occurrence encloses mafic boudins that belong to an eclogite-metarodingite suite common in the numerous neighboring ultramafic lenses. The ultramafic rocks at Cima di Gagnone, including the garnet lherzolite, are interpreted as tectonic fragments of an originally larger lherzolite body that underwent at least partial serpentinization prior to regional metamorphism. This lherzolite body cycled through at least three metamorphic facies: greenschist or blue-schist (as antigorite serpentinite) → eclogite (as garnet lherzolite), pre-Alpine or early Alpine → amphibolite facies (as chlorite-enstatite-tremolite peridotite), Lepontine metamorphism. Relics of titanoclinohumite in the garnet peridotite, as also recorded by Möckel near Alpe Arami, are consistent with this metamorphic history, since they indicate a possible connection with Pennine antigorite serpentinites, e.g., Liguria, Piedmont, Zermatt-Saas, Malenco, Pustertal, all of which have widespread titanoclinohumite belonging to the antigorite paragenesis. Estimated pressures in excess of 20 kbar and temperatures of 800°±50°C for the garnet lherzolite assemblage are not inconsistent with conditions inferred for Gagnone and Arami eclogites. These conditions could have been reached during deep subduction zone metamorphism. It is shown by calculation that the effects of Fe and Cr on the location of the garnet lherzolite/spinel lherzolite phase boundary largely counter-balance each other.  相似文献   

Crustal structure of Dabieshan orogenic belt   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The crustal structures ofP velocity and density on the deep seismic sounding profile across the Ilabieshan orogenic belt are presented. There is a 5-km-thick crustal “root” between the Yuexi and Xiaotian where the elevation is highest on the profile. An apparent Moho offset of 4. 5 km beneath the Xiaotian-Mozitan fault marks the paleo-suture of the Triassic collision. A high-velocity anomaly zone at the depth below 3 km beneath the ultra-high pressure (UHP) zone may be correlated to the higher content of UHP metamorphic rocks. Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China and the Joint Earthquake Science Foundation.  相似文献   

天山造山带的深部结构   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
天山造山带是中亚最令人瞩目的一条由陆陆汇聚而形成的陆内造山带,从古生代以来经历了长期的构造演化,尤其是新生代以来的再次活化,导致了本区复杂的构造特征,因此在全球范围内具有独特性和活动性,是全球公认的研究大陆动力学的天然实验室.从1980年以来,针对天山及周缘的深部结构特征开展了大量的深地震探测研究工作,揭示了天山造山带...  相似文献   

The paper reviews critically the present status of knowledge on the Precambrian orogenic cycles of India. The Precambrian age data obtained by Pb-U-Th, alpha-helium and Rb-Sr methods are presented cycle-wise, and the degree of dependability of each determination is indicated. The following cycles have so far been delineated — Dharwar (2300±100 M. Y.), Eastern Ghats (1625±75 M. Y.), Mahanadi (1350±200 M. Y.?), Satpura (955±40 M. Y.), Delhi (735±30 M. Y.) and Kishengarh (580±20 M. Y.) and it is shown that these cycles have equivalents in several parts of the world. These results are discussed in relation to the tectonics of India. A comprehensive programme of dating the Precambrian geological formations of India is suggested.  相似文献   

Numerical simulation of Dabie orogenic belt's tectonic evolution   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
IntroductionDabieorogenicbeltisthecollisionorogenbetweentheSino-KoreancratonandYangtzecraton.Sincethediscoveriesofcoesiteatthelater1980s,Dabieorogenicbelthasbecomethemostfamousultra-highpressure(UHP)metamorphicbeltinafewyears.Coesite-bearingeclogitef...  相似文献   

Pristine samples from the lunar highlands potentially offer important information bearing on the nature of early crustal development on all the terrestrial planets. One apparently unique sample of this group of lunar crustal rocks, the feldspathic lherzolite 67667, was studied utilizing the Sm-Nd radiometric system in an attempt to define its age and the implications of that age for the evolution of the lunar highlands. Data for 67667 precisely define an isochron corresponding to an age of 4.18±0.07 AE. The observed lack of disturbance of the Sm-Nd system of this sample may suggest that this time marks its crystallization at shallow depth in the lunar crust. However, the possibility that this age, as well as those of other highland rocks, indicate the time of their impact-induced excavation from regions deep enough in the lunar crust to allow subsolidus isotopic equilibrium to be produced or maintained between their constituent minerals is also considered. Taken together, bulk rock Sm-Nd data for four “high-Mg” rocks, including 67667, indicate that the chemical characteristics of all their source materials were established 4.33±0.08 AE ago and were intimately associated with the parent materials of KREEP. This finding provides more support for the concept of a large-scale differentiation episode early in lunar history. The possible roles of the crystallization of a global magma ocean, endogenous igneous activity, and of planetesimal impact, in producing the observed geochemical and chronological aspects of lunar highland rocks are discussed.  相似文献   

Geologic relationships in the central Pyrenees of southern France demonstrate that lherzolite has been emplaced, as a plastic solid, into middle or upper Cretaceous calcareous rocks; that it has been eroded and clastic peridotite debris deposited in rocks of approximately the same age as those it intruded; and that it has also been juxtaposed against Cretaceous limestone or marble along or within the North Pyrenean fault zone. There are at least three types of late Cretaceous lherzolite breccias known from this region.Metamorphism of the country rock and penetrative deformation of the lherzolite and marble took place during shearing. Shearing was accompanied by an important period of motion (perhaps 85–100 m.y. ago) along the North Pyrenean fault and an associated thermal event which involved temperatures of 400 ± 100°C. Cretaceous metamorphism along the North Pyrenean fault zone was not due to forcible primary hot intrusion of lherzolite.  相似文献   

The southeastern part of the North Asia craton was found to contain several circular basite-hyperbasite plutons with associated commercial platinoid placers. An analysis of geodynamic models for the formation of the region and materials of seismic tomography showed that the subduction processes that were active in the Asia-Pacific convergence zone during Mesozoic time generated a stagnant oceanic slab in the transitional mantle zone. The NE and SW boundaries of the slab appear to be coincident with transform faults. The projection of the transform fault that bounds the slab on the north-northeast coincides with the Konder-Feklistov metallogenic belt that was identified previously and its Aldan (Inagli) segment. The high platinoid potential of the circular massifs in the belt is explained by the effects of lower-mantle derivates on ascending upper-mantle plumes.  相似文献   

Yu  Xuehui  Mo  Xuanxue  Liao  Zhongli  Zhao  Xin  Su  Qi 《中国科学:地球科学(英文版)》2001,44(1):155-161

The mineral thermobarometry proposed in literature is used to calculate the equilibrium temperature and pressure of garnet lherzolite and websterite xenoliths within the Cenozoic kamafugite from west Qinling, Gansu Province, China. The results show that the equilibrium temperature and pressure of garnet lherzolites and websterite and 1127–1266°C, 2.9–3.6 Gpa and 1169–1248°C, 2.8–3.2 Gpa respectively. The equilibrium peressures reach or exceed the equilibrium peressure of spinel lherzolites (2.0–3.0 GPa), and fall into the stability range of garnet peridotite. The equilibrium temperature of the xenoliths reach or exceed the ocean geotherm, identical with the melting temperature of kamafugite magma determined by experiments under the conditions of post-orogenic lithosphere extension. So the thermal state of Cenozoic mantle of the west Qinling may be fit to generate the kamafugite magmatism. The research on petrology-mineralogy and geobarothermometry of the xenoliths shows that both garnet lherzolite and websterite are mantle components of the west Qinling, and may be considered as source rocks of the Cenozoic kamafugite magma.


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