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There are only a few luminescence dating studies of loess sediments in Japan, but interleaved with these deposits are many well-described tephras of known age based on 14C and fission track analysis; these independent age controls provide an opportunity to test the reliability of loess luminescence ages. This study provides such a comparison at two sites in central Honshu, the largest island in the Japanese archipelago. Samples were collected from sequences of interleaved volcanic tephra and loess deposited on a Middle Pleistocene river terrace in the Niigata Prefecture and on an Early to Middle Pleistocene dissected fluvial surface at in the Tochigi Prefecture, Honshu. Equivalent doses (De) were estimated from fine grains (4–11 μm) using both polymineral IR-OSL and (post-IR) blue-OSL, and quartz blue-OSL. The blue-stimulated luminescence signals could be represented by up to three exponentially decaying components; only the most light sensitive of these components was used in the final De estimation. Almost all the estimates of De from polymineral IR-OSL are smaller than those from polymineral (post-IR) blue-OSL and quartz blue-OSL, whereas the latter two are in good agreement. The blue-light stimulated luminescence ages using the most light sensitive component are shown to be in good agreement with the independent control, up to 500 ka. Although the IR-OSL signals underestimate the known age, a simple laboratory fading test is found empirically to correct for this underestimation. We conclude that the most rapidly blue-stimulated luminescence signals from quartz extracted from our loess samples give reliable ages, and that future loess dating studies should concentrate on these signals.  相似文献   

Infrared-stimulated luminescence dating (IRSL) was applied on pottery sherds from the Mailhot-Curran archaeological site (BgFn-2), a Late Woodland period village located in the Saint-Anicet region, southern Québec (Canada). This site witnessed the presence of St. Lawrence Iroquoians and is thought to have been occupied roughly 500 years ago. The main goal of this study is to chronologically constrain the occupation of this site in order to establish a fine chronological sequence for the occupations of various sites found in this area. The IRSL is used to complement previous dating methods used for Mailhot-Curran (radiocarbon and seriation of the archaeological remains).Dating results are reported for ten samples of local ceramics made from Quaternary Champlain Sea clay. Luminescence dating on fine grains was preferentially used, since feldspar luminescence typically emit a decent luminescence signal. Although the latter was rather dim, anomalous fading was measured and luminescence ages were successfully corrected. It is therefore possible to validate the occupation age of this site.  相似文献   

The applicability of two different approaches in the luminescence dating of old (>70 ka) Chinese loess is investigated. Both SAR-OSL ages obtained on 63–90 μm quartz grains and SAR-IRSL ages obtained on 4–11 μm polymineral grains, for samples collected from two sites in the Chinese Loess Plateau (Luochuan and Dongchuan) are presented. The characteristics of the luminescence signals stimulated by blue and infrared light are investigated in terms of dose response and dose recovery, and as a function of age. Additionally, anomalous fading measurements from the 410 nm IRSL emission in polymineral fine-grains are reported. An average value of g2days amounting to 3% per decade was measured and seems to be independent of site location and age. For the samples from Luochuan, independent age control (pedostratigraphy and palaeomagnetism) is available. At both sites, the SAR-OSL ages are always lower than the SAR-IRSL ages after they have been corrected for anomalous fading. It seems that the quartz-based SAR-OSL ages are accurate for the younger ages, but that they underestimate the true age of deposition for loess that was deposited about 60–70 ka ago. The fading-corrected SAR-IRSL ages are in better agreement with the pedostratigraphic age control (75 and 130 ka) and allow dating beyond the quartz OSL range. Based on our results, we suggest that conventional SAR-OSL and SAR-IRSL protocols at these sites should be restricted to samples of ages not exceeding 40–50  and 100–120 ka, respectively.  相似文献   

We use three different approaches of optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) to study young fluvial sediments located at the main channels of one of the largest fluvial systems of North America: the Usumacinta–Grijalva. We use the pulsed photo‐stimulated luminescence (PPSL) system also known as portable OSL reader, full OSL dating and profiling OSL dating in samples extracted from vertical sediment profiles (n = 9) of riverbanks to detect changes in depositional rates of sediments and to obtain the age of the deposits. The results of the PPSL system show that the luminescence signals of vertical sediment profiles highly scattered from the top to the bottom contrast with the luminescence pattern observed on well‐reset sequences of fluvial deposits where luminescence increase from the top to the bottom of the profile. The profiling and full OSL ages yielded large uncertainty values on their ages. Based on the inconsistencies observed in both ages and luminescence patterns of profiles we suggest that these fluvial deposits were not fully reset during their transport. As an explanation, we propose that in the Usumacinta and Grijalva rivers the cyclonic storms during the wet season promote the entrainment of large volumes of sediments due to high‐erosional episodes around the basin resulting from hyper‐concentrated and turbid flows. We conclude that the PPSL, profiling and full OSL dating of sediments are useful tools to quantify and to assess the depositional patterns in fluvial settings during the Holocene. These techniques also can yield information about sites where increases in the sediment load of rivers may produce poorly resetting of grains affecting the results of OSL dating. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We present a multiple luminescence signal measurement procedure that simultaneously measures six different luminescence signals from a single polymineral aliquot (i.e. multiple-signal, short MS-SAR approach). The six signals show different bleaching rates in bleaching experiments, ranging from rapid bleaching for the quartz dominated blue stimulated luminescence signal (measured at 125 °C, BSL-125), to the slow-bleaching polymineral thermoluminescence signal. The bleaching rate of the infrared stimulated luminescence (IRSL) measured at room temperature (IR-25) and elevated temperature post-IR IRSL (pIRIR-90, pIRIR-155, pIRIR-225) signals decrease with increasing measurement temperature. Owing to these different bleaching rates, the MS-SAR approach allows inference of the degree of bleaching, and thereby information on the transport history of sediments. We test this approach by applying the MS-SAR to four coastal samples from a well-monitored sand-nourishment site at the Dutch coast. Our results show that the proposed MS-SAR approach can be utilised to construct bleaching plateaus which provide an independent and time-effective measure of the degree of poor bleaching in a sediment sample based on the measurement of only a few large aliquots. We propose that the MS-SAR protocol can be used to profile the age, luminescence properties and degree of bleaching of minimal prepared polymineral. This pre-profiling will allow the selection of suitable samples for full luminescence dating analysis in a target-orientated and time-effective manner.  相似文献   

Luminescence dating has long been used for chronological constraints on marine sediments due to the ubiquitous dating materials (quartz and feldspar grains) and its applicability over a relatively long time range. However, one of the main difficulties in luminescence dating on marine sediments is partial bleaching, which causes age overestimations. Especially, partial bleaching is typically difficult to be detected in the fine grain fraction (FG) of marine sediments. The recently developed feldspar post-IR IRSL (pIRIR) protocol can detect non-fading signals and thus avoid feldspar signal instability. In the current study, fine grains were extracted from a gravity core in the northern Sea of Japan, and the aim is to test the feasibility of using different luminescence signals with various bleaching rates to explore the bleaching conditions of fine grain fraction in marine sediments. The results suggest that the quartz OSL signal and polymineral pIRIR signals at stimulation temperatures of 150 °C and 225 °C (pIRIR150 and pIRIR225) of FG were well bleached prior to deposition. The OSL ages were used to establish a chronology for this sedimentary core and the resulting age-depth relationship is self-consistent and comparable with radiocarbon dates. We conclude that different luminescence signals with various bleaching rates can be used to test the bleaching conditions of fine grain fraction in marine sediments; and the luminescence dating can be applied to marine sediments with great potential.  相似文献   

This study applies single-grain optically stimulated luminescence (SG OSL) dating of quartz sand temper to Intermountain Ware ceramics recovered from four archaeological sites in northwestern Wyoming, USA. We show that SG OSL dating can strengthen and further refines existing archaeological site chronologies in certain settings. The SG OSL results are compared to multi-grain infrared stimulated luminescence (IRSL) dating of the polymineral (feldspar and quartz) silt fraction in the ceramic paste of the same sherds. Results from the two methods are statistically indistinguishable, although coarse-grained quartz SG OSL ages have consistently lower standard error terms due to higher relative sensitivity and avoidance of anomalous fading calculations. Moreover, the SG OSL results produced precision at two-sigma standard error greater than or equal to associated calibrated radiocarbon ages. SG OSL dating of quartz temper from Intermountain Ware ceramics provides more reliable site occupation timing than radiocarbon dating, which can be conditioned by incorporation of old wood and contamination from young soil carbon. This study highlights the importance of SG OSL dating on sherds from buried contexts when exposure to wildfires may have occurred, as ceramics recovered from the ground surface of one site after a high-intensity fire produced near-modern apparent ages, suggesting they were thermally reset during the fire. We suggest SG OSL should be applied to date similar ceramics with quartz temper to determine site age and bolster regional chronologies.  相似文献   

Constraining the ages of fluvial terraces is essential to understanding fluvial responses to climate and sea-level changes and estimating uplift/incision. Luminescence dating of sand or silt grains from fluvial terrace deposits in Japan is difficult because sand layers are often absent from gravelly deposits, quartz grains are typically dominated by medium/slow components and/or contaminated by feldspars, and short transport distances and short residence times in riverbeds result in poor bleaching of luminescence signals. Luminescence dating of cobbles may overcome these difficulties, but few studies have applied this technique to fluvial terrace deposits. Here, we examine the utility of luminescence dating applied to three granodiorite cobbles from a late Pleistocene fluvial terrace deposit of the Ara River, Japan. We investigated variations of the infrared stimulated luminescence (IRSL) and post-IR IRSL signals with depth in each cobble. The IRSL and post-IR IRSL signals generally increase with depth, indicating that the cobbles were not completely bleached before deposition. Nonetheless, the IRSL ages of the cobble surfaces (19–17 ka) are consistent with the age of a tephra layer (16–15 ka) at the base of loess deposits overlying the terrace. In contrast, IRSL ages of sand-sized feldspar grains overestimate the depositional age because of incomplete bleaching, whereas silt-sized quartz grains greatly underestimate the depositional age, likely because of the thermal instability of the medium component. Our results demonstrate that luminescence dating of cobbles could provide a better understanding of fluvial systems in which luminescence dating of sand grains is difficult.  相似文献   

Luminescence dating of late Quaternary sediments in Peru is challenging, especially on the Peruvian coast. Earlier studies have shown that quartz grains often exhibit a thermally unstable, medium signal that caused the underestimation of Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) ages. InfraRed Stimulated Luminescence (IRSL) dating has shown to produce more reliable ages, depending, amongst other factors, on the age model (Central or Minimum Age Model), and the IRSL signal. IRSL dating of geoarchaeological sediments has, however, hardly been carried out, let along validated, against an independent age dataset. This dating approach is, nonetheless, the only promising way to date the geological substrate in which many of Peru's archaeological sites are buried. Peru contains some of the oldest and most important archaeological heritage sites, yet not much is known of the environmental context in which many of its early civilizations prospered. A better understanding of which luminescence method works best could therefore help in a better understanding of the geological-stratigraphical context of many of Peru's sites.To investigate this matter more fully, we compared the luminescence dating results of seven sediment samples from the top layer of the Lima alluvial fan and from geoarchaeological layers of the Maranga Complex (San Miguel, Lima), with an independent dataset of sixteen 14C ages. Our results showed that the quartz OSL ages always underestimated the expected ages due to a signal dominated by medium and slow components, and that the post-IR IRSL225 (pIR IRSL225) and IRSL50 ages of K-feldspars, on basis of the Central Age Model (CAM), always overestimated the expected ages. The Minimum Age Model (MAM) on the other hand, correctly predicted the expected ages for the early Holocene, Lima alluvial fan sediments using the pIR IRSL225 signal of K-feldspars, and the late Holocene, geoarchaeological ages using the IRSL50 signal.  相似文献   

Fossil oyster reefs are indicators of past sea levels, and their formation is usually dated by means of radiocarbon. However, radiocarbon dating of the shells from coastal areas may be complicated by the varying sources of carbon. Here we applied optical dating methods to date the samples from above and below a fossil oyster bed in a section on the coast of Bohai Bay, China. The optical ages of the sediments were used to constrain the oyster bed. Single-aliquot regenerative-dose procedures using the OSL signal from fine grain quartz, the IRSL and post-IR OSL signals from polymineral fine grains were employed to determine equivalent dose (De). The behaviors of the different luminescence signals from quartz and polymineral grains during De measurements were examined. The results showed that the quartz OSL signal is more reliable than the polymineral IRSL and post-IR OSL signals with respect to dating for these coastal samples. The optical ages indicated that the oyster reef formed between ca. 6.2 and 5.0 ka.  相似文献   

A rapid assessment of burial age for sedimentary materials is useful to aid in-situ interpretation of sites and sequences during fieldwork. This can assist with targeted field sampling strategies for full dating back in the laboratory, for example when the study is concerned with reconstructing landscape dynamics during a specific time period. Field-based luminescence measurements are possible using a portable luminescence reader; the challenge is translating relative portable luminescence reader signal intensities of samples into an estimate of age. This study uses a portable luminescence reader for the first time in the analysis of African dunefield sediments. Samples from the Namib Sand Sea (NSS) with established luminescence ages are used to assess what in-situ information about relative sample age can be gleamed at and between sites using the portable luminescence reader, and to establish whether first-order estimates of sample age can be obtained. Two sites in the NSS, which are of modern, very late Holocene and last interglacial age were selected for this assessment and a simple calibration between portable luminescence reader signals and sample age is made. Results show that portable luminescence reader signals differ by over two orders of magnitude between late Holocene and last interglacial age samples and that useful relative-age information can be established using bulk material in the field. Predicted ages from portable luminescence reader signals using a linear regression appear to be indicative and useful. Further development of this calibration using a wider range of sample ages would confirm its applicability in the NSS, and a similar approach is applicable to other sand sea environments.  相似文献   

Previous luminescence dating studies on loess from China and Tajikistan have focused on the establishment of the regional chronology of the loess sequences. In order to improve the precision and accuracy of optical ages derived from the loess of the last glacial period in these regions, we have examined the components of luminescence signals in three loess samples from western China and southern Tajikistan. Our results show that the polymineral IRSL and post-IR OSL, and quartz OSL signals from loess of the two regions are represented by three components, which display different bleaching and growth characteristics. While the composition of the polymineral IRSL signals is similar between samples with the same age from the two regions, in the case of quartz there is significant discrepancy in the proportion of the fast and medium components of the OSL signals. Greater difference is observed in the composition of the polymineral post-IR OSL signals for the loess from the two regions. The three components of polymineral IRSL signals yield almost identical equivalent dose values as that derived from the total IRSL signal. An apparent agreement in equivalent dose is observed between the fast component of the polymineral post-IR OSL and the quartz OSL for the loess of western China but not in the loess of the same age from southern Tajikistan. The fast component of the quartz OSL yields an equivalent dose 25% higher than that based on the total signal for the sample from the base of the Late Pleistocene loess in southern Tajikistan. This demonstrates the importance of signal selection for an accurate luminescence dating of Central Asian loess.  相似文献   

A significant feature of the surface sediments of southeast Asia is a regionally extensive layer of distinctive red, quartz-rich, cover sand observed throughout Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos and Thailand, and further afield. In many locations, these cover sands immediately overlay a laterite layer containing tektites, known as the Muong Nong type, associated with a large meteorite impact between 750 and 800ka in Indochina. Sections of these cover sands at sites in Thailand, Laos and Vietnam have been investigated using field and laboratory profiling, and quartz SAR procedures. In some locations the sections consist of a layer of low-sensitivity quartz with saturated signals overlain by a visibly indistinguishable layer of high-sensitivity quartz with ages less than c. 35ka. Further work has been undertaken to attempt to extend quartz luminescence dating for the older materials, including samples associated with the tektites, using thermally stimulated or transferred luminescence to access traps that are expected to saturate at higher doses. Luminescence was recorded during sample heating and hold, giving thermoluminescence (TL-ramp) and isothermal decay (ID) data, in addition to optically stimulated luminescence after the transfer (Thermally Transferred Optically Stimulated Luminescence, TT-OSL) measurements. These measurements have produced equivalent dose values of up to 250Gy, and ages of 70–125ka, for these older materials, which is significantly younger than would be expected from the association with the tektites. Investigation of the traps associated with these signals has produced properties consistent with prior investigations, suggesting that these are not sufficiently stable at environmental temperatures above 25 °C to permit age extension using these methods.  相似文献   

Within the framework of the studies focusing on the Pleistocene peopling of the Americas, our French-Brazilian team has undertaken a pluridisciplinary research on different archaeological sites, inside and in the neighborhood of the Serra da Capivara National Park, in Brazilian Nordeste. The present study regards an archaeological site, Vale da Pedra Furada, situated in the Piauí state in Brazil. The results of technological and functional studies suggest the existence of different successive human occupations during the Pleistocene in this region. Moreover, the geological and geomorphological studies shed new light on our understanding of sedimentary processes and confirm that the levels were not subject to any significant post-depositional processes. This is also confirmed by macro- and micro-analysis of quartz artefact surfaces. The chronological study has recently been completed employing both radiocarbon and luminescence techniques; radiocarbon dates were obtained on charcoal, multi-grain and single-grain OSL ages on sedimentary quartz grains. The results obtained with the different methods are consistent with each other: the most recent archaeological level is dated to around 8 ka and the oldest to 24 ka, indicating the open-air site of Vale da Pedra Furada to be a succession of human occupations beginning from OIS 2. These results are discussed in the context of some archaeological sites studied in the Serra da Capivara National Park of the last few decades.  相似文献   

Loess and fluvial sand are important materials for dating river terraces and alluvial fans. This study focuses on the methodological aspects of dating loess and fluvial deposits from the northern flank of the Tian Shan range, China, using sand-sized quartz and potassium (K) feldspar. Luminescence characteristics of quartz and K-feldspar were studied for searching suitable dating procedures. Our results indicate that 1) most quartz aliquots were contaminated by feldspar, and were dated using a post-infrared optically stimulated luminescence (post-IR OSL) procedure. A Fast ratio acceptance threshold of 15 can be applied to select these aliquots with post-IR OSL signals dominated by quartz OSL; 2) the multi-elevated-temperature post-IR IR stimulated luminescence (MET-pIRIR) procedures are applicable for K-feldspar. A test dose of ∼30% of the natural dose is appropriate for dating of older (>10 ka) samples. An Age (T, t) plateau test can be used to evaluate the dating results; 3) for the loess samples, both quartz and K-feldspar were well bleached and are suitable for dating. Dating using K-feldspar is preferred for its higher efficiency; 4) for the fluvial sand samples, only the quartz grains were fully bleached. Single-aliquot dating of quartz gives reliable ages.  相似文献   

Young sediments, with low sensitivity and low dose rates, are challenging for luminescence dating. Here, we present work on the site of Sandwick South, a Norse settlement, in which these challenges were present. Field gamma dose rates below 0.1 mGy a−1, and total dose rates of 0.4–0.5 mGy a−1, combined with expected ages of less than 1 ka, resulted in a requirement for quantitative determination of equivalent doses of 0.2–0.4 Gy. The bedrock geology of the area are metagabbros, which explain both the exceptionally low dose rates and the lack of autochthonous quartz. Luminescence profiling during fieldwork revealed stratigraphically progressive OSL and IRSL signals, indicating phases in the sediments with dating potential. While laboratory characterisation recovered some quartz, its low yields and luminescence sensitivity precluded application of quartz methods. Electron microscopy confirmed the presence of feldspars, which were separated and used for IRSL Single Aliquot Regeneration Additive (SARA) analysis. Counting times for both high resolution gamma spectrometry (HRGS) and thick source beta counting (TSBC) measurements were extended by 1 order of magnitude, resulting in overall uncertainties of <6% for these low dose rates. Dose estimates were obtained using an adapted SARA protocol, incorporating long overnight preheats before first measurement, with the aim of mitigating short-term fading effects. Using these procedures, archaeologically meaningful dates were obtained from this difficult material, which are internally consistent, coherent with stratigraphy, and concordant with the radiocarbon constraints of the associated archaeological settlement. The dates demonstrate sand accumulation in the early to mid-13th century AD and also in the 18th century AD, which are contemporary with disruptive sand movements registered in other coastal regions of the Northeast Atlantic and North Sea regions. The approaches adopted here have provided solutions to the challenging conditions of this young, insensitive material and can therefore be considered to extend the range and applicability of luminescence dating methods.  相似文献   

A thick Middle and Late Pleistocene loess-palaeosol sequence is exposed at the Stari Slankamen section in the Vojvodina region situated in the south-eastern part of the Pannonian basin, Serbia. The profile exposes an about 45 m thick series of loess intercalated by at least eight pedocomplexes. Ten samples were dated by luminescence methods using a modified single aliquot regenerative dose (SAR) protocol for polymineral fine grains and for quartz extracts from the upper part of the Stari Slankamen loess sequence. The infrared stimulated luminescence (IRSL) and post-IR optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) signals from all polymineral samples showed anomalous fading, suggesting that the post-IR OSL signal is still dominated by feldspar OSL. The ages ranging from 4.6 to 193 ka were obtained after fading correction. These ages indicate that the loess unit V-L1L1, the weakly developed soil complex V-L1S1 and the loess unit V-L1L2 were deposited during marine isotope stage (MIS) 2, 3, and 4, respectively, and also indicate that the loess unit V-L2 is of the penultimate glacial age.  相似文献   

Cobbles can be used as an alternative to the conventionally employed sand-sized mineral luminescence dating. In piedmont environments, cobbles are much more abundant than sand-sized material. The IRSL50 signal has been widely used in previous studies due to its greater sensitivity to exposure events. However, it is well known that the low temperature IRSL signal is more prone to fade than elevated temperature post-IR IRSL signal. In this study, to test the reliability and applicability of cobble sub-surface elevated temperature IRSL luminescence dating, six light-color granite cobbles and two sand-sized samples from silty sand lens were collected from a high terrace of Manas River on the northern piedmont of Chinese Tian Shan. A modified multi-elevated-temperature post-infrared infrared stimulated luminescence (MET-post-IR IRSL) protocol was applied. The age-temperature (A-T) plateau of MET-post-IR IRSL measurement was combined with the conventional age-depth (A-D) plateau in luminescence-depth profile to evaluate the resetting and fading of MET-post-IR IRSL signals. Uncertainties of grain-sizes of K-feldspar within solidified slices were also explored by μ-XRF mapping of potassium content. The A-T plateau was identified between MET-post-IR IRSL170 and MET-post-IR IRSL225 signals of one cobble, which suggested completeness of bleaching before burial and negligible anomalous fading during burial. This cobble yielded MET-post-IR IRSL225 ages of 15.8 ± 2.6 ka and 19.0 ± 3.2 ka for top and bottom side, respectively. These MET-post-IR IRSL225 ages were consistent with independent coarse-grained quartz MAM OSL ages (15.7 ± 3.6 ka and 14.8 ± 2.6 ka) of two sand-sized samples. The MET-post-IR IRSL225 age of 16.0 ± 1.2 ka for the bottom side of another cobble was also consistent with the independent age, even without the A-T plateau. It was inferred to be caused by anomalous fading of MET-post-IR IRSL signals other than that stimulated at 225 °C by refering to the A-D plateau observed. Our results show that MET-post-IR IRSL measurement can be employed to determine the burial ages of cobbles. The A-T plateau, complemented with the A-D plateau, could be used to assess the reliability of burial ages of cobble luminescence dating from the view of bleaching and fading.  相似文献   

The Qujialing site is a representative Neolithic archaeological site in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River, China. Absence of suitable material for radiocarbon dating in this region makes the timing of the similar sites difficult. Here we applied optically stimulated luminescence (OSL–SAR) and thermoluminescence (TL–SAR) techniques to date the archaeological and natural deposits from the Qujialing site with known age, testing the techniques on samples at archaeological sites in this region. The results showed that the luminescence properties of quartz from sediment and baked earth samples are very similar. The quartz OSL ages obtained for a sediment sample and a baked earth sample from the cultural layer are 5.4 ± 0.3 and 5.1 ± 0.3 ka, respectively. The quartz TL age of the baked earth sample is 5.6 ± 0.5 ka. These dates are consistent with the calibrated radiocarbon ages (4.9 ± 0.1 and 5.1 ± 0.1 ka cal BP (±1σ)) of the two charcoal samples from the cultural layer at a nearby locality, and are also in agreement with the age of Qujialing culture period. The results indicate that the OSL dating techniques can be applied to date similar archaeological sites in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River, China.  相似文献   

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