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本文介绍了我国最新研制的首套吊舱式高温超导全张量磁梯度测量系统,系统主要由高精度超导量子干涉磁强计构成的全张量磁梯度探头、数据采集系统、惯性导航系统、无磁吊舱等组成.在江苏省丹阳市试验区开展了飞行试验,成功地获取试验区全张量磁梯度分布图,测试结果表明吊舱式高温超导全张量磁梯度测量仪各项指标满足航磁测量技术规范的要求,测量精度优于±30 pT·m-1,具备了实际生产的能力,推动了我国航磁勘探的进步与发展,能够为航磁多参量数据采集-处理-解释系统提供宝贵的实测数据,填补我国航空高温超导全张量磁梯度测量技术研究的空白,缩短与发达国家在该技术上的差距,为"深地资源勘查开采"提供先进技术支撑,具有很好的应用前景.  相似文献   


The non-parametric mathematical framework of bilinear surface smoothing (BSS) methodology provides flexible means for spatial (two dimensional) interpolation of variables. As presented in a companion paper, interpolation is accomplished by means of fitting consecutive bilinear surface into a regression model with known break points and adjustable smoothing terms defined by means of angles formed by those bilinear surface. Additionally, the second version of the methodology (BSSE) incorporates, in an objective manner, the influence of an explanatory variable available at a considerably denser dataset. In the present study, both versions are explored and illustrated using both synthesized and real world (hydrological) data, and practical aspects of their application are discussed. Also, comparison and validation against the results of commonly used spatial interpolation methods (inverse distance weighted, spline, ordinary kriging and ordinary cokriging) are performed in the context of the real world application. In every case, the method’s efficiency to perform interpolation between data points that are interrelated in a complicated manner was confirmed. Especially during the validation procedure presented in the real world case study, BSSE yielded very good results, outperforming those of the other interpolation methods. Given the simplicity of the approach, the proposed mathematical framework’s overall performance is quite satisfactory, indicating its applicability for diverse tasks of scientific and engineering hydrology and beyond.
Editor Z. W. Kundzewicz; Associate editor A. Carsteanu  相似文献   

磁暴事件影响日地空间环境,例如:通讯系统、电力系统、输油管道、空间飞行器等均会受到严重影响。磁暴观测是地磁台站的常规业务工作,结合地震行业发展规划,考虑其他行业对磁暴数据指数的需求,基于Datist数据专家程序设计磁暴事件智能化系统,可在磁暴发生后快速、及时、准确地推送详细指数,根据不同用户需求,以专业磁暴简报产品报告形式进行输出,为用户开展事件分析和深入研究提供基础数据。  相似文献   

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