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The cordgrass Spartina anglica is an introduced species that tends to invade sheltered sand and mudflats, at the upper low marsh level. In Arcachon Bay, a lagoon in South West of France, the cordgrass can also replace Zostera noltii beds. The consequence of cordgrass presence on macrobenthic fauna was estimated and compared to adjacent habitats (bare sands, Z. noltii sea grass beds) during one year. The communities of the three habitats were characterised by low species richness, low abundance and biomass (when Hydrobia ulvae, 90% of abundance, is not considered) and high seasonal stability. The infaunal assemblages were particularly homogeneous between habitats without any characteristic species.Cordgrass eradication experiments were performed and zoobenthic recolonisation was observed the following year. Modifications in benthic fauna were observed on epifauna only.These results highlight the limited structuring effect of habitat heterogeneity at high tidal levels and in soft-bottom sediments where desiccation becomes the dominant factor determining infauna community structure.  相似文献   

Seasonal monitoring of the levels of carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus in two green macroalgae (Ulva and Enteromorpha) was carried out at 22 sampling sites in four embayments (rías) on the northwest coast of Spain. Sediments were also analysed to determine the concentrations of these elements as well as organic matter, organic carbon, iron and texture. In addition, accumulations of Ulva were monitored. Nitrogen levels in algae were similar to those found in comparable studies, whereas carbon concentrations were generally higher and those of phosphorus were lower. As a result the macroalgae were relatively enriched by carbon and nitrogen compared with phosphorus. Seasonal variations in algal tissue nitrogen and phosphorus followed the usual pattern for temperate zones, with minimum levels in summer and maximum levels in winter. Variations in carbon concentrations were much less accentuated. The low levels of P in the algae appear to indicate limitation by this element, however, comparison of the monthly changes in nitrogen and phosphorus in Ulva with the critical concentrations of these elements suggests dual nutrient limitation in this alga in summer. By contrast, the sediments were more enriched by phosphorus; high retention of this element by the sediment may explain the low levels in algae. The highest accumulations of Ulva occurred in spring and summer; hydrodynamic factors appeared to be important in determining the extent of these accumulations.  相似文献   

Distribution and biomass of green algal mats were studied in marine shallow (0–1 m) soft-bottom areas on the Swedish west coast from 1994 to 1996, by combining aerial photography surveys with ground truth sampling. Filamentous green algae, dominated by species of the genera Cladophora and Enteromorpha, were generally present throughout the study area during July and August, and largely absent in late April and early May. These algae occurred at 60 to 90% of the locations investigated during the summer, and were estimated to cover between 30 and 50% of the total area of shallow soft bottoms of the Swedish Skagerrak archipelago. The distributional patterns were similar during the three years of the investigation and appeared unrelated to annual local nutrient inputs from point sources and river discharge. We postulate that the apparent lack of such a relationship is due to an altered state of nutrient dynamics throughout the archipelago. Mechanisms are likely to involve long-term, diffuse elevations in nutrient levels in coastal waters of the Skagerrak and the Kattegat over several decades leading to current eutrophic conditions, exceeding nutrient requirements for abundant filamentous algal growth. Patterns of algal abundance in our study were largely related to physical factors such as exposure to wind, waves and water exchange under conditions where nutrient loads among embayments seemed to be unlimited. Further, our results show that sediments covered by algal mats had higher carbon and nitrogen contents than unvegetated sediments. We hypothesise that sustained high nutrient loads, manifested in extensive biomass of filamentous algae during summer months, are re-mineralised via decay and sedimentation in the benthic realm. Hence, accumulated carbon and nutrients in the sediment could, in turn, constitute the basic pool for future algal mat production overlying soft bottoms in areas where tidal exchange is limited.  相似文献   

本文描述了采自南麂列岛小柴屿岩相潮间带的一海洋底栖硅藻新种,南麂侧链藻(Pleurosira nanjiensis sp.nov.)。本研究使用光学显微镜和扫描电子显微镜对该种进行了形态学观察,并基于SSU rRNA和rbcL基因重建了其系统发育关系。南麂侧链藻具有壳面橄榄形、椭圆形或圆形,壳面隆起,单眼突出于壳表面,2–3个唇状突(rimportulae),放射排列的线纹等特征,区别于其他侧链藻。  相似文献   

Bacterioplankton productivity (BP) spatial variation was investigated in relation to potential resources, including primary productivity and dissolved organic matter, in the micro-tidal Neuse River–Pamlico Sound estuarine system, North Carolina, USA. Estuarine BP was predicted to correlate with the trophic gradient, decreasing along the salinity gradient in parallel with the decrease in organic matter and primary productivity. This prediction was tested over four years at spatial scales ranging from kilometers to meters along the riverine axis and with depth. The general pattern of BP across the salinity gradient was unimodal and matched the phytoplankton patterns in peak location and variability. Peak locations varied with discharge, especially in 2003 when above average discharge moved peaks downstream. Spatial coherence of BP with other variables was much less at short time scales. The effect of temperature, nutrients, and phytoplankton on BP varied by location, especially fresh versus brackish stations, although only temperature explained more than 20% of the BP variation. Depth variation of BP was as great as longitudinal variation and bottom samples were often higher than surface. BP was strongly correlated with particulate organic carbon at the pycnocline and bottom, highlighting the importance of particulate matter as a resource. Station-averaged BP and phytoplankton data corresponded well with two published meta-analyses, although the offset of the freshwater station suggested longitudinal differences in community composition or resource availability.  相似文献   

Ecosystem engineers can influence community and ecosystem dynamics by controlling resources, modifying the flow of energy or biomass, or changing physical characteristics of the habitat. Invasive hybrid cordgrass (Spartina alterniflora × Spartina foliosa) is an ecosystem engineer in salt marshes in San Francisco Bay, California, U.S.A. that raises intertidal elevations and may be either increasing C4 plant carbon input into food webs or tying up carbon in a form that is not usable by consumers. A manipulative experiment compared abundance, growth, and stable isotope (δ13C and δ15N) composition of the clam Macoma petalum (=M. balthica) among native marsh, hybrid Spartina, and mudflats in central San Francisco Bay. We found higher densities (individuals m−2) of M. petalum on mudflats compared to either native or hybrid Spartina (p < 0.001). Macoma petalum shell growth was significantly greater in mudflats than in either vegetation type in 2002 (p = 0.005) but not 2003. Differences in shell growth between native and hybrid Spartina were not significant. Stable isotope results showed differences between habitats in δ13C but not δ15N. Carbon signatures of M. petalum placed in Spartina were much more depleted than the isotopic signature of Spartina. Neither native nor hybrid Spartina appears to be a significant carbon source for M. petalum in San Francisco Bay, and we found no evidence that hybrid Spartina contributes carbon to M. petalum beyond what is provided by S. foliosa, despite the hybrid's much greater biomass. Our results show that loss of mudflat habitat, rather than increased input of C4 carbon, is the greatest effect of the invasion of hybrid Spartina on M. petalum.  相似文献   

Biogenic reefs built by oysters and other suspension feeders are vital components of estuarine ecosystems. By consuming phytoplankton, suspension feeders act to suppress accumulation of organic matter in the water column. Nutrient loading increases the rate of primary production, thereby causing eutrophication. As suspension feeders consume more organic matter from increasing abundance of phytoplankton, their rate of growth should also increase if they are food limited. We show here that the eastern oyster, Crassostrea virginica (Gmelin), from St. Mary's and Patuxent rivers, Chesapeake Bay, grew faster during anthropogenic eutrophication relative to C. virginica before eutrophication. Growth of shell height, shell thickness and adductor muscle increased after eutrophication began in the late 18th century. After 1860, growth decreased, perhaps reflecting the negative effects of hypoxia, harmful algal blooms, disease and fishing on oyster growth. These results are consistent with the view that an increasing supply of phytoplankton resulting from eutrophication enhanced growth of C. virginica between 1760 and 1860, before oyster reefs were degraded by destructive fishing practices between 1870 and 1930. Alternative factors, such as changes in water temperature, salinity, and fishing are less likely to be responsible for this pattern. These results have implications for restoration of oyster reefs in order to mitigate the effects of eutrophication in estuaries, as well as the paleoecological relationship between suspension feeders and paleoproductivity.  相似文献   

Benthic faunal activity and density play an important role in determining the rates of benthic nutrient fluxes, which enrich the water column and contribute to phytoplankton growth. The intensity of nutrient fluxes in the Bay of Brest depends on the density of the invasive gastropod, Crepidula fornicata. In order to study the impact of benthic fluxes on phytoplankton dynamics, realistic daily nutrient inputs simulating various densities of C. fornicata were added to six enclosures during three weeks. The increase in fertilization intensity influenced the phytoplankton biomass. A succession from Chaetoceros spp. to Pseudo-nitzschia spp. and Leptocylindrus danicus was observed in all enclosures, but the dynamics of successions were different. Pseudo-nitzschia spp. was favored in the three more fertilized enclosures, while Chaetoceros spp. persisted longer in less enriched enclosures. Despite an apparent nitrogen limitation, the quantum efficiency of PSII (Fv/Fm) was high (>0.5) and stable in all enclosures. The maximal photosynthetic capacity (PBmax) was also invariable and oscillated around an average value of 2.23 mg C (mg Chl a)−1 h−1. The stability of Fv/Fm and PBmax observed at different nutrient input intensities demonstrates that the daily inputs maintained the physiological balance of the microalgae. The maximal light utilization efficiency (α) and the light saturation parameter (Ek) were also quite stable after day 8, which reveals that photosynthetic parameters were driven by growth constraints due to nutrient availability and not by incident light or species successions. We suggest that our results correspond to an “Ek independent variation” regulation. We propose that such regulation of photosynthetic parameters appears when there are frequent nutrient additions which do not allow replete nutrient conditions to be reached but lead to physiological equilibrium.  相似文献   

为探讨浒苔绿潮消亡腐败过程中的营养盐释放规律以及浒苔绿潮聚积腐烂对海水水质的影响,在室外模拟近岸浒苔绿潮聚积腐烂过程,并于2018年6月在浒苔绿潮靠岸前开始对主要浒苔绿潮聚积地(鳌山湾、鳌山湾口的海参池、石老人海域)进行观测,实时记录浒苔腐烂状况及对周边环境的影响。模拟实验结果表明:各形态氮、磷营养盐在浒苔腐烂分解过程中升高明显,且以溶解有机态、颗粒态为主。其中生物量为5 g/L实验组溶解有机氮(Dissolved Organic Nitrogen,DON)、颗粒态氮(Particulate Nitrogen, PN)、溶解有机磷(Dissolved Organic Phosphorus, DOP)、颗粒态磷(Particulate Phosphorus,PP)的浓度在浒苔腐烂分解过程中达本底浓度的5~10倍以上。现场调查结果显示,随着浒苔绿潮在青岛近岸聚积,各调查站点的溶解无机氮(Dissolved Inorganic Nitrogen,DIN)、DON、DOP受浒苔绿潮吸收影响均降至最低值,后随着浒苔绿潮腐烂逐渐上升,水质恶化。其中鳌山湾受浒苔绿潮腐烂影响最为严重,在调查期间水体甚...  相似文献   

The Mondego estuary, a shallow warm-temperate intertidal system located on the west coast of Portugal, has for some decades been under severe ecological stress, mainly caused by eutrophication. Water circulation in this system was, until 1998, mainly dependent on tides and on the freshwater input of a small tributary artificially controlled by a sluice. After 1998, the sluice opening was effectively minimised to reduce the nutrient loading, and the system hydrodynamics improved due to engineering work in the upstream areas. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the effect of the mitigation measures implemented in 1998. Changes to the hydrodynamics of the system were assessed using precipitation and salinity data in relation to the concentrations of dissolved inorganic nutrients, as well as the linkage between dissolved N:P ratios and the biological parameters (phytoplankton chlorophyll a concentrations, green macroalgal biomass and seagrass biomass). Two distinctive periods were compared, over a ten year period: from January 1993 to January 1997 and from January 1999 until January 2003. The effective reduction in the dissolved N:P atomic ratio from 37.7 to 13.2 after 1998 is a result of lowered ammonia, but not the oxidised forms of nitrogen (nitrate plus nitrite), or increased concentrations of dissolved inorganic phosphorus. Results suggest that the phytoplankton is not nutrient limited, yet maximum and mean biomass of green macroalgae was reduced by one order of magnitude after the mitigation measures. This suggests that besides lowering the water residence time of the system, macroalgal growth became nitrogen limited. In parallel to these changes the seagrass-covered area and biomass of Zostera noltii showed signs of recovery.  相似文献   

泥螺自2001因养殖目的引入黄河三角洲以来,随着分布范围的扩大和种群数量的增长,已成为当地潮间带的关键种。泥螺给当地民众带来较高收入,但其对底栖生态系统的潜在影响还不清楚。为了明确该种群的生物扰动对底栖微藻和微生物的初级生产,以及对水体-沉积物界面营养盐交换的影响,开展了该项实验。结果表明,在光照条件下,泥螺能显著影响沉积物-水体界面的溶解氧DO通量;在黑暗及无生物处理组的恢复期,泥螺能显著增加两界面间氨氮的通量。底栖微藻和小型生物在黑暗条件下也能增加氨氮的通量;但在有光照条件下,上述微藻和小型底栖动物对沉积物-水体界面间溶解氧和氨氮通量的影响不明显。实验结果为更深入理解泥螺对生态系统的影响提供重要理论支持。  相似文献   

The suspension-feeding gastropod Crepipatella dilatata occurs in estuaries in southern Chile that experience considerable fluctuations in salinity, driven by tidal and atmospheric forces. In the Quempillén estuary salinities as low as 9 psu may occur after severe rainstorms, and persist for several hours. In this study salinity was the major factor influencing the clearance rate of C. dilatata. At salinities below 20 psu, filtration ceased, whereas at high salinities (>22 psu) mean clearance rate was 0.24 l h−1 standard animal−1 (S.D. 0.18) for actively filtering individuals. This was confirmed by laboratory experiments under controlled conditions. Endoscopic observations were consistent with measurements of clearance rate, and showed that at salinity 25–30 psu the rate of transport along the gill filaments of particulate material embedded in mucus was 759 μm s−1 (S.D. 480), but particle transport ceased at and below salinity 20 psu. Complete or partial isolation of the mantle cavity from the environment may be a mechanism to protect soft tissues and/or incubated egg capsules from osmotic stress.  相似文献   

Short-term tidal and diel variations of autumn fish assemblage in a Zostera marina bed were investigated using 3 h interval samplings for 24 h in both spring and neap tide using a small beam trawl. A total of 1 346 fishes belonging to 19 species were collected at spring tide, whereas 1 115 fishes belonging to 17 species were at neap tide. The common fish species were Nuchequula nuchalis, Acanthogobius flavimanus, Takifugu niphobles, Acentrogobius pflaumii, and Pholis nebulosa with the former three species dominating at spring tide, while the latter two species being abundant at neap tide. Diel variation in abundance was significant with higher abundance at night than day, but there were no significant differences between spring and neap tides, and between ebb and flood tides (three-way ANOVAs). Diel variation in the abundance of fishes may be influenced by tidal range and cycle, and day-night differences of food availability and behaviors of fishes indirectly. Non-metric multidimensional scaling (nMDS) ordination and analysis of similarity (ANOSIM) results revealed significant differences in species compositions both between day and night, and between spring and neap tide. Eelgrass beds are highly productive marine ecosystem, and thus, our results will contribute to conservation of seagrass ecosystem in the study area.  相似文献   

On the recent warming of the southeastern Bering Sea shelf   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
During the last decade, the southeastern Bering Sea shelf has undergone a warming of 3 °C that is closely associated with a marked decrease of sea ice over the area. This shift in the physical environment of the shelf can be attributed to a combination of mechanisms, including the presence over the eastern Bering Sea shelf of a relatively mild air mass during the winter, especially from 2000 to 2005; a shorter ice season caused by a later fall transition and/or an earlier spring transition; increased flow through Unimak Pass during winter, which introduces warm Gulf of Alaska water onto the southeastern shelf; and the feedback mechanism whereby warmer ocean temperatures during the summer delay the southward advection of sea ice during winter. While the relative importance of these four mechanisms is difficult to quantify, it is evident that for sea ice to form, cold arctic winds must cool the water column. Sea ice is then formed in the polynyas during periods of cold north winds, and this ice is advected southward over the eastern shelf. The other three mechanisms can modify ice formation and melt, and hence its extent. In combination, these four mechanisms have served to temporally and spatially limit ice during the 5-year period (2001–2005). Warming of the eastern Bering Sea shelf could have profound influences on the ecosystem of the Bering Sea—from modification of the timing of the spring phytoplankton bloom to the northward advance of subarctic species and the northward retreat of arctic species.  相似文献   

This study examined the phenology and ecological consequences of a benthic filamentous cyanobacterial bloom (Lyngbya majuscula) in Deception Bay (Moreton Bay, Queensland, Australia). Bloom initiation occurred in mid December 1999 and expanded to encompass an 8 km2 area by April 2000. Small fish and penaeid prawns (<25 cm total length) were quantitatively sampled through periods designated as before, during and after the bloom using a combination of pop-netting within mangroves and beam trawling over adjacent seagrass beds. Data on larger-bodied fish were compiled from daily fishing logs provided by local commercial fishers. Changes in dry mass of bloom material caught in nets and changes in water chemistry were also measured. Mean concentrations of ammonia-N in residual water within mangroves were several orders of magnitude higher in the affected area than in the control and dissolved oxygen was markedly lower in affected areas. Across the study area, mean density, live mass and number of species declined during the bloom, with fish assemblages using mangroves showing greater decline than assemblages using seagrasses. Response at the species level was highly variable; generally, epibenthic species showed a more sustained decline than demersals. Mean monthly fish catch was significantly lower in bloom than non-bloom years. This study has also demonstrated that throughout the bloom, the affected area continued to support a highly diverse and abundant fish and prawn assemblage, and probably maintained its function as an important nursery habitat for many species.  相似文献   

肖湘  周樱  王风平 《海洋学报》2003,25(1):138-142
几丁质是海洋中居首位的多糖物质,它是虾、蟹壳的主要成分,同时广泛存在于昆虫外骨骼及真菌的细胞壁中.许多生物包括植物、细菌、真菌和一些无脊椎动物与脊椎动物都能够产生几丁质酶降解几丁质,其中细菌利用几丁质酶降解几丁质作为生活所需碳源和氮源.从生态角度来看,几丁质酶在自然界几丁质循环过程中扮演了重要角色,作为对环境的适应,多种微生物都带有完整的几丁质酶系.  相似文献   

刘瑀  陆超  焦点  刘宇馨  王国光 《海洋科学》2023,47(4):117-125
为了研究低磷条件对盘锦滨海湿地优势物种翅碱蓬的影响,本文探究了不同无机磷酸盐浓度处理下翅碱蓬生理指标、光合色素、丙二醛(MDA)及不同组织脂肪酸含量的变化。结果表明,翅碱蓬株高、茎长、茎粗、叶片数量、株重均与施磷浓度呈显著正相关,MDA含量与施磷浓度呈显著负相关(P<0.05)。叶绿素a、叶绿素b及总叶绿素含量先降低后升高。低磷条件会影响翅碱蓬根部脂肪酸C18:2n6与C16:0的相互转化;叶片中多不饱和脂肪酸相对含量降低,中长链脂肪酸相对含量升高,茎中脂肪酸则无明显变化。本文分析翅碱蓬植被退化与磷含量的关系为盘锦辽河口湿地修复治理及翅碱蓬保护提供依据。  相似文献   

为探究多环芳烃(PAHs)对海洋生物的生态毒理效应,作者将仿刺参(Apostichopus japonicus)分别暴露于质量浓度为10、20、50、100、150μg/L的菲、三甲基菲、蒽和二甲基蒽中,检测4种代表性多环芳烃胁迫下仿刺参的耗氧率和排氨率.结果显示:在不同质量浓度多环芳烃的胁迫下,仿刺参的耗氧率均显著高...  相似文献   

The role of coastal lagoons and estuaries as sources or sinks of inorganic carbon in upwelling areas has not been fully understood. During the months of May–July, 2005, we studied the dissolved inorganic carbon system in a coastal lagoon of northwestern Mexico during the strongest period of upwelling events. Along the bay, different scenarios were observed for the distributions of pH, dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) and apparent oxygen utilization (AOU) as a result of different combinations of upwelling intensity and tidal amplitude. DIC concentrations in the outer part of the bay were controlled by mixing processes. At the inner part of the bay DIC was as low as 1800 μmol kg−1, most likely due to high water residence times and seagrass CO2 uptake. It is estimated that 85% of San Quintín Bay, at the oceanic end, acted as a source of CO2 to the atmosphere due to the inflow of CO2-rich upwelled waters from the neighboring ocean with high positive fluxes higher than 30 mmol C m−2 d−1. In contrast, there was a net uptake of CO2 and HCO3 by the seagrass bed Zostera marina in the inner part of the bay, so the pCO2 in this zone was below the equilibrium value and slightly negative CO2 fluxes of −6 mmol C m−2 d−1. Our positive NEP and ΔDIC values indicate that Bahía San Quintín was a net autotrophic system during the upwelling season during 2005.  相似文献   

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