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钻孔应变观测的标定问题有两层涵义:在第一个层面上,可以认为实际标定是相对室内标定而言的.室内标定是对仪器(元件)的标定,标定结果是元件的灵敏度,即观测读数R与实际孔径相对变化S的比例系数.  相似文献   

计时精度是地震数据采集系统的重要性能指标,直接影响到地震勘探对地层分辨的准确度.地震数据采集系统中计时精度主要由采集站的采样率精度决定.本文首先给出了计时精度的定义,基于模拟信号数字处理技术,分别研究了采用单方波脉冲法和双单位脉冲法测量计时精度的两种方法并比较了它们的测试精度,给出了采用本文所述方法的测试结果.最后对测试误差进行了讨论.  相似文献   

Shear waves recorded at or near the sea-bed, i.e. a water–sediment interface, may suffer from unwanted phase change, which is detrimental to velocity analysis and processing and degrades the quality of the final stacked or migrated image. In this study, this phenomenon is analysed for P-SV converted waves recorded at the sea-bed. Theoretical analysis shows that phase change does not occur if the converted shear waves always maintain raypaths that lie within the critical angle, provided the subsurface layering is horizontal. A phase change that is asymmetric with offset can readily be explained as being due to dipping layers at targets or the dipping sea-bed. This analysis is extended to multiple layers and anisotropic media and shows that the same conclusions hold. The analysis performed on two sets of ocean-bottom-cable seismic data shows that the majority of observations show little evidence of phase change, and occasionally display the asymmetric phase change with offset. This finding underlines the robustness of converted shear waves for imaging the horizontal subsurfaces and sea-bed as all of the offset information may be used.  相似文献   

地震仪器是地球物理勘探的核心装备,伴随地震勘探技术的进步,几年即可推出一代新设备。近年来,随着节点技术的发展,节点地震采集系统逐步应用在各个领域,且效果较好。结合地球物理勘探技术的发展需求,介绍主流陆地节点地震仪器的特点与应用,分析存在的问题及改进方向,希望促进对节点仪器的了解和应用。  相似文献   

Both harmonic and seismic responses of several idealized offshore oil pipelines in proximity to the sea-bed have been studied in this paper by using a digital computer algorithm. In this, spatial discretization was based on finite elements, with nodal lumped masses, while a step-by-step explicit forward integration scheme was implemented for processing in the time domain. A study of the basic system parameters shows that pipe response to a horizontal transverse ground excitation is mainly affected by the clearance between the pipe and the sea-bed, pipe geometry and its end-restraints. Results also show that the overall effect of non-linear pressure drag is not substantial. Relevant fluid dynamic aspects affecting system response as well as possible effects of marine growth on pipe surface and structural/chemical degradation of the pipe coating are also discussed.  相似文献   

TDE-324C地震数据采集器的设计   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了TDE—324C地震数据采集器采用的设计技术,给出了系统的结构框图,并且就采集器实现的功能进行了描述,给出了采集器的技术指标和部分应用图例。该采集器能够满足地震观测的需要。  相似文献   

763地震仪标定时的计算量非常大,为了减轻其难度和保证计算正确性,编写了763地震仪标定软件,经过红山台的具体应用收到很好效果,操作简单方便,结果准确清楚。  相似文献   

To understand the origin of the ultrafine pedogenic components responsible for the magnetic susceptibility (MS) enhancement remains a major challenging problem in linking magnetic signal with paleoclimate. Here we examine the effect of the natural fires on the MS signal of both plants and modern soils and in particular the MS difference between C3 and C4 plant ashes and their influence on magnetic susceptibility. We also proved the influence of the different floral root systems on the MS signal of modern soils. We find that the C3 and C4 plants are different in their ability to enhance MS signal of modern soils. Increased MS signal of modern soils by C4 plants was much greater than that by C3 plants.  相似文献   


Conceptual mathematical models are a useful tool for rainfallrunoff modelling of a basin. The calibration of such models has attracted the attention of a number of hydrologists since unique and optimal parameters are difficult to obtain. The calibration of a conceptual model is discussed through a simple conceptual model whose parameters are determined using a search technique. It is shown that the optimization algorithm converges to a global optimum even when the errors in the initial parameters are quite significant and the input environment is noisy.  相似文献   

风云三号C星微波湿温探测仪的定标和验证   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
风云三号C星(FY-3C)已经于2013年9月23日发射升空,其上装载的微波湿温探测仪(MWHTS)已于9月30日开机正常工作.MWHTS具有对大气温度和湿度垂直分布进行同步探测的能力.MWHTS为跨轨扫描式微波辐射计,在89~191 GHz毫米波段内设置了十五个探测通道,其中包括118.75 GHz氧气吸收线附近的8个大气温度探测通道,183.31 GHz水汽吸收线附近的5个大气湿度探测通道,以及89 GHz和150 GHz两个窗区通道.设置在118.75 GHz的一组毫米波探测通道是国际上业务卫星首次使用的大气探测通道,这组通道和183.31 GHz通道对大气进行联合探测,将获得更加精细的大气温湿度垂直分布数据,为数值预报和气候研究提供丰富信息.为保证MWHTS观测资料的定量应用,对仪器性能和定标精度进行了在轨测试.利用MWHTS在轨正常工作后的三个月数据,对仪器在轨定标的基础数据:冷空和黑体计数值,黑体和仪器温度进行监测分析和质量检验,经过质量检验的在轨定标基础数据,结合发射前真空试验得到的非线性订正项在轨定标生成MWHTS观测亮温数据.评估MWHTS在轨辐射定标结果的精度和偏差特性使用了三种方法:1 通过场地定标试验获取大气温湿廓线和地面温度等大气参数信息,结合微波逐线正演辐射传输模式MonoRTM(Monochromatic Radiative Transfer Model)模拟MWHTS的上行微波辐射亮温,与MWHTS实际观测结果进行对比分析;2 两个通道特性一致的同类星载被动微波载荷同时观测同一目标,观测亮温的差异主要取决于两个载荷的定标系统偏差.选取美国SNPP上搭载的微波探测仪器ATMS作为MWHTS的参考载荷,基于SNO(simultaneous nadir overpass)技术,对两个仪器的观测亮温进行交叉比对,观测亮温时空匹配及均匀性检验的条件为:观测时间差异小于20 min,观测像元中心距离小于3 km,观测角度在星下点附近差异小于5°,观测像元周围3×3像元内的亮温标准差小于1 K;3 基于美国国家环境预测中心的全球数据同化系统GDAS(Global Data Assimilation System)数据,利用快速辐射传输模式CRTM(Community Radiative Transfer Model)对MWHTS各通道亮温进行正演模拟,模拟结果(O)和仪器实际观测的亮温(B)之间的差异记为"O-B",对偏差值"O-B"进行统计特征分析.仪器中心频率的变化、正演模式模拟精度和模式输入廓线自身的误差都会对"O-B"产生影响.但是对于首次使用的探测频点而言(如118.75 GHz通道),由于国际上没有同类载荷可以进行交叉比对,借助于正演辐射传输模式计算得到"O-B"偏差的分析结果可以在一定程度上反映仪器整体定标情况.外场地定标试验结果显示除通道14外,其他14个通道的亮温差都在1.3 K以内;与同类载荷ATMS的在轨观测进行直接交叉比对表明通道14与ATMS的亮温偏差最大,但中心频点一致的5个水汽探测通道的标准差都小于1 K;将MWHTS观测结果和正演辐射传输模式模拟结果即"O-B"进行偏差分析显示,靠近118.75 GHz吸收线中心的通道2—6"O-B"标准差小于0.5 K,其他通道"O-B"标准差和ATMS相应通道的结果相当;MWHTS观测和模拟偏差随角度变化的研究表明通道1,7~13和15观测结果对角度有一定依赖性.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of (Fe_4Cr_4Ni)_9C_4   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Luobusha podiform chromite deposit occursin the Luobusha ophiolite exposed at the In-dus-Yarlung Zangbo suture[1]. The wall rocks of chro-mitites are harzburgites. Many mantle minerals werefound in chromitites and harzburgites. Among of them,there are 120 grains of diamond[2], many elementalmetals (mainly Au, Cu, Fe, Ni, Cr, Al, W, Zn, Pb, Sn,Os, Ir, Ru, C, etc.) and their intermetallic compounds.Besides diamond and graphite, the element C isalso combined with Fe, Cr, Ni, Ti and …  相似文献   

This paper aims to shed some further light on the seismic behaviour and design of reinforced concrete (R/C) walls which form part of dual (frame + wall) structures. The significance of post‐elastic dynamic effects is recognized by most seismic codes in the definition of the design action effects on walls, i.e. bending moments and shear forces. However, the resulting envelopes are not always fully satisfactory, particularly in the case of medium‐to‐high‐rise buildings. The relevant provisions of modern seismic codes are first summarized and their limitations discussed. Then an extensive parametric study is presented which involves typical multi‐storey dual systems that include walls with unequal lengths, designed according to the provisions of Eurocode 8 for two different ductility classes (M and H) and two effective peak ground acceleration levels (0.16 and 0.24g). The walls of these structures are also designed according to other methods, such as those used in New Zealand and Greece. The resulting different designs are then assessed by subjecting the structures to a suite of records from strong ground motions, carrying out inelastic time history analysis, and comparing the results with the design action effects. It is found that for (at least) the design earthquake intensity, the first two modes of vibration suffice for describing the seismic response of the walls. The bending moment envelope, as well as the base shear of each wall, is found to be strongly dependent on the second mode effect. As far as the code‐prescribed design action effects are concerned, only the NZ Code was found to be consistently conservative, whereas this was not always the case with EC8. A new method is then proposed which focuses on quantifying in a simple way the second mode effects in the inelastic response of the walls. This procedure seems to work better than the others evaluated herein. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Calibration of magnitude scales for earthquakes of the Mediterranean   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
In order to provide the tools for uniform size determination for Mediterranean earthquakes over the last 50-year period of instrumental seismology, we have regressed the magnitude determinations for 220 earthquakes of the European-Mediterranean region over the 1977–1991 period, reported by three international centres, 11 national and regional networks and 101 individual stations and observatories, using seismic moments from the Harvard CMTs. We calibrate M(M0) regression curves for the magnitude scales commonly used for Mediterranean earthquakes (ML, MWA, mb, MS, MLH, MLV, MD, M); we also calibrate static corrections or specific regressions for individual observatories and we verify the reliability of the reports of different organizations and observatories. Our analysis shows that the teleseismic magnitudes (mb, MS) computed by international centers (ISC, NEIC) provide good measures of earthquake size, with low standard deviations (0.17–0.23), allowing one to regress stable regional calibrations with respect to the seismic moment and to correct systematic biases such as the hypocentral depth for MS and the radiation pattern for mb; while mb is commonly reputed to be an inadequate measure of earthquake size, we find that the ISC mb is still today the most precise measure to use to regress MW and M0 for earthquakes of the European-Mediterranean region; few individual observatories report teleseismic magnitudes requiring specific dynamic calibrations (BJI, MOS). Regional surface-wave magnitudes (MLV, MLH) reported in Eastern Europe generally provide reliable measures of earthquake size, with standard deviations often in the 0.25–0.35 range; the introduction of a small (±0.1–0.2) static station correction is sometimes required. While the Richter magnitude ML is the measure of earthquake size most commonly reported in the press whenever an earthquake strikes, we find that ML has not been computed in the European-Mediterranean in the last 15 years; the reported local magnitudes MWA and ML do not conform to the Richter formula and are of poor quality and little use, with few exceptions requiring ad hoc calibrations similar to the MS regression (EMSC, ATH). The duration magnitude MD used by most seismic networks confirms that its use requires accurate station calibrations and should be restricted only to events with low seismic moments.  相似文献   

海原台四分量钻孔应变观测的相对标定及资料应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
宁夏海原台四分量钻孔应变观测的相对标定结果显示,标定后分量1、分量3之和与分量2、分量4之和的资料相关性显著增强,标准差明显减小,更加满足四分量应变仪的校核条件,表明该钻孔应变观测资料是可靠的。将各分量应变资料去趋势,计算出面应变1+3和2+4、差应变1-3和2-4,对面应变、差应变资料和相对标定系数在2008年4月6日固原3.8级、5月12日汶川8.0级、10月3日固原4.0级和11月24日固原3.8级地震前的异常变化进行了分析探讨。结果显示,钻孔应变观测的相对标定及资料应用有助于地震前兆异常的判定识别。  相似文献   

Censored (nondetect) values occur when chemical concentrations in water samples are near or below the level that can be measured by an analysis method. It is common to either delete or substitute values for nondetect observations for use in model calibration, but this practice can bias the estimated parameter values and the model predictions. A more realistic representation of the system is obtained from the calibration if we include such observations in a manner reflecting that we know only the value is below the detection limit. Consequently, we propose use of the censored-residual approach to including nondetect values as observations for calibration. In this approach, residuals are calculated as the detection limit minus the simulated value when the simulated value exceeds the detection limit, and the residual is assigned a value of zero when the simulated value is below the detection limit. The new censored-residual approach is particularly advantageous when calibrating transport models to low concentration data.  相似文献   

FDK算法是应用在锥束CT系统中最有代表性的重建算法之一,该算法是在假设CT成像系统满足理想成像关系的条件下得到的。然而实际的锥束CT成像系统很难完全满足理想成像关系的要求,系统的几何失配会极大影响重建图像的质量,因此必须在重建之前对成像系统进行校准,获得系统的几何失配参数,并在重建过程中修正几何失配参数造成的影响。本文以之前所提出的锥束CT系统校准方法为基础,分析了在实际应用这种校准方法时需要注意的关键问题,然后利用所搭建的锥束XCT系统得到实际的校准结果和重建结果。结果证明之前所提出的应用于锥束XCT系统的校准方法对于测量系统的几何失配参数是有效可行的。  相似文献   

Thermomagnetic analysis was made on samples of all known C3 and C4 chondrites in a controlled oxygen atmosphere. Considerable variation was noted in the occurrence of magnetic minerals, comparable to the variation observed earlier in the C2 chondrites. Magnetite was found as the only major magnetic phase in samples of only three C3 chondrites (2–4 wt.%) and the Karoonda C4 chondrite (7.7 wt.%). The magnetite content of these three C3 chondrites is only about one-third that observed in the C1 and C2 chondrites which were found to contain magnetite as the only magnetic phase. Five C3 chondrites were observed to undergo chemical change during heating, producing magnetite: this behavior is characteristic of troilite oxidation. Upper limits on initial magnetite content of about 1–9% were established for these meteorites. Samples of the remaining five C3 chondrites and the Coolidge C4 chondrite were found to contain both magnetite and metallic iron. In two samples, iron containing ≤2% Ni was observed, while in the other four, the iron contained 6–8 wt.% Ni. In addition to containing both magnetite and iron metal, three of these samples reacted during heating to form additional magnetite. Variations in the magnetic mineralogy and, hence by inference bulk mineralogy, of C3 and C4 chondrites indicate a more complex genesis than is evident from whole-rock elemental abundance patterns.  相似文献   

Calibrating a comprehensive, multi‐parameter conceptual hydrological model, such as the Hydrological Simulation Program Fortran model, is a major challenge. This paper describes calibration procedures for water‐quantity parameters of the HSPF version 10·11 using the automatic‐calibration parameter estimator model coupled with a geographical information system (GIS) approach for spatially averaged properties. The study area was the Grand River watershed, located in southern Ontario, Canada, between 79° 30′ and 80° 57′W longitude and 42° 51′ and 44° 31′N latitude. The drainage area is 6965 km2. Calibration efforts were directed to those model parameters that produced large changes in model response during sensitivity tests run prior to undertaking calibration. A GIS was used extensively in this study. It was first used in the watershed segmentation process. During calibration, the GIS data were used to establish realistic starting values for the surface and subsurface zone parameters LZSN, UZSN, COVER, and INFILT and physically reasonable ratios of these parameters among watersheds were preserved during calibration with the ratios based on the known properties of the subwatersheds determined using GIS. This calibration procedure produced very satisfactory results; the percentage difference between the simulated and the measured yearly discharge ranged between 4 to 16%, which is classified as good to very good calibration. The average simulated daily discharge for the watershed outlet at Brantford for the years 1981–85 was 67 m3 s?1 and the average measured discharge at Brantford was 70 m3 s?1. The coupling of a GIS with automatice calibration produced a realistic and accurate calibration for the HSPF model with much less effort and subjectivity than would be required for unassisted calibration. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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